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The Media, Islamaphobia and the War on Terror

Media Workers Against the War | 04.03.2006 16:29 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Terror War | London

The role of the media in the war on Iraq and the "war on terror" will be discussed at a public meeting open to all. Speakers: Mark Steel (The Independent), Jonathan Steele (The Guardian), Sami Ramadani (Iraqi writer), Yvonne Ridley (Islam Channel), Tim Lezard (NUJ President)

Public Meeting:
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn WC1

Mark Steel, The Independent
Jonathan Steele, The Guardian
Sami Ramadani, Iraqi writer and Guardian columnist
Yvonne Ridley, Islam Channel
Tim Lezard, President National Union of Journalists

Called by Media Workers Against the War

Media Workers Against the War


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The Guardian is Blair's main pro-war, anti-muslim propaganda rag

04.03.2006 19:26

By definition, it is not possible for anyone working for the obscene racist rag The Guardian (Blair's main pro-war, anti-muslim publication) to be anything other than solidly behind every CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY carried out or planned by Blair and his New Reich forces. To suggest otherwise would be like saying that jews could have worked for Hitler, and yet been against his actions, or that young women could have worked as assistants in Rose West's basement, and yet been against rape and torture.

Blair anticipates distress against his propaganda methods, and thus ensures that his people work as best possible to neutralise as much of this concern for as long as possible. The easiest way for him to do this is to have HIS people publically lead so-called anti-Blair meetings/groups.

Benn claims to oppose Blair, and yet does EVERYTHING to rally support to the New Reich, and NEVER turns down an invitation to socialise with Blair and his chums. This is exactly the same as if the parents of the victim of a child murderer loved to party with the man that had murdered their child. This is the same process.

The journalists of the UK, and especially the journalists of The Guardian are DIRECTLY responsible for the murder of more than 300,000 humans in Iraq. The Guardian daily states that the people of Iran MUST be genocided, if Iran is doing what we, and the Israelis, and the French, and the Indians etc etc are doing, namely producing nuclear weapons.

There were Japanese journalists executed for WAR CRIMES after WW2 who were one thousand times less culpable than the journalists working today for The Guardian.

Of course, meetings like the one announced above are 'lightening rods'- ie a method of identifying dangerous (to the state) individuals that the security services do not yet know about. I mean, Blair's greatest fear is of powerful words wielded by honest and decent humans. Blair's people attend these meeetings to monitor the rhetoric of unknowns, so that future potential players in REAL anti-Blair movements can be identified, and work begun to ensure they can safely be eliminated if need be.


playthings of MI5

04.03.2006 21:24

From the latest alert :

As Roy Greenslade, media specialist at the Telegraph (formerly the Guardian), commented: "Most tabloid newspapers - or even newspapers in general - are playthings of MI5." Bloch and Fitzgerald, in their examination of covert UK warfare, report the editor of "one of Britain's most distinguished journals" as believing that more than half its foreign correspondents were on the MI6 payroll. And in 1991, Richard Norton-Taylor revealed in the Guardian that 500 prominent Britons paid by the CIA and the now defunct Bank of Commerce and Credit International, included 90 journalists.


What's your point?

05.03.2006 02:08

From the latest alert :

As Roy Greenslade, media specialist at the Telegraph (formerly the Guardian), commented: "Most tabloid newspapers - or even newspapers in general - are playthings of MI5." Bloch and Fitzgerald, in their examination of covert UK warfare, report the editor of "one of Britain's most distinguished journals" as believing that more than half its foreign correspondents were on the MI6 payroll. And in 1991, Richard Norton-Taylor revealed in the Guardian that 500 prominent Britons paid by the CIA and the now defunct Bank of Commerce and Credit International, included 90 journalists.

And your point is?
If these journalists were no longer agents of influence for the security services do you think they would all suddenly start to tell the truth? Not very likely is it?

Lord Snooty

In need of medication

05.03.2006 02:17

twilight said "....This is exactly the same as if the parents of the victim of a child murderer loved to party with the man that had murdered their child...."

twilight you need help if you believe one tenth of this. Go to see your GP and explain the thoughts that you have been having - that Tony's government is a reincarnation of the Nazi party. Are you frightened to leave your house? Do you sometimes think that the people on the telly are talking to you? Don't delay get help today.

Lord Snooty

'Christian' militia

05.03.2006 05:30

>If these journalists were no longer agents of influence for the security services do you think they would all suddenly start to tell the truth? Not very likely is it?

Thats my point ! And its also a good argument for posting on sites like this - as you obviously agree.

