Iraq: Ayatollah Sistani says death to gays
OutRage! News Service | 15.03.2006 10:46 | Gender | Repression | Social Struggles | World
Sistani fatwa provokes terror against queers. Shia Badr Corps execute sodomites, Sunnis and others. UK fetes Sistani and hosts Badr, despite anti-gay murders.
Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani of Iraq has issued a death fatwa against lesbian and gay people. On his website, he calls for the killing of homosexuals in the "worst, most severe way" (see his text below).
“Sistani's murderous homophobic incitement has given a green light to Shia Muslims to hunt and kill lesbians and gay men,” says exiled gay Iraqi, Ali Hili, of the London-based gay human rights group OutRage.
Mr Hili also heads up the new Iraqi LGBT – UK Abu Nawas group, which consists of exiled gay Iraqis and has close links with clandestine gay activists inside Iraq.
“We hold Sistani personally responsible for the murder of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Iraqis. He gives the killers theological sanction and encouragement,” said Mr Hili.
“Evidence we have received from our underground gay contacts inside Iraq suggests intensified homophobic abuse, threats, intimidation and violence by fundamentalist supporters of Sistani.
“Grand Ayatollah Sistani is the spiritual leader of all Shia Muslims in Iraq and around the world. He is also the spiritual leader of the main Islamic fundamentalist movement in Iraq, the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI).
“The government in Iraq consults regularly with Sistani on political, social and moral issues. He wields huge influence over Iraqi government policy and the over Iraqi Shia public opinion.
“Sistani is not even Iraqi. He is an Iranian national who has set himself up as a religious leader in Iraq. He wants to impose an Iranian-style theocracy on the Iraqi people.
“The British government paid for Sistani to have medical treatment in the UK in 2004, and fetes him as a revered Muslim leader.
“The Badr Corps, which is the armed wing of SCIRI, has instituted a witch-hunt of lesbian and gay Iraqis – including violent beatings, kidnappings and assassinations.
“Despite Badr’s murderous record, the UK allows its political arm, SCIRI, to have offices and fundraise in the UK. Badr is the terrorist wing of SCIRI. Badr should be proscribed as a terrorist organisation.
“Badr agents have a network of informers who, among other things, target alleged 'immoral behaviour'. They kill gays, unveiled women, prostitutes, people who sell or drink alcohol, and those who listen to western music and wear western fashions.
“Badr militants are entrapping gay men via internet chat rooms. They arrange a date, and then beat and kill the victim.
“Males who are unmarried by the age of 30 or 35 are placed under surveillance on suspicion of being gay, as are effeminate men. They will be investigated and warned to get married. Badr will typically give them a month to change their ways. If they don't change their behaviour, or if they fail to show evidence that they plan to get married, they will be arrested, disappear and eventually be found dead. The bodies are usually discovered with their hands bound behind their back, blindfolds over their eyes, and bullet wounds to the back of the head.
“The Badr Corps is a terrorist organisation and uses terrorist methods against political, religious, sexual and ethnic dissidents. It is behind much of the sectarian violence in Iraq today, including suicide bombings, kidnappings and the assassination of Sunnis, moderate Shia, trade unionists, women’s rights activists, gay people and secularists.
“Our sources inside Iraq report the murders of the following gay and bisexual men. All the killings bear the hallmarks of the execution-style murders for which the Badr organisation is notorious.
“These killings are just the ones we have been able to get details about. They are the tip of an iceberg of religious-motivated summary executions. Gay Iraqis are living in fear of discovery and murder,” said Mr Hili.
Karim, aged 38, survived a hand grenade attack on his house in the Al-Jameha district of Baghdad in 2004. The attack by members of the Badr Corps, left him with severe facial disfigurement and shrapnel in his body. Simultaneously, the Badr Corps murdered his partner, Ali, at his house, also in the Al-Jameha district. They shot Ali as he tried to escape.
Haydar Faiek, aged 40, a transsexual Iraqi, was beaten and burned to death by Badr militias in the main street in the Al-Karada district of Baghdad in September 2005.
Sarmad and Khalid were partners who lived in the Al-Jameha area of Baghdad. Persons unknown revealed their same-sex relationship. They were abducted by the Badr organisation in April 2005. Their bodies were found two months later, in June, bound, blindfolded and shot in the back of the head.
