Cornwall's 21st Century Wreckers.
Team Kernow | 04.03.2006 14:53 | Ecology | Education | Social Struggles
Revealing insights into the origins and causes of the unsustainable pressures piling up on Cornwall, the 5th Celtic nation of the British Isles.
Cornwall's 21st Century Wreckers ?
BBC Radio Cornwall is trying to lure listeners to ‘ Design a Garden of Cornwall ‘ for display on an environmentally damaging waste tip.
The true challenge here is how we resist being recruited into endorsing ' A FLOOD HAZARD OF CORNWALL ‘ !
(Including 'The ‘ New ’, ‘ Biggest ’ & ‘ Best ’ (& Muckiest [Yet!])
Prize Farmyard Quiz!)
(Introduction: Increasingly, since becoming fundamentally compromised as a public service broadcaster by becoming an agent and promoter of Camelot Plc, the for-profit corporate operator of the UK state sponsored gambling enterprise the National Lottery, the BBC has sought to promote its own brand name by collaborating with various corporations and charities in the guise of delivering its social remit. This has even extended to installing BBC executives on the boards of trustees of National Lottery undemocratically funded projects (see ).This has inevitably undermined the BBC’s statutory neutrality in programming and news reporting.
In some cases the BBC latches on to authentic voluntarily funded charitable operations such as the RNLI or Shelterbox or natural disaster relief appeals , where objectives and practices are relatively clear cut , socially beneficial and enjoy wide and energetic support. Occasionally however, background research is inadequate and the BBC finds itself colluding with an operation, such as the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, whose history and practices are significantly less than pristine and fundamentally inconsistent with officially stated aims and objectives.)
BBC Radio Cornwall , who have clearly not done their research very thoroughly in this instance or have conveniently selective collective short term memory loss, are currently busily, desperately and repetitively trying to lure listeners into entering a competition to ‘Design a Garden of Cornwall ‘ (alongside an attempt to dragoon children to design a ‘ Roundabout for Cornwall ‘ to tart up a road construction scheme in the absence of any balanced discussion of the virtues or otherwise of the current plague of un-sustainable levels of tarmac-king and unnecessary over - development across Cornwall ) by rustling up a mini-garden design for display on top of the mineral waste tip which, for the three days of the Royal Cornwall Show , is exploited as a platform for the temporary Flower Tent and later, for a solitary ‘ winner ’, at the Royal Horticultural Society Hampton Court Flower Show in July to be further ‘scrutinised‘ by BBC (what’s this?-more symbiotic self-promotion?) ‘celebrity‘ gardeners Alan Titchmarsh, Charlie Dimmock, Diarmuid Gavin and Chris Beardshaw.
BBC Radio Cornwall thus appears to have little regard or respect for the unfortunate recent history of the ancient valley system of St Breock. Through complex and dubious manoeuvres (revealed at 'The ‘New’, ‘Biggest’ & ‘Best’ (& Muckiest [Yet!])Prize Farmyard Quiz! ' below), the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, by 1992, damaged the valley landform beyond recognition, causing flooding, following slow draining rainfall, to itself and mid-show cancellation of the 1993 Royal Cornwall Show for public safety reasons. In addition, during subsequent years, repeated flooding to settlements downstream followed this gross insult to the historic and formerly lyrical valley landform of Holy Valley, St Breock.
What caring gardener or horticulturalist who loves Cornwall’s landscape and its indigenous and diverse plant life would see a landscape damaging and stream smothering waste tip as a suitable setting for a truly plant and nature loving endeavour?
The ‘ New ’, ‘ Biggest ’ & ‘ Best ’ (& Muckiest [Yet!])
Prize Farmyard Quiz! :
(Potential Exhibitors-Check your pluvial insurance event washout cover!)
1 .Who covertly connived with the Anglican Church Commissioners to buy 14 acres of artificially inflated steep agricultural valley land at £8,000/Grade 4 acre, presuming planning permission to fill it with bypass construction waste,& subsequently siphoned off public moneys & ‘compensation’ via the Wadebridge bypass scheme to balance the books?
a) The Make Poverty History Campaign? B) The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association?
2. What, illegally & without the necessary consent of the Charity Commissioners, borrowed £180,000 from its trustees Lloyds Bank to buy this land & also to build an on-site dwelling with charity moneys for its retiring secretary, Albert Riddle?
a) Bertie the Beaver? b) The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association?
3. Who went against the ‘fundamental objections’ of the National River Authority (now EA) &stripped & filled & levelled the top end of Holy Valley, St Breock with115,000m³of compressed bypass waste to make a platform for the temporarily fragrant flower tent at the 3 day show regardless of the year round 365 day flood threat to downstream dwellings, residents & listed buildings?
a) Brenda the Queen Bee? b) The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association?
4.When the 3 day Royal Cornwall ’charity’ Show was cancelled in 1993 due to dangerous levels of mud the year after the valley & stream-bed were filled in, what did the treasurer, Venning Davey, blame, on TV, as the cause of the cancellation, & the reason why the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association refused to even partially refund ticket & stall holder fees?
a) Rain & ruined natural drainage? b) ‘Act of God’?
5. Who, in the same summer of 1993, then sent a begging letter out to members pleading for donations, not mentioning that filling the valley with bypass waste had fundamentally & substantially & detrimentally altered the site’s drainage characteristics, while simultaneously negotiating the imminent arrival of a cheque for £50,000 from the Department of Transport for alleged ‘loss of trade’ from by-pass works?
a) The Borrowers? b) The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association?
6. When run-off rain repeatedly flooded & damaged buildings downstream during the following decade, from which direction did the waters flow?
a) The Far East? b) The Deep South? c) The Royal Cornwall Showground?
7. In full knowledge of these serious local problems downstream & knowing of other major flooding incidents, in particular at Boscastle and on the south coast of Cornwall in 2004, who then, in 2005, proceeded to spread non-porous tarmac on miles of internal, comparatively porous, hardcore roadways for the convenience of the 3 day Royal Cornwall Show, not only jeopardizing future shows but demonstrating complete & utter disregard for the permanent year round additional & accelerated surface water run-off threat to downstream dwellings?
a) Patrick the Tarmacker? b) The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association?
8) Which well known reportedly ‘environmentally concerned’ individual was President of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association when Holy Valley, St Breock was stripped & filled & levelled & is now the Patron of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association when the showground site has been so recklessly & unwisely tarmacked & did nothing to advise against either?
a) The Duke of Hazards? b) The Duke of Cornwall?
9)Who has further demonstrated the unreliability of his often-stated ‘environmental concern’ by collaborating with Ampersand & their ridiculous concrete folly at Carlyon Bay, authorising the Duchy of Cornwall (corporate division) to collude with Ampersand in a foolish & reckless plan to extend the steep shelving exposed beach itself seaward by 16 metres along its length?
a) The Duke of Hazards? b) The Duke of Cornwall?
10) Which reportedly ‘environmentally concerned’ individual and Patron of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association is also manoeuvring, via the Duchy of Cornwall (corporate division), to compound urbanising pressures on Newquay further by attempting to ease into position, with smooth talk & swishy PowerPoint presentations, yet another profiteering Disney style and unnecessary ‘affordable housing’ scam on a green field site, while conveniently, opportunistically & greedily ignoring the fact that it is laissez-faire planning non-control & negligence allowing villages to be emptied through the immoral & scandalous misappropriation of primary residential housing by non-residents for occasional holidays instead of requiring holidaymakers to use the abundant designated holiday facilities that is the root cause of the housing disaster for the children, young people, families & communities of Cornwall?
a) The Duke of Hazards? b) The Duke of Cornwall?
11) Which current Chairman of the Royal Cornwall Association also demonstrates this short-sighted obsession with the over-development & concrete & tarmac suffocation of Cornwall by allowing his soliciting firm Coode’s, StAustell , to act for Ampersand by holding the deposits of the foolish, taken in by Ampersand spin, for luxury flats which, if ever built, will be forever insecure?
a) Jonathan Coode? b) Jonathan Coode?
Media Professional Objectivity Challenge Question!
Which indiscriminatingly pro - over - development media operations with their exhibits at the Royal Cornwall Show and their headquarters over in England have failed, compromised by over-intimate commercial involvements, to apply professional standards of objective journalism to the destructive land mismanagement practices of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association itself & other currently out of control profiteers creating unnecessary, unsustainable & destructive construction & infrastructure pressures on Cornwall & the further disenfranchisement & social dislocation of so many of her people?
a) ‘Concreting Cornwall Monthly’? b) The Western Morning News & BBC Radio ‘Cornwall’?
Bonus Big Mystery Question! :
Which former & retired secretary & fiefdom member, still occupying the Royal Cornwall Show site, is the biggest individual beneficiary of the ‘charity’ known as The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association (Reg.Ch.No.250312)?
To check your answers & air & share your over-development concerns send an e-mail to: In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for the behemoths of the Duchy of Cornwall (corp. div.) at a green field site near you!
The Pre Amble:
Issue 782 06_12_91 Page 13
with ‘Old
'WHILE MOST farmers at least try to appear eco-friendly these days, stalwarts of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association are carrying out a scorched earth policy.
With its ramshackle buildings and lurid sodium lights, the association’s showground at Wadebridge already looks like a post-war trading estate. Now the Cornish yeomen are set on ruining part of a beautiful wooded valley in order to expand their shanty empire.
The RCAA – one of whose vice-presidents is the Prince of Wales – bought the picturesque Holy Valley along with a block of land adjoining their show site when they learned that the Wadebridge by-pass was to run alongside them. To the horror of locals they are pressing ahead with a wheeze to fill a part of the valley with spoil from the road construction.
The woodland stream is to be enclosed in a culvert serviced by five laddered tubes; the idea being to level the show site and thus make for room for burger vans and stalls selling wax jackets and horse brasses. Odd when the rural lobby insists that farmers are the natural custodians of the countryside.
Defending what locals call an act of environmental desecration, show secretary Chris Riddle claims the ‘reclamation’ is essential to replace a corner of the showground lost to the road development. Without it the annual dog show might not fit in, he warns chillingly.
Meanwhile the charity commissioners have been asked to investigate the land purchase by the RCAA, a registered charity.’
The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association is registered as a charity (Oh Yes!), (number 250312), and is governed by a body known as the Council. (Guess who!):
Dignitaries of Dereliction :
Officers of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association:
Patron: His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cornwall
President: The Hon Evelyn Boscawen
President-elect: The Earl Peel DL
VICE Presidents:
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , KG, KT
Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal , KG, GCVO
His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester , KG, GCVO
P M Bickford-Smith Esq. , Helston
Mrs. Simon Bolitho, DL, Penzance
Sir Richard Carew Pole, Bart, OBE, DL, Torpoint
J A Coode Esq., DL, Bodmin
The Rt Hon The Viscount Falmouth, Tregothnan
Viscountess Falmouth, Tregothnan
J D G Fortescue Esq., JP, Lostwithiel
A M J Galworthy Esq., CVO, CBE, DL, Grampound Road
R J Gilbert Esq., Lancarffe, Bodmin
Lady Mary Holborow, JP, Ladock E M L Latham Esq., DL, Launceston
Iona, Lady Molesworth-St Aubyn, DL, Bodmin
The Rt Hon The Earl of Morley, JP, Yelverton
P J N Prideaux-Brune Esq., Padstow
J P S St Aubyn Esq., St Michael’s Mount
The Rt Hon The Lord St. Levan, DSC, Penzance
Lt Commander J D Tetley (RN), DL, Grampound
General Sir Richard Trant KCB, DSC, DL , Lostwithiel
Lt Commander N J Trefusis, RN, DL, Flushing
The Right Reverend The Bishop of Truro, Feock
F J Williams Esq., CBE, JP, DL, Gorran
J M Williams Esq., DL, Launceston
Lt Col G T G Williams, Bodmin
Chairman: Mr Jonathan Coode
Vice Chairman: Mr Michael Williams
Treasurer: Mr Venning Davey
Secretary: Mr Christopher Riddle
Bankers & Trustees: Lloyds TSB plc
Accountants: Winter Rule, Truro
Honorary Solicitors: Hancock Caffin,
Truro Surveyors: Stratton & Holborow, Truro
Investment Advisors: Morgan, Stanley, Quilter, London,
Royal Cornwall Show Trustees:
BBC Radio Cornwall is trying to lure listeners to ‘ Design a Garden of Cornwall ‘ for display on an environmentally damaging waste tip.
The true challenge here is how we resist being recruited into endorsing ' A FLOOD HAZARD OF CORNWALL ‘ !
(Including 'The ‘ New ’, ‘ Biggest ’ & ‘ Best ’ (& Muckiest [Yet!])
Prize Farmyard Quiz!)
(Introduction: Increasingly, since becoming fundamentally compromised as a public service broadcaster by becoming an agent and promoter of Camelot Plc, the for-profit corporate operator of the UK state sponsored gambling enterprise the National Lottery, the BBC has sought to promote its own brand name by collaborating with various corporations and charities in the guise of delivering its social remit. This has even extended to installing BBC executives on the boards of trustees of National Lottery undemocratically funded projects (see ).This has inevitably undermined the BBC’s statutory neutrality in programming and news reporting.
In some cases the BBC latches on to authentic voluntarily funded charitable operations such as the RNLI or Shelterbox or natural disaster relief appeals , where objectives and practices are relatively clear cut , socially beneficial and enjoy wide and energetic support. Occasionally however, background research is inadequate and the BBC finds itself colluding with an operation, such as the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, whose history and practices are significantly less than pristine and fundamentally inconsistent with officially stated aims and objectives.)
BBC Radio Cornwall , who have clearly not done their research very thoroughly in this instance or have conveniently selective collective short term memory loss, are currently busily, desperately and repetitively trying to lure listeners into entering a competition to ‘Design a Garden of Cornwall ‘ (alongside an attempt to dragoon children to design a ‘ Roundabout for Cornwall ‘ to tart up a road construction scheme in the absence of any balanced discussion of the virtues or otherwise of the current plague of un-sustainable levels of tarmac-king and unnecessary over - development across Cornwall ) by rustling up a mini-garden design for display on top of the mineral waste tip which, for the three days of the Royal Cornwall Show , is exploited as a platform for the temporary Flower Tent and later, for a solitary ‘ winner ’, at the Royal Horticultural Society Hampton Court Flower Show in July to be further ‘scrutinised‘ by BBC (what’s this?-more symbiotic self-promotion?) ‘celebrity‘ gardeners Alan Titchmarsh, Charlie Dimmock, Diarmuid Gavin and Chris Beardshaw.
BBC Radio Cornwall thus appears to have little regard or respect for the unfortunate recent history of the ancient valley system of St Breock. Through complex and dubious manoeuvres (revealed at 'The ‘New’, ‘Biggest’ & ‘Best’ (& Muckiest [Yet!])Prize Farmyard Quiz! ' below), the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association, by 1992, damaged the valley landform beyond recognition, causing flooding, following slow draining rainfall, to itself and mid-show cancellation of the 1993 Royal Cornwall Show for public safety reasons. In addition, during subsequent years, repeated flooding to settlements downstream followed this gross insult to the historic and formerly lyrical valley landform of Holy Valley, St Breock.
What caring gardener or horticulturalist who loves Cornwall’s landscape and its indigenous and diverse plant life would see a landscape damaging and stream smothering waste tip as a suitable setting for a truly plant and nature loving endeavour?
The ‘ New ’, ‘ Biggest ’ & ‘ Best ’ (& Muckiest [Yet!])
Prize Farmyard Quiz! :
(Potential Exhibitors-Check your pluvial insurance event washout cover!)
1 .Who covertly connived with the Anglican Church Commissioners to buy 14 acres of artificially inflated steep agricultural valley land at £8,000/Grade 4 acre, presuming planning permission to fill it with bypass construction waste,& subsequently siphoned off public moneys & ‘compensation’ via the Wadebridge bypass scheme to balance the books?
a) The Make Poverty History Campaign? B) The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association?
2. What, illegally & without the necessary consent of the Charity Commissioners, borrowed £180,000 from its trustees Lloyds Bank to buy this land & also to build an on-site dwelling with charity moneys for its retiring secretary, Albert Riddle?
a) Bertie the Beaver? b) The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association?
3. Who went against the ‘fundamental objections’ of the National River Authority (now EA) &stripped & filled & levelled the top end of Holy Valley, St Breock with115,000m³of compressed bypass waste to make a platform for the temporarily fragrant flower tent at the 3 day show regardless of the year round 365 day flood threat to downstream dwellings, residents & listed buildings?
a) Brenda the Queen Bee? b) The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association?
4.When the 3 day Royal Cornwall ’charity’ Show was cancelled in 1993 due to dangerous levels of mud the year after the valley & stream-bed were filled in, what did the treasurer, Venning Davey, blame, on TV, as the cause of the cancellation, & the reason why the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association refused to even partially refund ticket & stall holder fees?
a) Rain & ruined natural drainage? b) ‘Act of God’?
