Dr Les Dove | 21.03.2006 01:10 | Analysis
By Dr Les Dove
True democracy means that a country follows the direction of whatever the majority of its citizen’s want. It’s that simple. That’s what democracy is. Anything less than that is not democratic, it’s dictatorship. In a democracy the majority of a people decide what is best for them and what is best for their country. When less than the majority of a country decides what the people will, or will not have, it is not a democratic country – it is a dictatorship. The rule of the many by the few cannot under any circumstances be called democratic. It must be called what it is, a dictatorship – a police state.
When only a very small percentage of people in a country manipulates and forces the entire population of that country into doing whatever that small percentage of people desire then that country is a police state. When unjust laws are passed giving a form of legality to that small percentage of people those laws cannot be ‘the will of the people’ they are the will of an elite dictatorship and therefore they are unjust laws and should not be respected as anything other than that. Indeed, the majority of people in such a country should rise up and overthrow those who would apply such unjust laws. That is true democracy. The imposition of tyranny by the few to intimidate and terrorize the majority, simply in order to benefit the few is totally unjust and should in all cases be rejected outright.
When a tiny percentage of a population, through using their wealth and power, corrupt their political system into carrying out their own desires, rather than the desires of the majority the population that country cannot truly be called anything other than what it is - a police state and a dictatorship.
When a country’s ‘leaders’ are selected from a small group of corporate elitists to represent them and their desires alone that country is a dictatorship (1). No matter how those ‘leaders’ choose to describe their country nothing they do or say alters the simple fact that they preside over a dictatorship. As such those leaders are tyrants and in no way do they represent the people nor the desires of the entire population of the country.
When such imposters exert almost total control over their country’s media so as to make believe that they are acting in the best interests of all the people, rather than their own selfish interests and greed, they are nothing more than liars and manipulators. When those same tyrants control the police and intelligence agencies and use those government forces to torture and murder citizens who dissent and refuse to neither accept nor believe their lies, nor bow down to their intimidations, those tyrants become nothing more than common criminals and murderers. By all and any means these criminals should be brought down and removed from office to stand trial for their crimes against humanity. As should any and all people who have both approved of and supported their crimes. That is what true democracy is all about, overcoming tyranny (2).
That we do not have true democracies in Britain and America but police states brought about by the wealth, ruthlessness, and the power of the few, condoned by the ignorance and apathy of the many, it is absolutely essential that these deceptions be openly discussed and corrected without delay. When public attitudes allow these gross injustices to continue unabated, tyrants quickly come to believe that further and even worst crimes will be freely tolerated, and they act accordingly. Worse still, so do their supporters (3).
Of course, some people might actually prefer to live under a dictatorship. That is their choice and it should be respected. But let us be true to ourselves. Let us call a spade a spade. Don’t let us be manipulated into believing something that is not true. If you are a fascist and desire to live under a fascist dictatorship then by all means do so. But say so too. Don’t be a hypocrite and talk about democracy whilst pretending to be a democrat. If you truly are a democrat and believe in true democracy then don’t believe nor accept the lies of politicians who forever talk about freedom and democracy when they are in fact corporate fascists fooling people into believing otherwise.
Psychology has been developed into a fine art. Politicians know only too well that people need constant reassurance. That is why they mention democracy and freedom in almost every single speech they make. Such words evoke a good emotional response. That such words coming from politicians are almost always totally false matters to them not at all. Some people will believe anything if it is uttered by their so-called betters. All politicians practice the art of double-speak; it is their stock in trade. Outright lying comes as second nature to them. It has become their business to lie to and fool people. And they do it very well indeed. If you are stupid enough to believe the lies they tell that is your problem not theirs.
That so many people have been stupid enough to believe the lies told by their politicians is the reason for so much plight and suffering in the world today. The true motives of politicians is more often than not hidden behind a multitude of platitudes that disguise their real agendas along with the bribes and corruptions that allow them to get away with such deceptions. That is why so much human suffering continues throughout the world. In spite of what they may say most politicians simply don’t care about poor people or how many of them die. In truth poverty isn’t a real issue to most politicians. That millions of people lose their jobs every year, that millions of children go to bed hungry every night, and that millions of people die from neglect and disease every year, is of no real concern to them. They don’t care. I know they say that they do, but they don’t. As I have said many times before, what politicians say they are doing – and what they are really doing, are two very different things.
