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Join the digital resitance

London Hacklabs Collective | 21.03.2006 17:31 | Culture | Free Spaces | Indymedia | Technology | London

You might have noticed the indymedia call out for more people to get actively involved in tech work. [ |]. This saturday there will be a good opportunity to meet up with some of the people involved in Indymedia and find out about some of the ways (both technical and non-technical), you could help out. It's also a fine chance to find out about the hacklab and support the digital resistance...

Image the pdf - for the full flier - application/pdf 10M

the png - to print and distribute
the png - to print and distribute

The rampART hacklab has recently subscribed to a super fast ADSL2 internet provider, 50 times faster than standard broadband. With the increased bandwidth the hacklab can now host websites, online media archives, reduce the load on other content providers via peer2peer, provide mirrors of online activist resources such as indymedia, and much much more.

/See/previous .hacklab report

Of course we also have to find a way to pay for it (as well as the broadband connection the hacklabs collective pays for at Freedom Bookshop) and hence the benefit party on the 25th.

# Join the digital resistance with the London Hacklab Collectives benefit.

# This coming saturday 25th - PARTY, WORKSHOPS, FILMS & DISCUSSION
# digital resistance / tech tools for change / open source / free software, from 1pm

{ !-- Screening: "Freedom downtime" and "23", from 6pm
And lotsa music...
Live roots reggea with rhizomes and dub punk with Jakal from 9pm
Linueup DJ milo DJNE mondstrom

# RampART Centre (
# ground and first floor @15.Rampart.Str E1 2LA

{ !-- to see full flier, check the pdf... (if you are happy to make more fliers and distribute, just download the png)

The event is still being shaped. There will be workshops during the afternoon from 1pm, films from 6pm and live music and DJ's from 9pm to 1am.

# If you'd like to offer a workshop, or offer entertainment please get in touch ASAP.

{!-- Current workshops include Open Office, Video editing with Kino and Cinelerra,
photo editing with The Gimp, audio editing with Audacity, as well as 'from windows
to linux in two hours', 'open softwear', 'encoding/streaming', setting up a website
for free and 'How to make a processor chip starting with sand'.

// The workshops should cater to people of all levels of skill and knowledge.

~ There will also be a presentation about indymedia which will explain
~ the current system used both in the UK and in global infrastructure and
~ aims to show how people can get involved at various levels from reading
~ and publishing, to admin and coding.

!! Saturday, 25th March 2006, 1 pm - 1 am @rampart.street

% Quality socialising with Dub Punk/ Ska from Jakal and Roots Reggea.
% Plus Dj Milo, Djne Mondstrom and friends.
% Vegan food and drink will be available.
% Films screened include 'Free Downtime' and '23'.

Contact: freedomlab [at] (publicly archived list) or, privately, you can email londontrainings [at]

London Hacklabs Collective
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Digital Resistance live coverage

22.03.2006 00:16

rampART radio is relaunching after a being offline for several months due to bandwidth and connectivity issues on our community wifi network. Now that the building is equipped with ADSL2 we are kicking the radio back into life.

so, this week we'll be knocking out a few test streams and hopefully be in a position by the weekend to provide a live coverage of the Hacklab event.

the stream will be

If you can't make it to the event itself, perhaps you can check it out online!

rampART radio
- Homepage:

Rampart radio temporary link

27.03.2006 13:37

The Rampart Radio web page is currently down. However, you can access the radio stream by pasting the following URL into your browser:




Hide the following 2 comments

22.03.2006 17:23

Why is pointing here?

masser is down

23.03.2006 16:39

The reason the rampART URL ( is currently pointing here is because the web hosts have shut down the site due to load issues and since the address was being publicised on Resonance FM yesterday we quickly redirected it here so that people didn't get a 404 not found error when trying to find details of the weekends event.

Everything should be back to normal soon ;-)
