SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon t
Tony Ryals | 06.03.2006 02:34 | Analysis | Globalisation | Technology | World
According to a quote from Mr.Cox of a few days ago this would appear to be the case. The truth is more likely his and SEC attorneys' wish to gag both professional business journalists including at the WSJ as well as defrauded investors such as myself who wish to blow the whistle on SEC corruption and fraud.
According to a quote from Mr.Cox of a few days ago this would appear to be the case. The truth is more likely his and SEC attorneys' wish to gag both professional business journalists including at the WSJ as well as defrauded investors such as myself who wish to blow the whistle on SEC corruption and fraud.
SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice ?
,"There are people masquerading as journalists who really aren't. That's a concern," he said.
Securities Exchange Commissioner Christopher Cox
Jeff Gannon or James Dale Guckert was the White House 'plant' in the White House press corp. whose job was to ask silly and flattering questions to White House press secretary McClellan while legit reporters questions went ignored. Jeff Gannon or James Dale Guckert had access to White House staff that might have made Monica Lewinski blush under the pseudonym 'Jeff Gannon' until a little snooping right on the internet revealed his own homosexual porno websites that even solicited male military prostitution. Then he quietly disappeared from the White House and press corps. with no questions asked and no government investigation whatsoever of his 'masquerading' , both as a 'journalist' and a heterosexual no doubt.
Online Nude Photos Are Latest Chapter In Jeff Gannon Saga
"Jeff Gannon" EXPOSED!
The truth is more likely Mr. Cox's fear of professional business journalists the SEC wishes it could gag or scare away from deeper investigative reporting than they have been doing so far as well as an attempt to scare defrauded investors such as myself who work to expose the SEC's aiding of internet stock and securities fraud and their protection of fraudulent internet websites that appear to be Beltway and in some cases perhaps even mafia or CIA connected such as and and .Their for instance has threatened and libeled the very WSJ reporters the SEC San Francisco attorneys subpeonaed before embarrassingly withdrawaing the subpeonas due to both journalistic and public outrage.
This link to Gary Weiss' blog,( former 'Business Week ' investigative reporter and author the book,'The Mafia on Wall Street'),who has taken an interest in this 'naked short' or supposed 'anti-naked short' selling penny stock pump and dump scheme will provide additional background and added links.:
Agora Inc. of Baltimore with its world net cyber scam ops and various world wide penny stock scam connections and its many official and unofficial websites is a product of Bill Bonner and James Dale Davidson,(who was behind the Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign), such as and Bonner's
They fraudulently claim hundreds of percentage point profits while promoting mainly illegal pump and dump scams and offshore scams that defraud American and other investors that the SEC has known about for years and done nothing about.Ex-CIA Chief 'WMDS' George Tenet attended an Agora Inc. investment' symposium in New Orleans in 2004 and the Agora Inc. stock promotion machine touted at least one of the CIA's and In-Q-Tel's scammy pump ansd dump stocks called Ionatron.The fact that James Dale Davidson is far right founder of Steve Forbes,Grover Norquist connected National Taxpayers Union located in Alexandria,Virginia to be close to Washington,D.C. SEC office couldn't have anything to do with could it ? No,of course not.
The CIA and mafia claims I make may seem far out until you do your own 'due diligence' and perhaps a google search,'sra international in-q-tel' and then a google search 'sra international sec'.As I have already
written extensively about this on the indymedias I will post links but not go into this in depth again at the moment.Whoever these individuals are the SEC deems to protect - their stock fraud crimes and threats are organised.
And there are many more scammy penny stock websites including Yahoo and ragingbull that might be considered hubs for those sites that are used to lure investors into their fraud .This has grown out of all proportion under the SEC's John Reed Stark .In my opinion it is long past time for him to resign as Chief of the Office of Internet Enforcement (OIE) in the Division of Enforcement of the US Securities and Exchange Commission rather than knowingly and incompetently allowing this internet securities fraud to blossom any further. I really don't care if John Reed Stark is incompetent or in collusion like ex SEC attorney Brent Baker who now works for NCANS and's Patrick Byrne after letting James Dale Davidson and Porter Stansberry of Agora Inc. walk without even charging them for their Endovasc, Genemax 'NAANSS' anti-naked short scam.The result is the same.
The SEC appears to want to protect the internet 'anti-naked short' fraud that is used to divert attention from illegal pump and dump of penny stocks and probable money laundering with shares that Mr.Cox and his SEC refuse to audit even though they are aiding money laundering and fraud against Americans in the UAE and Dubai among other places ! Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai is one excellent example of the fraud with U.S.penny stocks offshore that the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission aids and abets and doesn't even require them to file SEC documentation of stocks they probably use for money laundering including in the UAE !
