ALF Strike Fife Deer Farm
CH | 26.03.2006 22:45 | Animal Liberation
A deer farm praised for its animal welfare standards was attacked by animal rights activists late on the night of Wednesday 22nd March. Hundreds of metres of fencing were cut down and slogans painted on the road leading to family-run Reediehill Farm near Auchtermuchty.
The slogans included "Wildlife Prison", "Scum" and "ALF See U again soon". Fences were cut down from four of the six fields, including six foot high double fencing to keep the deer away from hedgerows and tree plantations. None of the herd of 450 deer chose to escape through the holes cut or were injured on the rolls of fencing left lying in the fields. A member of the family pointed out that deer have escaped in the past but made their own way back to the farm.
The residents were distraught and baffled as to why they had been targeted. "Why don't they go free some battery chickens instead?" asked a friend of the family. No animal welfare concerns have ever been raised about the herd, kept outdoors in several acres of field and slaughtered on site. On the contrary, the vets and hygiene inspectors who work with the family are said to be impressed by how humanely the system is run. The Chief Executive of Compassion in World Farming condemned the action, saying "clearly farming systems that involve the animals enjoying an outdoor environment where they are not subjected to transport stress or alien environments at slaughter are far better than the factory farmed conditions that most farm animals endure".
The locally-produced venison is sold mostly through Farmers' Markets and by mail order. In many ways the farm is the antithesis of mass, industrial meat production, raising questions of whether it was chosen to be "visited" because it was perceived as a soft target by the activists.
The residents were distraught and baffled as to why they had been targeted. "Why don't they go free some battery chickens instead?" asked a friend of the family. No animal welfare concerns have ever been raised about the herd, kept outdoors in several acres of field and slaughtered on site. On the contrary, the vets and hygiene inspectors who work with the family are said to be impressed by how humanely the system is run. The Chief Executive of Compassion in World Farming condemned the action, saying "clearly farming systems that involve the animals enjoying an outdoor environment where they are not subjected to transport stress or alien environments at slaughter are far better than the factory farmed conditions that most farm animals endure".
The locally-produced venison is sold mostly through Farmers' Markets and by mail order. In many ways the farm is the antithesis of mass, industrial meat production, raising questions of whether it was chosen to be "visited" because it was perceived as a soft target by the activists.
Hide the following 28 comments
27.03.2006 06:15
27.03.2006 11:15
The individual deers were given a physical chance to live physically free from domination,castration and impending slaughter,they are not the property of this "family" despite what the law dictates-put a human appearance on the individual deers appearance's and this "farm" would be called an enslavement facility and the "family" would be arrested for mass murder but since they are wordfully designated as an "animal" implying viciousness and bruteness,they should be happy that they not confined in a "factory farm" and that their "humane" slaughter is for the benifit of "mankind" or man-unkind.
Double speak:
Humane-original meaning kindness or compassion-now the caring word, is used as a noble euphemism for domination,physically assaults and slaughter.
A challenge for ALF
27.03.2006 11:56
I wont hold my breath...
Think about ecology too!
27.03.2006 13:32
Bring back the wolf!
A challenge for JE!
27.03.2006 22:11
Save the cute bunnies F**K your fellow humans.......Priorities
28.03.2006 09:38
Anyone who values the life of a animal more than the life of a person starving in the world is just a middle class twat playing save the cute cuddly bunnys.
the alf are so militant and tough that they can dig up dead bodies and attack, threaten and intimidate families and children perhaps they should go liberate burma or north korea.
personally I doubt whether the same cowards who stand outside a school handing out leaflets claiming one of the parents abuses his own kids would ever leave the shores of this country to go and save their fellow humans after all the humans who are dying arent white so why bother.
how did our society produce people who care less about their fellow humans than they do about Cute Cuddly Bunnies...........
Its a mental condition called Cognitive Dissasociation.....Look it up.
PS Farmers let hunting groups use their land so they dont have to spend money to keep the foxes off their land, although 51% of huntspeople are cousin shaggers.
Deer liberation
28.03.2006 12:14
Animal Farming
28.03.2006 12:19
To stavros
28.03.2006 12:19
‘Anyone who values the life of a animal more than the life of a person starving in the world is just a middle class twat playing save the cute cuddly bunnys.’ No one is saying ‘value the life of an animal more’, but you are implying that we should forget about mass animal explotation just to focus on humans? You ever heard of a term specicism? Just a quick point, you make an accusation of ‘middle class’ but you do not back this up with anything.
‘the alf are so militant and tough that they can dig up dead bodies and attack, threaten and intimidate families and children perhaps they should go liberate burma or north korea.’ The ALF have never ever claimed to dig up dead bodies, I don’t know where you heard that one. And im sure the working class civilians of Burma and North Korea can ‘free’ themselves.
