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Expose and End Bio-Electro-Weapons Torture

STOP DEW-N-IT | 15.03.2006 03:03 | Bio-technology | Globalisation | Repression | World

Hypocracy Domestic Torture is being done with bio-electro-weapons in the United States.

Expose and End Bio-Electro-Weapons Torture

Torture is being done with bio-electro-weapons in the United States. This crime against humanity needs to end.
There is a silent war happening in the United States. Activist,Women, people of color and many other people are experiencing vicious assaults with lethal pulsed-radiation weaponry that causes injuries, chronic illness. Causing slow-kill injuries such as cancer, Alzheimers-type brain damage, etc. as well as fast kill injuries stroke,aneurysm,heart attack, etc... This is also known as "Electronic Harassment" if you do a google search you will find more information.

However "Radiation Attacks on people's bodies is way more than 'Harrassment. So we call what the WAR CRIMINALS, themselves call it:

Educate yourself about these very lethal weapons which do indanger our democracy and freedom in every way. People are silently murdered and it is made to look like death by natural causes.
When the real cause is lethal pulsed-radiation weaponry.
"In October 2000, Congressman Denis J. Kucinich introduced in the House of Representatives a bill, concerning these weapons.

In this bill, the definition of a weapons system included:

"any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person)… through the use of land-based, sea- based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations“(15).

As in all legislative acts quoted in this article, the bill pertains to sound, light or electromagnetic stimulation of the human brain.

"[The European Parliament] calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings"

There is a petition to Expose and End Electronic Weapons Torture sign it and spread the word. Its up to us to care about our democracy to get this exposed and ended or face a system of repression and oppression that will destroy freedom for generations to come. Right now musicians, activist, ordinary people who have never gone to a protest, working men and women, childern are complaining of torture with these weapons not only in the United States but in all the NATO countries. Several States have laws on the books regarding "Electronic Weapons"
There is no enforcing of those laws currently.
These weapons and the misuse of them need to be on the table of open discussion.
The fact that these weapons not only exist they are a matter of public research. One example of beams and sounds being directed at a person and singling them out is mentioned in the Mkultra hearings of 1977 Senator Schweiker asked Admiral Turner about Mkultra subproject 54 which involved techniques to cause brain concussions and aminesia by using sound waves. This research did not end it continues.

"It took the Nazi Rogue Regime 12 years (1933-1945) to perfect the deadly design of the Holocaust. In order to assure their success of genocide, the Nazis created a powerful system of propaganda to mold and manipulate people's beliefs. However, it was people's apathy, indifference, and in many cases approval that allowed the Nazi's plan of genocide to come to its full fruition."

Right now any victim of torture with bio-electro-weapon who dares to tell the truth about what is happening to them is in danger and vicious attacks are intensified. They are subject to the most vicious slander and discrediting. Right now there is tremendous fear of retaliationon the part of many human right agencies that could help those who are victims of torture with lethal pulsed-radiation weaponry. Computers remotely tampered with. lethal pulsed-radiation weaponry directed at electronic equipment damages circuits even if the electronic equipment is turned off that is one of the reasons the military perfers it. The worst damage of all is the damage to childern, women and men, and all life on this planet.

(Surveillance Torture Operations)

(Directed Energy Weapons National-International Torture)


Lynn Surgalla Former Vice President
United States Psychtronics Association

Nick Begich Earth Rising: The Revolution, Toward a Thousand Years of Peace

Harlan Girard Bio-electromagnetic Weapons
The Institute of Science in Society

Mojmir Babacek Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons: The Remote Manipulation of the Human Brain

Kemeka LaShaun Phillips: Triangles, Badges & Stars: Remembering the Mosaic of Victims of the Holocaust

Dr. Reinhard Munzert, Germany, Erlangen

Related sites:

Sign the Petition to expose and end this

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Electronic Harassment / Gang Stalking / Toll Free Number

03.05.2006 23:13




Gerry Duffett


Pager # 416-612-5689

Gerry Duffett
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soul catcher 2025 liberty justice