What the politicians of today really care about is their own careers, and their real worth to the elite and the illuminati to whom they are bonded. For without the patronage of the illuminati, their real masters, they would have no career, nor any real future. So that is where their loyalty truly lays. Not with the people who supposedly elected them, and who supposedly they represent. More than anything else these corrupt parasitic politicians represent the interests of the illuminati and their desire for fascist world rule by any means (4).
Whilst these politicians are lying through their teeth they are bringing out repressive laws one after the other that have all but taken away just about all the democratic rights the British and the American people once took for granted. Indeed, even simple dissent is now being regarded as a crime by the rich and powerful. Indeed, any British or American citizen who today dares to be outspoken is officially thought of as being a dangerous ‘subversive’. As such they are subjected to harassment, persecution and worse by their respective government security services. Particularly so if they are writers. However, there are now so many ‘subversives’ who are rightly trying to subvert government abuses the American government is building what they like to term ‘detention centers.’ These concentration camps are being built all over the United States. And it’s pretty much a sure bet that they will in the near future be filled with people who appose corporate fascism and insist on speaking the truth as they see it. Halliburton, the multi-national firm that is controlled by corporate fascists, is of course building some of these camps (5). So the government not only stands to rid itself of any real opposition it will also profit from it through the enforced detention of true democrats. There is also much speculation of large ‘ovens’ being placed in these camps. And not for cooking food, I must add. Although, many Americans, gullible as they are, will quite probably believe that gourmet chefs will be hired to feed the intended prisoners of these camps?
Under present US unjust laws ‘political subversives’ can at any time be kidnapped by government security agents and placed in an internment facility forever without trial. The United States mainstream media will, if it ever mentions them at all, quite probably describe these camps as ‘holiday retreats.’
The government of the United Kingdom has also embarked upon further political repression and is intent upon mimicking, if not surpassing, whatever unjust laws are passed in the United States. Indeed, many politicians in the UK and the USA have deep financial interests within the Carlisle Group of companies and they have gained vast profits from awarding these companies world-wide contracts and made corrupt armament deals that has made untold billions of pounds and dollars in shady profits. The security services of both these countries have been turned into nothing more than fascist front organizations that torture and assassinate their opponents without mercy. They have become nothing more than criminal gangsters and personal hit men for prime ministers, presidents and dictators. They commit every crime imaginable without any fear of prosecution. Under the pretence of ‘preventing terrorism’ these security degenerates do themselves commit every crime in the book. Indeed, they are the largest terrorist organization in the world.
Whilst pretending to protect ‘democracy and freedom’ Britain’s prime minister, Tony Blair, and the American president, George W Bush, have both done more to prevent freedom and democracy than any other prime minister or president before them. They are both unmitigated liars who have been responsible for the murders of thousands of men, women and children throughout the world and who will be responsible for a great many more deaths in the future. Both these men have passed unjust laws to protect their own crimes and prevent their own paid assassins and terrorists from being brought to justice. Worse still they have both engaged in terrorist conspiracies to murder a great many of their own citizens.
The 9/11 disasters in New York (6) and the recent London tube bombings (7) have both been brought largely into focus by a great many reporters and specialists who have all presented much evidence that shows these disasters were quite probably contrived and brought about not by ‘Arab terrorists’ but by the security services of both countries. The resulting terror arising from these bombings has allowed both Britain and the United States to easily pass more and more repressive laws that protect state terrorism whilst severely limiting any inquiry into how exactly these bombings were really carried out, and by whom? Governments have the power and expertise to create almost any kind of set-up they desire. They can create digital video documentaries that supposedly ‘prove’ anything they wish the public to believe. They have lied to and brainwashed the people for so many years they have become propaganda experts. Psychological warfare against citizens is being practiced as never before. Whilst millions of people online throughout the entire world seriously doubt and question these recent terrible events the official media hacks, as usual, remains silent on the subject. The state media simply parrots whatever press releases come out of Downing Street or the White House without comment or real criticism. The ‘official’ state media has become co-conspirators and a supporter of state terror. It is a disgrace to every decent writer who ever lived.
