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Happy Birthday to Tram!

Jonathan Mason | 09.03.2006 08:05 | Ecology | Health

Our baby NET is 2 years old today. Nearly 10million jounrneys were made on NET in the last year alone!!!!!

Trams not Bombs
Trams not Bombs

Come on Darling give us our tram lines
Nottingham Wants Trams not Bombs
We need better public transport not more incinerators
Surveys show that Nottingham People love their new tram so come on New Labour do us all a favour & put the funds where we want it

A tram extension to Clifton & Beeston will save millions in future roadworks,clean the trent valleys air which has some of the worst air qaulity in Europe & boost local jobs & the economy with the trams being built in Derby rather than polluting cars mainly from overseas.
Line one has been a massive success, with trams packed & adding a sense of confidence & safety to cities.

The new tram would have the backing of most nottingham electors as well as young people & keep us environmental
terrorists at bay.
Come on, its the only really good thing new labour has actually done for Nottingham, dont let us down, give us the rest of our tram.
£300 million isnt much for a system that can last for hundreds of years
More roadbuilding will cost billions & you are gauranteed to get far more local opposition from all sectors of society

Jonathan Mason


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Really its no better than the buses.

18.03.2006 13:33

Quite why we don't just have more buses instead is beyond me. The tram uses up sections of road which cars are not allowed to use meaning further traffic in other areas. Implementing better bus routes and more bus lanes would have been far less expensive and just as effective.

It probably reduces emission by a tiny fraction but is it really that beneficial.

PR exercise if you ask me.

big s