>Tony's government is a reincarnation of the Nazi party.

No, Tony is more like Quisling than Hitler. Actually he is somewhere between Bush, Ahmadinejad and the Almighty, but far from the ICC. Illuminated quasi-religous power-merchants to a man ie psychos. Let us hope in 20 years time the name Tony is as rare as the name Adolph.

You know this was sign-posted in popular culture back when the sham threat of the Soviet Union was exposed.

There's a witch hunt coming, screaming out on it's rebirth
There's a crusade coming, Hellfire back here on earth
See the light in their eyes shine, listen to their words like swords
The Christian militia is marching now
There's a witch hunt coming, born out of all the American fears
There's a new purge coming, an inquisition for all of us here
Hold onto your sanity as best you can
While some Hitler claims to speak for the Son of Man
The Christian militia is marching now
Hatred makes the adrenaline flow
Stir up the fire watch it grow
Everybody loves a righteous cause
Old lives forgotten in holy wars
Everything forgotten in holy wars

There's a nightmare coming, shut up your doors close your mind
There's a nightmare coming - Born Again, born again blind
The girls show the way, then show us their legs
With American showbiz razzmatazz
With sex in one hand and a gun in the other, Christ returns
The right-wing respectable clampdown clan
Find their figure head in a holy man
Here come the Christians an hysterical mob
Worshipping the Devil in the name of God


Irresponsible Press

05.03.2006 19:55

It's interesting to watch the media outright ignoring the attitudes of the people in the countries the US/UK/Israel are currently invading in contravention of International Law.

Hariri was one example. Most Lebanese believed this to be a CIA/Mossad plot. The media stayed mum, content to toe the Party line.

The Golden Mosque Bombing is another.

Most Iraqis believe this to be a CIA/Mossad plot to divide Iraqis, and further the US/UK/Israeli interests in an Iraqi Civil War.

The media harping on the issue of Civil War - despite no indictaors from the region of such a thing occuring - furthers this belief.

Leaked documents, such as "Iraq: Options Paper", written by the Bliar Government, a full year before the war, prove that these War Criminals were intent on such things long before their illegal Act of Aggression came to fruition.

Don't Fall for the PsyOps

Unpopular names

06.03.2006 00:00

Danny hopes that "in 20 years time the name Tony is as rare as the name Adolph."

But you say that he is no worse than Ahmedinajad, the Iranian President. His first name is Mahmoud. This is a Farsi version of, yes that's right, Muhammed. So let's both hope together that in 20 years time the names Mahmoud and Muhammed are also as rare as the name Adolph.

I'm sure that you will support me in this, won't you Danny?



Lord Snooty

Christian militia

06.03.2006 00:13

There's a witch hunt coming, screaming out on it's rebirth
There's a crusade coming, Hellfire back here on earth

That was a lovely poem Danny.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
Very strong religious imagery.

I'm sure that you also know lots of poems which highlight the excesses, violence, injustice and supremacist thinking which has been adopted by many muslims and those who lead them in the name of Islam. I expect you'll be sharing one of those poems about misguided murdering muslims next time you post here wont you Danny?



Lord Snooty

Whose Lord ?

06.03.2006 00:45

>That was a lovely poem Danny. Thank you for sharing it with us.

No problem my man. I am full of other peoples poems - I don't claim any credit for them but I do appreciate their truth.

>Very strong religious imagery.
Well NMA were areligious but if that is all you can take from it then so be it, amen.

>I'm sure that you also know lots of poems which highlight the excesses, violence, injustice and supremacist thinking which has been adopted by many muslims and those who lead them in the name of Islam.

No, I'm afraid I don't.

>I expect you'll be sharing one of those poems about misguided murdering muslims next time you post here wont you Danny?

I really could. I am well aware of thew anti-islamic tendency amongst worthy arabic poems. Unlike you obviously with your racist stereotypes. Try reading some Kahlil Gibran or Omar Khayyam. Try reading !


Yes !


Calm down petal, after all this chit-chat you have some point to make ? Then make it ! Because so far you have only shown yourself to be a middle-ages racist, an ignorant buffoon and a coward feared of whatever your government tells you to be scared off. Show yourself some respect and maybe I will too..


Don't Fall for the PsyOps

06.03.2006 09:26

"Most Lebanese believed this to be a CIA/Mossad plot. The media stayed mum, content to toe the Party line. "

Whilst agreeing that the matter was far from well researched in public, I do wonder what sources lead to to state "Most Lebanese believed this to be a CIA/Mossad plot."

