Eddy Morrison Begging for BNP members to leave BNP
Guatamano Bay | 12.03.2006 14:41 | Anti-racism | World
Here you will read this weeks Nationalist weekly email magazine from the well known drunkard Eddy Morrison. He claims BPP members do not slag people off. What does he know. Eddy check out VNN and your close pal Bum Watmough. Read on people!!!!!!
NATIONALIST WEEK No.88 13th March 2006
The Weekly Online e-zine of the British People’s Party
“In misfortune lies the seeds of future triumph”
The BPP is as I write this just short of six months old. During that time we have had a very hard struggle indeed to establish our credentials as a bona fide White Nationalist Party on the UK scene. Again as I write the nationalist scene is still dominated by the BNP with whom we have serious ideological, tactical and strategical differences. This is not a ‘BNP bashing’ article. We are – and we would have to be deaf, dumb and blind if we weren’t – aware of a constant hemorrhaging of members from the BNP for a variety of reasons. Our main worry and we have been discussing this at some length within the Movement – is that just as happened when the NF collapsed in 1979 shedding thousands of members, most of whom were lost to the struggle forever, the same could be true of ex-BNP members.
The BPP has yet to truly establish its credentials and the only way we can do this is by proving we will be there and are going to be around for a long time to come.
We know many ex-BNP’ers are wanting to join us but are hanging back in case we are just a ‘fly-by-night’ Movement, here today and gone tomorrow.
Believe me; nothing could be further from the truth. The BPP is attracting new members at a steady rate but at its core is a hardline group of White Nationalists including myself for whom the BPP is the final throw of the dice.
The British People’s Party is not a one man and a dog organisation but has within it’s albeit small ranks compared to the BNP many, many veterans who will carry on the fight no matter what the circumstances. The fact that we exist at all proves our resilience. In the last few months we have been hit from all sides by attempts to destroy us – from Searchlight, the media, the reds with physical and written attacks and sadly from fellow White Nationalists who have tried to rubbish our efforts. As I wrote in last week’s issue, we will NOT respond to such provocations. We are the first White Nationalist organisation to do this and when you come into the BPP we ask you to leave all your past personal baggage and grudges behind you. You enter a new and cleaner world of a Movement dedicated to the struggle for power against ZOG and not one mired in the rubbish of Nationalist destructive infighting.
So a final appeal. We are not saying to BNP members leave the BNP no matter how fed up you may be. BUT if you do – please do not give up the struggle. The British People’s Party is here for YOU. We are a safety net designed amongst other things to offer a viable alternative for British Nationalists.
Our credibility is there but we can only prove it to you as you watch us weather every problem and still stay in existence. However, it is NOW that we need you. Success breeds success and you can show that the BPP IS the coming Movement of the future by giving your personal support TODAY to the only Movement with a credible chance to establish a real White Nationalist mass movement in Great Britain.
There are other good comrades out there in other groups but in the end we ask you all to come to us. For in the end there will only be us!
Eddy Morrison
National Leader, BPP
BPP MAKES NEWS IN WALES AND ULSTER – next week we will be giving full reports on news features about the growth of the BPP in Wales where recent activity has generated press interest. Also the Irish Daily Star (circulation 186,000) is carrying a feature this week on the growth of the BPP in Ulster.
SUNDAY 26th March – important activity in West Yorkshire. Members will be informed privately regarding this great activity. DO NOT ring us for details. We are giving out no RV points nor info but a full report will appear after the event has been staged. We will NOT give out any details other than by our internal party communications network regarding this exciting activity. Please do not ring us regarding it.
Novopress, a respected News Agency, has reproduced an article written and published on this site by Imperium editor Rob McNeill.
MILOSEVIC DEATH –Rob McNeill comments….
A sad loss, though, much as he wanted it, Milosevic WAS, as a man of great ill health, spared by premature death from the pressure and the attempted humiliations of a Show Trial before a Witch Trial panel which he himself described as a 'forced Tribunal'. The NOW are robbed of their ‘pound of flesh’.
Meantime, Milosevic died in that Dutch prison of natural causes, whether induced (by stress and agitation) or otherwise being a point worth considering, and his trial's Croatian Serb chief witness died in it last week as the result of 'suicide'. It's all bit like the final days of the Baader Meinhof prisoners....
Ironically, earlier today, in Leeds city centre, a group of us from Leeds BPP were discussing our Slavic comrades and how we in the BPP are drawing growing support from and gaining recruits in White Nationalists movements in Eastern and Central Europe. We have also had membership enquiries from expatriate Slavs in the UK and elsewhere.
