What is derivative work and who are abovetopsecret.com?
Deputy Dog | 23.03.2006 01:14
I have recently read an article by Joe Quinn ,an editor at
http://signs-of-the-times.org titled "Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11 and Neither Did a Boeing 757"
because of this article the SOTT server was attacked and went down today
It seems that the folks over at abovetopsecret.com did not like their piece of cointelpro nonesense being pulled apart and shown up to be the diversionary nonesense that it is.
They had a LAWYER who works for some strange people send an official letter of complaint to the server folks threatening action under some nonesensical copywrite stuff if the article wasnt removed from the SOTT..............
The server folks fearing anything that a threatening lawyer says pulled the article .even though the article does not infringe any copywrite whatsoever.....
so this is how the bullyboy liars work to remove any kind of truth from the internet......
what is one to do,is this the kind of thing we have to look forward to...a restricted internet where only cointelpro articles can be accessed....
god or who ever help us all
the article can still be found here

because of this article the SOTT server was attacked and went down today
It seems that the folks over at abovetopsecret.com did not like their piece of cointelpro nonesense being pulled apart and shown up to be the diversionary nonesense that it is.
They had a LAWYER who works for some strange people send an official letter of complaint to the server folks threatening action under some nonesensical copywrite stuff if the article wasnt removed from the SOTT..............
The server folks fearing anything that a threatening lawyer says pulled the article .even though the article does not infringe any copywrite whatsoever.....
so this is how the bullyboy liars work to remove any kind of truth from the internet......
what is one to do,is this the kind of thing we have to look forward to...a restricted internet where only cointelpro articles can be accessed....
god or who ever help us all
the article can still be found here

Deputy Dog