‘personally I doubt whether the same cowards who stand outside a school handing out leaflets claiming one of the parents abuses his own kids would ever leave the shores of this country to go and save their fellow humans after all the humans who are dying arent white so why bother.’ Standing outside schools, you talking about PETAs milk sucks campaign? What are you talking about, evidence if you can find some would be good.
I feel that you have whats known as ‘white guilt’, not all starving people are black, hey its not just little black kids in Africa with Bono that need your ‘help’ and ‘support’, there are tens of thousands of people in the UK alone living in poverty, many getting severely limited diets, and guess what their not all black!! Not all starving people are black and live in foreign countries that sound funny.
By the sheer low quality of your post I think you may be a troll anyway…
Stavros has no eyes
28.03.2006 12:46
You wordfully mention starving children,did you get that from your tv news media after an obedient worship,you ever heard of VEGFAM or HIPPO,these are famine relief organizations which are run by vegans with vegan ethics,helping to feed starving people,what have you ever done for starving people? Children are not the only ones who starve you know Stavros,men and women also starve and die,but there not as "cute" though they all need helping and thats what VEGFAM,HIPPO do in an envioronmentally sustainable way-What do you do to help Stavros?
28.03.2006 15:33
They are all part of the food chain…..and yes i have eaten venison.
but you are implying that we should forget about mass animal explotation just to focus on humans?
Yes I am, Stupid misguided old me eh….priorities people.
The ALF have never ever claimed to dig up dead bodies, I don’t know where you heard that one
I Wonder who dug up the granny whose grandson owned a research centre……Or maybe it was a black ops sas squad who did it.
This thread is'nt about "cute bunnies", its about deers,who are a totalily different species and have a totalily different appearance-though from your worded tone im not sure which "cute bunnies"
Potato/potato all animals are cute even the shark. Again They are all part of the food chain…..i have owned a horse and I have eaten horse…..not the same one I assure you
forget the internal organs,heart beat,brain,central nervous system,blood,flesh,bones
I also eat the offal,,, a most wasted resource of the animal….there is no crime in using all of the animal rather than just the bits you are told to eat.
you ever heard of VEGFAM or HIPPO
no but im sure they are responsible people and have good intentions towards humans and animals.
What do you do to help Stavros
Recycle, protest dsei, antiwar protests, never shut up about the disconnection between people and their food, eat meat once per week …organic.
Ps I can clean and prepare a chicken or hare or pheasant or duck……..and I don’t eat fish. But some veggies do? why at which point is the animal concious of its fate, do plankton feel……………
Let me put it bluntly people who live in towns are wasteful of resources people who don’t are not. The world over,
If the people who eat supermarket meat had to kill clean and cook the food they would appreciate the full implication to nature that they cause.
I have a lot of problems with people who are prepared to use threats and intimidation to achieve their goals no matter how noble the cause it is made less by the use of violence
Ps being a working class type i didn’t get the best school education so apologies if my words are grammaticaly incorrect, however you appear to have recognised the relevant points I was trying to make.
and yes my name was a cheap shot but its funny in this context.
Food Chain a thoughtless mantra
28.03.2006 22:05
Will you be borrowing the hot,spicy sauces and using the knife and fork and gas fired oven,off your fellow lion or wolf?
Its great to know Stavros you are anti war,i am too an anti war activist,i'm repulsed by domination,violenting assualts and bloodshed,why are'nt you?
Do you send out christmas cards for peace and love on earth,while you chop on the culinary disguised and oven flavoured,bloodied bodily animal flesh from your slaughterhouse financial partnership?
I could of got the "food chain" mantra from the bible or any other religious self appraisal but thank you Stavros,i now do not need to go to church or the mosque as you have permanently enlightened me and i will be searching for the, material,colour,size and location of this "food chain".
Stupidity and cowardice in roughly equal measure
29.03.2006 07:42
Stupid because these hooded morons are clearly not remotely interested in animal welfare: if they were they'd be targeting battery farming, rather than a deer farm so cruel and oppressive that not one deer - not a single one - made any attempt to escape through the wrecked fences.
Cowardly because that's the whole point: they're picking targets they can get away with rather than ones that might do any good. Which makes sense when you realise that their activities have nothing to do with animals and everything to do with a love of creeping around in the dark wearing combats and balaklavas. Think paintballers with a psychopathic streak and you'll be on the right lines. Truly pathetic.
Welfare or cruelty?