Tony Blair’s rhetoric mimics that of his fellow terrorist as George W. Bush and his co-conspirators gallivant around the world meeting dictators and tyrants who support their criminality. Together they are all vainly trying to crush the emerging true democracies that are now sprouting up and starting to flourish in various parts of the world. The elitist corporatist’s that support Blair and Bush are scared to death that true democracy will spread and take hold in the rest of the world. They are all scared to death that millions of poor and illiterate people might at last get a proper education and so begin to realize how corporate monsters have corrupted their lives and their futures. They have eroded the distinction between socialism and communism by fusing them together then lied about a coming ‘communist takeover’ that would destroy people and their families. A true and good education will finally make these citizens aware of America’s criminal elitists and of their many lies and crimes against humanity. They will know that to allow British and American corporatists into their country is the worst possible thing they could ever do, for these corporatist have in the past fifty years corrupted their politicians, their governments, their countries and their people whilst allowing ignorance and poor health care to keep the mass of people and their children in abject poverty without any hope for the future. The corporatists have themselves lived off the fat of the land whilst blatantly stealing from it everything of value (8).
The truth is corporatists hate democracy, for true democracy gives power to the people as a whole, it ensures that tyranny and corruption cannot take hold and dominate as it has done in Britain and America. Indeed, today it is corporatists that own many governments. Politicians in those governments are no more than puppets of huge multi-national business interests whose huge annual profits are often far larger than those generated by many small countries. Those profits have not been used to benefit society but have been plowed into financing worldwide corruption and private armies to ensure that true democratic values cannot thrive. Under the pretext of ‘protecting democracy’ and ‘protecting democracy from terrorism’ those corporations have not only financed terrorism throughout the world they have made hundreds of billions of dollars from selling armaments to use in wars they themselves created. George W. Bush and Tony Blair amongst many others are simply puppets carrying out the orders of these corporate monsters. That many millions of people have throughout the entire world died, and many millions more been cruelly disabled because of these corruptions is solid fact, and can be confirmed by any human rights researcher (9).
In the quest for more oil and power by these vast multi-national corporations the Iraq wars alone have produced over 125.000 dead civilians, 2300 American dead and over 518.739 Gulf war veterans who are now on medical disability. Many of them will be disabled permanently. To date these Gulf wars have cost at least 250 billion dollars, and that figure may well be doubled before the war ends, if it ever does end? Because this last war alone has made a huge army of enemies for Britain and the United States. Enemies who will never forget, nor forgive the damage done to them, their families and their country by two hypocritical corrupt leaders who have lined their pockets as they enforced criminality and became torturers and murderers.
It is a sad reflection upon the people of America in that so few citizens have protested at the slaughter of so many innocents. They have it seems become so cowed by repressive legislation they are afraid to stand up for what is right. ‘The Patriot Act’ has turned them into zombies and their media has brainwashed them (10) into mindless puppets doing whatever George W. Bush wants without thought of what it is, in the end, going to cost them. The British people have already staged huge public demonstrations against the Iraq war yet they themselves have not yet grasped the fact that Tony Blair, as an Establishment puppet, will help to start another war when this one is over. That is what his masters want, constant war and terror. And if he doesn’t provide it they will get another of their puppets in one of the other British political parties to do so. For as in the United States high-level politicians in Britain are bought and owned by corporations to do their bidding – and to hell with what the people may want or desire. That is of no consequence to multi-national interests who already have their sights set on billions of more in profits from wars as yet unseen.
In Britain ‘The Terrorism Act’ will make very sure that the real terrorists will remain untouched whilst those daring to uncover and expose them will be persecuted, tortured and quite probably killed by a totally corrupt MI5 and its death squads. The British, however, like millions of American sheeple, cannot bring themselves to believe that their country has been turned into a police state. The still do actually believe that their politicians are honest and the thought of them living in a dictatorship simply cannot be assimilated. Brainwashed by television, radio, the state press and corrupt rotten politicians like Tony Blair and his lackeys in parliament they drool over a once great country that has now turned them into foolish sheep without a mind of their own content to follow and obey not realizing that they are on the brink of being turned into unthinking robots and morons (11).
(1) Ten Secret Societies you need to Know About.
(2) The Bush Family and the Nazis.
(3) Censorship in the United Kingdom.
(4) Exposed: The Carlyle Group.
(5) Halliburton Detention Camps For Political Subversives
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | February 1 2006
(6) Eight killer facts about 9/11.
(7) Did July 7th bombs explode under trains?
(9) The Bilderberg Syndrome.
(10) Subverting The Media.
(11) Blair Criminalizes His critics.
(15) Website.