27.05.2007 18:28

soul catcher 2025 liberty justice derechos humanos
soul catcher 2025 liberty justice derechos humanos

OPINION PUBLISHES Sir I have the honor to direct me to his distinguished person by the following reason: I Fernando Arakaki Miranda born in the Republic of Brazil, for reasons that I do not know have been brought by my gentleman father is Bolivia where I have been nationalized Bolivian. I had the opportunity to travel to Japan so that I have Japanese ancestry, I was in Japan exactly from 1de June of 1992 to August 1998. In this time interval which I was living in Japan I was used like experiment with scientific aims with the technology outpost, through implants of cerebral microChips, this was made against my will, without my consent. This it implants has the capacity to gather, to keep, to transmit the thoughts, sensations, feelings during the life of a person, this means that I do not have freedom to think, to feel and inclusively they have placed a device to speak to me directly as if they were a negative conscience, controlling until my dreams, also do electromagnetic radiation to me, tortures cerebral. Also they can see through my eyes this implants is called soul to catcher 2025, the MICROCChips THE CAPTURADOR OF THE SOUL that is the technology cybort but outpost that this in experimental process that is which I have been a laboratory rabbit. Crimes against my person are trying to conceal this crime committing, organizing groups of people so that they harass to me, bothering day and night to me treating to silence and that this upsetting is unpunished. These cruel acts do not have excuses. They are without God, nor law. They use the lie deceiving people with calumnies in my against. Some of the crimes that I am being victim are: Threats, criminal association, blackmails, insults, psychological attempt of homicide, damages to the health, damages, discrimination, levelling, robbery, etc. These are some of the twenty-six crimes that are using to conceal this subjugation in the city of Santa Cruz of the Mountain range. That is which I have been and I am being used like rabbit of Indians, so that I am studied by universities of the country by the newness of this implants of the technology outpost, that much people ignore and do not know the magnitude of this upsetting to I generate human in this country. Sir as you can see deals with vejamen, lesa humanity, these classes of injustices are sanctioned by the Organization of United Nations (O.N.U), the Human rights throughout the world, the human being has the right to the life, the freedom, the right to look for his happiness, exists the code nuremberg. This does not mean that this against the science if that to the human being is due to respect in its physical integrity, mental it does not seem that they are forgetting God and its principles. This denunciation that I do publishes is also thinking about all victimas that has been used and later silenced cruelly and these upsettings have been unpunished. Sir I wait for you you include/understand my situation; I request its collaboration to him to arrive at justice with a previous international judgment, requesting compensation of damages with a right indemnification through the legal routes, for but information my I number of telephone is the 776-74690 my post-office box electronic is - - takes leave sincerely thanked for Fernando Arakaki Miranda... Note ALSO VIOLATE MY POST-office BOXES IS ANOTHER FORM TO MAKE ME DAMAGE IS FOR THAT REASON I NEED TO TRAVEL To ITS PAIS TO STUDY THIS IMPLANTS JAPONES and FOR THAT I NEED VISA and AID ECONOMICA FOR the PASSAGE AIRPLANE. In order to look for paginas in google --- MIND CONTROL FORUM --- INTRACEREBRAL IMPLANTS ELECTRONIC ACTIVISTS BRAIN IMPLANTS WORD SOUL CATCHER 2025 --- THE MICROCChips THE CAPTURADOR OF THE SOUL MY POST-office BOXES DO CRIME INFORMATICO VIOLATING, SABOTAGE. TO LOOK FOR IN GOOGLE: FERNANDO ARAKAKI MIRANDA

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"Targeted" U.S. Journalist Exposes Radiation Weapons Attacks

26.12.2008 05:11


By VIC LIVINGSTON columnist,; former business reporter, Fox TV Phila., NY Daily News, Phila. Bulletin, St. Petersburg Times

The reality of domestic torture delivered by ideologically-driven, cold-hearted agents of government and their vigilante citizen operatives is finally gaining public exposure by way of first-hand accounts -- including that of this correspondent, a mainstream journalist with a recognized body of work.