I mentioned how, as Imperium Magazine editor, I was working on an article about a Serbian group this year marking its 5th anniversary I have also been looking at Russian White Nationalists and that one Russian movement, with sister organisations in Germany, Belarussia and the Baltic States had, without prior contact, recently e-mailed me. The BPP has in turn received an unsolicited message of solidarity, including a recent edition of Nationalist Week, from a Moscow - based group.
Prior to reading of Milosevic's death, I was trawling the Net looking for useful material about the wider Serbian White Nationalist movement and, also, about the wider political status quo in Serbia....showing that we are not just some small-minded, parochial, British Party with no consciousness regarding the international Big Picture.
We fully understand the White Nationalist struggle is on a worldwide scale.
Milosevic's body had barely turned cold when, we note, Britain's Lord Owen broke cover to tell ITV News that the Serbian authorities must now act swiftly to arrest and deport to The Hague General Mladic and his fellow wanted former commander Radovan Karadic. The Serbs, said Owen, must be especially forceful in arresting and deporting Mladic. His trial must focus primarily upon the massacres at Srebrenica but the trial must, most of all, 'be quick'.
Why 'quick'? In case Mladic also dies of 'natural causes' or 'suicide'? To ensure that the NWO and the international media get the Show Trial whose screaming global headlines will overshadow the public's memories of those horrendous first 3 months of NATO bombing raids against Belgrade and its besieged population? To ensure that Mladic's Defence Team are denied sufficient time in which to present what would surely be: 1/ an extensive case against his accuser's charges and, also, 2/ a strong cast of Defence witnesses?
As Western governments continue to pressure Belgrade to hand over the above men in exchange for formal membership of the European trade and political cartel, these arrests and trials seem ever more likely.
What protests, one wonders, though it's pointless to ask this of the gullible and blinded public, will the Left - Liberal do-gooders make when NATO and ZOG fly two more sacrificial victims off to The Hague for legally farcical trials whose outcomes we already know? The answer is, of course, no protests at all.
As with the trial outcomes, we know why this reality is predictable, we can but endure until we have the power to make it otherwise.
The NSM held a march and rally in Orlando, Florida. Associated Press reports 30 marchers. About half were in uniform and the rest in civilian clothes (mostly skinheads). 17 anarchists/Reds/SHARPS arrested for fighting with the police. (Reports indicate that the police pounded them pretty good.)
This event received substantial national television coverage, and some print as well.
The American Renaissance conference went off as planned in Herndon, Virginia. The Washington Post ran a good article on it: apparently they had a reporter present. Between 250 and 300 people attended. Dave Duke was in attendance but did not speak. The Post article had a flattering photo of Jared Taylor and Nick Griffin (doing his Winston Churchill impersonation).Minor "anti-racist" demonstration outside (12 or less) but no attempt to disrupt the proceedings.
In addition to the Post article mentioned above, there were radio reports on the event on Saturday.
Additionally, Prussian Blue (the White Power singing combo) continues to receive a lot of media attention. The latest issue of GQ hit the newsstands this week and has a five or six page article on them. Some nice colour photos on the front cover. Two brave young girls singing about their race and heritage.
Supported by the North West BPP
Sunday April 23rd. 1pm. Blackburn,
Film show, Music, Quiz, Raffle, Auction, Merchandise Stalls, Buffet and BBQ (if the weathers ok!)
Be there and bring your friends and family - what a great way to celebrate England’s national day.
Call 07833 677484 - for full details and directions to the venue.
Very shortly we will have a new page on our website www.bppuk.org carrying a great selection of flags for patriots. These range from British Regional flags such as Cornwall to rip-roaring Confederate rebel ones. All flags are only £10 including postage and packing and are all size five foot by 3 foot. Check out the site soon!
Then YOU should be a member of the British People’s Party. Download an application form from www.bppuk.org today and send in with the annual subscription of just £5.00 or drop us a line at BPP, BM Box 5581, London WC1N 3XX – and do it NOW!
IMPERIUM NO.8 Winter edition now available. Sample copy only £2.00 including postage.
VANGUARD NO.6 March 2006 – issue now available – Stacks of articles/pics/cartoons and more…..£2.00 for a sample issue. £24.00 for 12 issues postage included.
Back issues of Vanguard are available Nos 1-3 at £2.00 per issue including postage.
How to reach us by e-mail…
All e-mail for the attention of the British People’s Party should be sent to
All e-mail for Nationalist Week
Editor: Eddy Morrison
Visit our website www.bppuk.org
Imperium Press produces Nationalist Week freely as an online news e-zine. To subscribe just send an e-mail to
If you received this bulletin unsolicited then just send an e-mail with “Unsubscribe” to the above e-mail address. If the bulletin was passed on to you from another source and
you did not want it – then contact whoever forwarded it to you.
