ALTER-NATION! Time for an Alternative Parliament?
Matthew Cuffe | 05.03.2006 19:53
This farce has to end. My views, and those of millions of others, are barely whimpers in the shouting-matches going on in Parliament. Given what we face in terms of climate change, we cannot afford the luxury of this right-wing Parliament which is in utter, utter denial.
Given the graph of the UK election at, and the proximity of the 'New Labour' machine to Conservatism, I do not recognise the result of the 2005 General Election as anything other than a fraud.
100 years ago women were not represented in Parliament. The Suffragettes held a 'Woman's Parliament' at Caxton Hall, London, on February 13th 1907.
Today left-wing views are not represented in Parliament.
Anyone fancy making an alternative?
There must be a building right at the edge of the SOCPA zone from where M.A.P.s can send out left-wing proclamations to the dyed-in-the-woolsack rightists in the Commons and Lords.
Time is running out. Our representatives think this is business as usual. From an environmental perspective, it is nothing of the sort. It is an emergency.
An example of the ingrained obstruction is this -
This isn't sustainable.
100 years ago women were not represented in Parliament. The Suffragettes held a 'Woman's Parliament' at Caxton Hall, London, on February 13th 1907.

Today left-wing views are not represented in Parliament.
Anyone fancy making an alternative?
There must be a building right at the edge of the SOCPA zone from where M.A.P.s can send out left-wing proclamations to the dyed-in-the-woolsack rightists in the Commons and Lords.
Time is running out. Our representatives think this is business as usual. From an environmental perspective, it is nothing of the sort. It is an emergency.
An example of the ingrained obstruction is this -

This isn't sustainable.
Matthew Cuffe
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No parliamentary party is anarchistic
05.03.2006 22:04
06.03.2006 06:40
Parliamentary Parties are a part of the problem, they collude with each other and force decisions on backbenchers. A Parliament consisting solely of individual representatives would be more democratic but Parliament itself is presently subservient to the Prime Minister and the Royal Prerogative.
Oliver Pressed
flaw in non-voting argument
06.03.2006 16:24
Mr Spoon
By definition, only inferior people vote
06.03.2006 20:31
The minority of people who voted for New Labour gave them a veneer of legitimacy. Many voted for their 'ethical foriegn policy' not suspecting a Labour Prime Minister would commit a genocidal war on a tissue of lies when 92% of the public opposed it, only to explain God told him to do it. At least Isaac only threatened his own child. And who is to say that a Green PM would not be equally corrupted by the power over us that they shamelessly seek ? Where is the justification for
Anyone who voted voted for a irrational state that rules by violence, they voted for MI6 torturers, they voted to be led, they voted for war, for a corrupt elite.
Ask yourself, if Hitler had won and taken over the UK and held rigged elections, would it be moral to vote in those elections ?
No ? Then what justification do you have voting absolute power over your own life and everyone elses life away on the phoney Tonys who wreak such havoc on the world ?
What right does anyone have to steal your personal soveriegnty ? If you need to be led and spoon-fed your opinions from on high, fair enough, just don't pretend you are doing anything moral or necessary. You are simply stroking the egos of egotists too ugly for the other forms of show-biz.
Democracy is a great idea but it has yet to be implemented in the UK except in small, isolated oasis where genuine participative democracy flourishes. Not voting isn't enough, you have to reclaim your personal soveriegnty by other means.
I used to vote anyway, as it seemed harmless and potentially rewarding, but I was deceiving myself. I took part in the last election in a very minimal way, and that was enough to put me off any contact with politics ever again. I've met some viscious gangsters in my time, loyalist terrorists and such, but these people are saints compared to the people who contrive the sham of British democracy.
07.03.2006 06:43
Oliver Pressed.
but what would actually happen?
07.03.2006 11:21
And then the party with the most votes out of the few cast would become the government.
Look, I don't doubt your sincerity and it's perfectly justifiable to regard electoral politics as a farce and a sham. But sitting on your hands ain't gonna change it. What it may do is let the worst of a bad bunch to claim a mandate.
Mr Spoon