Mitchell Szczepanczyk, End of the Blogosphere
small WORLD Podcast | 10.03.2006 11:10 | Technology | World
Interview with Mitchell Szczepanczyk, author of the article The End of the Blogosphere? about the impending power grab of the internet by telcommunication companies.
Interview with Mitchell Szczepanczyk, author of the article The End of the Blogosphere? We discuss the power grab being attempted by the major cable and telecommunications companies of the internet; AT &T, Verizon, Comcast and Bell South; the Telecommunications Act of 2006; the Brand X case; the FCC; net neutrality; articles about this struggle in The New York Times, USA Today, News Week; Senator Ron Wyden’s (D - Oregon) bill to preserve net neutrality; Google; Center for Digital Democracy; the infranet; Amazon; Yahoo; P2P; will this new legislation kill innovation on the internet?; a multi-tiered system for the web; the fairness of charging for goods and services deliverd over the net; the U.S. falling behind in broadband penetration; Net Freedom Now; Common Cause; the government and lobbyists trying to force HDTV on consumers; the Libertarian argument.
Vera Beren calls in with an entry for her audio travel journal from L.A. about chilly weather in Malibu, pelicans and seeing Exene Cervenka and The Original Sinners.
Featured mashup is “Under Pressure All The Time” by The Silence Xperiment.
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small WORLD podcast
Vera Beren calls in with an entry for her audio travel journal from L.A. about chilly weather in Malibu, pelicans and seeing Exene Cervenka and The Original Sinners.
Featured mashup is “Under Pressure All The Time” by The Silence Xperiment.
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