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SAVE THE STREET PIANO!! Free Community Piano Under Threat!

Street Piano Crew | 23.03.2006 22:06 | Culture | Free Spaces | Sheffield

Since August, Sharrow Vale Road has been the home of Sheffield's only (as far as we know) Street Piano.

If you read the local press or listen to local radio you may have heard of this wonderful piano, where members of the public are free to make music any time between 9 and 9.

Now the Council Want to take it away.

We got a note through the door saying the environment department came round to visit us but we were not in so could we please phone them to "arrange a visit".

It appears that this can only mean one thing!

For the INSPIRING tale of the Street Piano, check out:

(the best bit was when 5 people wanted to donate us a piano after the first one was nicked). and read the story.

Website also includes pictures.

Street Piano Crew
- e-mail: Visit the piano at 165 Sharrow Vale Road! Come and play a tune!
- Homepage:


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what a great idea

24.03.2006 00:24

So many instruments sit around unplayed. Follow this excellent lead, and leave a musical instrument in a public place - in the UK I'd recommend a bus shelter or somewhere else people gather but is sheltered from the weather,a bridge or underpass or similar. I only have a guitar and a harmonica, but I will redistribute them tommorow. Thanks for this recycling inspiration.