5. Who, in the same summer of 1993, then sent a begging letter out to members pleading for donations, not mentioning that filling the valley with bypass waste had fundamentally & substantially & detrimentally altered the site’s drainage characteristics, while simultaneously negotiating the imminent arrival of a cheque for £50,000 from the Department of Transport for alleged ‘loss of trade’ from by-pass works?
a) The Borrowers? b) The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association?
6. When run-off rain repeatedly flooded & damaged buildings downstream during the following decade, from which direction did the waters flow?
a) The Far East? b) The Deep South? c) The Royal Cornwall Showground?
7. In full knowledge of these serious local problems downstream & knowing of other major flooding incidents, in particular at Boscastle and on the south coast of Cornwall in 2004, who then, in 2005, proceeded to spread non-porous tarmac on miles of internal, comparatively porous, hardcore roadways for the convenience of the 3 day Royal Cornwall Show, not only jeopardizing future shows but demonstrating complete & utter disregard for the permanent year round additional & accelerated surface water run-off threat to downstream dwellings?
a) Patrick the Tarmacker? b) The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association?
8) Which well known reportedly ‘environmentally concerned’ individual was President of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association when Holy Valley, St Breock was stripped & filled & levelled & is now the Patron of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association when the showground site has been so recklessly & unwisely tarmacked & did nothing to advise against either?
a) The Duke of Hazards? b) The Duke of Cornwall?
9)Who has further demonstrated the unreliability of his often-stated ‘environmental concern’ by collaborating with Ampersand & their ridiculous concrete folly at Carlyon Bay, authorising the Duchy of Cornwall (corporate division) to collude with Ampersand in a foolish & reckless plan to extend the steep shelving exposed beach itself seaward by 16 metres along its length?
a) The Duke of Hazards? b) The Duke of Cornwall?
10) Which reportedly ‘environmentally concerned’ individual and Patron of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association is also manoeuvring, via the Duchy of Cornwall (corporate division), to compound urbanising pressures on Newquay further by attempting to ease into position, with smooth talk & swishy PowerPoint presentations, yet another profiteering Disney style and unnecessary ‘affordable housing’ scam on a green field site, while conveniently, opportunistically & greedily ignoring the fact that it is laissez-faire planning non-control & negligence allowing villages to be emptied through the immoral & scandalous misappropriation of primary residential housing by non-residents for occasional holidays instead of requiring holidaymakers to use the abundant designated holiday facilities that is the root cause of the housing disaster for the children, young people, families & communities of Cornwall?
a) The Duke of Hazards? b) The Duke of Cornwall?
11) Which current Chairman of the Royal Cornwall Association also demonstrates this short-sighted obsession with the over-development & concrete & tarmac suffocation of Cornwall by allowing his soliciting firm Coode’s, StAustell , to act for Ampersand by holding the deposits of the foolish, taken in by Ampersand spin, for luxury flats which, if ever built, will be forever insecure?
a) Jonathan Coode? b) Jonathan Coode?
Media Professional Objectivity Challenge Question!
Which indiscriminatingly pro - over - development media operations with their exhibits at the Royal Cornwall Show and their headquarters over in England have failed, compromised by over-intimate commercial involvements, to apply professional standards of objective journalism to the destructive land mismanagement practices of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association itself & other currently out of control profiteers creating unnecessary, unsustainable & destructive construction & infrastructure pressures on Cornwall & the further disenfranchisement & social dislocation of so many of her people?
a) ‘Concreting Cornwall Monthly’? b) The Western Morning News & BBC Radio ‘Cornwall’?
Bonus Big Mystery Question! :
Which former & retired secretary & fiefdom member, still occupying the Royal Cornwall Show site, is the biggest individual beneficiary of the ‘charity’ known as The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association (Reg.Ch.No.250312)?
To check your answers & air & share your over-development concerns send an e-mail to:

The Pre Amble:
Issue 782 06_12_91 Page 13
with ‘Old
'WHILE MOST farmers at least try to appear eco-friendly these days, stalwarts of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association are carrying out a scorched earth policy.
With its ramshackle buildings and lurid sodium lights, the association’s showground at Wadebridge already looks like a post-war trading estate. Now the Cornish yeomen are set on ruining part of a beautiful wooded valley in order to expand their shanty empire.
The RCAA – one of whose vice-presidents is the Prince of Wales – bought the picturesque Holy Valley along with a block of land adjoining their show site when they learned that the Wadebridge by-pass was to run alongside them. To the horror of locals they are pressing ahead with a wheeze to fill a part of the valley with spoil from the road construction.
The woodland stream is to be enclosed in a culvert serviced by five laddered tubes; the idea being to level the show site and thus make for room for burger vans and stalls selling wax jackets and horse brasses. Odd when the rural lobby insists that farmers are the natural custodians of the countryside.
Defending what locals call an act of environmental desecration, show secretary Chris Riddle claims the ‘reclamation’ is essential to replace a corner of the showground lost to the road development. Without it the annual dog show might not fit in, he warns chillingly.
Meanwhile the charity commissioners have been asked to investigate the land purchase by the RCAA, a registered charity.’
The Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association is registered as a charity (Oh Yes!), (number 250312), and is governed by a body known as the Council. (Guess who!):
Dignitaries of Dereliction :
Officers of the Royal Cornwall Agricultural Association:
Patron: His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales, The Duke of Cornwall
President: The Hon Evelyn Boscawen
President-elect: The Earl Peel DL
VICE Presidents:
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , KG, KT
Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal , KG, GCVO
His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester , KG, GCVO
P M Bickford-Smith Esq. , Helston
Mrs. Simon Bolitho, DL, Penzance
Sir Richard Carew Pole, Bart, OBE, DL, Torpoint
J A Coode Esq., DL, Bodmin
The Rt Hon The Viscount Falmouth, Tregothnan
Viscountess Falmouth, Tregothnan
J D G Fortescue Esq., JP, Lostwithiel
A M J Galworthy Esq., CVO, CBE, DL, Grampound Road
R J Gilbert Esq., Lancarffe, Bodmin
Lady Mary Holborow, JP, Ladock E M L Latham Esq., DL, Launceston
Iona, Lady Molesworth-St Aubyn, DL, Bodmin
The Rt Hon The Earl of Morley, JP, Yelverton
P J N Prideaux-Brune Esq., Padstow
J P S St Aubyn Esq., St Michael’s Mount
The Rt Hon The Lord St. Levan, DSC, Penzance
Lt Commander J D Tetley (RN), DL, Grampound
General Sir Richard Trant KCB, DSC, DL , Lostwithiel
Lt Commander N J Trefusis, RN, DL, Flushing
The Right Reverend The Bishop of Truro, Feock
F J Williams Esq., CBE, JP, DL, Gorran
J M Williams Esq., DL, Launceston
Lt Col G T G Williams, Bodmin
Chairman: Mr Jonathan Coode
Vice Chairman: Mr Michael Williams
Treasurer: Mr Venning Davey
Secretary: Mr Christopher Riddle
Bankers & Trustees: Lloyds TSB plc
Accountants: Winter Rule, Truro
Honorary Solicitors: Hancock Caffin,
Truro Surveyors: Stratton & Holborow, Truro
Investment Advisors: Morgan, Stanley, Quilter, London,
Royal Cornwall Show Trustees:
Team Kernow
Cornwall's 21st Century Wreckers - ( addition not comment )
19.03.2006 10:16
Affected or interested or implicated or associated parties and places:
lillicrap, chillcott, Jackie, stanley, Stratton, creber, miller, countrywide, your, move, cole, raymont, &, white, webbers, burrows, rightmove, may, whetter, &, grose, estuary, estates, david, ball, agencies, camel, trail, team, team, property, wise, &, co, the, property, shop, jeffreys, parkway, kittows, Newquay, property, centre, Homefinder, direct, countrywide, Donald, Weekes, Holborow, Stags, Miller, &, Son, Barclays, NatWest, Lloyds, HSBC, Alliance, Leicester, Halifax, www.,,,,,,,,,,,, St,Ives, St,Agnes, Truro, Perranporth, Newquay, Padstow, Wadebridge, Camelford, Launceston, Okehampton, Callington, Exeter, Bath, Plymouth, Torpoint, Saltash, Liskeard, Looe, Bodmin, Polruan, Fowey, St,Austell, Roche, Mevagissey, Penzance, Falmouth, St,Mawes, Delabole, Penryn, Garden, Design, competition, Hampton, Court, Palace, FlowerShow, BBCRadioCornwall, gardeners, BBC, Radio, Cornwall, The, Gardens, of, Cornwall, plants, competition, garden, landscape, modern, Cornish, garden, A, Garden, of, Cornwall, Design, RoyalCornwall, Show, Hampton, Court, Palace, Flower, Show, June, 2006, BBC, Radio, Cornwall, flower, tent, entry, Tracy, Wilson, Alistair, Rivers, John, Harris, Nigel, Pascoe, Claire, Vickers, Tim, Hubbard,, form,application, judges, entries, Tracy, Wilson, Alistair, Rivers, John, Harris, Nigel, Pascoe,Claire,Vickers, Tim,Hubbard,Wadebridge, tickets,BBC,Radio, Cornwall,Gardenline,presenters,Royal,Horticultural,Boscastle flood,hardstanding,North Cornwall District Council,car, park, on, flood, plain, flood, waters, target, zone, vehicles, demolish, buildings, Boscastle, National, Trust, riparian, owner, no, valley, maintenance, fallen, trees, dams, dams, break, domino, effect, waves, of, flood, water, trees, plus, cars, damage,buildings,Society,BBC,Radio,Cornwall,Gardeners,TV,radio,London, Categor,design,BBC,Radio,Cornwall,David,Bellamy,Chris,Beardshaw,Prof, Roland, Clift, John, Craven, Charlie, Dimmock, Monty, Don, Bob, Flowerdew, Philippa, Forester, Diarmuid, Gavin, Pippa, Greenwood, Bear, Grylls, Prof,, Maxwell, Hutchinson, Kirsty, King, Terry, Nutkins, Bill, Oddie, Jonathan, Poritt,, Michaela, Strachan, Joe, Swift, Rachel, de, Thane, Alan, Titchmarsh, Sir, Crispin, Tickell, Kim, Wilde, Des, Wilson, Tim, Hubbard, ANTONY, HOUSE, Torpoint, Cornwall, BOCONNOC, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, BOSVIGO, Bosvigo, Lane, Truro, BURNCOOSE, Gwennap, Redruth, CAERHAYS, Goran, St.Austell, CARWINION, Mawnan, Smith, Falmouth, CHYVERTON Zelah, Truro, COTEHELE, St.Dominic, Nr., Saltash, GLENDURGAN, Mawnan, Smith, Nr., Falmouth, GODOLPHIN, HOUSE, and, GARDEN, Golphin, Cross, Helston, LANHYDROCK, Bodmin, Cornwall, THE, LOST, GARDENS, of, HELIGAN, Pentewan, St., Austell, MOUNT, EDGCUMBE, Torpoint, Cornwall, PENCARROW, Bodmin, Cornwall, PRIDEAUX PLACE, Padstow, Cornwall, TREBAH, GARDENS, Mawnan, Smith, Falmouth, Cornwall., TREGOTHNAN, GARDEN, Tregothnan, Truro, Cornwall, TRELISSICK, GARDEN, Feock, Nr., Truro, Cornwall, TRENGWAINTON GARDEN, Nr. Penzance, Cornwall, TRERICE, GARDENS, Kestle, Mill, Newquay, Cornwall. TRESCO, ABBEY, GARDEN, Tresco, Isles, of, Scilly, Cornwall, TREVARNO, Crowtown, Nr. Helston, Cornwall, TREWITHEN, GARDENS, Grampound, Road, Truro, Cornwall, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall,
Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden of Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden of Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden of Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden of Cornwall, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Hengar Manor, Darts, Pictures, 6 Nations, Surely 7 Including Cornwall, Hengar Manor, Darts, Pictures, 6 Nations, Surely 7 Including Cornwall, Hengar Manor, Darts, Pictures, 6 Nations, Surely 7 Including Cornwall, Hengar Manor, Darts, Pictures, 6 Nations, Surely 7 Including Cornwall, World Book Day, World Book Day, World Book Day, World Book Day, World Book Day, World Book Day, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Music Made in Cornwall, Music Made in Cornwall, Play in Prime Time, Play in Prime Time, Music Made in Cornwall, Music Made in Cornwall, Play in Prime Time, Play in Prime Time, Music Made in Cornwall, Music Made in Cornwall, Play in Prime Time, Play in Prime Time, Music Made in Cornwall, Music Made in Cornwall, Play in Prime Time, Play in Prime Time Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Newquay Voice, Cornish Times, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Newquay Voice, Cornish Times,
Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Cornwall Show, RoyalCornwallShow, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Cornwall, Show, Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Trevarno, Manor, Gardens, Burncoose, Nursery, The, Japanese, Garden, Lamorran, Garden, Bosvigo, Meudon, Hotel, and, Garden, Probus, Gardens, Roseland, House, Trebah, Tregothnan, Duchy of Cornwall, Nursery, Nurseries, Forestry, Lostwithiel, Trelissick, Tresillian, House, Garden, Bonython, Trelowarren, Prince, Charles, Duke, Duchy, of, Cornwall, Highgrove, Tetbury, Trust, Poundbury, Elder, Froy, Dorchester, Parkway, Residents, Association, West Dorset District Council, Pummery Square, Brownsword, Hall, Enquiry by Design by Enquiry by Design by Enquiry by Design by Enquiry, Leon, Krier, Dorset, Tourist, Information, Damers, County, FirstSchool, Damers, Road, Purbeck, Financial, Services, Pengillys, Solicitors, of, Weymouth, Challacombe, House, Beechwood, Square, EcoHomes, Cornhill, Challacombe, Square, Poundbury, Farm, The, Duchy, of, Cornwall, Britain, 1337, Edward,III, Prince, Edward, Black, Prince, charter, ruled, future, Duke, of, Cornwall, eldest, surviving, son, monarch, heir, throne, 14th, century, Duchy's, income, Monarch, heir, apparent, income covers, public, private life, Duke, The, Prince, of, Wales, sons, Civil, List, male, heir, Duchy, Monarch, Exchequer, total, area, counties, estate, Dartmoor, Devon, farms, smallholdings, estate, owns, some, residential, properties, shops, offices, portfolio, stocks, shares, youth, trust, Camilla, Parker, Bowles, Princess, Duchess, Diana, Di, Bertie, Ross, William, Harry, James Hewitt, Father, Land, Rover, Badminton, Horse, Trials, Ascot, Epson, Grand, National, organic, flight, Queen, Queen's, The, Royal, Cornwall, Show, The, Royal, Cornwall, Agricultural, Association, Barbara, Walters, Camilla, Parker, Bowles, Duchess, of, Cornwall, Most Fascinating Person, abc, News, CNN, Sky, TV, NBC, New York Times, Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Daily News, MSNBC, Fox, News, Sky, satellite, Bishop Bill Ind, Anglican, Church, Church, of, England, Church, Commissioners, exempt, charity, Truro, Cathedral, Archbishop, Rowan, Williams, Make, Poverty, History, Charity, Charities, Act, Anachronism, Feudal, Trust, tenant, tenants, Environment, Environmental, Ecology, Ecological, Global, Warming, Bishop, Bill, Ind, Anglican, Church, Church, of , England, William, Church, Commissioners, Truro, Cathedral, Make, Poverty, History, service, services, celebration, Jonathan, Coode, Newquay, Growth, Area, St,Ives, Penzance, Penryn, St,Austell, St.Ives, Truro, Falmouth, Carrick, Penwith, North, Cornwall, Caradon, Restormel, District, Council, Isles, of, Scilly, Ferry, Scillonian, St,Agnes, Tresco, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Royal, Cornwall, Agricultural, Association. Agriculture, Land, Flower, Tent, Stand, Stands, Tent, Marquee, North, South, East, West, North, West, Northwest, Southwest, South, West, North, East, Northeast, South, East, Southeast, Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, Republic, Eire, Kernow, Cornwall, Northern, Celtic, Nations, Reef, Summer, Weekend, Surfing, Surf, Sailing, Hire, boards, Cribbar, Cribber, cool, swell, forecast, surf, school, Holiday, Accommodation, Holiday, Cottage, Coast, Coastal, Moor, Moorland, Path, BBC, BBC, TV, BBC, Radio, Cornwall, BBC, Radio, Devon, BBC, Radio, Southwest, BBC, Radio, Jersey, Radio1, Radio2, Radio3, Radio4, Radio5Live, Five, Live, BIG, live, music, NEW, fabulous, CELEBRITY, photographs, web, site, Kernow, Cornwall, Highgrove, St.James’s, Palace, Kensington, Islington, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, Show, Biggest, Best, Day, Free!, Free, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, Anthony, Gibson, NFU, N.F.U., Farming, Agriculture, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Livestock, Bull, Poultry, Horse, Dog, Exhibit, Exhibition, Exhibitor, Main, Main, Ring, Beef, Cheese, Success, Successful, Product, Business, Directory, Trade, Catalogue, Recycle, Tickets, Gate, Results, Dates, Information, Membership, Booking, Life, Member, Member's, Pavilion, Free, hours, visitor, visitors, open, day, days, dvd, cd, Cornwall, Liberal, Democrats, Lib, Dems, Matthew, Taylor, Andrew, George, Dan, Rogerson, Colin Breed, Julia, Goldsworthy, Paul Tyler, Menzies, Campbell, Charles, Kennedy, Bude, flood, enterprise, young, youth, o'clock, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, a.m., p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, book, member, admission, members, life, membership, dressage, jumps, hunting, hunt, ox, chase, green, animal, rights, Anthony, Gibson, N.F.U., National, Farmers, Union, country, landowners, association, CLA, country, holistic, Tate, St., Ives, St, Just, TB, cull, culling, badgers, badger, cattle, movement, certificate, mammals, mammals, mammals, mammals,243(The Wessex) Field Hospital (V) 3Sums A & J Richards A 1 Farm Buildings Ltd A F Maintenance Services A.M.P. Access Ltd Acorn Hog Roast Acorn Hog Roast Adjustamatic Beds Ltd Advantage South West Mortgage Corp Plc Agriking Limited Agri-Tech Services AGS Home Improvements Ltd Air Training Corps Alan Snow Agricultural Engineers All About Asia Allen & Page Allflex Europe (UK) ltd Alltyres Limited Alpacas of Wessex Amos Pumps (UK) Limited Andy Loos Ltd Anglian Home Improvements Animals Asia Foundation Ankalad Safety Products Ltd Ardosia Slate Co Ltd Argal Tractors Arkay Sales Armada Supplies Ltd ATV Centre Automobile Association Balticpine Timber Corporation Ltd Band Rest Tent Band Rest Tent Barn Owl Trust Bateman & Co Ltd, L M Bathroom Studio Limited BBC Radio Cornwall Beach Carlyon Bay Beaman Tools Beares, R S M Beauty Health & Lifestyle Roadshow Ltd Beecroft's Toys Ltd Bees and Honey Section Bespoke Woodworkers Group Bevan Farm Systems 2000 Limited Bidgiemire Pig Arcs Bioflow Independent Distributor Black Farmer, The Blue Rush Wetsuits Ltd BOCM PAULS Ltd Boddington's Bodmin College Bodygun UK Bonhams Bookfair Limited Bowmen of Wadebridge Bradleys Estate Agents Bramblecrest British Red Cross Medical Equipment Serv Brymore School Burdens Ltd Burger Grill Buscombe, D G Business Link for Devon & Cornwall Buttermilk Confections &Kernow Chocolate C R M S Ltd Cage Birds Section Caltech Cancer Research UK Carnon Downs Garden Centre Carrs Audi Carrs Ferrari/Maserati Carrs of Truro Carrs of Truro Volkswagen Cartridge World Cash Point Catalogues & Programmes Catalogues & Programmes Catalogues & Programmes Catalogues & Programmes Catering - Exhibitors Club Catering - Livestock Judges & Catley & Sons,R Cavy Section CBL Clive Barford Ltd Celtic Solar Limited Central Garage Chair Planes Chandlers Stuart James t/a Cheltenham & Gloucester Children's Hospice South West Chocolicious Chown China Chrissies Stall Darimana Imp. Christian Smith Agriculture Ltd Churches Together in Cornwall Chuwen Paul Ciao Caffe Cinders Classic Cottages Clovelly Clothing Company ,Cocina Ceramics Collins Leisure, R G Collinwood Trading Combined Universities in Cornwall Community Energy Plus Contractors Yard Coodes Solicitors Cornish Cheese Company Cornish Country Meats Cornish Crafts-EnterpriseTamar Cornish Cuisine Cornish Guild of Smallholders Cornish Hospices Cornish Hospices Cornish Hot Tubs Cornish K9 Company Cornish Mutual Assurance CoLtd Cornish Natural Spring Water Cornish Orchards Cornish Pasty Co Mobile Ltd Cornish Pasty Co Mobile Ltd Cornish Patisserie Cornish Pine Furniture Cornish Real Nappy Project Cornish Stone Cornish Traditional Cottages Cornwall Animal Hospital Cornwall Centre for Volunteers Cornwall College Cornwall County Council Cornwall County Council Cornwall Editions Limited Cornwall Farmers Ltd Cornwall Federation of Womens Institutes Cornwall Food & Farming Pavilion 2005 Cornwall Life Cornwall Pump & Motor Rewinds Ltd Cornwall Smallholders Supplies Cornwall Sports Partnership Cornwall Target Shooting Association Cornwall Taste of the West Cornwall Today Cornwall Veterinary Association Cotswold Garden Company Cotton Shirt Company Country Home Furniture Country Land & Business Association Countrywest Trading Ltd County Environmental Services Ltd Courtyard Sundials Cox Marine, Andrew Crooked Cottage Company Crown Steel Buildings Daimler Chrylser UK Limited Dairy Crest Ltd Dairy Farm Services Ltd Dairy Group Dairycentre Dajans Dales MG Rover Dales Mitsubishi Dales Renault Dales Suzuki Damar Webbing Products Ltd Damerells Motorcycles Dance Festival ,Dead Cert Pest Control DEFRA Devon & Cornwall Criminal Justice Board Devon Rustics Dibblers Dogs & Co Donkey Sanctuary Down To Earth Dubarry of Ireland Duchy College Duchy College Duchy Timber Dukeswood E W Trading Earth Collection Eden Crafts Eden Project Edinburgh Outdoor Clothing Elephant & Castle Limited Emily Janes Eminent Trading Emma Henley of Bath Errazuriz Eternit Building Materials Europlas Eventive Funtime Ltd Everest Limited Everhot Ltd Exeter International Airport Exmoor Adventures Ltd Eye Level Optical F.L.E.E.T. Fabdec Limited Fal Valley Pets Family Area & Lost Children Farm & Cottage Holidays Farmer Ed's Farmers Cottage Lamps Farmers Friend Ltd Farmers Guardian Farmers Markets in Cornwall Farmers Pavilion Farmers Weekly Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group Farmplan Computer Systems Far-Sighted Binocular Company Fast Systems Ltd Federation of Small Businesses Feelgood Furniture Finning (UK) Ltd Fire Station First Aid First Day Christian Witness Flexamatic Beds Ltd Flower & Plant Co. Flower Sprinklers Flying Dodo Ltd Follett Stock Solicitors Foot Fetish Forestry Display Forestry Display Forestry Display Ring Forestry Section Foster Care Associates South West Frain, K J Fresco Furniture Limited Fullwood Limited Fun-Tasia Gallopers GDM Embroidery Services Geoffrey Harris Tyres Ltd Glanville Cornwall Ltd, N J Glenside Group Ltd Goat Section Golden Fleece Graham's Garden Machinery Graphique Media Solutions Gray & Sons Ltd, F R Great Outdoors Greenhouses UK Greenthumb Guardian Retail Mats Limited Guide Association, Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, Gurkha Welfare Trust ( SW ) Gwethnoc Tartan Company, Hager-Vor Hall Engineering Hall for Cornwall Trust Halse of Honiton Halzephron Herb Farm Hamblys Whitstone Ltd Harper Adams University College Harrisons Mortgage Solutions Ltd Hart Co Leisure Hartpury College Harvey, Richard W Harveys Chartered Surveyors Hawkins Motor Group Heartwood Heating SW Ltd Helen Browning's Flying Pig Helford Creek Henry Cane Limited ,Heyworth Farm Buildings Hideout Leathergoods D & R Roe High Range Hiremasters Ltd Hood & Broomfield Fine Art HSBC Bank Plc Hughes Fresh Fruit Ltd Hughes Kitchens & Furniture, Warren I A E Image Events - Milk Bars Imerys Minerals Ltd Imperial Tobacco Limited Information Intek Communications ISCis South & West J M S International J Shoes James Wellbeloved & Co JCB Finance Ltd JDP Limited Jefferys Jennifer Gay Jewellery by Madeleine Jewson Limited Jewson Limited Jigsaw Man John Halifax John Mills Limited Jones & Co, Roger Joules Just Kitchens Just Water Kellands Plant Sales Kellys of Bodmin Kennel Club, Kensey Training Kernow Oils Kingsley Group Kivells Kraiburg Ladies in Pigs Lakeland Limited Land's End Visitor Attraction Launceston Stoves Learning & Skills Council Devon Lewin & Sons, T M Lewis Caterers Stand: 566 - Lewis Caterers Light Infantry Officers' Tent Lions Clubs of Cornwall Living Glaze Lloyd & Whyte Farm Insurance Loading Ramp Lotnabox Ltd Lowtide Surf Clothing & Accessories Lucas G Lydia's Cottage Industries Mad Cowes Clothing Co Ltd Magic Marquee Ltd Main Ring Assembly Area Main Ring Stewards Mallett & Son Ltd Martin & Son, Masterfarm Matford Arable Systems Ltd Maxiscrape South West Limited May & Son Ltd, D Mayflower Potatoes MBM Produce Limited MBNA Europe Bank Ltd McCauleys Limited Meade Machines Ltd Postpuncher Meineck Design Group Members Pavilion Mer Products Ltd Merlin Project The Midland Clothing Ltd Milk Link Ltd MilkingSolutions (UK) Ltd Miller & Son Miller Countrywide Ministry of Defence Mole Valley Farmers Ltd Morven Windows and Kitchens Mr Donut Ltd Mr Kittow's Famous Sausage Co Mr Kittow's Famous Sausage Co N E Catering N F U National Animal Welfare Trust Cornish Beach National Blood Service National Trust Neet Foods Neville Symonds Associates Neville Symonds Associates New Girl Newcross Healthcare Solutions NHS Careers Nixon Design Ltd Noah's Ark / Wall of Death North Cornwall & West Devon Garage Doors North Cornwall Landscaping Ltd Oates Travel Olives & Things Open University in the South West, Organic South West Osgrow Stand: 588 - P.P.T. Services, Padstow Garden Machinery ,Paint Runner International, Park Catering Parklands Toyota Pathfinder Park Homes Pathfinder Park Homes Paxton Linpac Environmental PDSA Peoples Dispensary for Pedigree Animals Pengenna Pasties Penrose Outdoors Pentreath/Cornish
Braemar,Balmoral,Ballater,Royal,Deeside,Aboyne,Tarland,Dee,Don,Highland,Show,Aberfeldy, Trossachs, Cairngorms, Deeside, World Perry, Andrew Peter Stunt PFS (Helston) Ltd Pieroth Ltd Pierres De Riviere Pirate FM102 Plant & Engineering Plastec Window Systems Pluess, Graham Plymouth Argyle Football Club Plymouth City Council Adoption Team Police Polwhele House School Porsche Centre Exeter PosiGrip ( UK ) Ltd Post Office Limited Potter Associates, Ian Powr Product Press Centre Pressure Services Pressure Washers (SW) Prince's Trust Profi International Proven Products Ltd Pryor & Ricketts Silviculture Publicity Exhibitions R A C R H L Catering R H L Catering R H L Catering R J M Windows Rabtrak Ltd Ralphs Tractor Spares, Ben Recycling Area Redmoor S ReMaDe Kernow Renapur Ltd Renotherm Ltd Riders Volvo Ridgeway Leather Rippon's Traditional Pasties Ritchey Tagg Ltd Riviera Hot Tubs RNID Typetalk Road Building Display Rodda & Son, A E Rodda & Son, A.E. Rolland Trailers, Roof Rescue, Rosemullion Homes, Rosevears of Bugle Roskilly's Rowes Honda Royal Agricultural Benevolent Royal Air Force Display Area Royal De Boer Barn Equipment Royal National Lifeboat Institution Rugby Store Rugged Trail Ltd Run Cookware UK Rural Russells Catering Russells Catering Ryan Cabinetmakers Saint Petroc's Society Ltd Samaritans Savills Scania (GB) Limited Scouting in Cornwall Seafood Cornwall Seventh Day Adventist Church Sharp's Brewery Shawbury Vintners Shelbourne Reynolds Eng Ltd Shopping Mall Show Collections Show Collections Side Shows Silk Pagoda Silvanus Services Limited Singer Outside Events Ltd Sisley's Cornish Preserves Skinner & Son, G Sleep Ltd R Smock Shop Ltd Solomons South Crofty Collection Ltd South Devon Herd Book Society South West Loos South West Placements Foster Agency South West Tourism South West Water Ltd South Western Society of Chartered Southern Court Furniture Co. Southwest Garden Machinery Spaldings U K Ltd Sparplas Direct Special Events (Security Services) Ltd Specsavers Opticians Speedy Hire Western Splendid Meat Company St Austell Brewery St Austell Brewery St Blazey Motorcycles St Joseph's School Stags Estate Agents Steam Engines Steam Engines Stenlake's Limited Stoneflex URP Limited Stove Shop Stratton & Holborow Stratton Creber Street Footwear, B G Sunnyfields Supply Chains Limited Supreme Sausages Ltd Surf Bay Leisure Surf Life Saving Cornwall Swing Boats Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter, Old Fashioned Fairings, Symonds, Peter, Old Fashioned Fairings, Old Fashioned Fairings T Buildings Ltd Tamar Group, Tavistock Tyre & Exhaust Service Taylor Made Play Equipment Ltd Teagle Machinery Ltd Team Estate Agents Teaves Bruce Robertson Trago Mills John Telephones Tenant Farmers Association Tesco Stores Ltd Thaiphoon Bioflow Distributors The Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency Thomas & Son Ltd, J G W Thomas Cook Retail Ltd Timber Garden Supplies Timberland Timbertoys - the Model Farm Centre Tincknell Fuels Ltd Toad Hall Cottages Tomlin D W Toppenrose Dairy Tormek Tornado Wire Total Butler Tottles Music Shop Toyland Trading Pages Trago Mills Trebark Garden Furniture Co Tregassow Farm Tregida Smokehouse Tregothnan Joinery Trelawney Farm Machinery Tremorvah Industries - Wheelchair Hire Trenance Chocolates Tres Chic/ Bridal Trevada Music Ltd Trewithen Cornish Farm Dairy Tried Tested Trusted Trophy Pet Supplies TruGreen Southwest, Unit 9c Truro and Treliske Schools Truro College Truro Farm Machinery Ltd Truro High School for Girls Truro Tractors Limited Truscotts Peugeot Two Hatters UK Transplant The Renal Unit Undiluted Limited Universal Buildings Usborne Books for Children Velvet Energy UK Ltd Venture Truro Vicomte Bernard de Romanet Vincent Tractors Vintage Display Volac International Ltd Vospers Fiat Vospers Ford Vospers Mazda W M Ironwork Wadebridge Chamber of Commerce Walrus Marine Ltd Wareing & Son (Wrea Green) Ltd Waste Neutral Webbers Property Services Ltd Wedding Marquee Welch & Co t/a, Bags of Class Wellington Welding Welly ShopWelsh Lamb Catering Wendron Stoves / Kernow Fires West Cottage Clocks West Country Natural Flooring Westaways Sausages Westcountry Ambulance Services Westcountry Trampolines Western Morning News Stage WestfaliaSurge Ltd Whalesborough Farm Foods Whirlpool Spa White