Naffeh, aged 45, disappeared in August 2005. His family were informed that he was kidnapped by the Badr organisation. His body was found in January 2006. He, too, had been subjected to an execution-style killing.
Ammar, aged 27, was abducted and shot in back of the head in Baghdad by suspected Badr militias in January 2006.
Bashar, an actor aged 34, who resides in Baghdad, has been forced to go into hiding, after receiving death threats against him and his family. Before he went underground, his house was raided several times by the Badr Corps. Fortunately, he was not at home, otherwise he fears he would have been kidnapped and killed.
A copy of Sistani's fatwa, with translation, follows below.
The text of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani’s fatwa for the killing of sodomites is below. To see it yourself:
Go to the Sistani website:
Under the section Istiftaaat, go to letter L in Arabic, look up to Lewat which means (sodomy). See question 5.
Direct link:〈=ara∂=4
Q5: What is the judgment for sodomy and lesbianism?
A5: Forbidden. Punished, in fact, killed. The people involved should be killed in the worst, most severe way of killing.
“Sistani's murderous homophobic incitement has given a green light to Shia Muslims to hunt and kill lesbians and gay men,” says exiled gay Iraqi, Ali Hili, of the London-based gay human rights group OutRage.
Mr Hili also heads up the new Iraqi LGBT – UK Abu Nawas group, which consists of exiled gay Iraqis and has close links with clandestine gay activists inside Iraq.
“We hold Sistani personally responsible for the murder of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Iraqis. He gives the killers theological sanction and encouragement,” said Mr Hili.
“Evidence we have received from our underground gay contacts inside Iraq suggests intensified homophobic abuse, threats, intimidation and violence by fundamentalist supporters of Sistani.
“Grand Ayatollah Sistani is the spiritual leader of all Shia Muslims in Iraq and around the world. He is also the spiritual leader of the main Islamic fundamentalist movement in Iraq, the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI).
“The government in Iraq consults regularly with Sistani on political, social and moral issues. He wields huge influence over Iraqi government policy and the over Iraqi Shia public opinion.
“Sistani is not even Iraqi. He is an Iranian national who has set himself up as a religious leader in Iraq. He wants to impose an Iranian-style theocracy on the Iraqi people.
“The British government paid for Sistani to have medical treatment in the UK in 2004, and fetes him as a revered Muslim leader.
“The Badr Corps, which is the armed wing of SCIRI, has instituted a witch-hunt of lesbian and gay Iraqis – including violent beatings, kidnappings and assassinations.
“Despite Badr’s murderous record, the UK allows its political arm, SCIRI, to have offices and fundraise in the UK. Badr is the terrorist wing of SCIRI. Badr should be proscribed as a terrorist organisation.
“Badr agents have a network of informers who, among other things, target alleged 'immoral behaviour'. They kill gays, unveiled women, prostitutes, people who sell or drink alcohol, and those who listen to western music and wear western fashions.
“Badr militants are entrapping gay men via internet chat rooms. They arrange a date, and then beat and kill the victim.
“Males who are unmarried by the age of 30 or 35 are placed under surveillance on suspicion of being gay, as are effeminate men. They will be investigated and warned to get married. Badr will typically give them a month to change their ways. If they don't change their behaviour, or if they fail to show evidence that they plan to get married, they will be arrested, disappear and eventually be found dead. The bodies are usually discovered with their hands bound behind their back, blindfolds over their eyes, and bullet wounds to the back of the head.
“The Badr Corps is a terrorist organisation and uses terrorist methods against political, religious, sexual and ethnic dissidents. It is behind much of the sectarian violence in Iraq today, including suicide bombings, kidnappings and the assassination of Sunnis, moderate Shia, trade unionists, women’s rights activists, gay people and secularists.
“Our sources inside Iraq report the murders of the following gay and bisexual men. All the killings bear the hallmarks of the execution-style murders for which the Badr organisation is notorious.
“These killings are just the ones we have been able to get details about. They are the tip of an iceberg of religious-motivated summary executions. Gay Iraqis are living in fear of discovery and murder,” said Mr Hili.
