Legal action warning to Crossrail-hole-Minister Alistair Darling re cash
© The Editor /Khoodeelaar/cbruk/lawmedia 2006 | 22.03.2006 16:05 | Social Struggles | London
Contrary to the 'popular expectation' that the latest plethora of evidence of sleaze against Tony Blair's regime both as the occupant at No 10 Downing Street as well as the leader of the Blaired Party - will shame him and his regime into submission to the expectation for decency in public life, all indications point to the opposite direction. That so long as they can do it they holders of public offices will remain prone to sleaze and undemocratic and unethical behaviour.
The grant of £100 Million by Alistair darling to the Crossrail Company may not fall into the sleazy category, as it was made under the guise of Section 6 of the sneakily passed Railways Act 2005. But the truth is that that Railways Act 2005 had been abused as a tool for giving unfair -m and corrupting advantage to the unaccountable faces that control the Crossrail Company. This grant made late last year by Alistair Darling without any expression of outrage by anyone in the formally existent UK Parliament - either in the House of Commons or in the Lords - is the subject of a legal action notice issued to Alistair Darling this week by the Khoodeelaar! campaign.
To view the published parts of that notice, visit
To view the published parts of that notice, visit

© The Editor /Khoodeelaar/cbruk/lawmedia 2006