Below is from John Reed Stark's own self agrandizing
website of how he and the Securities Exchange Commission brought a college Georgetown University student,( where he teaches between his SEC duties), to justice.Mr.Stark is quick to point out that the scamster was certainly not one of his students and never took his Georgetown University class.
But where is Mr.John Reed Stark when his own Georgetown colleague.James J Angel of Georgetown's McDonough School of Business and previously of the University of California 's Haas School of Business,( that the present SEC Chairman Cox has also been connected to),promotes the 'naked short selling fraud' of a group of unidentified penny stock securities criminals whose only known address is a striptease joint in Las Vegas ?
James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia
Mr.John Reed Stark is silent and although the NCANS stock fraud is very serious internet fraud on a scale to make the Georgetown student Douglas Colt appear like the complete amateur he was Mr.John Reed Stark is silent and no charges or investigation of James Anjel has been undertaken.Nor the has the anonymous death threatening leader of this fraud for whom James J Angel made the FRAUDULENT internet commercial,with only the striptease Cheetah Club of Las Vegas as an address, been investigated or identified.
I have personally asked JAMES ANGEL TO PROVIDE ONE EXAMPLE OF ONE COMPANY DRIVEN OUT OF BUSINESS BY 'NAKED SHORT SELLING'.He can't and thus lied committing both securities and academic fraud that would never be tolerated from a student.Georgetown University and the SEC and John Reed Stark appear to have no shame.
Below is from John Reed Stark's website and this case was from 2000 and since he has let internet securities frauds proliferate,uncommented upon and ignored !:
One of the most recent cases we brought in this area involved a website called Fast Trades, operated by a group of Georgetown law students (none of whom, incidentally, had taken my class). And we ended up suing them during the semester I was teaching “Securities Laws and the Internet.”
Douglas Colt, ringleader of the group behind the Fast Trades site, searched for the vulnerable, thinly-traded microcap stock. Among Colt’s first picks was American Education, trading at about $1 a share. First, he bought the stock cheap. On March 5, 1999, Colt started buying the stock at 10:47 a.m. and continues until about 2:19 p.m., buying up about 19,000 shares. Next: the pump. We alleged that he then started hyping the stock on his momentum trading site and on various message boards. Then, he announced it as his “momentum” pick on his website. By 2:45 p.m., when Colt posted the stock on, 100,000 shares had been traded, and the stock reached a high of about $10. Finally, the dump. We alleged that the perpetrators entered a limit order of $6.50; as soon as that stock hit that price, their sales began to take place, and they made a quick profit. In this case, for a couple of days’ work, we alleged Colt made $41,000. By the end of Colt’s involvement, the stock had dropped to $3.25 a share, stinging many investors.
Internet Fraud: Myths and Reality
U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy
by Tony Ryals
Mar 2006
All of this is in reponse to and a knee jerk reaction to 's Patrick Byrne who claims he is being attacked and 'naked shorted' by WSJ journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg who are in the employ of a 'Sith Lord' as far as I can tell! I do admit I am confused. But then again I'm not a professional anything, just a defrauded investor.
U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy
Reader post by: Anthony Ryals
Posted on: marzo 2, 2006, 8:25 PM PST
Story: Document shows Yahoo bowed to China, group claims NEWS.COM
Now the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission's Chairman Christopher Cox goes from backing off on the SEC attorney subpeonas scandal for business journalists to claiming SEC attorneys can indeed subpeona journalists without consulting him or senior SEC officials it appears !
Particularly bizar is a quote from Mr.Cox taken from Reuters,"There are people masquerading as journalists who really aren't. That's a concern," he said.
He said the guidelines would concern only the news media and no one else.
Cox said he believes that, after the policy is adopted, issuance of SEC subpoenas to journalists "will continue to be exceedingly rare."
What is strange is who would be reporting at a legit 'news media' who would be 'masquerading' as a journalist ? Well some of us remember White House gay fascist journalist James Dale Guckert or Gannon or whatever his real name was but I don't believe his news agency was legit so by Mr.Cox's definition that would let him off the hook.
All of this is in reponse to and a knee jerk reaction to 's Patrick Byrne who claims he is being attacked and 'naked shorted' by WSJ journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg who are in the employ of a 'Sith Lord' as far as I can tell! I do admit I am confused. But then again I'm not a professional anything, just a defrauded investor.
Also Mr.Byrne is indeed surrounded on all sides by con artists and petty penny stock con artists who do indeed often pose or pretend to be legit reporters but I personally do not consider Gayle Essary's FinancialWire to be a legit news service so by Mr.Cox's phrasing of it they would not be bothered because they are not a legit news outlet ?