Horse Country Wear White Shadow Enterprises Whotz Hot Wildside Wildwood Trees William E Selkin Ltd William E Selkin Ltd Wiltshire Barrel Company Williams Travel Women's Food and Farming Union Woodhead, Garden,Design,Competition,Hampton,Court,Palace,Flower,Show,BBC,Radio,Cornwall,Gardeners,BBC,Radio,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Cornwall,The,Gardens,of, Cornwall, Plants, Competition, Garden, Landscape, Cornish, Gardens, Gardening, BBC, Radio, Cornwall, A, Garden, of, Cornwall, Royal, Bath, and, West, Highland,Show,Design,Royal,Cornwall,Show,Hampton,Court,Palace,Flower,Show,BBC,Radio,Chelsea,June,2006,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,Olympic,games,Flower,Tent,Entry,Tracy,Wilson,Alistair,Rivers,John,Harris,Nigel,Pascoe,Claire,Vickers,Tim,Hubbard,,Form,Application,Judges,Entries,Tracy,Wilson,Alistair,Rivers,John,Harris,Nigel,Pascoe,Claire,Vickers,Tim,Hubbard,Wadebridge,Tickets,BBC,Radio,Cornwall,Gardenline,Presenters,Royal,Horticultural,Society,BBC,Radio,Cornwall,Gardeners,TV,Radio,London,Category,Design,David,Bellamy,Chris,Beardshaw,Roland,Clift,John,Craven,Country,File,Charlie,Dimmock,Monty,Don,Bob,Flowerdew,Philippa,Forester,Diarmuid,Gavin,Pippa,Greenwood,Bear,Grylls,Prof,Maxwell,Hutchinson,Kirsty,King,Terry,Nutkins,Bill,Oddie,Jonathan,Poritt,Michaela,Strachan,Joe,Swift,Rachel de Thane, Alan, Titchmarsh, Sir, Crispin, Tickell,Kim,Wilde,Des,Wilson,Tim,Hubbard,Lord,Mayor,David,Brewer,Parade,Environment,Agency,Boscastle,Flood,A,Garden,London,Commonwealth,Games,For,Cornwall,Design,Show,Highland,Stand,Exhibitor,Dates,Food,Taste,of,the,West,Holiday,AccommodationFurniture Woodland Turnery Joan and Clive Jones Worldwide Financial Planning XS Baggage Yorkshire Clothing Company Young Land Rover, Roger Arkay Sales Mercedes-Benz of Truro NatWest Bank Plc Woodfern, Lord, Mayor, Garden, Design, Competition, BBC, Radio, Cornwall,,, Dead, Duck, Swan, Swans, Migration, Migratory, Africa, Flight Path, Spring, Cornwall ' County' Council, Design, a, Roundabout, Cornwall, for, of, Swallow, Swift, Egret, Summer, Avian, Flu, Bird, Flu, Vaccination, Poultry, Hens, Chickens, Cover, Advice, Turkey, DEFRA, Department, for, Environment, Food, and, Rural Affairs, Cornwall, David Brewer, Who do you think you are?, Ben, Bradshaw, Schumacher, Cash in the Attic, Country Landowners & Business Association, Songs of Praise, Garden Makeover, Sea Sense , London, Antony, House, Boconnnoc, Bosvigo, Burncoose, Caerhays, Carwinion, Chyverton, Cotehele, Glendurgan, Godolphin, House, Lanhydrock, LostGardensofHeligan, Mount, Edgcumbe, Pencarrow, Prideaux, Place, Trebah, Gardens, Tregothnan, Garden, Trelissick, Garden, Trengwainton, Garden, Trerice, Gardens, Tresco, Abbey, Garden, Trevarno, Trewithen, Gardens, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Royal, Cornwall, Agricultural, Association, Wadebridge, Cornwall, BBC, Spotlight, BBC, Radio, Cornwall, Make, Design, a, Garden, of, Cornwall, BBC, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, TV, Radio,, Royal, Horticultural, Society, Hampton, Court, Palace, Flower, Show, Alan, Titchmarsh, Charlie, Dimmock, Truro, Cathedral, Freemasons, Masonic, On, the, Square, Chris, Beardshaw, Diarmuid Gavin, Tim, Hubbard, Alistair, Rivers, Tracy, Wilson, Alistair, Rivers, John, Harris, Moon Gardening, Gardening, by, Phases, of, the, moon, Biodynamic, gardening, Rudolf, Steiner, Nigel, Pascoe, Claire, Vickers, Carole, Gravett, Duchy, College, June, 2006, form, application ,school, schools, children ,children's, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 ,2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, school, schools, children, children's, exhibitors, stand, results, foot, and, mouth, ebola, rehearsal, contingency, measures, quarantine, rosette, rehearsal 35 Degrees South A B Country Sports A D & N Wheeler A P Lifting Gear Co A Taste of Liquorice A Y Marketing A.P.E.S. Rocking Horses A1 Access Ltd Abacus Organic Services Limited Abbey Dore Farm Shop ABP Ltd Accessori Da Tavola (ADTAcorn Designs Ltd ADAS Management Consultancy Ltd Adjustamatic Beds Advent Media Ltd Aegean Spas & Hot Tubs, Aerial and Satellite Service - Sky TV (c/o JFR Promotions)aerolatte African British Business Association Aga-Rayburn AGCO Limited Agri Europa Ventures Ltd Agricultural Travel Bureau Ltd Ainsworth Displays Alan Glasby - The Hope Gallery Albert Bick - Woodturner Alexander James of Pendlebury, Alpaca Select Alpacas of Wessex Alvan Blanch Development Company Amber UPVC Windows and Conservatories Ltd AMC American Spas Ltd AndyB Angling Trades Association Animal Artistry Animal Comfort Ltd Ann Harries Mexican Jewellery Apollo Insulation (UK) Ltd Appin-Woods Machinery Ltd Arable Farming Arborplant Ltd Arborplant Ltd Arctic Spas - Pools and Gardens Ltd Arizonas ARLA Foods Milk Partnership Arthur Carter Arunvale Alpacas Ascot Park Polo Club Ascot Timber Buildings Ltd Ashcroft Alpaca Ashfield Coachworks Assured Food Standards Assured Food Standards Athena Windows Ltd Atlantic Alpacas & Atacama Atlantic Country Superstores Atlas Equestrian Atlas Wheeled Loaders Ltd Audio Architecture T/A Basia's Rare and Unusual Plants Automated Systems - Domateam AVC Broadband Ltd Avinue Ltd Ayr Equestrian Ayrshire Cattle Society B C L Baillie Haylage Bakewell Pools Ltd Banbury Cross Incubators Barclays Agricultural Banking Barker Saddlery Baughan's Barrel Screens BBC Magazines BBQ Companion - Brittex (UK) Ltd Beaman Tools Becchio & Mandrile - Berfralk Srl Bee- Dazzled Beecroft's Toys Ltd Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society Belgian Blue Group Belted Galloway Cattle Society Belvoir Horse Products Benetton Bennett Soil Technology Ltd Bennington Carriages Bergeres + Chairs Berkeley Studio Ltd Berthoud Sprayers Ltd BESO Best Dressed Bird Bestboots Ltd BIAC Bical (Biomass Industrial Crops Ltd) Bid Designs Bigjigs Bio-Renewables Ltd Birchdale Plants Birchfield Family Dairies Blackwood Distillers Blandford Saddlery Blenheim Alpacas Blue Green / Universal Blue Machinery PLC Blue Merle Ltd Bomanite Paving Bombardier ATV Bomford Booker Tate Ltd Bowerings Animal Feeds Ltd Bradmore Equestrian Bramblecrest
35 Degrees South A B Country Sports A D & N Wheeler A P Lifting Gear Co A Taste of Liquorice A Y Marketing A.P.E.S. Rocking Horses A1 Access Ltd Abacus Organic Services Limited Abbey Dore Farm Shop ABP Ltd Accessori Da Tavola ADT Acorn Designs Ltd ADAS Management Consultancy Ltd Adjustamatic Beds Advent Media Ltd Aegean Spas & Hot Tubs, Aerial and Satellite Service - Sky TV (c/o JFR Promotions)aerolatte African British Business Association Aga-Rayburn AGCO Limited Agri Europa Ventures Ltd Agricultural Travel Bureau Ltd Ainsworth Displays Alan Glasby - The Hope Gallery Albert Bick - Woodturner Alexander James of Pendlebury Alpaca Select Alpacas of Wessex Alvan Blanch Development Company Amber UPVC Windows and Conservatories Ltd AMC American Spas Ltd AndyB Angling Trades Association Animal Artistry Animal Comfort Ltd Ann Harries Mexican Jewellery Apollo Insulation (UK) Ltd Appin-Woods Machinery Ltd Arable Farming Arborplant Ltd Arborplant Ltd Arctic Spas - Pools and Gardens Ltd Arizonas ARLA Foods Milk Partnership Arthur Carter Arunvale Alpacas Ascot Park Polo Club Ascot Timber Buildings Ltd Ashcroft Alpaca Ashfield Coachworks Assured Food Standards Assured Food Standards Athena Windows Ltd Atlantic Alpacas & Atacama Atlantic Country Superstores Atlas Equestrian Atlas Wheeled Loaders Ltd Audio Architecture T/A Basia's Rare and Unusual Plants Automated Systems - Domateam AVC Broadband Ltd Avenue Ltd Ayr Equestrian Ayrshire Cattle Society B C L Baillie Haylage Bakewell Pools Ltd Banbury Cross Incubators Barclays Agricultural Banking Barker Saddlery Baughan's Barrel Screens BBC Magazines BBQ Companion - Brittex (UK) Ltd Beaman Tools Becchio & Mandrile - Berfralk Srl Bee- Dazzled Beecroft's Toys Ltd Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society Belgian Blue Group Belted Galloway Cattle Society Belvoir Horse Products Benetton Bennett Soil Technology Ltd Bennington Carriages Bergeres + Chairs Berkeley Studio Ltd Berthoud Sprayers Ltd BESO Best Dressed Bird Bestboots Ltd BIAC Bical (Biomass Industrial Crops Ltd) Bid Designs Bigjigs Bio-Renewables Ltd Birchdale Plants Birchfield Family Dairies Blackwood Distillers Blandford Saddlery Blenheim Alpacas Blue Green / Universal Blue Machinery PLC Blue Merle Ltd Bomanite Paving Bombardier ATV Bomford Booker Tate Ltd Bowerings Animal Feeds Ltd Bradmore Equestrian Bramblecrest Bramley & Gage Branded Bag Company Brass Tacks Bredon Hill Shooting Supplies Bredon School Breese Ltd Britain's Toys British Association For Shooting & Conservation British Association of Landscape Industries British Bazadaise Cattle Society British Beekeepers' Association British Belgian Blue Cattle Society British Blonde Society British Charolais Cattle Society Ltd British Connemara Pony Society British Consultants and Construction Bureau British Deer Farmers Association British Equestrian Trade Association British Kune Pig Society British Limousin Cattle Society British Livestock Genetics British Parthenais Cattle Society British Pig Association British Simmental Cattle Society British White Cattle Society Britopia Limited Broad Oak Broadway Nurseries Brocade Soft Furnishings Ltd Brocklehursts of Bakewell Brown & Co Browns of Wem Limited Bruce Hopkins Ltd Bryn Hall Country Furniture BSG Tractors and Machinery Buffalo House Burrough Country Clothing Ltd C J Industries C Signs C.G.C.S. (Midlands) Ltd Cabinfever Ltd Calor Gas Ltd Calzen Cookware Camera Clearance Co Cameron Consulting Campkins Camera Centre Canadian Spa Company Capital Seating Carryon Clothing Case IH Caspian Breed Society (UK) CellCall Limited Celtic Country Wines Centaura Field Bowman Central Networks Central Science Laboratory Challow Products Channel Island Guernseys Charles Mitchell Wines Ltd Charles Tyrwhitt Shirts Chas N Whillans Cherry Valley Farms Limited Childer Wood Heavy Horse Centre Chiltern Country Supplies Chippers International Limited Chocolate Fondue Company Chris Eckersley Design Chris Green Christadelphian ALS Christian Message for Town and Country Chrysler and Jeep Citi Cards CLA - Country Land and Business Association Claremont Collections Classic Designs Classic Quilts Ltd Classical Mile End Alpacas Cleanacres Machinery Ltd Clearview Stoves Cleveland Bay Horse Society Clive Marcham (Cottage Bonsai) Clives Fruit Farm Cloakrooms Cocina Ceramics Cocoon Cogent Cole – Woodturners Collier Trading Colne Saddlery Colonial Furniture Company Colonial Knives Colonial Soldier Columba Cream Liqueur Commercial Horticultural Association Complete Chimenea Company, (C.C.C.) Composting and Wood Recycling Context Products Limited Copella Fruit Juices Cornish Cheese Co Cornwall Taste of the West Corrymoor Mohair Socks Cottage Frames Ltd Country Classics Country Covers Country Platters Country Stile Clothing Country Traditions Countryside Alliance Countrywide Farmers Plc County Jewellers Equestrian Cousins of Cheltenham Cousins of Emneth Ltd Cow Comfort AMS Cream Crew Clothing Co Crop Protection Association Crop Systems Limited Crops Cropstars - Kemira Growhow UK Limited Cross Agricultural Engineering Ltd Cyclone Imagination Ltd Cyril Bason (Stokesay) Ltd D & A Wright D & B Barnes D V Townend & Co D W Tomlin D.E. Optics Daihatsu Dairy Chain Dairy Council Dairy Council Dairy Crest Limited Dairy Farmer Dairy Farmers of Britain Dairymaster Dales Pony Society Damar Webbing Products Ltd Dane Groundcare Equipment Ltd Danebury Vineyards Darlac Ltd Dartmoor Pony Society David Bright Ltd Deer Initiative Defra - Rural Development Service Delamere Dairy Delanns Jewels Denewear Development Business Team, UK Trade & Investment Devon Cattle Breeders Society Devon Clothing Dewalt Power Tools Dexter Cattle Society Dibleys Nurseries Discount Safety Boots Dogs Trust Domestic Fowl Trust Dominic Suddaby Doreen Preston & Son Dowdeswell Engineering Co Ltd Dubarry of Ireland Duchy College Stoke Climsland Callington Cornwall Duckpaddle Dyslexia Information (FEUD) E Stacy-Marks Ltd Eastern Reflection Eden Crafts Eighty 4 Electric Fencing Depot Elm Farm Research Centre Embassy of London and Leicestershire Endeavour Jewellers Cornwall is NOT in England Marketing Cornish is not English Beef and Lamb Executive Cornish is NOT English Guernsey Cattle Society Cornwall is NOT in England English Regional Development Agencies Environment Agency Environmental Energy Systems Enviros Consulting Ltd Equikits Equimed UK Ltd Equine Connection Equiport Equestrian Supplies Equitector Riding Boots Equitogg ERREPPI Estribar Limited Eternit Building Materials Euroclip Ltd Event Insurance Services Ltd Eversley Nursery Exmoor Pony Society Expo Promotions Ltd Express Garden Furniture Eyeson Marketing F R Gray & Sons Ltd Fairfield Control Systems Ltd Farm Energy Centre Falkland Islands Government FARMA Farmade Management Systems Ltd Farm-Africa Farmers Fayre Farmers For Action Farmers Fruit Machine Farmers Guardian Farmers Resale & Auction Register Farmers Weekly Farmers Weekly Interactive Farming and Countryside Education FACE Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG) Farming Help FEC Services Ltd Feelgood Furniture Fell Pony Society Fennmill Festival of Food Field Farm Enterprises Ltd Filippo Berio UK Ltd Fine Wine Pavilion Finishing Touches of Thrapston First Milk Ltd Flemish Tapestries Ltd Floralistics Flowering Plants Ltd Floyd Shoes Food Pavilion Aerolatte Best Dressed Bird Birchfield Family Dairies Celtic Country Wines Cornish Cheese Co Country Platters The Curry Sauce Company Danebury Vineyards Gerald David & Family Ltd Davidson Direct Deliciouslyyorkshire Direct Import East Midlands Water Company Ltd Field House Foods The Fields of Italy Ltd Stuart Foster Wines Freedom Food Genius UK Ltd Gordon & MacPhail International Seafoods Inverawe Smokehouses Johnson's Toffees and Fudges Kirby Farm Fine Food Lawncourt Harvest Ltd The Lemonade Factory Limetree Pantry Ltd Merchant Gourmet C/O Not Just Food Morning Foods Limited OlivesRgood4u Ltd Orkney Organic Meat Saint Valentines Liquorice Company Samworth Brothers Limited The September Organic Dairy Snowdonia Cheese Company Limited