Karim, aged 38, survived a hand grenade attack on his house in the Al-Jameha district of Baghdad in 2004. The attack by members of the Badr Corps, left him with severe facial disfigurement and shrapnel in his body. Simultaneously, the Badr Corps murdered his partner, Ali, at his house, also in the Al-Jameha district. They shot Ali as he tried to escape.
Haydar Faiek, aged 40, a transsexual Iraqi, was beaten and burned to death by Badr militias in the main street in the Al-Karada district of Baghdad in September 2005.
Sarmad and Khalid were partners who lived in the Al-Jameha area of Baghdad. Persons unknown revealed their same-sex relationship. They were abducted by the Badr organisation in April 2005. Their bodies were found two months later, in June, bound, blindfolded and shot in the back of the head.
Naffeh, aged 45, disappeared in August 2005. His family were informed that he was kidnapped by the Badr organisation. His body was found in January 2006. He, too, had been subjected to an execution-style killing.
Ammar, aged 27, was abducted and shot in back of the head in Baghdad by suspected Badr militias in January 2006.
Bashar, an actor aged 34, who resides in Baghdad, has been forced to go into hiding, after receiving death threats against him and his family. Before he went underground, his house was raided several times by the Badr Corps. Fortunately, he was not at home, otherwise he fears he would have been kidnapped and killed.
A copy of Sistani's fatwa, with translation, follows below.
The text of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani’s fatwa for the killing of sodomites is below. To see it yourself:
Go to the Sistani website:
Under the section Istiftaaat, go to letter L in Arabic, look up to Lewat which means (sodomy). See question 5.
Direct link:〈=ara∂=4
Q5: What is the judgment for sodomy and lesbianism?
A5: Forbidden. Punished, in fact, killed. The people involved should be killed in the worst, most severe way of killing.
OutRage! News Service
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another OUTRAGE! article calling for war against Iran
15.03.2006 15:35
Let's consider a little recent history. Tatchell and Blair (servant and master) have genocided millions of children in Iraq during the period of sanctions maintained by the 'UN' on false evidence of non-compliance of Saddam created by Israel and Britain. Tatchell and Blair have butchered in excess of 300,000 humans in Iraq during the invasion and occupation. Tatchell and Blair have mass murdered untold numbers of humans in Afghanistan on the back of identical black propaganda to the above article.
Now Tatchell wants to genocide millions of Iranians in a comprehensive nuclear strike against that nation.
Outrage, BNP, Liberal Party (now DIRECTLY lead by Blair's man), Respect, UK radical muslim cells- all neat little government controlled operations. The British security services receive billions, and this is where the money goes.
A multiplicity of voices, that in reality is the SAME voice. The press- every major paper, radio, and TV news statement aligned to the self-same words and opinions. Parliament- well with Blair's unpecedented power, this goes without saying. 'Fringe' political groups- all nicely infiltrated, and all nicely co-ordinated.
However, there is one voice that Blair no more directly controls than any of history's past butchers, and that is our internal voice. Thus we must be bombarded day and night with foul PRO-WORLD-WAR psy-ops, as with the endless anti-Iranian outrage postings on this site. Our internal voice MUST be made to feel all alone, and of no significance compared to the insane screams eminating from all the public voices that Blair controls.
BLAIR IS GOING TO ATTACK IRAN, AND THE ATTACK IS COMING VERY SOON. The genocide of Iran will mark the formal beginning of World War 3. Blair's agents, Tatchell included, are now in FULL SPECTRUM BLACK PROPAGANDA mode. This means that EVERYONE in the West (as far as possible) is to be made to feel that they have their own personal reason for hating Iran. It is assumed that different people are susceptible to different hate messages. Outrage DOES NOT play to the politically sophisticated gay movement, since these people are intelligent enough to identify crude pro-war propaganda. Instead, outrage targets young people (mostly non-gay, but gay-friendly) who specifically have extremely low levels of knowledge about world affairs, and the political activities of Blair and Bush.
In this sense, both outrage and the BNP target people of extremely low political sophistication, with the solid belief the predudice can be inserted into their unthinking minds, using extreme imagery and words.
During World War 2, the allies had to condition their population to accept the extermination of cities full of ordinary people like themselves (Britain's leaders targetted the working class areas in its bombing raids on German cities). Put simply, this required ordinary people to demand of their leaders that ordinary people be the main victims of the war. Think about how this mindset was manufactured.