Or David Patch's that touts as a victim of 'naked shorting' ? It's not a legit news source or agency and only touts and other sleezy penny stocks as victims of 'naked short selling' as well.Or and its death threat promoter the anonymous 'Bob O'Brien' sponsored by Patrick Byrne to tout myriad penny stocks as well as his own what about James Dale Davidson's own Agora Inc. that touts penny stocks and has Beltway connections and virtually lobbeys our Congress ? Will all those cyrfraud and mail fraud scams be ignored by Mr.Cox BECAUSE they are not legitimate business news sources so their frauds can be ignored ?
Just what is Mr.Cox saying ? Does he know ?
So will only Wall Street and Barrons and other long established business journals qualify for subpeonas from the SEC while known frauds be ignored as usual because they are 'amateur' ?
On the other hand what about me who posts about my personal experience with stock frauds that the SEC ignores and in some cases appears to aid and abet ? Would I be singled out for revenge from an SEC that doesn't want fraud they either turn their backs on or possibly aid and abet be singled out because I am not a professional reporter and thus qualify under Mr.Cox's definition to be subpeonaed ?
And another thought I have about the Reuters
quote of Mr.Christopher Cox is that he doesn't even specify 'business reporters'.Ha.Does this mean Mr.Cox is creating a new bureaucratic extention of the SEC to subpeona any reporter say environmental or war or political or police reporter etc. that the SEC deems is not behaving in a'professional' manner ?
I leave the quote above and corresponding link below to the complete Reuters article for you to contemplate and decide or perhaps give him a call and get the 'skinny' for yourselves.But be warned you better be the right type of reporter journalist or news agency when you ask him the question or you may find yourswelf on the receiving end of this new fangled SEC subpeona whatever it is.Duh.
UPDATE 2-U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy
Thu Mar 2, 2006 6:50 PM ET
(Adds Cox comments, background, byline)
By Kevin Drawbaugh
Tony Ryals
Schwab:SF SEC Uses McCarthy tactics to protect right wing stock fraud
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
I got this from ex Congressman Tom McMillen
who was also a pro basketball player and Rhodes scholar like Bill Clinton and his nemesis James Dale Davidson yesterday.He was responding to my indymedia article,'Terrorbaggers' that can be found on google search as well as in readers comments to, 'Senators press for details of NSA spying'By Declan McCullagh,Staff Writer,CNET, Published: February 28, 2006.Funny I never said Mr.McMillen sold any Nannaco shares, I was just poking fun at him and his fellow Rhodes scholar James Dale Davidson's connection to it and Amenni and the connection to Dubai.I also wrote an indymedia post yesterday titled,'SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks',still not googleable yet.
Also this one that's beginning to appear:
'Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam',Steve Wark and Bud Burrell are mentioned.Yeah I'm amateur hour but as I've come to understand the fraud I try to get it out on Google cause anything hidden in WSJ or any other professional news outlet or not written by them at all anyway will certainly not help anyone who has been defrauded and the Securities Exchange Commission seems determined to do nothing.:
From: "Tom McMillen" [Save Address]
[Block Sender] [This Is Spam]
To: endoscam (at)
Subject: response
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 15:41:57 -0500
Show Full Headers
As AttachmentInline Text Previous | Next
Please don’t let your writing get in the way of the truth:
GDC never completed a deal with Nannaco..We backed away. Negotiations
were canceled after due dilligence
I never sold a single share of stock…I left the GDC to pursue other
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 268.1.1/271 - Release Date: 2/28/2006
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering
Charles Schwab:Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam
Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group
Mantas,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers,Market Makers
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
Open letter to SEC,John Reed Stark on internet and penny stock fraud
Senator Bennett:Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS A Fraud ?
Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?
Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Wes Christian aid massive penny stock fraud
The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice ?
,"There are people masquerading as journalists who really aren't. That's a concern," he said.
Securities Exchange Commissioner Christopher Cox
Jeff Gannon or James Dale Guckert was the White House 'plant' in the White House press corp. whose job was to ask silly and flattering questions to White House press secretary McClellan while legit reporters questions went ignored. Jeff Gannon or James Dale Guckert had access to White House staff that might have made Monica Lewinski blush under the pseudonym 'Jeff Gannon' until a little snooping right on the internet revealed his own homosexual porno websites that even solicited male military prostitution. Then he quietly disappeared from the White House and press corps. with no questions asked and no government investigation whatsoever of his 'masquerading' , both as a 'journalist' and a heterosexual no doubt.
Online Nude Photos Are Latest Chapter In Jeff Gannon Saga