Nationalist Week is Copyright Imperium Press 2006
It may be freely distributed as long as no part is altered, changed or deleted in any way.
The Weekly Online e-zine of the British People’s Party
“In misfortune lies the seeds of future triumph”
The BPP is as I write this just short of six months old. During that time we have had a very hard struggle indeed to establish our credentials as a bona fide White Nationalist Party on the UK scene. Again as I write the nationalist scene is still dominated by the BNP with whom we have serious ideological, tactical and strategical differences. This is not a ‘BNP bashing’ article. We are – and we would have to be deaf, dumb and blind if we weren’t – aware of a constant hemorrhaging of members from the BNP for a variety of reasons. Our main worry and we have been discussing this at some length within the Movement – is that just as happened when the NF collapsed in 1979 shedding thousands of members, most of whom were lost to the struggle forever, the same could be true of ex-BNP members.
The BPP has yet to truly establish its credentials and the only way we can do this is by proving we will be there and are going to be around for a long time to come.
We know many ex-BNP’ers are wanting to join us but are hanging back in case we are just a ‘fly-by-night’ Movement, here today and gone tomorrow.
Believe me; nothing could be further from the truth. The BPP is attracting new members at a steady rate but at its core is a hardline group of White Nationalists including myself for whom the BPP is the final throw of the dice.
The British People’s Party is not a one man and a dog organisation but has within it’s albeit small ranks compared to the BNP many, many veterans who will carry on the fight no matter what the circumstances. The fact that we exist at all proves our resilience. In the last few months we have been hit from all sides by attempts to destroy us – from Searchlight, the media, the reds with physical and written attacks and sadly from fellow White Nationalists who have tried to rubbish our efforts. As I wrote in last week’s issue, we will NOT respond to such provocations. We are the first White Nationalist organisation to do this and when you come into the BPP we ask you to leave all your past personal baggage and grudges behind you. You enter a new and cleaner world of a Movement dedicated to the struggle for power against ZOG and not one mired in the rubbish of Nationalist destructive infighting.
So a final appeal. We are not saying to BNP members leave the BNP no matter how fed up you may be. BUT if you do – please do not give up the struggle. The British People’s Party is here for YOU. We are a safety net designed amongst other things to offer a viable alternative for British Nationalists.
Our credibility is there but we can only prove it to you as you watch us weather every problem and still stay in existence. However, it is NOW that we need you. Success breeds success and you can show that the BPP IS the coming Movement of the future by giving your personal support TODAY to the only Movement with a credible chance to establish a real White Nationalist mass movement in Great Britain.
There are other good comrades out there in other groups but in the end we ask you all to come to us. For in the end there will only be us!
Eddy Morrison
National Leader, BPP
BPP MAKES NEWS IN WALES AND ULSTER – next week we will be giving full reports on news features about the growth of the BPP in Wales where recent activity has generated press interest. Also the Irish Daily Star (circulation 186,000) is carrying a feature this week on the growth of the BPP in Ulster.
SUNDAY 26th March – important activity in West Yorkshire. Members will be informed privately regarding this great activity. DO NOT ring us for details. We are giving out no RV points nor info but a full report will appear after the event has been staged. We will NOT give out any details other than by our internal party communications network regarding this exciting activity. Please do not ring us regarding it.
Novopress, a respected News Agency, has reproduced an article written and published on this site by Imperium editor Rob McNeill.

MILOSEVIC DEATH –Rob McNeill comments….
A sad loss, though, much as he wanted it, Milosevic WAS, as a man of great ill health, spared by premature death from the pressure and the attempted humiliations of a Show Trial before a Witch Trial panel which he himself described as a 'forced Tribunal'. The NOW are robbed of their ‘pound of flesh’.
Meantime, Milosevic died in that Dutch prison of natural causes, whether induced (by stress and agitation) or otherwise being a point worth considering, and his trial's Croatian Serb chief witness died in it last week as the result of 'suicide'. It's all bit like the final days of the Baader Meinhof prisoners....
Ironically, earlier today, in Leeds city centre, a group of us from Leeds BPP were discussing our Slavic comrades and how we in the BPP are drawing growing support from and gaining recruits in White Nationalists movements in Eastern and Central Europe. We have also had membership enquiries from expatriate Slavs in the UK and elsewhere.
I mentioned how, as Imperium Magazine editor, I was working on an article about a Serbian group this year marking its 5th anniversary I have also been looking at Russian White Nationalists and that one Russian movement, with sister organisations in Germany, Belarussia and the Baltic States had, without prior contact, recently e-mailed me. The BPP has in turn received an unsolicited message of solidarity, including a recent edition of Nationalist Week, from a Moscow - based group.
