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The Public Speaks for Itself

gan | 22.03.2006 01:52 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | World

There will be ‘hell to pay’ and hopefully an entertaining spectacle when the ICC becomes a real people’s court and those in the dock will prove that the people of the WORLD cannot be abused or deceived for long.

We are ONE.
We are ONE.

As mainstream media and unrepresentative governments narrow the scope and range of social discourse, the public network has exploded with millions of ‘voices’ that continue the public discourse in a social space conveniently created by the forces that fear free expression most. The blogosphere is without competition as the primary body of free speech in today’s digital age. It is not unexpected that the content and character of independent speech is in contrast and opposition to the mainstream discourse of minority interests. It would seem that attempts to limit and tailor the social debate have resulted in unexpected consequences.

Efforts to control public opinion and formulate public consciousness have inadvertently created the means for an opposite reaction – a backfire of monumental proportions. The loss of public confidence is occurring at speed and the final consequences of public disillusionment are yet to be experienced.

We thank the mass media and the vested interests for creating a huge vacuum, which of necessity would be filled. What did you expect in this digital age of communication? The people will disregard those who disregard their concerns; however, those who represent the sentiments of the masses will be supported by the masses. The fatal mistake of mainstream media was its attempt to formulate public opinion without ensuring that reality could not intervene in the orchestrated discourse of fantasy, lies and selective reporting.

However, recent events in China have cast a dark shadow on the freedom of the ‘public wire’. The Beijing government has proven to the world that the internet and the free exchange of information can be controlled – we acknowledge that Google, Cisco and other corporate interests will support totalitarian regimes for a price! Let it be known that these Corporations are enemies of the free people of the world and should be treated accordingly (boycotted).

As a result of China’s assault on freedom of speech and the free exchange of information, it has now become imperative to expand on existing (and develop new) undetectable ‘tunnelling’ technologies. Freedom of the ‘wire’ must be maintained and we will burrow deep into existing protocols in order to survive and preserve the free exchange of information. In this regard we are eternally grateful and indebted to a hacker whose skills have made a mockery of security technologies (firewalls, etc) and monitoring software. He/She is a rare genius, possibly the first undetectable anarko-hacker (may there be many more). Einstein may have been smarter but he certainly wasn’t faster!

The situation today is that world events are reported across the ‘wire’ faster than other interests can manipulate the information to their advantage. The results are numerous opposing accounts, as distinct from ‘views’ of events! The public now resorts to independent sources for details and confirmation of many important events; the media moguls have only themselves to blame for the loss of confidence in their outlets.

The interests that support governments require that real opposition and dissenting discourse be backgrounded or silenced. Without adequate means and a limited scope for discussion opposition parties have become second choice (prospective) governments. The lack of viable opposition to corrupt government is no longer a mystery. However, due to the lack of viable opposition another vacuum has formed, which of necessity must be filled with a REAL opposition – the nature of which will make the ruling elites wish they hadn’t subverted social freedoms.

There will be ‘hell to pay’ and hopefully an entertaining spectacle when the ICC becomes a real people’s court and those in the dock will prove that the people of the WORLD cannot be abused or deceived for long.

We are ONE.


[Mass deception in today’s world is proving to be a dangerous occupation. We acknowledge the signatories of PNAC and all the corrupt governments of the world; the means by which you manipulate have become transparent.]



Hide the following 7 comments

precious poms

22.03.2006 10:17

We take bets to see how long it takes UK indy to Hide material from the cleaves site - they have a 'thing' about it. The cause is lost on the UK indy mods. Wankers if ever the term had meaning.
They take the mass media definition of news as their yardstick... they seem to think that the mass media is the model to follow. If you favour Blair and Bush we can confirm there will be nowhere to 'Hide'. You have no idea!


Blog-roll vs original thought

23.03.2006 14:24

I'm just curious, why do you keep cut'n'pasting material from an Australian blog here ? Just to advertise or boost Cleaves google page rank ? Aren't there any British or at least European blogs that you like ? I'm sure there have been enough Cleaves reprints here that anyone who is interested in them can find them for themselves directly, which would leave more relevant stories on the newswire here.

There are only two links to Indymedia on the Cleaves site so why should Indymedia host Cleaves links ? I'm not anything to do with IM, I just thought articles here were meant to be written for here, albeit citing refences to other sites where appropriate. The same goes for other sites such as MediaLens, why post their alerts here ? They even have a forum. And the Freedom Press Foundation although. Personally I just ignore any of these posts simply because I know I can read them on their own site if I choose to, I read this site for the activists who contruibute their own stuff here. Perhaps instead once a month you could post a summary of the 'Best of the Rest' of the internet articles and other folk could chip in ?

I'm not criticising the quality and worth of these sites in the slightest, I just don't see the point in them being cut'n'pasted to other sites verbatim. It can't be that hard to take their stories and rewrite them yourself, you would probably improve them. Cutting and pasting other folks work just makes the posts that have been written for here by activists disappear from view more quickly. And the newswire could become just a blog-roll.


mutually exclusive?

24.03.2006 03:38

I got caught up in this debate reading the irish site and I really don't know why all th fuss.. I have read both sites and I see no prob. at first glance I thought cleves was an indy site as it used an indy package and declares itself independent publishing but you say its a blog and you do not wish to host content from that site. I have read some of the content on cleves and it is high quality and focused.

I also notice that unlike most indy sites you do not have a repost category, perhaps it would be advisable to upgrade your package. It really is starting to come across that you do not wish to be supported internationally. What I'm saying is that your attitude is parochial.


mutually exclusive? Just misunderstood

25.03.2006 04:41

"I got caught up in this debate reading the irish site and I really don't know why all th fuss.. I have read both sites and I see no prob. at first glance I thought cleves was an indy site as it used an indy package and declares itself independent publishing but you say its a blog and you do not wish to host content from that site. "

I said it is a blog but I am nothing to do with Indymedia. I know it is more than a personal blog, but it isn't a newswire whatever it is. I don't think Indymedia should host lots of blog reprints but they obviously do because they do. I think all the external blog reprints should be incorporated together simply for housekeeping - and ideally by the people who post them under a single banner ' Best of the Rest'. I am not arguing that these are good blogs, just that they don't all deserve to be reprinted here every few days individually. What is the point of that ? It just makes real activists posts trying to organise actions slip away from view quicker.

"I have read some of the content on cleves and it is high quality and focused."
I don't disagree - but it is available easily on another website, why the need for the continual reposts here ? Do good products need to advertise so aggressively ? I like all the sites I've criticised for reposting here, I think their various reposters show show some respect for this place and post under a common title ' In other news...' perhaps. I'm not picking on Cleaves in particular, there are lots of blogs and sites I read and enjoy who post here when they don't need to. I tend to read those sites less when this happens as I'm sure I've already read the best of them on Indymedias 'newswire'. It doesn't benefit anyone reprinting stuff - if you come across a greta story then steal it and rewrite it as your own. As an outsider I'd guess the main aim of the newswire is activists posting planned or imagined actions, tactics or snippets , the rest of us should restrain ourselves to commenting on the actions or publishing stories that don't get reported elsewhere. Still, when someone else has made a comment you disagree with, it's best out than in.

"I also notice that unlike most indy sites you do not have a repost category, perhaps it would be advisable to upgrade your package. "

They have been begging for programmers a lot here recently so maybe they agree. What do you mean by a 'repost category' ?


Magic Moments

26.03.2006 08:55

We can do without your holier than Thou preachy pseudointellectshull dross on IMC. You've got your own backyard, go evangelise THERE.



26.03.2006 14:06

by wild dog,

To whom are are you referring "M" - holier than.. who?
