Teoria Critica | 17.03.2006 09:23 | Analysis | Education | Social Struggles | World
La seule route qui reste aujourd'hui faisable doit observer soigneusement, avec le minuzia et la patience, que c'a été - mais, seulement, afin de trouver cela qu'il devrait être, ou, dans l'alternative, cela à vous qui est. Aucun eruditismo n'est plus acceptable.
Si avant ce le filet impénétrable de la société invertie était écluse sur les sujets, Gramsci, seppur fermé à clef vers le haut, pourrait calmer le rêve pour écrire "pour l'éternité", aujourd'hui cette possibilité est du tout exausted un. Qui l'invoca l'impartialité de l'historien idiot ou, plus probablement, intelligent et est intégré.
Dans l'ordre qui raisonnent, à l'intérieur de ce contexte, un autogestita tourné ne devrait pas finir afin de déléguer la gestion de sa mémoire aux administrations déléguées de la mémoire? Obéissant à l'intelletto calculant, le dernier mobilitation du soggettività timide elle ne peut pas cet estraniarsi dans la célébration flatteuse de l'ennemi - plaçant son devoir être défaite, seppur, sûr, avec l'honneur, à la justification de l'oggettività faux de cela qui elle est.
Mais également cet dernier aspect antique du soggettività se rebellant ne peut pas cela se dissoudre en cours de reificazione - screaied dans le slogan journalistique, le passé semble exorcised finalement, changé dans le taboo, évoqué pourquoi des repos loin loin. Là où il doit rester. Néanmoins, ce rituel cache une ombre. Un fantôme de quelque chose, qu'existant il ne peut pas résoudre.
S'il refuse que cela est occupé pour nécessaire, la pensée critique peut seulement s'appliquer mêmes, dans le son est donnée aujourd'hui, pour devenir déjà. S'ils nient exister donné, les sujets accablés peuvent rencontrer gagnés qu'ils ont eu le courage de vouloir gagner.
Tracer la correspondance complète entre l'infraction, dans le présent, de l'incantesimo et de l'interruption de l'ermenuetiche faux du passé a pu, peut-être, donner en arrière finalement les révoltes aux rioters.
An Italian web site for theorical research
Si avant ce le filet impénétrable de la société invertie était écluse sur les sujets, Gramsci, seppur fermé à clef vers le haut, pourrait calmer le rêve pour écrire "pour l'éternité", aujourd'hui cette possibilité est du tout exausted un. Qui l'invoca l'impartialité de l'historien idiot ou, plus probablement, intelligent et est intégré.
Dans l'ordre qui raisonnent, à l'intérieur de ce contexte, un autogestita tourné ne devrait pas finir afin de déléguer la gestion de sa mémoire aux administrations déléguées de la mémoire? Obéissant à l'intelletto calculant, le dernier mobilitation du soggettività timide elle ne peut pas cet estraniarsi dans la célébration flatteuse de l'ennemi - plaçant son devoir être défaite, seppur, sûr, avec l'honneur, à la justification de l'oggettività faux de cela qui elle est.
Mais également cet dernier aspect antique du soggettività se rebellant ne peut pas cela se dissoudre en cours de reificazione - screaied dans le slogan journalistique, le passé semble exorcised finalement, changé dans le taboo, évoqué pourquoi des repos loin loin. Là où il doit rester. Néanmoins, ce rituel cache une ombre. Un fantôme de quelque chose, qu'existant il ne peut pas résoudre.
S'il refuse que cela est occupé pour nécessaire, la pensée critique peut seulement s'appliquer mêmes, dans le son est donnée aujourd'hui, pour devenir déjà. S'ils nient exister donné, les sujets accablés peuvent rencontrer gagnés qu'ils ont eu le courage de vouloir gagner.
Tracer la correspondance complète entre l'infraction, dans le présent, de l'incantesimo et de l'interruption de l'ermenuetiche faux du passé a pu, peut-être, donner en arrière finalement les révoltes aux rioters.

An Italian web site for theorical research
Teoria Critica
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En anglais s'il vous plait
17.03.2006 13:45
the middle finger
Makes no sense
17.03.2006 14:54
Italian to English
17.03.2006 19:50
Monday, March 13, 2006
The subject of the historical acquaintance is of pe himself the overwhelmed class that fight.
W. Benjamin
posted by Alear at 3:11 AM 0 comments
The only road that today remains practicable is to observe carefully, with minuzia and patience, that that has been - but, only, in order to find that that it would have to be, or, in alternative, that to you that is. No eruditismo is more acceptable.
If before that the impenetrable net of the society invert was sluice on the subjects, Gramsci, seppur locked up, could still dream to write "for the eternity", today this possibility is of the all exausted one. Who invoca the impartiality of the historian foolish or, more probably, intelligent and is integrated.
