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Questions that need answering

Tom (IM supporter) | 13.03.2006 18:59 | Indymedia

The recent online debates about Indymedia in the UK have been largely hidden from IM Newswire readers but now it's time to see some questions answered

Indymedia in the UK has gone through a massive transition in the past 18 months. Many of those who helped founded it and wrote the original code have been pushed to one side as a small group have realised the potential power of Indymedia in the UK and have seized control. Now is the time for questions to be answered, not with the usual cop out of,
"Take it to the lists" which is an excuse to avoid answering questions but with clear, consise statements backed up by facts. Key questions include:

Why is password access to the site now restricted to a small self elected group ?

Why was the copyright of the Indymedia brand in the UK sold to a US intellectual property company with connections to the the Carlye Group ?

Why has all reference to the recent £25,000 donation by the Barclay brothers been removed from the Indymedia website ?

When was a decision made to allow posts to be removed rather than just hidden and why is this policy being denied ?

Why are some moderators allowed to use multiple names ?

What is the involvement of former MI5 officer David Shayler with the site ?

Tom (IM supporter)