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Festival and talks to rally support for twinning Nottingham with Jenin in Palestine

Nottingham Palestine Solidarity Group | 14.03.2006 17:08 | Palestine | Repression | Social Struggles

The Nottingham Palestine Solidarity Campaign group have decided to show its solidarity with the people of Jenin by establishing friendship links between the two cities with the eventual aim of twinning. The first step is to send representatives from Nottingham to the UK Palestine Twinning Conference to make links with the University, with schools, with Trade Unions and with local people in Jenin.

There are 2 events leading up to these representatives going out to Jenin , both of which hope to Raise awareness of the issues and realities of Occupation in Palestine – especially in Jenin and to raise funds to make this Link between these cities Possible: There is a ‘Solidarity Festival’ 12noon - 11pm, on the 25th March of Music, films, poetry, art, workshops, food and fun being held hat the Sneinton Community Centre (Old School Hall) and there is a ‘Evening for Palestine’ 7pm, Thursday 30th March being held at the Kashmir Centre – live music – Palestine Dinner and Yvonne Ridley Speaking.

'Building bridges in Palestine' - party and exhibition - Middle East Party - Sunday 19th March, Wax Bar, Broad Street, Nottingham, 4-8pm. An exhibition of drawings, photographs and paintings from Palestine by Paul Gent + speakers. Live music from long Journey Home. Exhibition runs from 5th - 24th march 2006

Links: Download 'Evening for Palestine' flyer (PDF) | Building bridges in Palestine - party and exhibition | Palestine Eye Witness Reports and UK/Palestine Twinning | Palestine Solidarity Campaign | Wikipedia on Jenin | How to get to the Old School Hall

Image Flyer 'Evening for Palestine' PDF - application/pdf 190K

Festival poster Colour
Festival poster Colour

Festival poster B/W
Festival poster B/W

Please come along to one if not both of these events – and if you wish to know more about or get involved with this Twining initiative just send an email to ( this is the email for Nottingham Palestine Solidarity Canpaine Group).

In April 2002, the Israeli Defence Forces bulldozed flat a 40 000 square metre area in the centre of the Jenin refugee camp. “This is horrifying beyond belief … (and a) blot that will forever live on in the history of the state of Israel” was the comment of the UN Middle East Envoy Terje Roed-Larson (Independent, 25.4.02). The Amnesty International report of 4th November 2002 found that there had been unlawful killing, torture, wanton destruction and the use of human shields. The citizens of Jenin are still suffering severe privation under the Israeli occupation.

Nottingham Palestine Solidarity Group
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