Strawberry Fayre Supreme Sausages Limited Tesco Stores Ltd Tyrrells Potato Chips Wootton Organic Yoghurt Delights Foot Fetish Forestry & British Timber Forestry and Timber Association Forestry Commission England which Cornwall is NEXT to not IN, Kingdom Teak Foundation Firewood Four Seasons Hotel Cyprus Fourtec Ltd Fowler Brothers Fox's Spices Freedom Food Friend International Friends of Ferguson Heritage Fuelwood (Warwick) Ltd Fuller's Brewery FWAG G Wear Gallardo & Blaine Designs Gannon UK Ltd Garden Exteriors Garden Gadgets Ltd Garden of Japan Gardenex: Federation of Garden & Leisure Manufacturers Gee-Up Genius UK Ltd Genus Breeding Ltd Gerald David & Family Ltd Gitta & Co Glendale Engineering ( Milfield ) Ltd Global Partnerships Initiative Global Plant Clinic Globe Organic Services Going East Gold Label (UK) Ltd Golden Era 2nd Generation Golden M Construction Ltd Gordon & MacPhail Grafton Country Pictures Grain Chain Grant Thornton Grasmere Farm Green Isle Foods Ltd Green Wood Trust Greenvale AP Griffin Nuumed Ltd Griffith-Elder and Company Ltd Guardian Floorcare Limited Guruve Gus Designs Gutter-Repairs H & G Promotions Ltd Hackett Ltd Hackney Horse Society Hancox Equestrian Harold Walker Harper Adams University College Harry West ( Prees ) Ltd Hartpury College Harvey Lee Hazlewood Trailers Health & Safety Executive Healthy Oils Heavy Horse World Helen Browning's Flying Pig Henry Cane Henry Doubleday Research Hi Ho Silver Hi Peak Feeds Ltd High Lodge Shooting School Leisure Ltd High Range Highfield House Furniture Highland Pony Society Highways Agency Hill Farm Oils T/A Hillfairs Hoather Wathen Limited Holstein UK Homewood Houses Ltd Honesberie Shooting Hood and Broomfield Fine Art Hopespare Limited Hormel Foods Horsepower UK Ltd Hotchkiss Oak Furniture Hot-Footed Houghton-Parkhouse Ltd HP Ltd HSBC Bank plc Huggies, Kimberly Clark Hydrocut Ltd IAE IAE Equestrian IAH Compton Ian Potter Associates Ice Robotics Ltd Ideal Home Roadshow Ifor Williams Trailers Ltd Imperial College London - Wye Campus In The Saddle Independent Schools Council Information Service Independent Soil Services Indespension Ltd Initiative on Organic Research Innes Walker Fish Harvester Ltd International Agriculture & Technology Centre International Centre International League for the Protection of Horses International Seafoods International Village Inverawe Smokehouses Invicta Briars Isaacs Shoes Isfahan Carpet Palace Ltd ISL Renotham Ltd J E Graham J Hampshire J P Eames Sole Trader Jacquerii Fine Art Jaeade Children's Boutique Jakob Gerhardt Wines (UK) Ltd James Purdey & Sons Ltd Jennifer Gay Jeremy Rudge Saddlery Ltd Jersey Cattle Society of the United Kingdom Jinma (UK) Limited John Amos & Co John Bowler's Eggs John Hollingsworth & Sons John Mills Ltd Johnson's Toffees and Fudges Jordan Country Living Ltd Jordans Joules Joyners Green Oak Construction JSR Genetics Limited Juro Antiques Just 4 Ewe K - Two Sales K & K Whistance UK K Partington K R M (Keith Rennie Machinery) Ltd Kanishka Kashan Carpets and Handicrafts Kelland's Agricultural Ltd Kemira GrowHow UK Limited Kendall Machinery UK Ltd Kevins Menswear ( Westbury ) Ltd KidHugs - Flavour Your World Kilworth King Feeders UK Kingsland Stabling Kirby Farm Fine Food Kit Speakman Marketing Ltd Komfi Kubota (UK) Ltd Kuruka Clothing L & L Originals L M Bateman & Co Ltd Ladies In Pigs Lakeland Coppice Products Lakeland Limited Land Registry Landmark Systems Landsmans Bookshop Ltd Lantra Lariot Saddle Trees LauraStar UK Ltd Laurence Gould Partnership Limited Lavenders Blue Ltd Lazy Jacks LEAF ( Linking Environment And Farming ) Leisure Furniture 4 Gardens Leisureline Lely Les Ateliers Creatifs Libbys Horse Tack and Dog Leads Limetree Pantry Ltd Limetree Pantry Ltd Lincoln Red Cattle Society Lintran Livestock & Genetics Export Centre Lloyds & Co Letchworth Ltd Loddon Ltd Logic Manufacturing Ltd London Camera Exchange Lua M & A Outdoor Clothing M & M Group Handling Mad Cowes Clothing Company Ltd Made on Earth Ltd Malcolm Tempest Ltd Malhi Group Trading as "Simply Fleece" Mallory Court Hotel Manco Energy Limited Mansfield Sand Co Ltd Manteaux Margaret Roseboom - Preserved Flower Designs Marks & Spencer Plc Marshalls Martindales - Martin Evans Mary Green Master Farm Materials Recovery Ltd MBNA Europe Bank Ltd McCauley Trailers Ltd McConnel Limited McHale Mean Scream Mencap Merchant Gourmet Mercury Trading Merial Animal Health Limited Mike Lemmey Dry Cow Management Milbury Systems Ltd Milk Development Council Milk Link Ltd Millers Minsky & Sons of Romsey Mitchell Metal Craft Mitsubishi Motors Ltd Model Mayhem Modulamb Ltd Momo Gems Moonaz Mornflake Oats Limited Morphy Richards Ltd Moss Pharmacy Mueller Cooling Systems Limited Munchy Seeds Murley Agricultural Supplies Ltd Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society Ltd National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs National Hedgelaying Society National Proficiency Tests Council National Sheep Association National Small-Bore Rifle Association Natural Animal Feeds Natural Equine NatWest Neil Taylor Nestle UK New Forest Pony Breeding & Cattle Society New Holland UK NFU NFU Mutual NIAB NICEIC Nicholas Wood Ltd Furniture Makers Nicholsons Niftylift Ltd Nigel Coope Windsor Chair Maker Nissan Motor (GB) Ltd Nomad Ideas Non-food Crops - Real Markets, Real Opportunities Bical (Biomass Industrial Crops Ltd) Bio-Renewables Ltd Central Science Laboratory National Non-Food Crops Centre Northeast Biofuels Ltd Renewable Energy From Agriculture Springdale Crop Synergies Talbotts Heating Ltd TEAM Research Group - De Montfort University Royal Agricultural Society of England Central Science Laboratory North of England Bonsai Northeast Biofuels Ltd NR International Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust NuTec Animal Health & Nutrition Oak Tree Nursery Oakley Lambourn Coachbuilders Oakwrights Country Buildings Ltd Olives +Things OlivesRgood4u Ltd Olympic Coachbuilders Ltd Onduline Building Products Ltd Orchids By Peter White Organic Arable Marketing Group Organic Farmers & Growers Organic Grain Link Organic Livestock Marketing Co-Operative Ltd Organic Milk Supplies Cooperative Origin Dress Co Ornamental Classics Osmonds Out of the Blue & Funky Filly Outdoor Small Scale Pig Feature Outlook Bespoke Tailors Ltd Owen Jones - Swill Basket Maker Oxlot Ltd P & J Haggart Ltd P & T Jewels P.D.S. ( Supplies ) PADDERS Feelgoodfeet Pakefield Ferrets Pakeman, Catto & Carter Park Wells Construction Ltd Partners Against Railway Crime Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime Pashley Cycles Pashmina Passion Patey Hats Patio Gear Patio Plants Patricia Dawson Clothes Paula Knitwear Peal Engineering Ltd Pedigree Pedigree Dog Food Pelegrina Pembroke Farm Nursery Pepe Garden Furniture Peter Laurence Peter Stunt Phropines Group PIC Pieroth Ltd Pigs N Things Pikinini PillowCentre Pioneros Post Driver Co Ltd Post Office Ltd Potato Partners ( N.I ) Powabyke Practool Products UK camelid paddock paddocks Predator People Premier Equine International Ltd Premier Livestock Handling Processed Vegetable Growers' Association Processors & Growers Research Organisation (PGRO) Profi International Prospect Protex Fasteners Ltd Proudcastle Solutions Limited Pukka Clothing Quad Connection Ltd Quadpower Quillows Ltd R A & C E Platt Ltd R B Agricultural Merchants R B Agricultural Merchants R.E.Buildings Ltd / Dureble Ltd RAC Motoring Services Rain or Shine Garden Furniture Rainforest Clothing Company Rare Breeds Survival Trust RDS South West Ltd Real Time Imaging Red Meat Industry Forum Red Poll Cattle Society Redhill Farm Redman Plants Redrock Engineering Reflected Glory Regency House Furniture Rekord Sales GB Ltd Renault Agriculture Ltd Renault UK Renewable Energy From Agriculture Ltd Retirement Villages plc Revelations UK Limited Richard Keenan UK Ltd Richard Western Ltd Riko UK Ltd (Alpine Tractors) Risley Saddlery inc Creative Colour Robert Meek Signs Robinson Agricultural & Industrial Buildings Ltd Robinson Construction Rockpool Kids Rolland Trailers Rooftec Rotary International (RIBI) Rotary International (RIBI) Rothamsted Research Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution Royal Agricultural College Royal Agricultural Society of England Which Cornwall is NEXT to not IN Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers Royal Caribbean International Royal Crown Derby Royal Pigeon Racing Association Royal Yachting Association Rubbertech Rugby Football Union Rugby Tackle Rugga Bugga Rural Accommodations Ltd Rural Business Centre ADAS Management Consultancy Computers Rural People Cost Living CAP Reform RASE DeloitteEnvironment AgencyFarmade Management Systems Farming Help
Grant ThorntonLandmark Systems Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution
Wrightson Real Estate Joanna Twist, Tiffany Truscott, Nina Davey, Claire Hawke, Chris Stumbles, Janette Eathorne, Matt Pengelly, Katy Young, Alex Full, Freddy Zapp, Joy Robinson, Naomi Rowe, Matt Sandoz, Tim Hubbard, Trevor Fry, Duncan Warren, Martin Bailie, Emma Lloyd, Laurence Reed, David White, James Churchfield, Pam Spriggs, Euan Maehy Pete Tunnicliffe Rural Crafts Association Soil Association Rural Design & Building Association Ltd RuralMinds ruralnet| Ryetec Industrial Equipment Ltd S B Promotions Sabin Designs Ltd SAC Sainsbury's Saint Valentines Liquorice Company Salers Cattle Society of the UK and Ireland Samworth Brothers Limited Sony UK Ltd Sandy Russell & Co Ltd SCH (Supplies) Soil Association Ltd Scholl Scotmas Limited Scottish Crop Research Institute Scrufts K.9. Selkin Ltd Semex Severnside Safety Supplies Soil Association Limited Sony UK Ltd Sew Easy (UK) Limited Seymour Paper and Packaging Shanti Shawbury Vintners Sheep Opportunity Shelton Sportsturf Drainage Solutions Shepherd Ease Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society Shire Horse Society Shorthorn Society of UK and Ireland Show Sony UK Ltd Sony UK Ltd Collections Shufflebottom Silsoe Research Institute Soil Association Silver Balloon Personalised CDS Silver Editions Simba International Ltd Simon Charles Siromer Flatpack Tractors SJB Saddlery Sluis Group (UK) Ltd Smartwood Leisure Products Ltd Smiles Brewery Snowdonia Cheese Co. Limited Snowflake Woodshavings Co Ltd Soil Association Sophie Thompson South Devon Herd Book Society Sowerbys of Stourbridge Spaldings UK Ltd Spanish Properties of Distinction Spearhead Machinery Ltd Spencer Jenkins Splash Clothing Sportingman's Bookshop SpringColour Ltd Springdale Crop Synergies Limited Springfield Nurseries Staffordshire Garden Furniture Start Smart The National Trust Steve Wright Steven Bailey Ltd Stevenson Brothers Stewkley Milling Services Stockpile Socks - Australia Stokes Security Services Storth Ltd Strawberry Fayre Stuart Foster Wines Sue Carson Saddles The National Trust Suffolk Horse Society Sun Leisure Ltd Sunlander Outdoor Products Ltd Super Gazebo Proven Products Ltd Superseal International Limited Supreme Sausages Limited Surface Technicians Sussex Cattle Society Suzettes Pancakes Sweet Pea Interiors T & G Clothing T.O.C. Limited Talbotts Heating Ltd Talking Mobiles Tall Ships Youth Trust Tamarisk Nurseries Tanco Autowrap Ltd Tanco Autowrap Ltd Teagle Machinery Ltd Teakhouse Leisure Limited TEAM Research Group - De Montfort University Teme Valley Market Tenant Farmers Association The National Trust Tesco Stores Ltd Texel Sheep Society The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society The Barn Bacon Company The British Alpaca Society The British Alpaca Society National Herb Centre The British Cheeseboard The British Goat Society The British Horse Society The British Palomino Society The British Percheron Horse Society The British Potato Council The British Sheep Dairying Association The Caddy Car Co The Camping and Caravanning Club The National Trust The Clogmaker The Clydesdale Horse Society The Collar Company The Coloured Horse & Pony Society ( UK ) The Complete Training Company The Composting Association The Cotswold Dog Bed Company The Cotswold Garden Company The Countryside Agency The Countryside Foundation for Education The Cow Shed The Curry Sauce Company The Earth Collection The Environment and Development Group ( EDG ) National Herb Centre The Famous Grouse The Farmers Club The Fields of Italy Ltd The Galloway Cattle Society of Great Britain & Ireland The Game Conservancy Trust The Game Conservancy Trust The Glenside Group Limited The Gray Slate Company The Gun Trade Association Ltd The Handbag Company The Hereford Cattle Society The Highland Cattle Society The Ice Cream Alliance The International Programme at HDRA The Irish Draught Horse Society ( GB ) The Jigsaw Man The Lemonade Factory The Linen Press Ltd The Longhorn Cattle Society The National Herb Centre The National Non-Food Crops Centre The National Pony Society The National Trust The Natural Stone Gallery The Nottingham Trent University, Brackenhurst The On-Farm Composting Network The Ordnance Survey Activity Zone The Organic Farming Centre equine, agriculture, animal, countryside and wildlife management, food technology composting social economic environmental compost organic food The Organic Farming Centre Abacus Organic Services Limited Elm Farm Research Centre OFCNHDRA Hi Peak Feeds Ltd IOR Organic Arable Marketing Group Organic Farmers & Growers
Organic Grain Link Organic Livestock Marketing Co-Operative Ltd Organic Milk Suppliers Cooperative Vitrition W&H Marriage crop The Poplar Tree Company The Ranger Production Company Ltd Threshers Filippo Berio Celebrity Cookery Wusthof Typhoon Marlux The Royal Bank of Scotland The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RSPB Cook chef nurseries sector BBC,, Royal Cornwall Show, Roundabout, Design, Chris, Beardshaw, Diarmuid, Gavin, Tim, Hubbard, Alistair, Rivers, Tracy, Wilson, Alistair, Rivers, John, Harris, Moon, Gardening, Gardening, Phases, Biodynamic, Gardening, Gardens of Cornwall, Rudolf, Steiner, Nigel, Pascoe, Claire, Vickers, Lord Mayor, David Brewer, Who do you think you are?, Carole, Gravett, Celtic, Mystery, Mysteries, Riddle, Riddles, Duchy, College, Sea Sense, 2006,Schools,Design a Garden of Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, Hymn, for, of, Guide, Campaign, Dog, Blind, farms fencing