Prior to reading of Milosevic's death, I was trawling the Net looking for useful material about the wider Serbian White Nationalist movement and, also, about the wider political status quo in Serbia....showing that we are not just some small-minded, parochial, British Party with no consciousness regarding the international Big Picture.
We fully understand the White Nationalist struggle is on a worldwide scale.
Milosevic's body had barely turned cold when, we note, Britain's Lord Owen broke cover to tell ITV News that the Serbian authorities must now act swiftly to arrest and deport to The Hague General Mladic and his fellow wanted former commander Radovan Karadic. The Serbs, said Owen, must be especially forceful in arresting and deporting Mladic. His trial must focus primarily upon the massacres at Srebrenica but the trial must, most of all, 'be quick'.
Why 'quick'? In case Mladic also dies of 'natural causes' or 'suicide'? To ensure that the NWO and the international media get the Show Trial whose screaming global headlines will overshadow the public's memories of those horrendous first 3 months of NATO bombing raids against Belgrade and its besieged population? To ensure that Mladic's Defence Team are denied sufficient time in which to present what would surely be: 1/ an extensive case against his accuser's charges and, also, 2/ a strong cast of Defence witnesses?
As Western governments continue to pressure Belgrade to hand over the above men in exchange for formal membership of the European trade and political cartel, these arrests and trials seem ever more likely.
What protests, one wonders, though it's pointless to ask this of the gullible and blinded public, will the Left - Liberal do-gooders make when NATO and ZOG fly two more sacrificial victims off to The Hague for legally farcical trials whose outcomes we already know? The answer is, of course, no protests at all.
As with the trial outcomes, we know why this reality is predictable, we can but endure until we have the power to make it otherwise.
The NSM held a march and rally in Orlando, Florida. Associated Press reports 30 marchers. About half were in uniform and the rest in civilian clothes (mostly skinheads). 17 anarchists/Reds/SHARPS arrested for fighting with the police. (Reports indicate that the police pounded them pretty good.)
This event received substantial national television coverage, and some print as well.
The American Renaissance conference went off as planned in Herndon, Virginia. The Washington Post ran a good article on it: apparently they had a reporter present. Between 250 and 300 people attended. Dave Duke was in attendance but did not speak. The Post article had a flattering photo of Jared Taylor and Nick Griffin (doing his Winston Churchill impersonation).Minor "anti-racist" demonstration outside (12 or less) but no attempt to disrupt the proceedings.
In addition to the Post article mentioned above, there were radio reports on the event on Saturday.
Additionally, Prussian Blue (the White Power singing combo) continues to receive a lot of media attention. The latest issue of GQ hit the newsstands this week and has a five or six page article on them. Some nice colour photos on the front cover. Two brave young girls singing about their race and heritage.
Supported by the North West BPP
Sunday April 23rd. 1pm. Blackburn,
Film show, Music, Quiz, Raffle, Auction, Merchandise Stalls, Buffet and BBQ (if the weathers ok!)
Be there and bring your friends and family - what a great way to celebrate England’s national day.
Call 07833 677484 - for full details and directions to the venue.
Very shortly we will have a new page on our website www.bppuk.org carrying a great selection of flags for patriots. These range from British Regional flags such as Cornwall to rip-roaring Confederate rebel ones. All flags are only £10 including postage and packing and are all size five foot by 3 foot. Check out the site soon!
Then YOU should be a member of the British People’s Party. Download an application form from www.bppuk.org today and send in with the annual subscription of just £5.00 or drop us a line at BPP, BM Box 5581, London WC1N 3XX – and do it NOW!
IMPERIUM NO.8 Winter edition now available. Sample copy only £2.00 including postage.
VANGUARD NO.6 March 2006 – issue now available – Stacks of articles/pics/cartoons and more…..£2.00 for a sample issue. £24.00 for 12 issues postage included.
Back issues of Vanguard are available Nos 1-3 at £2.00 per issue including postage.
How to reach us by e-mail…
All e-mail for the attention of the British People’s Party should be sent to

All e-mail for Nationalist Week

Editor: Eddy Morrison
Visit our website www.bppuk.org
Imperium Press produces Nationalist Week freely as an online news e-zine. To subscribe just send an e-mail to

If you received this bulletin unsolicited then just send an e-mail with “Unsubscribe” to the above e-mail address. If the bulletin was passed on to you from another source and
you did not want it – then contact whoever forwarded it to you.
Nationalist Week is Copyright Imperium Press 2006
It may be freely distributed as long as no part is altered, changed or deleted in any way.
Guatamano Bay