In order which reason, to the inside of this context, one turned autogestita would not have to end in order to delegate the management of its memory to the delegated administrations of the memory? Obedient to intelletto calculating, the last mobilitation of the soggettività self-conscious it cannot that estraniarsi in the flattering celebration of the enemy - placing its being be defeat, seppur, sure, with honor, to justification from the false oggettività of that that it is.
But also this last appearance of ancient the soggettività rebelling cannot that to dissolve itself in the process of reificazione - screaied in slogan journalistic, the past seems finally exorcised, changed in taboo, evoked why rests far away. Where it must remain. Nevertheless, this ritual hides a shadow. A ghost of something, than the existing it cannot resolve.
If it refuses that that is dealt for necessary, the critical thought can only apply himself same, in its is given today, to already become. If they deny the given existing, the overwhelmed subjects can meet the won ones that they had the courage of wanting to win.
To trace the complete correspondence between the breach, in the present, of incantesimo and the interruption of the false ermenuetiche of the past could, perhaps, give back finally the revolts to the rioters.
posted by Alear at 1:37 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 12, 2006
An ancient Jewish legend narrates of a rabbi, talmudista main scholar, than, a day, is decided to write the Perfect Text. The rabbi wrote day and night, without pause, corrected, cancelled, modified, see again the flow of words that gushed out from its fingers. Forty years passed, and the house of the rabbi straboccava of migliaia of driven in pages - every angle, in every room, of was overflow. Invano the disciples and the friends prayed it of giving to the press, or if not other of being able to read, some at least of those pages. Invariably, the rabbi answered still not to be satisfied of what he had written, and that, therefore, nobody had to still read null. A day, the rabbi became ill itself seriously, and soon he understood that it was the end. He convened to its bedside disciples and friends and, between the general consternation, churches they of giving to the flames all which had written. All entirety protested, but he expected that they made what had said to it. To malincuore, friends and disciples collected all the sheets, they carried them outside from the house, and burnt all. After, they returned around to the bedside of the rabbi and, to that point, one of the disciples young pretensions than to know why the master had intentional to destroy to the job of all its life. The sorrise rabbi, weakly for the disease, and answered to it that the reason was simple, and was between its hands. Only then all noticed that the rabbi held between the hands intercrossed on the chest a sheet. "Here the Perfect Text", said the rabbi, and was its last words. After its dead women, friends and disciples offered themselves to begin the funeral rituals. But before they will not resist to the curiosity. With great respect, they raised the hands intercrossed of the rabbi, and took the sheet. Large it was their surprise when they saw written on the sheet a single line - and still greater, in truth, when they read ventidue letters to you of the alphabet.
posted by Alear at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 03, 2006
Need of theory
A deep social need of critical theory exists today.
Not theory, as separate sphere - the separate spheres are already end too many.
Not theory, as direction of the praxis - chè often the praxis knows to head very well alone.
Not theory like language sluice of a chaste one of chierici, but as element of acting political revolutionary of anyone wants an other time.
Critical, why radically negative theory. A language revolutionary that, to leave from its they are given in this time of sfuttamento and of dominion, it has the courage, if necessary the superbia, to contest radically the existing in how much totality - without to sit down in easy suggestions, or reassuring determinism.
The need of the theory is born from the conflict. From Seattle today, one new political generation has matured this need, to which the vulgata one of the end of the theory it cannot give answer.
The need of the theory is an element of the conflict. In the conflict the possibility is discovered to extend the existing radically, and the illusorietà of the happy oases is experienced. The who practical conflict tries in the theory languages and ways of revolution.
The need of the conflict, viceversa, is an element of the negative theory. To outside of the conflict, the distances, and the organizations, the subjects it takes advantage of and it dominates to you to you, also the best words are changed in stone, and soon they do not have other choice - apology of the dominion, or song of yield.
Critical theory, why it is reached the moment to interrogate the critical traditions of the past century. In order not to establish or to re-establish a storiografico dogma. The ' 900 have been a tragic time, and of that tragedy the comprised ones until in bottom made part who, also without being able to prevent it. The won ones, that it is finally hour to revenge.
This society denies the past and the future, and transforms the present in what, measure of the extraction of unearned increment. To resume the time wants to say to resume all the times.
We want an other future, we want our future, we want it for we and the past of the won ones. For this we mean to deny, and to pull down, the present of Capitalism.
We have a single scientific certainty on the course of the history - than the things, therefore, they cannot go ahead. An other time, the impossible one, is the only possible time, to outside of the catastrophe.
If the theory only matures in the real one of the alienation, it can extend it and deny. If in the historical negation it only matures a critical theory, the power of the revolution can rebel and make to change run the driven crazy horses of the history.
They do not exist of the specialists of the critical theory, neither truth established, but the courage of the negation.
If this is only a collective effort of all those who feels to refuse the existing, height of the dangers and the possibilities of this time can is given one critical theory al'.
posted by Alear at 1:54 PM 3 comments
Friday, November 11, 2005
Draft to settle down perspectives in which the world dissesti, strangers, it reveals its fractures and its leaks.
T. W. I adorn
posted by Alear at 1:16 AM 0 comments