The Royal Veterinary College The Salmon and Trout Association The September Organic Dairy The Side Saddle Association Society of Ploughmen Sock Co Table Cloth Co Tree Council Two Hatters University of Reading Welders Warehouse Western Equestrian Society Wrekin Woodsman Yellow Hat Tribe Yorkshire Clothing Company Thomas Sanderson Tilhill Forestry Timberland Timsbury Shoe Tipping Resources Toft Alpacas Tom Hanson Naturalistic Woodcarver and Stickmaker Tom Hare Wood Sculptures Topseal Systems Tornado Wire Touch Of Silk Tourism Ireland Townfields Saddlers Toys for the Garden Tractor & Machinery Magazine ( Kelsey Publishing ) Peter Love Case IH John Deere Ltd Fendt JCB Massey Ferguson New Holland Renault Agriculture Valtra Tractors (UK) Ltd Tractorland Tractors UK Trafalgar Cleaning Equipment Transport & General Workers Union Trantor Vehicles Trappings Binoculars Trekkers Puntons Footwear Tried Tested Trusted Tropical Agriculture Association Trudie B Interiors Turner Process Equipment Two Plants Tylyne Rubber Flooring Walling Tyrrells Potato Chips UK Covers UK Industrial Tapes UK Sire Services Trade & Investment ULG Northumbrian Ultifeed Universal Quarry and Recycling Urad Saddlery & Leathercare Products Valtra Tractors Vegetable Harvesting Systems Venico Limited Viking Vineyards of France Vishana Ltd Vitrition Volkswagen Votex W & H Marriage & Sons Waitrose Warmroof Systems Warren Hughes Furniture Makers Warwick Bros ALR Warwickshire Rural Hub Warwickshire College Watercare Systems Waterside Nursery Welch & Co T/A Bags of Class Welsh Black Cattle Society Welsh Pony & Cob Society Welvent Wendals Herbs West of Scotland Holidays Westcon Equipment Wethertex Whirlpool Spa Whitakers Equestrian Services White Hall Fabrics & Interiors Whiteacre Products Whittaker Coachbuilders Wild Style Ware biodiversity conservation nature outdoor charity Wildlife Trusts Wilford Bulb Willmott Pershore Optics Wilson Agriculture Wiltshire College Lackham Wines From Spain Wines of Chile exhibition Withington Hill Timber Buildings Wittering West Women's Food & Farming Union Woodcraft UK Wool Overs Wootton Organic World of Watches (Bond Street) WRAP the Waste & Resources Action Programme Wrightson Real Estate Writtle College education agronomy training post harvest technology animal sciences mechanisation farm field gates management rural woodland consultancy consultants automatic openers planters development and lilium freshwater environmental management equestrian centre Green Industries cheese skip tack safes hire biodiversity knitwear harvest wells, springs, boreholes, reservoirs, hand wheeled livestock grass umbrella Pumping, pipelines, filters, disinfection Analysis, Joules, Toggi, Harry Hall, leather work, horse rugs, horse products cereals, pulses, human food, pet food, aquatic feed cleaners pre-cleaners sieve units container loaders tropical sub-tropical arid zone country consultancy surveying divining training rural development registers wood shredders agriculture animal welfare countryside self propelled stables lorries, breeding, rearing care alpacas spares horsewalkers, on-farm on-stud. trailers, knockout recovery boxes management prime farmed venison equine studies farrier semen collection farriery, Turtle Dirttrapper horticulture, landscape design, tree beef calves production, harvesting, processing distribution management, veterinary 4x4 excavators, bulldozers, dump trucks, JCBs, telehandlers, Bobcats, mini-excavators Mail order catalogue tractors, vintage tractors, heavy horses, Muck boots, dog beds, dog bags, welly bags, turtle mats, waterproof car seat covers country crafts, trade stands cab rollbar wildlife habitat river, stream waterways dumpers, agricultural tractors 4X4 nursing floristry Writtle International field sports Genuine stargazing bird watching surveillance models Binoculars, monoculars, scopes panamas, bowlers, trilbys, flat caps, wooden playsets, trampolines, swings, slides, climbing frames, go-carts deerstalkers, straw, cotton waxes, moleskin, tweeds, wool, shower proof, Australian leather suede, summer whites, cowboys, brettons fantastic fishing stud refrigeration equipment humidification hydrotherapy rural issues, agricultural industries, Yoghurt Delights perennials smoked fish game site remediation, conservation pools, noise bunds, 4 x 4 circuits, fishing ponds, irrigation fencing products rustic furniture Peruvian Accoyo reservoirs, shooting grounds, land restoration, silage clamps, supply recycled aggregates Folding stools chairs, picnic saddlery, riding wear horse equipment goods, accessories gifts coppice horse Toft Alpacas breeds welding grant conservatory equipment, plasma cutters gas gear Yamaha Motor Rachel Green Yore Brand Trading As Perfect Picnics alfresco re-cycled Zero
Bishop Bill Ind, Celtic, Mystery, Mysteries, Riddle, Riddles, Quest, Lock, Key,
lillicrap, chillcott, Jackie, stanley, Stratton, creber, miller, countrywide, your, move, cole, raymont, &, white, webbers, burrows, rightmove, may, whetter, &, grose, estuary, estates, david, ball, agencies, camel, trail, team, team, property, wise, &, co, the, property, shop, jeffreys, parkway, kittows, Newquay, property, centre, Homefinder, direct, countrywide, Donald, Weekes, Holborow, Stags, Miller, &, Son, Barclays, NatWest, Lloyds, HSBC, Alliance, Leicester, Halifax, www.,,,,,,,,,,,, St,Ives, St,Agnes, Truro, Perranporth, Newquay, Padstow, Wadebridge, Camelford, Launceston, Okehampton, Callington, Exeter, Bath, Plymouth, Torpoint, Saltash, Liskeard, Looe, Bodmin, Polruan, Fowey, St,Austell, Roche, Mevagissey, Penzance, Falmouth, St,Mawes, Delabole, Penryn, Garden, Design, competition, Hampton, Court, Palace, FlowerShow, BBCRadioCornwall, gardeners, BBC, Radio, Cornwall, The, Gardens, of, Cornwall, plants, competition, garden, landscape, modern, Cornish, garden, A, Garden, of, Cornwall, Design, RoyalCornwall, Show, Hampton, Court, Palace, Flower, Show, June, 2006, BBC, Radio, Cornwall, flower, tent, entry, Tracy, Wilson, Alistair, Rivers, John, Harris, Nigel, Pascoe, Claire, Vickers, Tim, Hubbard,, form,application, judges, entries, Tracy, Wilson, Alistair, Rivers, John, Harris, Nigel, Pascoe,Claire,Vickers, Tim,Hubbard,Wadebridge, tickets,BBC,Radio, Cornwall,Gardenline,presenters,Royal,Horticultural,Boscastle flood,hardstanding,North Cornwall District Council,car, park, on, flood, plain, flood, waters, target, zone, vehicles, demolish, buildings, Boscastle, National, Trust, riparian, owner, no, valley, maintenance, fallen, trees, dams, dams, break, domino, effect, waves, of, flood, water, trees, plus, cars, damage,buildings,Society,BBC,Radio,Cornwall,Gardeners,TV,radio,London, Categor,design,BBC,Radio,Cornwall,David,Bellamy,Chris,Beardshaw,Prof, Roland, Clift, John, Craven, Charlie, Dimmock, Monty, Don, Bob, Flowerdew, Philippa, Forester, Diarmuid, Gavin, Pippa, Greenwood, Bear, Grylls, Prof,, Maxwell, Hutchinson, Kirsty, King, Terry, Nutkins, Bill, Oddie, Jonathan, Poritt,, Michaela, Strachan, Joe, Swift, Rachel, de, Thane, Alan, Titchmarsh, Sir, Crispin, Tickell, Kim, Wilde, Des, Wilson, Tim, Hubbard, ANTONY, HOUSE, Torpoint, Cornwall, BOCONNOC, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, BOSVIGO, Bosvigo, Lane, Truro, BURNCOOSE, Gwennap, Redruth, CAERHAYS, Goran, St.Austell, CARWINION, Mawnan, Smith, Falmouth, CHYVERTON Zelah, Truro, COTEHELE, St.Dominic, Nr., Saltash, GLENDURGAN, Mawnan, Smith, Nr., Falmouth, GODOLPHIN, HOUSE, and, GARDEN, Golphin, Cross, Helston, LANHYDROCK, Bodmin, Cornwall, THE, LOST, GARDENS, of, HELIGAN, Pentewan, St., Austell, MOUNT, EDGCUMBE, Torpoint, Cornwall, PENCARROW, Bodmin, Cornwall, PRIDEAUX PLACE, Padstow, Cornwall, TREBAH, GARDENS, Mawnan, Smith, Falmouth, Cornwall., TREGOTHNAN, GARDEN, Tregothnan, Truro, Cornwall, TRELISSICK, GARDEN, Feock, Nr., Truro, Cornwall, TRENGWAINTON GARDEN, Nr. Penzance, Cornwall, TRERICE, GARDENS, Kestle, Mill, Newquay, Cornwall. TRESCO, ABBEY, GARDEN, Tresco, Isles, of, Scilly, Cornwall, TREVARNO, Crowtown, Nr. Helston, Cornwall, TREWITHEN, GARDENS, Grampound, Road, Truro, Cornwall, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall,
Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden of Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden of Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden of Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden of Cornwall, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Write a hymn for Cornwall for 2006, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Guide Dog for the Blind, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Sea Sense Campaign, Hengar Manor, Darts, Pictures, 6 Nations, Surely 7 Including Cornwall, Hengar Manor, Darts, Pictures, 6 Nations, Surely 7 Including Cornwall, Hengar Manor, Darts, Pictures, 6 Nations, Surely 7 Including Cornwall, Hengar Manor, Darts, Pictures, 6 Nations, Surely 7 Including Cornwall, World Book Day, World Book Day, World Book Day, World Book Day, World Book Day, World Book Day, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Cornwall Connected, Music Made in Cornwall, Music Made in Cornwall, Play in Prime Time, Play in Prime Time, Music Made in Cornwall, Music Made in Cornwall, Play in Prime Time, Play in Prime Time, Music Made in Cornwall, Music Made in Cornwall, Play in Prime Time, Play in Prime Time, Music Made in Cornwall, Music Made in Cornwall, Play in Prime Time, Play in Prime Time Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Cornish Rhyming Riddle Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, Campaign, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall, Make a Garden of Cornwall,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Newquay Voice, Cornish Times, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Western Morning News, Cornish Guardian, West Briton, Northcliffe Publications, Falmouth Packet, Newquay Voice, Cornish Times,
Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Roundabout, Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Cornwall Show, RoyalCornwallShow, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Cornwall, Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Cornwall Show, Royal Cornwall, Show, Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Cornwall,Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Kernow, Trevarno, Manor, Gardens, Burncoose, Nursery, The, Japanese, Garden, Lamorran, Garden, Bosvigo, Meudon, Hotel, and, Garden, Probus, Gardens, Roseland, House, Trebah, Tregothnan, Duchy of Cornwall, Nursery, Nurseries, Forestry, Lostwithiel, Trelissick, Tresillian, House, Garden, Bonython, Trelowarren, Prince, Charles, Duke, Duchy, of, Cornwall, Highgrove, Tetbury, Trust, Poundbury, Elder, Froy, Dorchester, Parkway, Residents, Association, West Dorset District Council, Pummery Square, Brownsword, Hall, Enquiry by Design by Enquiry by Design by Enquiry by Design by Enquiry, Leon, Krier, Dorset, Tourist, Information, Damers, County, FirstSchool, Damers, Road, Purbeck, Financial, Services, Pengillys, Solicitors, of, Weymouth, Challacombe, House, Beechwood, Square, EcoHomes, Cornhill, Challacombe, Square, Poundbury, Farm, The, Duchy, of, Cornwall, Britain, 1337, Edward,III, Prince, Edward, Black, Prince, charter, ruled, future, Duke, of, Cornwall, eldest, surviving, son, monarch, heir, throne, 14th, century, Duchy's, income, Monarch, heir, apparent, income covers, public, private life, Duke, The, Prince, of, Wales, sons, Civil, List, male, heir, Duchy, Monarch, Exchequer, total, area, counties, estate, Dartmoor, Devon, farms, smallholdings, estate, owns, some, residential, properties, shops, offices, portfolio, stocks, shares, youth, trust, Camilla, Parker, Bowles, Princess, Duchess, Diana, Di, Bertie, Ross, William, Harry, James Hewitt, Father, Land, Rover, Badminton, Horse, Trials, Ascot, Epson, Grand, National, organic, flight, Queen, Queen's, The, Royal, Cornwall, Show, The, Royal, Cornwall, Agricultural, Association, Barbara, Walters, Camilla, Parker, Bowles, Duchess, of, Cornwall, Most Fascinating Person, abc, News, CNN, Sky, TV, NBC, New York Times, Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Daily News, MSNBC, Fox, News, Sky, satellite, Bishop Bill Ind, Anglican, Church, Church, of, England, Church, Commissioners, exempt, charity, Truro, Cathedral, Archbishop, Rowan, Williams, Make, Poverty, History, Charity, Charities, Act, Anachronism, Feudal, Trust, tenant, tenants, Environment, Environmental, Ecology, Ecological, Global, Warming, Bishop, Bill, Ind, Anglican, Church, Church, of , England, William, Church, Commissioners, Truro, Cathedral, Make, Poverty, History, service, services, celebration, Jonathan, Coode, Newquay, Growth, Area, St,Ives, Penzance, Penryn, St,Austell, St.Ives, Truro, Falmouth, Carrick, Penwith, North, Cornwall, Caradon, Restormel, District, Council, Isles, of, Scilly, Ferry, Scillonian, St,Agnes, Tresco, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Royal, Cornwall, Agricultural, Association. Agriculture, Land, Flower, Tent, Stand, Stands, Tent, Marquee, North, South, East, West, North, West, Northwest, Southwest, South, West, North, East, Northeast, South, East, Southeast, Wales, England, Scotland, Ireland, Republic, Eire, Kernow, Cornwall, Northern, Celtic, Nations, Reef, Summer, Weekend, Surfing, Surf, Sailing, Hire, boards, Cribbar, Cribber, cool, swell, forecast, surf, school, Holiday, Accommodation, Holiday, Cottage, Coast, Coastal, Moor, Moorland, Path, BBC, BBC, TV, BBC, Radio, Cornwall, BBC, Radio, Devon, BBC, Radio, Southwest, BBC, Radio, Jersey, Radio1, Radio2, Radio3, Radio4, Radio5Live, Five, Live, BIG, live, music, NEW, fabulous, CELEBRITY, photographs, web, site, Kernow, Cornwall, Highgrove, St.James’s, Palace, Kensington, Islington, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, Show, Biggest, Best, Day, Free!, Free, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, Anthony, Gibson, NFU, N.F.U., Farming, Agriculture, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Livestock, Bull, Poultry, Horse, Dog, Exhibit, Exhibition, Exhibitor, Main, Main, Ring, Beef, Cheese, Success, Successful, Product, Business, Directory, Trade, Catalogue, Recycle, Tickets, Gate, Results, Dates, Information, Membership, Booking, Life, Member, Member's, Pavilion, Free, hours, visitor, visitors, open, day, days, dvd, cd, Cornwall, Liberal, Democrats, Lib, Dems, Matthew, Taylor, Andrew, George, Dan, Rogerson, Colin Breed, Julia, Goldsworthy, Paul Tyler, Menzies, Campbell, Charles, Kennedy, Bude, flood, enterprise, young, youth, o'clock, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 , 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, a.m., p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, book, member, admission, members, life, membership, dressage, jumps, hunting, hunt, ox, chase, green, animal, rights, Anthony, Gibson, N.F.U., National, Farmers, Union, country, landowners, association, CLA, country, holistic, Tate, St., Ives, St, Just, TB, cull, culling, badgers, badger, cattle, movement, certificate, mammals, mammals, mammals, mammals,243(The Wessex) Field Hospital (V) 3Sums A & J Richards A 1 Farm Buildings Ltd A F Maintenance Services A.M.P. Access Ltd Acorn Hog Roast Acorn Hog Roast Adjustamatic Beds Ltd Advantage South West Mortgage Corp Plc Agriking Limited Agri-Tech Services AGS Home Improvements Ltd Air Training Corps Alan Snow Agricultural Engineers All About Asia Allen & Page Allflex Europe (UK) ltd Alltyres Limited Alpacas of Wessex Amos Pumps (UK) Limited Andy Loos Ltd Anglian Home Improvements Animals Asia Foundation Ankalad Safety Products Ltd Ardosia Slate Co Ltd Argal Tractors Arkay Sales Armada Supplies Ltd ATV Centre Automobile Association Balticpine Timber Corporation Ltd Band Rest Tent Band Rest Tent Barn Owl Trust Bateman & Co Ltd, L M Bathroom Studio Limited BBC Radio Cornwall Beach Carlyon Bay Beaman Tools Beares, R S M Beauty Health & Lifestyle Roadshow Ltd Beecroft's Toys Ltd Bees and Honey Section Bespoke Woodworkers Group Bevan Farm Systems 2000 Limited Bidgiemire Pig Arcs Bioflow Independent Distributor Black Farmer, The Blue Rush Wetsuits Ltd BOCM PAULS Ltd Boddington's Bodmin College Bodygun UK Bonhams Bookfair Limited Bowmen of Wadebridge Bradleys Estate Agents Bramblecrest British Red Cross Medical Equipment Serv Brymore School Burdens Ltd Burger Grill Buscombe, D G Business Link for Devon & Cornwall Buttermilk Confections &Kernow Chocolate C R M S Ltd Cage Birds Section Caltech Cancer Research UK Carnon Downs Garden Centre Carrs Audi Carrs Ferrari/Maserati Carrs of Truro Carrs of Truro Volkswagen Cartridge World Cash Point Catalogues & Programmes Catalogues & Programmes Catalogues & Programmes Catalogues & Programmes Catering - Exhibitors Club Catering - Livestock Judges & Catley & Sons,R Cavy Section CBL Clive Barford Ltd Celtic Solar Limited Central Garage Chair Planes Chandlers Stuart James t/a Cheltenham & Gloucester Children's Hospice South West Chocolicious Chown China Chrissies Stall Darimana Imp. Christian Smith Agriculture Ltd Churches Together in Cornwall Chuwen Paul Ciao Caffe Cinders Classic Cottages Clovelly Clothing Company ,Cocina Ceramics Collins Leisure, R G Collinwood Trading Combined Universities in Cornwall Community Energy Plus Contractors Yard Coodes Solicitors Cornish Cheese Company Cornish Country Meats Cornish Crafts-EnterpriseTamar Cornish Cuisine Cornish Guild of Smallholders Cornish Hospices Cornish Hospices Cornish Hot Tubs Cornish K9 Company Cornish Mutual Assurance CoLtd Cornish Natural Spring Water Cornish Orchards Cornish Pasty Co Mobile Ltd Cornish Pasty Co Mobile Ltd Cornish Patisserie Cornish Pine Furniture Cornish Real Nappy Project Cornish Stone Cornish Traditional Cottages Cornwall Animal Hospital Cornwall Centre for Volunteers Cornwall College Cornwall County Council Cornwall County Council Cornwall Editions Limited Cornwall Farmers Ltd Cornwall Federation of Womens Institutes Cornwall Food & Farming Pavilion 2005 Cornwall Life Cornwall Pump & Motor Rewinds Ltd Cornwall Smallholders Supplies Cornwall Sports Partnership Cornwall Target Shooting Association Cornwall Taste of the West Cornwall Today Cornwall Veterinary Association Cotswold Garden Company Cotton Shirt Company Country Home Furniture Country Land & Business Association Countrywest Trading Ltd County Environmental Services Ltd Courtyard Sundials Cox Marine, Andrew Crooked Cottage Company Crown Steel Buildings Daimler Chrylser UK Limited Dairy Crest Ltd Dairy Farm Services Ltd Dairy Group Dairycentre Dajans Dales MG Rover Dales Mitsubishi Dales Renault Dales Suzuki Damar Webbing Products Ltd Damerells Motorcycles Dance Festival ,Dead Cert Pest Control DEFRA Devon & Cornwall Criminal Justice Board Devon Rustics Dibblers Dogs & Co Donkey Sanctuary Down To Earth Dubarry of Ireland Duchy College Duchy College Duchy Timber Dukeswood E W Trading Earth Collection Eden Crafts Eden Project Edinburgh Outdoor Clothing Elephant & Castle Limited Emily Janes Eminent Trading Emma Henley of Bath Errazuriz Eternit Building Materials Europlas Eventive Funtime Ltd Everest Limited Everhot Ltd Exeter International Airport Exmoor Adventures Ltd Eye Level Optical F.L.E.E.T. Fabdec Limited Fal Valley Pets Family Area & Lost Children Farm & Cottage Holidays Farmer Ed's Farmers Cottage Lamps Farmers Friend Ltd Farmers Guardian Farmers Markets in Cornwall Farmers Pavilion Farmers Weekly Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group Farmplan Computer Systems Far-Sighted Binocular Company Fast Systems Ltd Federation of Small Businesses Feelgood Furniture Finning (UK) Ltd Fire Station First Aid First Day Christian Witness Flexamatic Beds Ltd Flower & Plant Co. Flower Sprinklers Flying Dodo Ltd Follett Stock Solicitors Foot Fetish Forestry Display Forestry Display Forestry Display Ring Forestry Section Foster Care Associates South West Frain, K J Fresco Furniture Limited Fullwood Limited Fun-Tasia Gallopers GDM Embroidery Services Geoffrey Harris Tyres Ltd Glanville Cornwall Ltd, N J Glenside Group Ltd Goat Section Golden Fleece Graham's Garden Machinery Graphique Media Solutions Gray & Sons Ltd, F R Great Outdoors Greenhouses UK Greenthumb Guardian Retail Mats Limited Guide Association, Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, Gurkha Welfare Trust ( SW ) Gwethnoc Tartan Company, Hager-Vor Hall Engineering Hall for Cornwall Trust Halse of Honiton Halzephron Herb Farm Hamblys Whitstone Ltd Harper Adams University College Harrisons Mortgage Solutions Ltd Hart Co Leisure Hartpury College Harvey, Richard W Harveys Chartered Surveyors Hawkins Motor Group Heartwood Heating SW Ltd Helen Browning's Flying Pig Helford Creek Henry Cane Limited ,Heyworth Farm Buildings Hideout Leathergoods D & R Roe High Range Hiremasters Ltd Hood & Broomfield Fine Art HSBC Bank Plc Hughes Fresh Fruit Ltd Hughes Kitchens & Furniture, Warren I A E Image Events - Milk Bars Imerys Minerals Ltd Imperial Tobacco Limited Information Intek Communications ISCis South & West J M S International J Shoes James Wellbeloved & Co JCB Finance Ltd JDP Limited Jefferys Jennifer Gay Jewellery by Madeleine Jewson Limited Jewson Limited Jigsaw Man John Halifax John Mills Limited Jones & Co, Roger Joules Just Kitchens Just Water Kellands Plant Sales Kellys of Bodmin Kennel Club, Kensey Training Kernow Oils Kingsley Group Kivells Kraiburg Ladies in Pigs Lakeland Limited Land's End Visitor Attraction Launceston Stoves Learning & Skills Council Devon Lewin & Sons, T M Lewis Caterers Stand: 566 - Lewis Caterers Light Infantry Officers' Tent Lions Clubs of Cornwall Living Glaze Lloyd & Whyte Farm Insurance Loading Ramp Lotnabox Ltd Lowtide Surf Clothing & Accessories Lucas G Lydia's Cottage Industries Mad Cowes Clothing Co Ltd Magic Marquee Ltd Main Ring Assembly Area Main Ring Stewards Mallett & Son Ltd Martin & Son, Masterfarm Matford Arable Systems Ltd Maxiscrape South West Limited May & Son Ltd, D Mayflower Potatoes MBM Produce Limited MBNA Europe Bank Ltd McCauleys Limited Meade Machines Ltd Postpuncher Meineck Design Group Members Pavilion Mer Products Ltd Merlin Project The Midland Clothing Ltd Milk Link Ltd MilkingSolutions (UK) Ltd Miller & Son Miller Countrywide Ministry of Defence Mole Valley Farmers Ltd Morven Windows and Kitchens Mr Donut Ltd Mr Kittow's Famous Sausage Co Mr Kittow's Famous Sausage Co N E Catering N F U National Animal Welfare Trust Cornish Beach National Blood Service National Trust Neet Foods Neville Symonds Associates Neville Symonds Associates New Girl Newcross Healthcare Solutions NHS Careers Nixon Design Ltd Noah's Ark / Wall of Death North Cornwall & West Devon Garage Doors North Cornwall Landscaping Ltd Oates Travel Olives & Things Open University in the South West, Organic South West Osgrow Stand: 588 - P.P.T. Services, Padstow Garden Machinery ,Paint Runner International, Park Catering Parklands Toyota Pathfinder Park Homes Pathfinder Park Homes Paxton Linpac Environmental PDSA Peoples Dispensary for Pedigree Animals Pengenna Pasties Penrose Outdoors Pentreath/Cornish
Braemar,Balmoral,Ballater,Royal,Deeside,Aboyne,Tarland,Dee,Don,Highland,Show,Aberfeldy, Trossachs, Cairngorms, Deeside, World Perry, Andrew Peter Stunt PFS (Helston) Ltd Pieroth Ltd Pierres De Riviere Pirate FM102 Plant & Engineering Plastec Window Systems Pluess, Graham Plymouth Argyle Football Club Plymouth City Council Adoption Team Police Polwhele House School Porsche Centre Exeter PosiGrip ( UK ) Ltd Post Office Limited Potter Associates, Ian Powr Product Press Centre Pressure Services Pressure Washers (SW) Prince's Trust Profi International Proven Products Ltd Pryor & Ricketts Silviculture Publicity Exhibitions R A C R H L Catering R H L Catering R H L Catering R J M Windows Rabtrak Ltd Ralphs Tractor Spares, Ben Recycling Area Redmoor S ReMaDe Kernow Renapur Ltd Renotherm Ltd Riders Volvo Ridgeway Leather Rippon's Traditional Pasties Ritchey Tagg Ltd Riviera Hot Tubs RNID Typetalk Road Building Display Rodda & Son, A E Rodda & Son, A.E. Rolland Trailers, Roof Rescue, Rosemullion Homes, Rosevears of Bugle Roskilly's Rowes Honda Royal Agricultural Benevolent Royal Air Force Display Area Royal De Boer Barn Equipment Royal National Lifeboat Institution Rugby Store Rugged Trail Ltd Run Cookware UK Rural Russells Catering Russells Catering Ryan Cabinetmakers Saint Petroc's Society Ltd Samaritans Savills Scania (GB) Limited Scouting in Cornwall Seafood Cornwall Seventh Day Adventist Church Sharp's Brewery Shawbury Vintners Shelbourne Reynolds Eng Ltd Shopping Mall Show Collections Show Collections Side Shows Silk Pagoda Silvanus Services Limited Singer Outside Events Ltd Sisley's Cornish Preserves Skinner & Son, G Sleep Ltd R Smock Shop Ltd Solomons South Crofty Collection Ltd South Devon Herd Book Society South West Loos South West Placements Foster Agency South West Tourism South West Water Ltd South Western Society of Chartered Southern Court Furniture Co. Southwest Garden Machinery Spaldings U K Ltd Sparplas Direct Special Events (Security Services) Ltd Specsavers Opticians Speedy Hire Western Splendid Meat Company St Austell Brewery St Austell Brewery St Blazey Motorcycles St Joseph's School Stags Estate Agents Steam Engines Steam Engines Stenlake's Limited Stoneflex URP Limited Stove Shop Stratton & Holborow Stratton Creber Street Footwear, B G Sunnyfields Supply Chains Limited Supreme Sausages Ltd Surf Bay Leisure Surf Life Saving Cornwall Swing Boats Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter - Catering Unit Symonds, Peter, Old Fashioned Fairings, Symonds, Peter, Old Fashioned Fairings, Old Fashioned Fairings T Buildings Ltd Tamar Group, Tavistock Tyre & Exhaust Service Taylor Made Play Equipment Ltd Teagle Machinery Ltd Team Estate Agents Teaves Bruce Robertson Trago Mills John Telephones Tenant Farmers Association Tesco Stores Ltd Thaiphoon Bioflow Distributors The Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency Thomas & Son Ltd, J G W Thomas Cook Retail Ltd Timber Garden Supplies Timberland Timbertoys - the Model Farm Centre Tincknell Fuels Ltd Toad Hall Cottages Tomlin D W Toppenrose Dairy Tormek Tornado Wire Total Butler Tottles Music Shop Toyland Trading Pages Trago Mills Trebark Garden Furniture Co Tregassow Farm Tregida Smokehouse Tregothnan Joinery Trelawney Farm Machinery Tremorvah Industries - Wheelchair Hire Trenance Chocolates Tres Chic/ Bridal Trevada Music Ltd Trewithen Cornish Farm Dairy Tried Tested Trusted Trophy Pet Supplies TruGreen Southwest, Unit 9c Truro and Treliske Schools Truro College Truro Farm Machinery Ltd Truro High School for Girls Truro Tractors Limited Truscotts Peugeot Two Hatters UK Transplant The Renal Unit Undiluted Limited Universal Buildings Usborne Books for Children Velvet Energy UK Ltd Venture Truro Vicomte Bernard de Romanet Vincent Tractors Vintage Display Volac International Ltd Vospers Fiat Vospers Ford Vospers Mazda W M Ironwork Wadebridge Chamber of Commerce Walrus Marine Ltd Wareing & Son (Wrea Green) Ltd Waste Neutral Webbers Property Services Ltd Wedding Marquee Welch & Co t/a, Bags of Class Wellington Welding Welly ShopWelsh Lamb Catering Wendron Stoves / Kernow Fires West Cottage Clocks West Country Natural Flooring Westaways Sausages Westcountry Ambulance Services Westcountry Trampolines Western Morning News Stage WestfaliaSurge Ltd Whalesborough Farm Foods Whirlpool Spa White Horse Country Wear White Shadow Enterprises Whotz Hot Wildside Wildwood Trees William E Selkin Ltd William E Selkin Ltd Wiltshire Barrel Company Williams Travel Women's Food and Farming Union Woodhead, Garden,Design,Competition,Hampton,Court,Palace,Flower,Show,BBC,Radio,Cornwall,Gardeners,BBC,Radio,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,Cornwall,The,Gardens,of, Cornwall, Plants, Competition, Garden, Landscape, Cornish, Gardens, Gardening, BBC, Radio, Cornwall, A, Garden, of, Cornwall, Royal, Bath, and, West, Highland,Show,Design,Royal,Cornwall,Show,Hampton,Court,Palace,Flower,Show,BBC,Radio,Chelsea,June,2006,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,Olympic,games,Flower,Tent,Entry,Tracy,Wilson,Alistair,Rivers,John,Harris,Nigel,Pascoe,Claire,Vickers,Tim,Hubbard,,Form,Application,Judges,Entries,Tracy,Wilson,Alistair,Rivers,John,Harris,Nigel,Pascoe,Claire,Vickers,Tim,Hubbard,Wadebridge,Tickets,BBC,Radio,Cornwall,Gardenline,Presenters,Royal,Horticultural,Society,BBC,Radio,Cornwall,Gardeners,TV,Radio,London,Category,Design,David,Bellamy,Chris,Beardshaw,Roland,Clift,John,Craven,Country,File,Charlie,Dimmock,Monty,Don,Bob,Flowerdew,Philippa,Forester,Diarmuid,Gavin,Pippa,Greenwood,Bear,Grylls,Prof,Maxwell,Hutchinson,Kirsty,King,Terry,Nutkins,Bill,Oddie,Jonathan,Poritt,Michaela,Strachan,Joe,Swift,Rachel de Thane, Alan, Titchmarsh, Sir, Crispin, Tickell,Kim,Wilde,Des,Wilson,Tim,Hubbard,Lord,Mayor,David,Brewer,Parade,Environment,Agency,Boscastle,Flood,A,Garden,London,Commonwealth,Games,For,Cornwall,Design,Show,Highland,Stand,Exhibitor,Dates,Food,Taste,of,the,West,Holiday,AccommodationFurniture Woodland Turnery Joan and Clive Jones Worldwide Financial Planning XS Baggage Yorkshire Clothing Company Young Land Rover, Roger Arkay Sales Mercedes-Benz of Truro NatWest Bank Plc Woodfern, Lord, Mayor, Garden, Design, Competition, BBC, Radio, Cornwall,,, Dead, Duck, Swan, Swans, Migration, Migratory, Africa, Flight Path, Spring, Cornwall ' County' Council, Design, a, Roundabout, Cornwall, for, of, Swallow, Swift, Egret, Summer, Avian, Flu, Bird, Flu, Vaccination, Poultry, Hens, Chickens, Cover, Advice, Turkey, DEFRA, Department, for, Environment, Food, and, Rural Affairs, Cornwall, David Brewer, Who do you think you are?, Ben, Bradshaw, Schumacher, Cash in the Attic, Country Landowners & Business Association, Songs of Praise, Garden Makeover, Sea Sense , London, Antony, House, Boconnnoc, Bosvigo, Burncoose, Caerhays, Carwinion, Chyverton, Cotehele, Glendurgan, Godolphin, House, Lanhydrock, LostGardensofHeligan, Mount, Edgcumbe, Pencarrow, Prideaux, Place, Trebah, Gardens, Tregothnan, Garden, Trelissick, Garden, Trengwainton, Garden, Trerice, Gardens, Tresco, Abbey, Garden, Trevarno, Trewithen, Gardens, Royal, Cornwall, Show, Royal, Cornwall, Agricultural, Association, Wadebridge, Cornwall, BBC, Spotlight, BBC, Radio, Cornwall, Make, Design, a, Garden, of, Cornwall, BBC, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, TV, Radio,, Royal, Horticultural, Society, Hampton, Court, Palace, Flower, Show, Alan, Titchmarsh, Charlie, Dimmock, Truro, Cathedral, Freemasons, Masonic, On, the, Square, Chris, Beardshaw, Diarmuid Gavin, Tim, Hubbard, Alistair, Rivers, Tracy, Wilson, Alistair, Rivers, John, Harris, Moon Gardening, Gardening, by, Phases, of, the, moon, Biodynamic, gardening, Rudolf, Steiner, Nigel, Pascoe, Claire, Vickers, Carole, Gravett, Duchy, College, June, 2006, form, application ,school, schools, children ,children's, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 ,2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, school, schools, children, children's, exhibitors, stand, results, foot, and, mouth, ebola, rehearsal, contingency, measures, quarantine, rosette, rehearsal 35 Degrees South A B Country Sports A D & N Wheeler A P Lifting Gear Co A Taste of Liquorice A Y Marketing A.P.E.S. Rocking Horses A1 Access Ltd Abacus Organic Services Limited Abbey Dore Farm Shop ABP Ltd Accessori Da Tavola (ADTAcorn Designs Ltd ADAS Management Consultancy Ltd Adjustamatic Beds Advent Media Ltd Aegean Spas & Hot Tubs, Aerial and Satellite Service - Sky TV (c/o JFR Promotions)aerolatte African British Business Association Aga-Rayburn AGCO Limited Agri Europa Ventures Ltd Agricultural Travel Bureau Ltd Ainsworth Displays Alan Glasby - The Hope Gallery Albert Bick - Woodturner Alexander James of Pendlebury, Alpaca Select Alpacas of Wessex Alvan Blanch Development Company Amber UPVC Windows and Conservatories Ltd AMC American Spas Ltd AndyB Angling Trades Association Animal Artistry Animal Comfort Ltd Ann Harries Mexican Jewellery Apollo Insulation (UK) Ltd Appin-Woods Machinery Ltd Arable Farming Arborplant Ltd Arborplant Ltd Arctic Spas - Pools and Gardens Ltd Arizonas ARLA Foods Milk Partnership Arthur Carter Arunvale Alpacas Ascot Park Polo Club Ascot Timber Buildings Ltd Ashcroft Alpaca Ashfield Coachworks Assured Food Standards Assured Food Standards Athena Windows Ltd Atlantic Alpacas & Atacama Atlantic Country Superstores Atlas Equestrian Atlas Wheeled Loaders Ltd Audio Architecture T/A Basia's Rare and Unusual Plants Automated Systems - Domateam AVC Broadband Ltd Avinue Ltd Ayr Equestrian Ayrshire Cattle Society B C L Baillie Haylage Bakewell Pools Ltd Banbury Cross Incubators Barclays Agricultural Banking Barker Saddlery Baughan's Barrel Screens BBC Magazines BBQ Companion - Brittex (UK) Ltd Beaman Tools Becchio & Mandrile - Berfralk Srl Bee- Dazzled Beecroft's Toys Ltd Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society Belgian Blue Group Belted Galloway Cattle Society Belvoir Horse Products Benetton Bennett Soil Technology Ltd Bennington Carriages Bergeres + Chairs Berkeley Studio Ltd Berthoud Sprayers Ltd BESO Best Dressed Bird Bestboots Ltd BIAC Bical (Biomass Industrial Crops Ltd) Bid Designs Bigjigs Bio-Renewables Ltd Birchdale Plants Birchfield Family Dairies Blackwood Distillers Blandford Saddlery Blenheim Alpacas Blue Green / Universal Blue Machinery PLC Blue Merle Ltd Bomanite Paving Bombardier ATV Bomford Booker Tate Ltd Bowerings Animal Feeds Ltd Bradmore Equestrian Bramblecrest