(17) 2005/10/the_reality_of_1.html
(21) From Freedom to Fascism Movie.
By Dr Les Dove
True democracy means that a country follows the direction of whatever the majority of its citizen’s want. It’s that simple. That’s what democracy is. Anything less than that is not democratic, it’s dictatorship. In a democracy the majority of a people decide what is best for them and what is best for their country. When less than the majority of a country decides what the people will, or will not have, it is not a democratic country – it is a dictatorship. The rule of the many by the few cannot under any circumstances be called democratic. It must be called what it is, a dictatorship – a police state.
When only a very small percentage of people in a country manipulates and forces the entire population of that country into doing whatever that small percentage of people desire then that country is a police state. When unjust laws are passed giving a form of legality to that small percentage of people those laws cannot be ‘the will of the people’ they are the will of an elite dictatorship and therefore they are unjust laws and should not be respected as anything other than that. Indeed, the majority of people in such a country should rise up and overthrow those who would apply such unjust laws. That is true democracy. The imposition of tyranny by the few to intimidate and terrorize the majority, simply in order to benefit the few is totally unjust and should in all cases be rejected outright.
When a tiny percentage of a population, through using their wealth and power, corrupt their political system into carrying out their own desires, rather than the desires of the majority the population that country cannot truly be called anything other than what it is - a police state and a dictatorship.
When a country’s ‘leaders’ are selected from a small group of corporate elitists to represent them and their desires alone that country is a dictatorship (1). No matter how those ‘leaders’ choose to describe their country nothing they do or say alters the simple fact that they preside over a dictatorship. As such those leaders are tyrants and in no way do they represent the people nor the desires of the entire population of the country.
When such imposters exert almost total control over their country’s media so as to make believe that they are acting in the best interests of all the people, rather than their own selfish interests and greed, they are nothing more than liars and manipulators. When those same tyrants control the police and intelligence agencies and use those government forces to torture and murder citizens who dissent and refuse to neither accept nor believe their lies, nor bow down to their intimidations, those tyrants become nothing more than common criminals and murderers. By all and any means these criminals should be brought down and removed from office to stand trial for their crimes against humanity. As should any and all people who have both approved of and supported their crimes. That is what true democracy is all about, overcoming tyranny (2).
That we do not have true democracies in Britain and America but police states brought about by the wealth, ruthlessness, and the power of the few, condoned by the ignorance and apathy of the many, it is absolutely essential that these deceptions be openly discussed and corrected without delay. When public attitudes allow these gross injustices to continue unabated, tyrants quickly come to believe that further and even worst crimes will be freely tolerated, and they act accordingly. Worse still, so do their supporters (3).
Of course, some people might actually prefer to live under a dictatorship. That is their choice and it should be respected. But let us be true to ourselves. Let us call a spade a spade. Don’t let us be manipulated into believing something that is not true. If you are a fascist and desire to live under a fascist dictatorship then by all means do so. But say so too. Don’t be a hypocrite and talk about democracy whilst pretending to be a democrat. If you truly are a democrat and believe in true democracy then don’t believe nor accept the lies of politicians who forever talk about freedom and democracy when they are in fact corporate fascists fooling people into believing otherwise.
Psychology has been developed into a fine art. Politicians know only too well that people need constant reassurance. That is why they mention democracy and freedom in almost every single speech they make. Such words evoke a good emotional response. That such words coming from politicians are almost always totally false matters to them not at all. Some people will believe anything if it is uttered by their so-called betters. All politicians practice the art of double-speak; it is their stock in trade. Outright lying comes as second nature to them. It has become their business to lie to and fool people. And they do it very well indeed. If you are stupid enough to believe the lies they tell that is your problem not theirs.
That so many people have been stupid enough to believe the lies told by their politicians is the reason for so much plight and suffering in the world today. The true motives of politicians is more often than not hidden behind a multitude of platitudes that disguise their real agendas along with the bribes and corruptions that allow them to get away with such deceptions. That is why so much human suffering continues throughout the world. In spite of what they may say most politicians simply don’t care about poor people or how many of them die. In truth poverty isn’t a real issue to most politicians. That millions of people lose their jobs every year, that millions of children go to bed hungry every night, and that millions of people die from neglect and disease every year, is of no real concern to them. They don’t care. I know they say that they do, but they don’t. As I have said many times before, what politicians say they are doing – and what they are really doing, are two very different things.