29.03.2006 10:39
There seems to be a thoughtless paradigm on behalf of some so-called animal rights people that goes: animals in cages= not natural. natural= animals free to roam. There are many problems with this thinking. Firstly, some of the animals being "liberated" don't even have a natural habitat in the UK (mink...) Chickens for example are often bred from Asian & South American lines. Even free rangers wouldn't stand much of a chance in the best of circumstances when you consider the predators at large. The kindest thing an activist could do to battery farmed chickens (assuming they have no inclination to actually house & care for them themselves) would be to gas them. Battery chooks are often very weak, maldeveloped and therefoe wouldn't last long in the company of free rangers- they'd be brutally pecked to death.
The debate about fox welfare was a misnomer for (misplaced) inverted snobbery. Firstly the majority of people on hunts aren't "toffs". Huntsmen generally spend a lot of time strategically evaluating the fox popullation (not a free for all). But the thing that angered me most about the non-debate (and the undemocratic actions of the government), was beside totally disregarding the need for popullation controls, there was NO debate about the biggest by far killer of foxes: the car. Go check the figures!
While I agree that certain practises must be curtailed (battery/intensive farming, dubious drugs, animal testing, killing cattle just for leather. Etc etc etc. I think there has to be some objective look at the situation. Uncontrolled populations are every bit as crual as battery farming. Releasing farm/lab animals into the wild is equally as cruel.
Militant veganism? It stands about as much chance of success of the Campaign against Gravity. I'm not belittling vegans rights to be recognised and taken seriously. But at the end of the day humans are omnivores biologically. We owe our very existence to eating meat. Yes, as humans we are sentient and can make a choice about it, but it seems to be a cultural norm in every society at every period in time that huamns will predominately choose to eat animals.
I seriously doubt that threatening and carrying out acts of violence will alter that. I hope it doesn't as violent force is about as repressive as it gets and generally only escalates more of the same.
So more common sense please! Let's get battery farming banned. Let's talk about sensible ways of ending such creulty and not add to it! Let's take seriously the issues of animal populations.
Dr Dolittle
MIck Please give me rational questions.
29.03.2006 12:22
That we will fight wars in our lifetime over water and food resources rather than sharing them.
That the best 10 years of our life was 1991 to 2001 when we thought that commen sense had broken out in the world.
That the west pays 2$ aday to its cows while giving 50 cents to starving people.
that the un tried to give condoms to all african countries in 1971 to stop disease and prevent poverty conditions, every un country except 1 voted for it ..guess who has a vote at the un and who stopped it from happening on MORAL grounds..............the Vatican.
Spirtual Slavery catholic style stick/carrot sin/guilt, scared of death? join gods insurance plan
rape murder torture than when you are about to die say you were sorry pay the priest his 30 silver pieces and get into heaven
if you did something really bad you can buy an indulgence from the pope. this will allow you to rape or kill anyone and still get into heaven.
I normally only try to communicate with rational people rather than emotional people but hey ho lets go……
The most thoughtless societal mantra of fake pretenced carnivores is-"it's natural,its part of the food chain", where's this chain Stavros,what colour is it,how long is it-is it made of metal or cotton?
A/ nature has a intricate balanced sturcture which has mechanisms in place to stop any one part of nature suppressing the other. Humans have gone past this and are a parasite on the planets skin. We are not above or superior to nature. We only think we are
Are you a lion or wolf Stavros? do you sink your shark like teeth into the neck of a living individual cow,and disembowel them? or do you use a knife,gun,trap etc and a hot stove/oven to soften the already bacteria softened flesh with culinary sauces to spice and create the flavour?
A/ Someboy tell me what his point is here as I cant work it out……
A/ In pol pots cambodia people were reduced to cutting the cows and buffalo and then drinking the blood as it came out of the vein, all because of starvation, would you die rather than feed on an animals flesh or blood mike?
Will you be borrowing the hot,spicy sauces and using the knife and fork and gas fired oven,off your fellow lion or wolf?
A/ No quite happy to build a mud/clay oven with wood fuel and spice it up with forest peppers……
Its great to know Stavros you are anti war,i am too an anti war activist,i'm repulsed by domination,violenting assualts and bloodshed,why are'nt you?
A/ I see no difference between animal and human flesh its all just protein to my body, our social concsience does not allow humans to eat humans because they are concious and self aware. Animals have not yet proved they are self aware
Violence is an integral part of gaia/nature it is necessary in the animal world, go protesty the pride of lions that kill wildebeeste (ill pay for your ticket.) just kidding…..
Do you send out christmas cards for peace and love on earth,((((while you chop on the culinary disguised and oven flavoured,bloodied bodily animal flesh from your slaughterhouse financial partnership? )))))
A/ Christmas??God was a joke that got taken seriously (Blood has lots of protein in it.)
I could of got the "food chain" mantra from the bible or any other religious self appraisal but thank you Stavros,i now do not need to go to church or the mosque as you have permanently enlightened me and i will be searching for the, material,colour,size and location of this "food chain".
