B&K Demo Venue Change!
Northern Animal Rights Network (NARN) | 26.03.2006 22:32 | Animal Liberation
See http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2006/03/336477.html for more info on B&K Universal.
What and why we've done it:
What and why we've done it:
Conditions worse than those on the new Oxford Injunction have been imposed by the
corrupt local police force at lab animal breeders Bantin & Kingman Universal for the 9th April demo. They are as
follows, which are a desperate attempt to quash legal protest
- No megaphones, amplified noise, whistles or shouting
- Designated protest area
- Only 8 people allowed
- No photography, cameras, filming or recording equipment
We must emphasise that the new arrangements are not in submission to the police, but
in retaliation.
Hornsea is a town located apx 10 miles north of B&K, is easy to find and signposted.
Meet 1pm at the car park next to Sullivans Chip shop, New Road, Hornsea (just before
the sea front) for a march around the town.
Map >>> http://tinyurl.com/ggzd5
Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please contact NARN for further information.
Conditions worse than those on the new Oxford Injunction have been imposed by the
corrupt local police force at lab animal breeders Bantin & Kingman Universal for the 9th April demo. They are as
follows, which are a desperate attempt to quash legal protest
- No megaphones, amplified noise, whistles or shouting
- Designated protest area
- Only 8 people allowed
- No photography, cameras, filming or recording equipment
We must emphasise that the new arrangements are not in submission to the police, but
in retaliation.
Hornsea is a town located apx 10 miles north of B&K, is easy to find and signposted.
Meet 1pm at the car park next to Sullivans Chip shop, New Road, Hornsea (just before
the sea front) for a march around the town.
Map >>> http://tinyurl.com/ggzd5
Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please contact NARN for further information.
Northern Animal Rights Network (NARN)
Hide the following 7 comments
Another new campaign "Up north" then?
31.03.2006 12:24
Northerners, what they like?
Waste of Space
31.03.2006 16:12
You know where you can stick your suggestion "Waste"..
Liberty for all. Do what thou wilt.
31.03.2006 21:21
Liberty for all and all that Fanny old chap!
Always look on the brightside of life
02.04.2006 23:14
* Closed down 1 fur shop
* Stopped 10+ selling products containing real fur
* Helped get 1 new group set up and active, and many others working together
* Got rid of three companies supplying B&K lab animal breeders
* Exposed the live exports trade through Hull docks
* Got press coverage over the controversial Great British Circus
* Helped with the Gateway to Hell & SPEAK campaigns
* Held many stalls and raised awareness about animal abuse
May I ask, what are you doing for the animals? Condemning those who actually get up, out and active! Is that helping close down breeders, fur shops and help save lives then? And regarding the vegan bit, the vast majority of activists in the North are vegan."
Willy Rushton
Glad to see the back of them.
03.04.2006 21:01
Didn't close us down did you?
Hey Marky Mark!
07.04.2006 00:33
Stop slagging ... .. .
07.04.2006 12:23
We would like to point out that we have not had any involvement with B+K for some considerable time....
Sentry Alarms Ltd"
We used to visit the covance campaigns web site often and see lame statments like this. Created many happy lunch breaks laughing. If you read between the lines it reads more like "You daft idiots, get your facts right before you turn up outside our company" and not a company who has "Pulled" from doing business because of campaign pressure.
Sad people. Get a job.