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Condoleezza Rice to visit Liverpool on Friday 31st March!

Merseyside Stop The War Coalition | 17.03.2006 23:16 | Anti-militarism | Liverpool


Please let's all pull together for the biggest anti-war demonstration
this city has ever seen. George Bush's number two is coming to town. I want to see the biggest & widest mobilisation ever. Please talk to your friends about it. Take resolutions to your trade unions asking for support. Build this demonstration in your communities. Build it in the churches &mosques.

Write letters urgently to the Echo/Daily Post and to your local papers.
Get on the Roger Phillips show and any other phone in.
Let's do a John Lennon "Imagine all the people saying no to Condi the
war monger!"

Merseyside Stop The War Coalition


News From Nowhere open house to activists

28.03.2006 13:49

News From Nowhere Bookshop is offering an Open House on Friday & Saturday (31st March/1st April), to activists from outside Liverpool coming to the protest against the visit of Condoleezza Rice & Jack Straw.
Free tea & coffee (I nearly said drinks but that might give the wrong impression!), shelter, good company, meeting point, info exchange, and good books!
(We know Roscoe St is going to be the main Convergence place but this is just a general welcome.)
We also have Audrey's fabulous t-shirts in stock now - for the activist about town/wearing at the demos etc:
"No Scouse for Rice"/"Get Back Condi" (front/back)
"Fab 4 Not War"/"Leave Iraqi People Alone" (front/back)
£5 each (or a donation) to Merseyside Stop The War Campaign.
Also Guantanamo-style Orange Boiler Suits for demos £8 each.
Hurry while stocks last!
News From Nowhere Bookshop
96 Bold St
L1 4HY
0151 708 7270

Mandy, News From Nowhere
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Coaches from London

28.03.2006 20:21

London coach/es will be leaving York Way (Kings Cross station) 09.30 sharp to join the Liverpool protest. Arriving Liverpool about 15.30 and departing no later than 21.00. £20 waged/£10 unwaged and students. Free copy of "Not One More Death" (£5 Verso) to each booker.

To book; T Gerry 07787385971 or Vivek 07979066447 or email or

Pickups on M1 by arrangement (ie Scratchwood, Toddington, Newport Pagnall).

Gerry Matthews
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Hide the following 6 comments

Saddam Hussein was the war monger, he invaded Kuwait remember?

18.03.2006 10:31

It was Saddam Hussein who was the war monger he attacked Iran in 1980 and invaded Kuwait in 1990. He also refused to co-operate with United Nations weapons inspectors for 12 years and defied 60 United Nation resolutions. All the allies did was enforce the will of the United Nations which was becoming a useless talking shop with no will to act to enforce its decisions. And don't forget that there were 50 countries in the coalition of the willing, so it was hardly a case of Britain and America acting alone.


Rice's visit to Liverpool

18.03.2006 17:24

Anyone up for dressing in orange suits! An appropriate silent protest.


Evil is not a popularity contest

18.03.2006 18:42

Tragically, there is not a constant amount of evil in the world.
People like Saddam and Rice increase the evil. Then Coalitions of the Bamboozled
say, "Look bad man over there. Ignore bad woman over here." Thus ensuring the next evil can trundle onto the stage without challenge.Tell a Lie. Tell A big lie. Tell it loud and people will believe it. To Paraphrase the former German Propaganda Ministry. It's not an unpopularity contest where only the most reviled can be reviled. It's as many dead under occupation as under Saddam. Except nobody seems willing to show the faces of the newly killed dead babies.

Yes But..

Did you know she had an oil supertanker name after her

21.03.2006 00:47

She was a former Chevron executive.

I'll be there to boo the woman and what she stands for. She's helped to rape Iraq. Her kind is not wanted in our city.


Who's Saddam Hussain

21.03.2006 22:16

Errr... Saddam Hussain has nothing to do with the last three years of bloody occupation in Iraq. In fact he's been in jail. He can't even be held responsible for the invasion since he had complied fully with all the UN resolutions. And the US backed court can't even find any crime to prosecute him for since they were complicit with every single one of his actions. Maybe he should be moved to the Hague where he could be convicted for gassing the Kurds using American and German supplied chemicals. Remember, that was one of the crimes the invasion was justified by, even though it didn't seem too important to our government at the actual time it was happening.

Julian Todd
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Condi to visit Merseyside, home of the Beatles. Imagine.

22.03.2006 20:36

Lennon and Rice
Lennon and Rice

Well this is one up for the Scousers I must admit.

We Scots thought we were doing well when we had the G8 heads of government here at Gleneagles in July 2005 and I suppose we were doing well.

Lobbyists lobbied the G8, protestors protested and the G8 heads of government made some more promises.

But Liverpool and Blackburn have gone one better than Gleneagles G8 and that one is Condoleezza Rice, the leader of the free world.

“But hang on”, I hear you say, “isn’t Condi only Bush’s number 2, just the US Secretary of State?”.

Well yes and no. Constitutionally, the US Secretary of State is actually only number 4 in the US pecking order.

But the free world does not take its lead from the US Constitution - venerable though that is.

The love for freedom lives in the minds of men and women and each of us decide for ourselves in whom we place our trust and hopes for the future.

Increasingly, people who have heard Condoleezza Rice speak are looking to her to lead the free world at this time of challenge and opportunity. Many are actively pressing for Condi to run for President of the United States of America in 2008.

So Gleneagles G8 was like an orchestra without the conductor, a ballet without the ballerina or the Beatles without John Lennon.

Imagine a free and democratic Iraq with no dictators and no suicide bombers and a future of peace and prosperity for the people there.

That’s what happens when a war is won by the good people. It happened in Germany, in Japan and in Italy when World War 2 was won. So it is not too hard to imagine it happening in Iraq too.

Some may say that Condi and her Condistas are dreamers but we’re not the only ones. I hope some day they’ll join us, and the world will live as one.

Peter Dow
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