"Jeff Gannon" EXPOSED!

The truth is more likely Mr. Cox's fear of professional business journalists the SEC wishes it could gag or scare away from deeper investigative reporting than they have been doing so far as well as an attempt to scare defrauded investors such as myself who work to expose the SEC's aiding of internet stock and securities fraud and their protection of fraudulent internet websites that appear to be Beltway and in some cases perhaps even mafia or CIA connected such as

This link to Gary Weiss' blog,( former 'Business Week ' investigative reporter and author the book,'The Mafia on Wall Street'),who has taken an interest in this 'naked short' or supposed 'anti-naked short' selling penny stock pump and dump scheme will provide additional background and added links.:

Agora Inc. of Baltimore with its world net cyber scam ops and various world wide penny stock scam connections and its many official and unofficial websites is a product of Bill Bonner and James Dale Davidson,(who was behind the Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign), such as

They fraudulently claim hundreds of percentage point profits while promoting mainly illegal pump and dump scams and offshore scams that defraud American and other investors that the SEC has known about for years and done nothing about.Ex-CIA Chief 'WMDS' George Tenet attended an Agora Inc. investment' symposium in New Orleans in 2004 and the Agora Inc. stock promotion machine touted at least one of the CIA's and In-Q-Tel's scammy pump ansd dump stocks called Ionatron.The fact that James Dale Davidson is far right founder of Steve Forbes,Grover Norquist connected National Taxpayers Union located in Alexandria,Virginia to be close to Washington,D.C. SEC office couldn't have anything to do with could it ? No,of course not.
The CIA and mafia claims I make may seem far out until you do your own 'due diligence' and perhaps a google search,'sra international in-q-tel' and then a google search 'sra international sec'.As I have already
written extensively about this on the indymedias I will post links but not go into this in depth again at the moment.Whoever these individuals are the SEC deems to protect - their stock fraud crimes and threats are organised.
And there are many more scammy penny stock websites including Yahoo and ragingbull that might be considered hubs for those sites that are used to lure investors into their fraud .This has grown out of all proportion under the SEC's John Reed Stark .In my opinion it is long past time for him to resign as Chief of the Office of Internet Enforcement (OIE) in the Division of Enforcement of the US Securities and Exchange Commission rather than knowingly and incompetently allowing this internet securities fraud to blossom any further. I really don't care if John Reed Stark is incompetent or in collusion like ex SEC attorney Brent Baker who now works for NCANS and's Patrick Byrne after letting James Dale Davidson and Porter Stansberry of Agora Inc. walk without even charging them for their Endovasc, Genemax 'NAANSS' anti-naked short scam.The result is the same.
The SEC appears to want to protect the internet 'anti-naked short' fraud that is used to divert attention from illegal pump and dump of penny stocks and probable money laundering with shares that Mr.Cox and his SEC refuse to audit even though they are aiding money laundering and fraud against Americans in the UAE and Dubai among other places ! Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai is one excellent example of the fraud with U.S.penny stocks offshore that the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission aids and abets and doesn't even require them to file SEC documentation of stocks they probably use for money laundering including in the UAE !
Below is from John Reed Stark's own self agrandizing
website of how he and the Securities Exchange Commission brought a college Georgetown University student,( where he teaches between his SEC duties), to justice.Mr.Stark is quick to point out that the scamster was certainly not one of his students and never took his Georgetown University class.
But where is Mr.John Reed Stark when his own Georgetown colleague.James J Angel of Georgetown's McDonough School of Business and previously of the University of California 's Haas School of Business,( that the present SEC Chairman Cox has also been connected to),promotes the 'naked short selling fraud' of a group of unidentified penny stock securities criminals whose only known address is a striptease joint in Las Vegas ?
James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia

Mr.John Reed Stark is silent and although the NCANS stock fraud is very serious internet fraud on a scale to make the Georgetown student Douglas Colt appear like the complete amateur he was Mr.John Reed Stark is silent and no charges or investigation of James Anjel has been undertaken.Nor the has the anonymous death threatening leader of this fraud for whom James J Angel made the FRAUDULENT internet commercial,with only the striptease Cheetah Club of Las Vegas as an address, been investigated or identified.
I have personally asked JAMES ANGEL TO PROVIDE ONE EXAMPLE OF ONE COMPANY DRIVEN OUT OF BUSINESS BY 'NAKED SHORT SELLING'.He can't and thus lied committing both securities and academic fraud that would never be tolerated from a student.Georgetown University and the SEC and John Reed Stark appear to have no shame.
Below is from John Reed Stark's website and this case was from 2000 and since he has let internet securities frauds proliferate,uncommented upon and ignored !:
One of the most recent cases we brought in this area involved a website called Fast Trades, operated by a group of Georgetown law students (none of whom, incidentally, had taken my class). And we ended up suing them during the semester I was teaching “Securities Laws and the Internet.”
Douglas Colt, ringleader of the group behind the Fast Trades site, searched for the vulnerable, thinly-traded microcap stock. Among Colt’s first picks was American Education, trading at about $1 a share. First, he bought the stock cheap. On March 5, 1999, Colt started buying the stock at 10:47 a.m. and continues until about 2:19 p.m., buying up about 19,000 shares. Next: the pump. We alleged that he then started hyping the stock on his momentum trading site and on various message boards. Then, he announced it as his “momentum” pick on his website. By 2:45 p.m., when Colt posted the stock on, 100,000 shares had been traded, and the stock reached a high of about $10. Finally, the dump. We alleged that the perpetrators entered a limit order of $6.50; as soon as that stock hit that price, their sales began to take place, and they made a quick profit. In this case, for a couple of days’ work, we alleged Colt made $41,000. By the end of Colt’s involvement, the stock had dropped to $3.25 a share, stinging many investors.
Internet Fraud: Myths and Reality