The attack against Iraq has refreshed in our minds the vile consequences of war, and especially the fact that ordinary people pay the highest price. Logically, it would seem impossible for outrage to find an audience for its constant demand that Iran is genocided. Racism negates this logic, however, allowing outrage to demand an evil genocide of Iranians, because 'they' are not like 'us'.
Hitler said that he had the right to murder millions, because it was his right to correct the faults of non-nazis. His propaganda masters, using EXACTLY the same methods as Blair and outrage, ensured that the population of nazi Germany were bombarded daily with endless documentation listing the 'faults' of those that were to be 'corrected'. It did not matter if this propaganda contained some truths (and frequently nazi propaganda did use 'truth'). What mattered was what this propaganda was designed to enable. During Hitler's rise to power, ANYONE who backed nazi propaganda, true or not, backed Hitler, and was thus directly responsible for every crime carried out by Hitler and his forces.
Anybody who backs Blair's anti-Iran propaganda today (and EVERYTHING that outrage produces about Iran or Iraq falls directly into this category) is directly responsible for the genocide of millions of humans in the war that Blair will soon wage against that nation. If as a creature of free-will, you wish to back Tatchell and Blair in their campaign of genocide against muslims (and later the chinese), that is your right. It is not you right, however, to claim later that you did not anticipate the consequences of supporting evil humans.
PS the above outrage article does EXACTLY what I have warned in many previous comments about Blair and Iraq. Sistani and the Badr Brigades are, of course, Iranian assets that were key players in Blair's invasion of Iraq. Iran was the MAJOR PARTNER of US forces in both the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and Iranian ground forces have been responsible for many of the atrocities in both nations. London is the co-ordinating location of all aggressive Iranian acts, because the US has to maintain the pretence of its anti-Iranian policy (embodied in laws that disallow the presence of Iranian officials on US soil).
Iran has no fear of a US attack, because Iran is allied with the US, and still sees that the media of the West NEVER explicitly refers to this fact (which they feel is proof that everything is still hunky-dory between themselves and the US). However, Iran's certainty is created by Blair, given the crucial role that London plays. The Iranians are unaware that it is Blair that is co-ordinating the plan to genocide Iran, rather than any group in the States or Israel.
A major part of Blair's plans revolves around a major media blitz revealing the full extent of Iranian atrocities in Afghanistan and Iraq. This may astonish you, given that these atrocities were carried out with the fully knowledge and agreement of the UK/US, and were merely part of wider UK/US actions in these nations. However, simply remember the recent history of Milosevic and Saddam. Allies first, with Western leaders categorically backing them against claims of War Crimes. Then magically criminals, despite the fact that their criminal acts were carried out with Western assistance or approval.
Iran considers that it has had the most extraordinary good luck in recent years. The psychology of 'luck' means that one finds it almost impossible to conceive of 'bad luck' when one considers oneself on a roll. We perhaps last saw a clear example of this mind-trap with Serbia, and the wars in the Balkans. The Serbs were NEVER able to simple stop playing, and take their 'winnings' home. They insisted instead on 'staying at the table' until they had lost everything.
Admittedly, Iran seems to not have such an option, although its growing power in the region is the very excuse Blair has used on Washington to ensure that the US will attack Iran. Again. if it seems bizarre that you claim the right to attack an ally, because you encouraged your ally to attack others in concert with yourself, consider Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia during WW2.
the middle finger
15.03.2006 17:14
piss off
I agree with twilight
15.03.2006 18:31
Iranian ambassador
15.03.2006 20:14
A pompous blathering fool
Let's have a Stop the Twilight Coalition
15.03.2006 21:14
16.03.2006 00:52
16.03.2006 03:01
could the poster substantiate the claims with up-to-date links, etc??
in any case
here's a link that works
16.03.2006 03:04
in any case
here's a link
16.03.2006 03:06
in any case
She's nice and cuddly
16.03.2006 10:44
To put it more simply: you will BE sorry.
Free speech for Twilight!
Tatchell deserves respect
16.03.2006 12:40
The guy deserves some goddamn respect.
selective hearing
16.03.2006 22:51
The guy deserves some goddamn respect.
Paulos "
Yeah, which middle-eastern country did Zimbabwe genocide ?
gay friendly
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