A/ I f you do not believe in evolution just say so mick, the cycle of life/nature is far more complex than your dismissive attitude suggests.
Stavros Carnivore
29.03.2006 14:53
Yeah because all working class types (??) have shit spelling grammer and troll web boards posting highly incorrect and irrelevant posts...
"animals not yet proved they are self aware"-self decieving technique
29.03.2006 17:19
Human beings have-a brain,central nervous system,internal organs etc,these are internal capacties for physical and mental self awareness,well golly gosh,in bigger or smaller form that fits there bigger or smaller bodies, certain "dumb stupid animals" also have them,well thats just an inconvience,we reach deeper depths because were "human".
Here's a reference book for the,"animals not yet proved their self aware" anthprocentric-Animal equality:language and liberation by Phycologist Joan Dunayer.
Its all about labels,verbally and wordfully use the derogatory demonozing labels for the "dumb stupid animals" to sanctify their slaughter and verbally and wordfully use noble empathy eliciting labels for us "human beings",sanctifying our self regenerating extermination licence.
"If an animal does something we call it instinct,if we do the same thing for the same reason we call it intelligence". How true!
29.03.2006 19:35
Smart Arse
somebody challenge my arguments intelligently rather than insulting me. please
29.03.2006 20:06
Compare the alf to the weathermen then you see how futile and pointless their actions are.
“If an animal does something we call it instinct,if we do the same thing for the same reason we call it intelligence". How true!”
A/ You tellin me you never heard of human insctinct which changes in every generation as does animal instincts.
“what do you regard as "self aware?”
A/ You get put in my phonebook.(lol) but seriously tools/tactics/art/and language. ants being the enigma.......
“Yeah because all working class types (??) have shit spelling grammer and troll web boards posting highly incorrect and irrelevant posts...”
A/ Sarah I have never made more than 14k a year in my life. So working class….yeah pretty f***ing sure I am.
I must apologise to both sarah and mike, I stupidly assumed that the indymedia forums were to be used for debate in the form of a Q and A session.
I realise now that they are not and that I should do what sarah and mike do and use it to rant about my emotional feelings rather than to try to question peoples beliefs.
Please respond to my points or not, but try to lift the rant above the level of gut feeling and put some rationality into your plan to change the eating habits of the world?
May I ask you both why you you have so much compassion for animals and yet appear to have none for poor misguided me…….
Are you simply frustrated at the lack of the masses to see the truth…….join the f***ing club
People are too busy watching pretend stories and escapism tripe on tv and print to care about bunnies these people are terrified of losing their house car job etc.
I begrudge paying a religious leader money to be the spiritual head of the religious state I was born in just because her blood type and genetic make up is !purer! than mine. I am her subject as we all are coz we are the untermenschen. To her and her family.
Stavros 'fluffy bunny' Carnivore.
Smart arse
31.03.2006 12:10
Animals are self aware.
Bite Back
31.03.2006 12:12
why not
31.03.2006 15:23
31.03.2006 17:08
01.04.2006 21:39
Hey, 'Why' were you the one hugging Ms Rice up in Blackburn today and complaining at the filthy anarchists and confused Muslims protesting her visit?
response to "platform" from "why"
02.04.2006 14:25
Less news on Indymedia! Woo!
to Tim
04.04.2006 09:27
Many of us choose to eat game and meat produced in humane ways. Let us have our choice, like these deer who chose NOT to be be liberated from their "wildlife prison"!
Thanks to IndyMedia for facilitating such open debate.
To Choice-Captive holding area's or pleasant green pastures?
05.04.2006 14:33
Choice? who produces it,the slaughterhouse killer or the mammal victim?, "meat,game" these are established euphemisms Choice,"game" implies there is verbal and physical agreement from the individual mammal or bird,defined to be killed from the labels "game or meat",and by implication is it an anthpropopmoric label,soothing a barely existent conscience through self deceiving labels like "game" (full agreement") and "meat" that there(the mammals or birds) are already dead,rather than independantly and willfully alive.
You put in quotes wildlife prison,that has never being said by anyone,so you can present yourself as just reporting and imply the how ridiculous those people are.
These individual deers were and are confined behind barbed wire or electric fences(deers do migrate you know),they were and are held in this area for a future slaughter date,they is no physical or verbal agreement from them,saying they were and are, captives is an accurate discription,they are not this domineering flesh selling "familys" property but your right Choice this is'nt a prison,as in prisons the people who are there are guilty of something,and there not forcibly castrated,branded and slaughered for their bodily flesh.
You are sentimentally mistaking the pleasant green field and pasture as a physical agreement and willfull passiveness for agreed slaughter-no individual-human or nonhuman-actively wants to die but in your self deceiving fictional world,maybe they do.
05.04.2006 14:48