February Protests - Calls for Impeachment Rising
D. Burbeck | 08.03.2006 23:16
State Senator Alan Bates of Oregon and the San Francisco
Rules Committee are recommending impeachment of the Bush
Rules Committee are recommending impeachment of the Bush
[I neglected to provide the link to these stories yesterday.
I shouldn't attempt this with a viral infection. Sorry]
In Pakistan, thousands demonstrated against
the bombing attack by the US Military. Protests
were also seen in Morocco, the Dominican Republic
and in India where Pres. Bush was scheduled to
meet with officials.
In England there were vigils held in all the major
cities commemorating Britian's 100th soldier's
death in Iraq.
Shortly after the findings were released, activist
Heather Hurwitz confronted Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld with the Commission's verdict."
In Washington, DC "on the evening of Feb 4,
protestors continued the offensive of home protests.
With torture and exploitation as the common theme,
we first visited the home of a GSK exec (a SHAC
action), then moved on to the home of Paul Wolfowiz's
girlfriend, where he is rumored to sleep."
In New Orleans, "anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan staged
a protest at one of the city's shuttered housing projects
Tuesday, a day after 12,000 families left homeless by
last year's hurricanes were forced to leave their federally
funded hotel rooms."
Sheehan also spoke at a rally in Chicago. "The rally
ended with a short walk to Congressman Rahm
Emmanual's office a block away. Shoes representing
both the civilian as well as military dead were left on
his doorstep as a sad reminder of his failure to live
up to antiwar election promises. The temperature
was 30 degrees below freezing with the windchill."
Sheehan was also in Houston. "As mothers, fathers
and American citizens, we want to join Cindy Sheehan
in asking Barbara Bush "Why did our sons die for
your son's lies?""
"State Sen. Bates calls for Bush Impeachment!
At a large town hall meeting when asked about
domestic spying Oregon State Senator Alan Bates
stated: "I believe the President should be impeached
over this" and he went on to say, "No President has
unbridled power.""
"San Francisco, 2/16 - SF Rules Committee Recommends
Impeachment of Bush and Cheney."
LA - "A large group gathered at Hollywood and Vine Metro
Station from different parts of L.A. to join the Peace
and Love No War Bike Ride -- a happy fun lovin' event
that weaved it's way around L.A.'s main streets, tree
lined neighborhoods, cut through heavy traffic, waved
peace signs in the air, and shouted no war and ride
a bike slogans. Almost everyone on the ride had a
smile beaming across their face."
Also in LA, "Antiwar Art Exhibit: "The New Normalcy."
THE NEW NORMALCY features paintings, prints,
and drawings that focus on the post 9-11 reality of
endless war, terror, and repression."
"Oaklander stages 5-day, 24-hour protest against war in park
An Oregon town by a 7 - 2 vote the Corvallis City Council
became the first city in Oregon to adopt a resolution calling
for the planned withdrawl of troops from Iraq."
"On Feb 22, MoveOn.org, a national political action
committee, organized its members in nearly 300 US
cities coast to coast to protest what they say is illegal
wiretapping by the NSA, and to call for an immediate,
independent investigation of the spy program."
Anti-recruitment demonstrations were held in Boston,
and NYC
Bush, Rumsfeld, and Powell were met with protesters
in cities where they gave speeches.
And in the strangest demonstration last month "Tucson
Raging Grannies Give Valentine to Senator McCain"
For these and more reports see Protest News:
I shouldn't attempt this with a viral infection. Sorry]
In Pakistan, thousands demonstrated against
the bombing attack by the US Military. Protests
were also seen in Morocco, the Dominican Republic
and in India where Pres. Bush was scheduled to
meet with officials.
In England there were vigils held in all the major
cities commemorating Britian's 100th soldier's
death in Iraq.
Shortly after the findings were released, activist
Heather Hurwitz confronted Defense Secretary
Donald Rumsfeld with the Commission's verdict."
In Washington, DC "on the evening of Feb 4,
protestors continued the offensive of home protests.
With torture and exploitation as the common theme,
we first visited the home of a GSK exec (a SHAC
action), then moved on to the home of Paul Wolfowiz's
girlfriend, where he is rumored to sleep."
In New Orleans, "anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan staged
a protest at one of the city's shuttered housing projects
Tuesday, a day after 12,000 families left homeless by
last year's hurricanes were forced to leave their federally
funded hotel rooms."
Sheehan also spoke at a rally in Chicago. "The rally
ended with a short walk to Congressman Rahm
Emmanual's office a block away. Shoes representing
both the civilian as well as military dead were left on
his doorstep as a sad reminder of his failure to live
up to antiwar election promises. The temperature
was 30 degrees below freezing with the windchill."
Sheehan was also in Houston. "As mothers, fathers
and American citizens, we want to join Cindy Sheehan
in asking Barbara Bush "Why did our sons die for
your son's lies?""
"State Sen. Bates calls for Bush Impeachment!
At a large town hall meeting when asked about
domestic spying Oregon State Senator Alan Bates
stated: "I believe the President should be impeached
over this" and he went on to say, "No President has
unbridled power.""
"San Francisco, 2/16 - SF Rules Committee Recommends
Impeachment of Bush and Cheney."
LA - "A large group gathered at Hollywood and Vine Metro
Station from different parts of L.A. to join the Peace
and Love No War Bike Ride -- a happy fun lovin' event
that weaved it's way around L.A.'s main streets, tree
lined neighborhoods, cut through heavy traffic, waved
peace signs in the air, and shouted no war and ride
a bike slogans. Almost everyone on the ride had a
smile beaming across their face."
Also in LA, "Antiwar Art Exhibit: "The New Normalcy."
THE NEW NORMALCY features paintings, prints,
and drawings that focus on the post 9-11 reality of
endless war, terror, and repression."
"Oaklander stages 5-day, 24-hour protest against war in park
An Oregon town by a 7 - 2 vote the Corvallis City Council
became the first city in Oregon to adopt a resolution calling
for the planned withdrawl of troops from Iraq."
"On Feb 22, MoveOn.org, a national political action
committee, organized its members in nearly 300 US
cities coast to coast to protest what they say is illegal
wiretapping by the NSA, and to call for an immediate,
independent investigation of the spy program."
Anti-recruitment demonstrations were held in Boston,
and NYC
Bush, Rumsfeld, and Powell were met with protesters
in cities where they gave speeches.
And in the strangest demonstration last month "Tucson
Raging Grannies Give Valentine to Senator McCain"
For these and more reports see Protest News:

D. Burbeck