U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy
by Tony Ryals
Mar 2006
All of this is in reponse to and a knee jerk reaction to 's Patrick Byrne who claims he is being attacked and 'naked shorted' by WSJ journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg who are in the employ of a 'Sith Lord' as far as I can tell! I do admit I am confused. But then again I'm not a professional anything, just a defrauded investor.
U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy
Reader post by: Anthony Ryals
Posted on: marzo 2, 2006, 8:25 PM PST
Story: Document shows Yahoo bowed to China, group claims NEWS.COM
Now the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission's Chairman Christopher Cox goes from backing off on the SEC attorney subpeonas scandal for business journalists to claiming SEC attorneys can indeed subpeona journalists without consulting him or senior SEC officials it appears !
Particularly bizar is a quote from Mr.Cox taken from Reuters,"There are people masquerading as journalists who really aren't. That's a concern," he said.
He said the guidelines would concern only the news media and no one else.
Cox said he believes that, after the policy is adopted, issuance of SEC subpoenas to journalists "will continue to be exceedingly rare."
What is strange is who would be reporting at a legit 'news media' who would be 'masquerading' as a journalist ? Well some of us remember White House gay fascist journalist James Dale Guckert or Gannon or whatever his real name was but I don't believe his news agency was legit so by Mr.Cox's definition that would let him off the hook.
All of this is in reponse to and a knee jerk reaction to 's Patrick Byrne who claims he is being attacked and 'naked shorted' by WSJ journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg who are in the employ of a 'Sith Lord' as far as I can tell! I do admit I am confused. But then again I'm not a professional anything, just a defrauded investor.
Also Mr.Byrne is indeed surrounded on all sides by con artists and petty penny stock con artists who do indeed often pose or pretend to be legit reporters but I personally do not consider Gayle Essary's FinancialWire to be a legit news service so by Mr.Cox's phrasing of it they would not be bothered because they are not a legit news outlet ?
Or David Patch's that touts as a victim of 'naked shorting' ? It's not a legit news source or agency and only touts and other sleezy penny stocks as victims of 'naked short selling' as well.Or and its death threat promoter the anonymous 'Bob O'Brien' sponsored by Patrick Byrne to tout myriad penny stocks as well as his own what about James Dale Davidson's own Agora Inc. that touts penny stocks and has Beltway connections and virtually lobbeys our Congress ? Will all those cyrfraud and mail fraud scams be ignored by Mr.Cox BECAUSE they are not legitimate business news sources so their frauds can be ignored ?
Just what is Mr.Cox saying ? Does he know ?
So will only Wall Street and Barrons and other long established business journals qualify for subpeonas from the SEC while known frauds be ignored as usual because they are 'amateur' ?
On the other hand what about me who posts about my personal experience with stock frauds that the SEC ignores and in some cases appears to aid and abet ? Would I be singled out for revenge from an SEC that doesn't want fraud they either turn their backs on or possibly aid and abet be singled out because I am not a professional reporter and thus qualify under Mr.Cox's definition to be subpeonaed ?
And another thought I have about the Reuters
quote of Mr.Christopher Cox is that he doesn't even specify 'business reporters'.Ha.Does this mean Mr.Cox is creating a new bureaucratic extention of the SEC to subpeona any reporter say environmental or war or political or police reporter etc. that the SEC deems is not behaving in a'professional' manner ?
I leave the quote above and corresponding link below to the complete Reuters article for you to contemplate and decide or perhaps give him a call and get the 'skinny' for yourselves.But be warned you better be the right type of reporter journalist or news agency when you ask him the question or you may find yourswelf on the receiving end of this new fangled SEC subpeona whatever it is.Duh.
UPDATE 2-U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy
Thu Mar 2, 2006 6:50 PM ET
(Adds Cox comments, background, byline)
By Kevin Drawbaugh

Tony Ryals
Schwab:SF SEC Uses McCarthy tactics to protect right wing stock fraud

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

I got this from ex Congressman Tom McMillen
who was also a pro basketball player and Rhodes scholar like Bill Clinton and his nemesis James Dale Davidson yesterday.He was responding to my indymedia article,'Terrorbaggers' that can be found on google search as well as in readers comments to, 'Senators press for details of NSA spying'By Declan McCullagh,Staff Writer,CNET, Published: February 28, 2006.Funny I never said Mr.McMillen sold any Nannaco shares, I was just poking fun at him and his fellow Rhodes scholar James Dale Davidson's connection to it and Amenni and the connection to Dubai.I also wrote an indymedia post yesterday titled,'SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks',still not googleable yet.

Also this one that's beginning to appear:
'Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam',Steve Wark and Bud Burrell are mentioned.Yeah I'm amateur hour but as I've come to understand the fraud I try to get it out on Google cause anything hidden in WSJ or any other professional news outlet or not written by them at all anyway will certainly not help anyone who has been defrauded and the Securities Exchange Commission seems determined to do nothing.:

From: "Tom McMillen" [Save Address]
[Block Sender] [This Is Spam]
To: endoscam (at)
Subject: response
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 15:41:57 -0500
Show Full Headers
As AttachmentInline Text Previous | Next
Please don’t let your writing get in the way of the truth:
GDC never completed a deal with Nannaco..We backed away. Negotiations
were canceled after due dilligence
I never sold a single share of stock…I left the GDC to pursue other
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.375 / Virus Database: 268.1.1/271 - Release Date: 2/28/2006
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering

Charles Schwab:Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam

Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Mantas,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers,Market Makers

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Open letter to SEC,John Reed Stark on internet and penny stock fraud

Senator Bennett:Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS A Fraud ?

Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Wes Christian aid massive penny stock fraud

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

Tony Ryals