What the politicians of today really care about is their own careers, and their real worth to the elite and the illuminati to whom they are bonded. For without the patronage of the illuminati, their real masters, they would have no career, nor any real future. So that is where their loyalty truly lays. Not with the people who supposedly elected them, and who supposedly they represent. More than anything else these corrupt parasitic politicians represent the interests of the illuminati and their desire for fascist world rule by any means (4).
Whilst these politicians are lying through their teeth they are bringing out repressive laws one after the other that have all but taken away just about all the democratic rights the British and the American people once took for granted. Indeed, even simple dissent is now being regarded as a crime by the rich and powerful. Indeed, any British or American citizen who today dares to be outspoken is officially thought of as being a dangerous ‘subversive’. As such they are subjected to harassment, persecution and worse by their respective government security services. Particularly so if they are writers. However, there are now so many ‘subversives’ who are rightly trying to subvert government abuses the American government is building what they like to term ‘detention centers.’ These concentration camps are being built all over the United States. And it’s pretty much a sure bet that they will in the near future be filled with people who appose corporate fascism and insist on speaking the truth as they see it. Halliburton, the multi-national firm that is controlled by corporate fascists, is of course building some of these camps (5). So the government not only stands to rid itself of any real opposition it will also profit from it through the enforced detention of true democrats. There is also much speculation of large ‘ovens’ being placed in these camps. And not for cooking food, I must add. Although, many Americans, gullible as they are, will quite probably believe that gourmet chefs will be hired to feed the intended prisoners of these camps?
Under present US unjust laws ‘political subversives’ can at any time be kidnapped by government security agents and placed in an internment facility forever without trial. The United States mainstream media will, if it ever mentions them at all, quite probably describe these camps as ‘holiday retreats.’
The government of the United Kingdom has also embarked upon further political repression and is intent upon mimicking, if not surpassing, whatever unjust laws are passed in the United States. Indeed, many politicians in the UK and the USA have deep financial interests within the Carlisle Group of companies and they have gained vast profits from awarding these companies world-wide contracts and made corrupt armament deals that has made untold billions of pounds and dollars in shady profits. The security services of both these countries have been turned into nothing more than fascist front organizations that torture and assassinate their opponents without mercy. They have become nothing more than criminal gangsters and personal hit men for prime ministers, presidents and dictators. They commit every crime imaginable without any fear of prosecution. Under the pretence of ‘preventing terrorism’ these security degenerates do themselves commit every crime in the book. Indeed, they are the largest terrorist organization in the world.
Whilst pretending to protect ‘democracy and freedom’ Britain’s prime minister, Tony Blair, and the American president, George W Bush, have both done more to prevent freedom and democracy than any other prime minister or president before them. They are both unmitigated liars who have been responsible for the murders of thousands of men, women and children throughout the world and who will be responsible for a great many more deaths in the future. Both these men have passed unjust laws to protect their own crimes and prevent their own paid assassins and terrorists from being brought to justice. Worse still they have both engaged in terrorist conspiracies to murder a great many of their own citizens.
The 9/11 disasters in New York (6) and the recent London tube bombings (7) have both been brought largely into focus by a great many reporters and specialists who have all presented much evidence that shows these disasters were quite probably contrived and brought about not by ‘Arab terrorists’ but by the security services of both countries. The resulting terror arising from these bombings has allowed both Britain and the United States to easily pass more and more repressive laws that protect state terrorism whilst severely limiting any inquiry into how exactly these bombings were really carried out, and by whom? Governments have the power and expertise to create almost any kind of set-up they desire. They can create digital video documentaries that supposedly ‘prove’ anything they wish the public to believe. They have lied to and brainwashed the people for so many years they have become propaganda experts. Psychological warfare against citizens is being practiced as never before. Whilst millions of people online throughout the entire world seriously doubt and question these recent terrible events the official media hacks, as usual, remains silent on the subject. The state media simply parrots whatever press releases come out of Downing Street or the White House without comment or real criticism. The ‘official’ state media has become co-conspirators and a supporter of state terror. It is a disgrace to every decent writer who ever lived.
