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Do you want to be consulted about what happens with Birley Fields (Hulme)?

Peter Moderator | 09.03.2006 12:40 | Ecology

Residents of Hulme have not been consulted about what happens to the last significant piece of undeveloped (Birley Fields). They are hopping, mad about this and are unimpressed by Manchester City Council's plans, which basically say "more of the same". A “same”, which has not worked so far

The big patch of ‘waste ground’ between Stretford Road and Asda (Birley Fields) is about to be obliterated, along with the other remaining open spaces on either side of Hulme Arch.
Manchester City Council wants to turn all this land into a mixture of offices, housing and other commercial buildings, with just one potential ‘open space’ to cover a tiny fraction of the land.

To read more

To read and sign the petition and add your comments go to

Many thanks for your help with this issues.
Please email to anyone who may be interested

Peter Moderator
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how we dealt with 'em back in t'day

09.03.2006 16:23

For how people dealt with them back in day, when I were a lad etc blather:

Hulme's had a history of alternative communities n all that goes with that; late 90s/early 00s there was lots of community campaigns going including direct action ones. More recently there's less of that, but there is the Hulme Green Spaces campaign, and after years of removing pavement barriers (at a grand a pop to replace) and the odd drunken DIY zebra (crossing), the council have finally started putting in a proper pedestrian crossing across a busy dangerous junction.
