More images of "March for Free Expression" Protest
Marc Vallee | 27.03.2006 09:23 | London | World
If you would like to see more, go here:
"March for Free Expression"
"March for Free Expression"

Marc Vallee
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Good photos
27.03.2006 15:37
For the record
27.03.2006 19:05
Marc Vallee
Carry on, er, carrying on
27.03.2006 19:27
Did you know that, in Denmark, free speech isn't as all-pervasive as you would like to think? The Danish state has been busy, on the one hand promoting the publication of inflammatory materials that provoke Muslims. On the other hand, it has been arresting Left Socialists and forcing the removal of materials from left wing Web sites that promote the sale of t-shirt bearing the acronyms FARC or PFLP. Why do you think that is - because they are defending free speech?
I see from the other post that you are already attracting the support of the BNP. Really nice.
Kropotkin's Kat
27.03.2006 19:35
Keep up the good work.
For the record 2
27.03.2006 21:00
I was not part of this protest, I'm a photojournalist and member of the NUJ and my aim was and is to report. I posted this and the anti war photos last week here for just that, to report on what is going on.
You have mixed me up with the protesters of this event and even the BNP!
As you do not know me let me make things clear. I wrote this before the protest on UK_Left_Network
"Without a doubt the Freedom Association is a very nasty anti working
class and anti trade union far right group that over the years have
tried to build a social base for there right wing ideology. The
Freedom Association has attacked the rights of workers to be in a
union and to defend themselves, there families and jobs.
"Grunwick is the big one that all on the left will remember and anyone
that has seen any of the BBC Four documentary's lately on that period
would have seen the leaders of the Freedom Association coming out with
there anti democratic and anti union rubbish. Grunwick has also been
back in the news over the last week in the context of the Labour Party
Treasurer being in the news.
"So why would Peter Tatchell (with a very long history in the Labour
movement) and Outrage! want to speak at a Rally that has the likes
these at it? What is going to be the character of the people at this
Rally? What are the true aims of this event?
"Peter Tatchell and Outrage! do good work in raising the issues of
homophobia where ever it raises its nasty head and I respect him and
them for that.
"And I do not hold with the view by some on the left that Peter
Tatchell is a racist or Islamphobic. But I do think that Outrage! has
taken up some issues in a crude way which has given some the chance to
attack him at times.
"The supporting of Simon Huges (pro council housing sell off "Tory") in
the Lib Dem leaderships and now this ill judged move shows a lack of
understanding that needs to be corrected.
"Fighting rightwing capitalists and homophobic regimes in the USA or
Iran for that matter and I'm with you.
(Government executes gay teenagers
"Speaking from the platform along side the leaders of the Freedom
Association, no!"
If you want to see more on where I stand on things then go here:
Marc Vallee
... Wow that's so clever
28.03.2006 00:38
Honestly people will protest about anything these days... I never thought i'd say this, but 'Get a fuck'n job!'. What's next? Protests for the knighting of Sharon Osbourne?
28.03.2006 14:59
it must be Danish flags they don't like? double huh?
confused as a tatchell
Sorry Marc...
28.03.2006 21:51
Kropotkin's Kat
Point taken
28.03.2006 23:11
Marc Vallee
Moved images
11.07.2006 14:28
Marc Vallee
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