Tony Blair’s rhetoric mimics that of his fellow terrorist as George W. Bush and his co-conspirators gallivant around the world meeting dictators and tyrants who support their criminality. Together they are all vainly trying to crush the emerging true democracies that are now sprouting up and starting to flourish in various parts of the world. The elitist corporatist’s that support Blair and Bush are scared to death that true democracy will spread and take hold in the rest of the world. They are all scared to death that millions of poor and illiterate people might at last get a proper education and so begin to realize how corporate monsters have corrupted their lives and their futures. They have eroded the distinction between socialism and communism by fusing them together then lied about a coming ‘communist takeover’ that would destroy people and their families. A true and good education will finally make these citizens aware of America’s criminal elitists and of their many lies and crimes against humanity. They will know that to allow British and American corporatists into their country is the worst possible thing they could ever do, for these corporatist have in the past fifty years corrupted their politicians, their governments, their countries and their people whilst allowing ignorance and poor health care to keep the mass of people and their children in abject poverty without any hope for the future. The corporatists have themselves lived off the fat of the land whilst blatantly stealing from it everything of value (8).
The truth is corporatists hate democracy, for true democracy gives power to the people as a whole, it ensures that tyranny and corruption cannot take hold and dominate as it has done in Britain and America. Indeed, today it is corporatists that own many governments. Politicians in those governments are no more than puppets of huge multi-national business interests whose huge annual profits are often far larger than those generated by many small countries. Those profits have not been used to benefit society but have been plowed into financing worldwide corruption and private armies to ensure that true democratic values cannot thrive. Under the pretext of ‘protecting democracy’ and ‘protecting democracy from terrorism’ those corporations have not only financed terrorism throughout the world they have made hundreds of billions of dollars from selling armaments to use in wars they themselves created. George W. Bush and Tony Blair amongst many others are simply puppets carrying out the orders of these corporate monsters. That many millions of people have throughout the entire world died, and many millions more been cruelly disabled because of these corruptions is solid fact, and can be confirmed by any human rights researcher (9).
In the quest for more oil and power by these vast multi-national corporations the Iraq wars alone have produced over 125.000 dead civilians, 2300 American dead and over 518.739 Gulf war veterans who are now on medical disability. Many of them will be disabled permanently. To date these Gulf wars have cost at least 250 billion dollars, and that figure may well be doubled before the war ends, if it ever does end? Because this last war alone has made a huge army of enemies for Britain and the United States. Enemies who will never forget, nor forgive the damage done to them, their families and their country by two hypocritical corrupt leaders who have lined their pockets as they enforced criminality and became torturers and murderers.
It is a sad reflection upon the people of America in that so few citizens have protested at the slaughter of so many innocents. They have it seems become so cowed by repressive legislation they are afraid to stand up for what is right. ‘The Patriot Act’ has turned them into zombies and their media has brainwashed them (10) into mindless puppets doing whatever George W. Bush wants without thought of what it is, in the end, going to cost them. The British people have already staged huge public demonstrations against the Iraq war yet they themselves have not yet grasped the fact that Tony Blair, as an Establishment puppet, will help to start another war when this one is over. That is what his masters want, constant war and terror. And if he doesn’t provide it they will get another of their puppets in one of the other British political parties to do so. For as in the United States high-level politicians in Britain are bought and owned by corporations to do their bidding – and to hell with what the people may want or desire. That is of no consequence to multi-national interests who already have their sights set on billions of more in profits from wars as yet unseen.
In Britain ‘The Terrorism Act’ will make very sure that the real terrorists will remain untouched whilst those daring to uncover and expose them will be persecuted, tortured and quite probably killed by a totally corrupt MI5 and its death squads. The British, however, like millions of American sheeple, cannot bring themselves to believe that their country has been turned into a police state. The still do actually believe that their politicians are honest and the thought of them living in a dictatorship simply cannot be assimilated. Brainwashed by television, radio, the state press and corrupt rotten politicians like Tony Blair and his lackeys in parliament they drool over a once great country that has now turned them into foolish sheep without a mind of their own content to follow and obey not realizing that they are on the brink of being turned into unthinking robots and morons (11).
(1) Ten Secret Societies you need to Know About.
(2) The Bush Family and the Nazis.
(3) Censorship in the United Kingdom.
(4) Exposed: The Carlyle Group.
(5) Halliburton Detention Camps For Political Subversives
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | February 1 2006
(6) Eight killer facts about 9/11.
(7) Did July 7th bombs explode under trains?
(9) The Bilderberg Syndrome.
(10) Subverting The Media.
(11) Blair Criminalizes His critics.
(15) Website.
(21) From Freedom to Fascism Movie.
Dr Les Dove
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