Whilst I can see no sense in the Sammara allegation, like wise I'd be interested to see where "Most Iraqis believe"

"The media harping on the issue of Civil War - despite no indictaors from the region of such a thing occuring - furthers this belief." I guess that nationals of a country blowing each other up with increasing frequency doesn't qualify as an idicator? Spare us the baseless accusation of "false flags" for a change and stick to facts?


where's your manifesto?

07.03.2006 23:15

Whose Lord ?

06.03.2006 00:45
>That was a lovely poem Danny...
...(snip)...(crude abuse)...
....Show yourself some respect and maybe I will too..

The last post (from me). Thanks again Danny. You certainly
post a pithy reply!

I want no respect, or anything else from
you, or the lazy people like you who can't be bothered to see
what is good in their own cultural forms. Jesus is just alright
with me. He said some great things. Turn the other cheek.
Love your enemy. Rich men and heaven. The list is long.
Gibran on the other hand is a foolish hippy, trite and phoney.
And the Koran is full of FEAR in contrast, promising scourging
all round.

We have precisely nothing to learn from Islam or any of
its associated cultural expressions. They taught Europeans
some stuff in the past, but it was a long time ago. I genuinely
doubt your ability to identify racism.

ISLAMOPHOBIA is meaningless. Just sloppy thinking on your part. I seem to be in good company with this view although the relevant manifesto has been strangely absent from Brit newspapers. Here is the BBC link....

....and here is the manifesto from some people who can do a bit more than rant and hurl abuse. They reject 'cultural relativism' and so do I. Please tell me what you are contributing to the development of the working classes in the UK. You appear to despise the place and everything it stands for. That's silly. Please grow up.

After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new global totalitarian threat: Islamism.

We, writers, journalists, intellectuals, call for resistance to religious totalitarianism and for the promotion of freedom, equal opportunity and secular values for all.

Recent events, prompted by the publication of drawings of Muhammad in European newspapers, have revealed the necessity of the struggle for these universal values.

This struggle will not be won by arms, but in the ideological field.

It is not a clash of civilisations nor an antagonism between West and East that we are witnessing, but a global struggle that confronts democrats and theocrats.

Like all totalitarian ideologies, Islamism is nurtured by fear and frustration.

Preachers of hatred play on these feelings to build the forces with which they can impose a world where liberty is crushed and inequality reigns.

But we say this, loud and clear: nothing, not even despair, justifies choosing darkness, totalitarianism and hatred.

Islamism is a reactionary ideology that kills equality, freedom and secularism wherever it is present.

Its victory can only lead to a world of injustice and domination: men over women, fundamentalists over others.

On the contrary, we must ensure access to universal rights for the oppressed or those discriminated against.

We reject the "cultural relativism" which implies an acceptance that men and women of Muslim culture are deprived of the right to equality, freedom and secularism in the name of the respect for certain cultures and traditions.

We refuse to renounce our critical spirit out of fear of being accused of "Islamophobia", a wretched concept that confuses criticism of Islam as a religion and stigmatisation of those who believe in it.

We defend the universality of the freedom of expression, so that a critical spirit can exist in every continent, towards each and every maltreatment and dogma.

We appeal to democrats and free spirits in every country that our century may be one of light and not dark.

Signed by:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Chahla Chafiq

Caroline Fourest

Bernard-Henri Levy

Irshad Manji

Mehdi Mozaffari

Maryam Namazie

Taslima Nasreen

Salman Rushdie

Antoine Sfeir

Philippe Val

Ibn Warraq

Biographical information:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Of Somalian origin, Hirsi Ali is a member of the Dutch parliament as a member of the Liberal Party VVD. Writer of the film "Submission" which caused the assassination of Theo Van Gogh by an islamist in November 2004. She now lives under police protection.

Chahla Chafiq
Chahla Chafiq, writer of Iranian origin, exiled in France. Works as a novelist and an essayist. She's the author of "Le nouvel homme islamiste , la prison politique en Iran " (2002). She also wrote novels such as "Chemins et brouillard" (2005).

Caroline Fourest
Essayist, editor in chief of 'Prochoix' (a review which defend liberties against dogmatic and monolithic ideologies). Author of several reference books on secularism and fanaticism - “Tirs Croisés : la laïcité à l'épreuve des intégrismes juif, chrétien et musulman (with
Fiammetta Venner)”, “Frère Tariq : discours, stratégie et méthode de Tariq Ramadan”, and “Tentation obscurantiste” (Grasset, 2005). She received the National Prize of Secularism in 2005.