In a matter of weeks, operatives who have been involved in the purposeful "dosing" of American citizens with radiation emitted from widely deployed "directed energy weapons" and hand-held devices will begin to come forward, confirming reports of what's been euphemistically labeled as "electronic harassment" by victims of so-called "community stalking" or "gang stalking."

The "gang stalking" moniker trivializes what is an extensive, multi-level government campaign of extrajudicial targeting and punishment.

The "targets" are not limited to "terrorists" or drug traffickers. They include individuals who have been labeled by persons in positions of authority as "dissidents," "radicals," "whistle-blowers" or undesirables, perhaps due to their lifestyles, their ethnic heritage, or their religious or political beliefs. Many find themselves slandered and unjustly accused of wrongdoing (but, notably, not charged with any violation of the law). Journalists are among targeted classes; but many don't realize they are subject to pervasive surveillance, physical harassment and career sabotage until they are already ruined, professionally and personally.

These targeted persons -- and their families -- are subject to pervasive surveillance, with data about their whereabouts and personal daily routines funneled to "community stalkers" who are recruited under the cover of government-funded community policing, town watch, and business-related anti-terrorism programs. The operations of these civilian vigilantes are supervised by agents of government, ranging from local police personnel to federal intelligence and security agents under whose direction these programs have been institutionalized.

Under the guise of performing "surveillance," the "targets" are subject to electromagnetic radiation of various forms -- ranging from microwave energy, sound waves, even X-rays and gamma rays. The government publicly claims that these "directed energy weapons," or "D.E.W.", are still in the experimental stage, or that working equipment is large and bulky, such as the Army's recent demonstration of a microwave weapon tagged with an innocuous-sounding sobriquet, the "Active Denial System." The government describes these weapons as "non-lethal" -- when in fact, depending on the dosage of radiated energy delivered, they can stun, maim, induce illness, or kill.

These D.E.W. have are being widely deployed, as noted in an article in the April 2008 FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. The article discusses the potential adverse health effects of D.E.W. fire. The article also states that law enforcement personnel themselves may fall victim to these effects, should criminals or terrorists obtain D.E.W.

What the article does not state is that victims of "community stalking" have complained for several years that they are being tortured by painful D.E.W. radiation attacks, and that their health has been degraded by the cumulative effects of exposure to silent and potentially lethal beams of radiated energy.

These weapons share a characteristic that explains why few people outside of law enforcement are aware of their widespread deployment and usage: The energy the weapons emit is silent and invisible, making possible "the perfect crime" -- the covert application of potentially lethal force.

Victims of D.E.W. attack have tried to appeal to law enforcement for justice, but to no avail. Indeed, that's part of the "M.O." -- when victims complain, they are routinely written off as delusional or mentally ill. Some may even find themselves subject to attempts to commit them to psychiatric facilities, thus accomplishing the underlying goal of extrajudicial targeting and punishment -- the removal of "targeted individuals" (and by extension, their families) from mainstream society.

There is no rational or moral defense for this horrific domestic torture, which is happening right now in cities and towns across America. The "targets" typically pose no danger to society. They are victims of a political system that has institutionalized -- and has attempted to legalize -- extrajudicial punishment. The "war on terror" is the pretext that has been employed for a wholesale bypass of the judicial system, and of constitutionally protected rights.

This is the transformation of American democracy into a fascist police state -- an American Gestapo, a frontal assault on our constitutionally guaranteed civil rights and liberties.

When the pervasiveness of this officially sanctioned and funded domestic terrorism and torture is confirmed by "official sources" -- in recent times, the only sources that much of the mainstream media considers sufficiently credible -- any excuses for the excesses that heretofore have come to light will be exposed as evil sophistry.

That day is coming, and very soon. In the meantime, please read my articles at and help me secure the legal assistance of the ACLU and/or any other organization capable of bringing justice to the untold thousands of victims of extrajudicial targeting, punishment, and TORTURE in America 2008.



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