Autonomous Spaces at Athens ESF 2006 -open public ephemeral zone
Renegado | 12.03.2006 00:53 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
We would like to let you know that this congregation will give us the
opportunity to create an antiauthoritarian autonomous zone and express our ideas in a friendly environment. It is also provided the ability to each
collective to organize and decorate its own space, prepare and present its
own lectures or documentary shows and participate to the general
assemblies and forums.
We announce below the thematic issues of the assemblies and the forums and we wait from you the expansion and the enrichment of this catalogue with your own propositions:
*City movements and Ecology
*International Movements and New Technologies
*Social Centers , Squatting
*Direct Action
*Sexism and Homophobia
*Libertarian , Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Ontology
*Contemporary Every Day Life and Future Social and Cultural Movements
*General Assembly :
Autonomous – Anticapitalistic Space and Antiglobalization Movement
The whole procedure according to the preparations until now will take
place on five phases (more ideas can be organized and much more actions
can take place through the expression of initiative) :
a) Autonomous Spaces / An Open Public Ephemeral Zone / Athens 4-7 May 2006
Four days of open public dialogue, networking of information, lectures,
info-centres , books or pamphlets exhibition, live internet shows, film
shows and documentary video projections and open celebrative public
b) Action of Solidarity and Social awareness outside of Immigrant’s
Concentration Camp
c) Actions of Social awareness at the City Market and other Working spaces
d) Meetings, talking circles and workshops at the social centers of Athens
e) Total Freedom Street Parade / organized by Void Network
An open invitation from Void Network to all the anarcho-ravers, the
technival sound-systems, the psychedelic trancers, the space travelers to built a global celebration of social awareness in the streets of Athens
that will send in all over world the message of the fight for Total Freedom
We believe that it would be very helpful any collective which would like
to take part in this festival to prepare for traveling, to prepare their
lectures, and to help with the publicity networking.
According to the economical difficulties of some collectives we can
understand that some of them they can not organize the traveling in
Athens, so we offer to them the opportunity to participate and express
their ideas through books or pamphlets exhibition that they can send to
the Creative Crew of the situation, or to appear in the situation through
live internet shows, film shows and documentary video projections
The assembly has agreed on these five points.
1) A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all
trade agreements, institutions and goverments that promote destructive
2) We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination
including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamedalism of all creeds.
We embrace the full dignity of all human beings.
3)A confrontational attitude since we do not think that lobbying can have
a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in which
transnational capital is the only real policy maker.
4)A call to direct action and disobedience, support for social movements'
struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximise respect for life
and oppressed peoples' rights, as well as the construction of local
alternatives to global capitalism
5) An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy
We look forward for any reply from you as soon as possible.
Thank you,
People from the open assembly for the creation of “Autonomous Spaces”
ephemeral Zone

contact for street parade :
28.03.2006 23:52
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