Bernard-Henri Lévy
French philosopher. Born in Algeria, argued against all the 20th Century "isms" (fascism, anti-Semitism, totalitarianism, terrorism). He is the author of "La Barbarie à visage humain", "L'Idéologie française", "La Pureté dangereuse", and more recently "American Vertigo".

Irshad Manji
Irshad Manji is a Fellow at Yale University and the internationally best-selling author of "The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith" (en francais: "Musulmane Mais Libre"). She speaks out for free expression based on the Koran itself. Born in Uganda, of Indian Muslim origin, her family fled the country when she was aged four. She now lives in Canada where her broadcasts and publications have enjoyed great success.

Mehdi Mozaffari
Mehdi Mozaffari is a professor of Iranian origin who lives in exile in Denmark. He is the author of several articles and books on islam and islamism such as “Authority in Islam: From Muhammad to Khomeini”, “Fatwa: Violence and Discourtesy” and “Globalization and Civilizations”

Maryam Namazie
Writer, international TV producer; Director of International Relations for the Workers Communist Party of Iran; and 2005 winner of the National Secular Society's Secularist of the Year Award.

Taslima Nasreen
Born in Bangladesh where she worked as a Doctor, now lives in exile. Her work in defence of women and minorities brought her into conflict with the authorities. A public committee was established called "Destroy Taslima". She was also persecuted as an apostate. She
published a booklet called “Lajja” (Shame) in 1993 which told the real story of the systematic genocide of Hindus in Bangladesh following the change from secular state to an Islamic state where minorities, mainly Hindu, were ruthlessly persecuted. The book was banned in
Bangladesh and many other Muslim countries and resulted in a fatwa being issued. One court case taken against her for blasphemy (and still active) was filed by the Bangladeshi government itself. Her biographical books “My Girlhood” and “Wild Wind” have also been banned in Bangladesh.

Salman Rushdie
Author of nine novels, including "Midnight's Children", "The Satanic Verses" and, most recently, "Shalimar the Clown". He has received many literary awards, including the Booker Prize, the Whitbread Prize for Best Novel, Germany's Author of the Year Award, the European
Union's Aristeion Prize, the Budapest Grand Prize for Literature, the Premio Mantova, and the Austrian State Prize for European Literature. He is a Commandeur of the Ordre des Arts et Lettres, an Honorary Professor in the Humanities at M.I.T., and the president of PEN American
Center. His books have been translated into over 40 languages. The late Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of Iran, issued the following fatwa, or religious edict, against Rushdie in February 1989 – “The author of The Satanic Verses, a text written, edited, and published against Islam,
against the Prophet of Islam, and against the Koran, along with all the editors and publishers aware of its contents, are condemned to capital punishment. I call on all valiant Muslims wherever they may be in the world to execute this sentence without delay, so that no one henceforth will dare insult the sacred beliefs of the Muslims.”

Philippe Val
Publications Director for "Charlie Hebdo". This is the left-wing French newspaper which republished the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad "in solidarity with the Danish citizens targeted by islamists".

Ibn Warraq
Author notably of "Why I am Not a Muslim", "Leaving Islam : Apostates Speak Out", and "The Origins of the Koran". He is at present Research Fellow at the New York Institute conducting philological and historical research into the origins of Islam and its holy book.

Antoine Sfeir
Born in Lebanon, Christian, Antoine Sfeir chose French nationality in order to live in an open and secular country. He is the director of "Les cahiers de l'Orient" and has published several reference books on islamism such as "Les réseaux d'Allah" (2001) and "Liberté, égalité, Islam :
la République face au communautarisme" (2005).

Lord Snooty

an anarchist manifesto ? Fuck off and die

08.03.2006 16:04

I want no respect...(snip)...(racist hatemonegring)...

Obviously so. The Koran is full of fear in contrast to Jibran ? Just like the bible then eh ?

My manifesto ? Anarchists don't need manifestos, my only manifesto is the way I live my life.

"After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new global totalitarian threat: Islamism."

There is no such thing as Islamism, just Islam but thta doesn't fit your trite call to war does it ?
Your 'superiors' who issued this party manifesto somehow seem to ignore corportatism and capitalism as global threats. Curious, aren't they isms ? Are you simply being selective to reflect your own paymasters bent ?

Islamophobia, unlike other irrational fears, was manufactured in the 90's to fill the soviet-sized hole in US defence spending.

"We appeal to democrats and free spirits in every country that our century may be one of light and not dark. "
Should read
"We appeal to Reublicans and free markets in every country that our skin colour may light and not dark."

Racist idiot.