35 Degrees South A B Country Sports A D & N Wheeler A P Lifting Gear Co A Taste of Liquorice A Y Marketing A.P.E.S. Rocking Horses A1 Access Ltd Abacus Organic Services Limited Abbey Dore Farm Shop ABP Ltd Accessori Da Tavola ADT Acorn Designs Ltd ADAS Management Consultancy Ltd Adjustamatic Beds Advent Media Ltd Aegean Spas & Hot Tubs, Aerial and Satellite Service - Sky TV (c/o JFR Promotions)aerolatte African British Business Association Aga-Rayburn AGCO Limited Agri Europa Ventures Ltd Agricultural Travel Bureau Ltd Ainsworth Displays Alan Glasby - The Hope Gallery Albert Bick - Woodturner Alexander James of Pendlebury Alpaca Select Alpacas of Wessex Alvan Blanch Development Company Amber UPVC Windows and Conservatories Ltd AMC American Spas Ltd AndyB Angling Trades Association Animal Artistry Animal Comfort Ltd Ann Harries Mexican Jewellery Apollo Insulation (UK) Ltd Appin-Woods Machinery Ltd Arable Farming Arborplant Ltd Arborplant Ltd Arctic Spas - Pools and Gardens Ltd Arizonas ARLA Foods Milk Partnership Arthur Carter Arunvale Alpacas Ascot Park Polo Club Ascot Timber Buildings Ltd Ashcroft Alpaca Ashfield Coachworks Assured Food Standards Assured Food Standards Athena Windows Ltd Atlantic Alpacas & Atacama Atlantic Country Superstores Atlas Equestrian Atlas Wheeled Loaders Ltd Audio Architecture T/A Basia's Rare and Unusual Plants Automated Systems - Domateam AVC Broadband Ltd Avenue Ltd Ayr Equestrian Ayrshire Cattle Society B C L Baillie Haylage Bakewell Pools Ltd Banbury Cross Incubators Barclays Agricultural Banking Barker Saddlery Baughan's Barrel Screens BBC Magazines BBQ Companion - Brittex (UK) Ltd Beaman Tools Becchio & Mandrile - Berfralk Srl Bee- Dazzled Beecroft's Toys Ltd Beef Shorthorn Cattle Society Belgian Blue Group Belted Galloway Cattle Society Belvoir Horse Products Benetton Bennett Soil Technology Ltd Bennington Carriages Bergeres + Chairs Berkeley Studio Ltd Berthoud Sprayers Ltd BESO Best Dressed Bird Bestboots Ltd BIAC Bical (Biomass Industrial Crops Ltd) Bid Designs Bigjigs Bio-Renewables Ltd Birchdale Plants Birchfield Family Dairies Blackwood Distillers Blandford Saddlery Blenheim Alpacas Blue Green / Universal Blue Machinery PLC Blue Merle Ltd Bomanite Paving Bombardier ATV Bomford Booker Tate Ltd Bowerings Animal Feeds Ltd Bradmore Equestrian Bramblecrest Bramley & Gage Branded Bag Company Brass Tacks Bredon Hill Shooting Supplies Bredon School Breese Ltd Britain's Toys British Association For Shooting & Conservation British Association of Landscape Industries British Bazadaise Cattle Society British Beekeepers' Association British Belgian Blue Cattle Society British Blonde Society British Charolais Cattle Society Ltd British Connemara Pony Society British Consultants and Construction Bureau British Deer Farmers Association British Equestrian Trade Association British Kune Pig Society British Limousin Cattle Society British Livestock Genetics British Parthenais Cattle Society British Pig Association British Simmental Cattle Society British White Cattle Society Britopia Limited Broad Oak Broadway Nurseries Brocade Soft Furnishings Ltd Brocklehursts of Bakewell Brown & Co Browns of Wem Limited Bruce Hopkins Ltd Bryn Hall Country Furniture BSG Tractors and Machinery Buffalo House Burrough Country Clothing Ltd C J Industries C Signs C.G.C.S. (Midlands) Ltd Cabinfever Ltd Calor Gas Ltd Calzen Cookware Camera Clearance Co Cameron Consulting Campkins Camera Centre Canadian Spa Company Capital Seating Carryon Clothing Case IH Caspian Breed Society (UK) CellCall Limited Celtic Country Wines Centaura Field Bowman Central Networks Central Science Laboratory Challow Products Channel Island Guernseys Charles Mitchell Wines Ltd Charles Tyrwhitt Shirts Chas N Whillans Cherry Valley Farms Limited Childer Wood Heavy Horse Centre Chiltern Country Supplies Chippers International Limited Chocolate Fondue Company Chris Eckersley Design Chris Green Christadelphian ALS Christian Message for Town and Country Chrysler and Jeep Citi Cards CLA - Country Land and Business Association Claremont Collections Classic Designs Classic Quilts Ltd Classical Mile End Alpacas Cleanacres Machinery Ltd Clearview Stoves Cleveland Bay Horse Society Clive Marcham (Cottage Bonsai) Clives Fruit Farm Cloakrooms Cocina Ceramics Cocoon Cogent Cole – Woodturners Collier Trading Colne Saddlery Colonial Furniture Company Colonial Knives Colonial Soldier Columba Cream Liqueur Commercial Horticultural Association Complete Chimenea Company, (C.C.C.) Composting and Wood Recycling Context Products Limited Copella Fruit Juices Cornish Cheese Co Cornwall Taste of the West Corrymoor Mohair Socks Cottage Frames Ltd Country Classics Country Covers Country Platters Country Stile Clothing Country Traditions Countryside Alliance Countrywide Farmers Plc County Jewellers Equestrian Cousins of Cheltenham Cousins of Emneth Ltd Cow Comfort AMS Cream Crew Clothing Co Crop Protection Association Crop Systems Limited Crops Cropstars - Kemira Growhow UK Limited Cross Agricultural Engineering Ltd Cyclone Imagination Ltd Cyril Bason (Stokesay) Ltd D & A Wright D & B Barnes D V Townend & Co D W Tomlin D.E. Optics Daihatsu Dairy Chain Dairy Council Dairy Council Dairy Crest Limited Dairy Farmer Dairy Farmers of Britain Dairymaster Dales Pony Society Damar Webbing Products Ltd Dane Groundcare Equipment Ltd Danebury Vineyards Darlac Ltd Dartmoor Pony Society David Bright Ltd Deer Initiative Defra - Rural Development Service Delamere Dairy Delanns Jewels Denewear Development Business Team, UK Trade & Investment Devon Cattle Breeders Society Devon Clothing Dewalt Power Tools Dexter Cattle Society Dibleys Nurseries Discount Safety Boots Dogs Trust Domestic Fowl Trust Dominic Suddaby Doreen Preston & Son Dowdeswell Engineering Co Ltd Dubarry of Ireland Duchy College Stoke Climsland Callington Cornwall Duckpaddle Dyslexia Information (FEUD) E Stacy-Marks Ltd Eastern Reflection Eden Crafts Eighty 4 Electric Fencing Depot Elm Farm Research Centre Embassy of London and Leicestershire Endeavour Jewellers Cornwall is NOT in England Marketing Cornish is not English Beef and Lamb Executive Cornish is NOT English Guernsey Cattle Society Cornwall is NOT in England English Regional Development Agencies Environment Agency Environmental Energy Systems Enviros Consulting Ltd Equikits Equimed UK Ltd Equine Connection Equiport Equestrian Supplies Equitector Riding Boots Equitogg ERREPPI Estribar Limited Eternit Building Materials Euroclip Ltd Event Insurance Services Ltd Eversley Nursery Exmoor Pony Society Expo Promotions Ltd Express Garden Furniture Eyeson Marketing F R Gray & Sons Ltd Fairfield Control Systems Ltd Farm Energy Centre Falkland Islands Government FARMA Farmade Management Systems Ltd Farm-Africa Farmers Fayre Farmers For Action Farmers Fruit Machine Farmers Guardian Farmers Resale & Auction Register Farmers Weekly Farmers Weekly Interactive Farming and Countryside Education FACE Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG) Farming Help FEC Services Ltd Feelgood Furniture Fell Pony Society Fennmill Festival of Food Field Farm Enterprises Ltd Filippo Berio UK Ltd Fine Wine Pavilion Finishing Touches of Thrapston First Milk Ltd Flemish Tapestries Ltd Floralistics Flowering Plants Ltd Floyd Shoes Food Pavilion Aerolatte Best Dressed Bird Birchfield Family Dairies Celtic Country Wines Cornish Cheese Co Country Platters The Curry Sauce Company Danebury Vineyards Gerald David & Family Ltd Davidson Direct Deliciouslyyorkshire Direct Import East Midlands Water Company Ltd Field House Foods The Fields of Italy Ltd Stuart Foster Wines Freedom Food Genius UK Ltd Gordon & MacPhail International Seafoods Inverawe Smokehouses Johnson's Toffees and Fudges Kirby Farm Fine Food Lawncourt Harvest Ltd The Lemonade Factory Limetree Pantry Ltd Merchant Gourmet C/O Not Just Food Morning Foods Limited OlivesRgood4u Ltd Orkney Organic Meat Saint Valentines Liquorice Company Samworth Brothers Limited The September Organic Dairy Snowdonia Cheese Company Limited
Strawberry Fayre Supreme Sausages Limited Tesco Stores Ltd Tyrrells Potato Chips Wootton Organic Yoghurt Delights Foot Fetish Forestry & British Timber Forestry and Timber Association Forestry Commission England which Cornwall is NEXT to not IN, Kingdom Teak Foundation Firewood Four Seasons Hotel Cyprus Fourtec Ltd Fowler Brothers Fox's Spices Freedom Food Friend International Friends of Ferguson Heritage Fuelwood (Warwick) Ltd Fuller's Brewery FWAG G Wear Gallardo & Blaine Designs Gannon UK Ltd Garden Exteriors Garden Gadgets Ltd Garden of Japan Gardenex: Federation of Garden & Leisure Manufacturers Gee-Up Genius UK Ltd Genus Breeding Ltd Gerald David & Family Ltd Gitta & Co Glendale Engineering ( Milfield ) Ltd Global Partnerships Initiative Global Plant Clinic Globe Organic Services Going East Gold Label (UK) Ltd Golden Era 2nd Generation Golden M Construction Ltd Gordon & MacPhail Grafton Country Pictures Grain Chain Grant Thornton Grasmere Farm Green Isle Foods Ltd Green Wood Trust Greenvale AP Griffin Nuumed Ltd Griffith-Elder and Company Ltd Guardian Floorcare Limited Guruve Gus Designs Gutter-Repairs H & G Promotions Ltd Hackett Ltd Hackney Horse Society Hancox Equestrian Harold Walker Harper Adams University College Harry West ( Prees ) Ltd Hartpury College Harvey Lee Hazlewood Trailers Health & Safety Executive Healthy Oils Heavy Horse World Helen Browning's Flying Pig Henry Cane Henry Doubleday Research Hi Ho Silver Hi Peak Feeds Ltd High Lodge Shooting School Leisure Ltd High Range Highfield House Furniture Highland Pony Society Highways Agency Hill Farm Oils T/A Hillfairs Hoather Wathen Limited Holstein UK Homewood Houses Ltd Honesberie Shooting Hood and Broomfield Fine Art Hopespare Limited Hormel Foods Horsepower UK Ltd Hotchkiss Oak Furniture Hot-Footed Houghton-Parkhouse Ltd HP Ltd HSBC Bank plc Huggies, Kimberly Clark Hydrocut Ltd IAE IAE Equestrian IAH Compton Ian Potter Associates Ice Robotics Ltd Ideal Home Roadshow Ifor Williams Trailers Ltd Imperial College London - Wye Campus In The Saddle Independent Schools Council Information Service Independent Soil Services Indespension Ltd Initiative on Organic Research Innes Walker Fish Harvester Ltd International Agriculture & Technology Centre International Centre International League for the Protection of Horses International Seafoods International Village Inverawe Smokehouses Invicta Briars Isaacs Shoes Isfahan Carpet Palace Ltd ISL Renotham Ltd J E Graham J Hampshire J P Eames Sole Trader Jacquerii Fine Art Jaeade Children's Boutique Jakob Gerhardt Wines (UK) Ltd James Purdey & Sons Ltd Jennifer Gay Jeremy Rudge Saddlery Ltd Jersey Cattle Society of the United Kingdom Jinma (UK) Limited John Amos & Co John Bowler's Eggs John Hollingsworth & Sons John Mills Ltd Johnson's Toffees and Fudges Jordan Country Living Ltd Jordans Joules Joyners Green Oak Construction JSR Genetics Limited Juro Antiques Just 4 Ewe K - Two Sales K & K Whistance UK K Partington K R M (Keith Rennie Machinery) Ltd Kanishka Kashan Carpets and Handicrafts Kelland's Agricultural Ltd Kemira GrowHow UK Limited Kendall Machinery UK Ltd Kevins Menswear ( Westbury ) Ltd KidHugs - Flavour Your World Kilworth King Feeders UK Kingsland Stabling Kirby Farm Fine Food Kit Speakman Marketing Ltd Komfi Kubota (UK) Ltd Kuruka Clothing L & L Originals L M Bateman & Co Ltd Ladies In Pigs Lakeland Coppice Products Lakeland Limited Land Registry Landmark Systems Landsmans Bookshop Ltd Lantra Lariot Saddle Trees LauraStar UK Ltd Laurence Gould Partnership Limited Lavenders Blue Ltd Lazy Jacks LEAF ( Linking Environment And Farming ) Leisure Furniture 4 Gardens Leisureline Lely Les Ateliers Creatifs Libbys Horse Tack and Dog Leads Limetree Pantry Ltd Limetree Pantry Ltd Lincoln Red Cattle Society Lintran Livestock & Genetics Export Centre Lloyds & Co Letchworth Ltd Loddon Ltd Logic Manufacturing Ltd London Camera Exchange Lua M & A Outdoor Clothing M & M Group Handling Mad Cowes Clothing Company Ltd Made on Earth Ltd Malcolm Tempest Ltd Malhi Group Trading as "Simply Fleece" Mallory Court Hotel Manco Energy Limited Mansfield Sand Co Ltd Manteaux Margaret Roseboom - Preserved Flower Designs Marks & Spencer Plc Marshalls Martindales - Martin Evans Mary Green Master Farm Materials Recovery Ltd MBNA Europe Bank Ltd McCauley Trailers Ltd McConnel Limited McHale Mean Scream Mencap Merchant Gourmet Mercury Trading Merial Animal Health Limited Mike Lemmey Dry Cow Management Milbury Systems Ltd Milk Development Council Milk Link Ltd Millers Minsky & Sons of Romsey Mitchell Metal Craft Mitsubishi Motors Ltd Model Mayhem Modulamb Ltd Momo Gems Moonaz Mornflake Oats Limited Morphy Richards Ltd Moss Pharmacy Mueller Cooling Systems Limited Munchy Seeds Murley Agricultural Supplies Ltd Murray Grey Beef Cattle Society Ltd National Federation of Young Farmers' Clubs National Hedgelaying Society National Proficiency Tests Council National Sheep Association National Small-Bore Rifle Association Natural Animal Feeds Natural Equine NatWest Neil Taylor Nestle UK New Forest Pony Breeding & Cattle Society New Holland UK NFU NFU Mutual NIAB NICEIC Nicholas Wood Ltd Furniture Makers Nicholsons Niftylift Ltd Nigel Coope Windsor Chair Maker Nissan Motor (GB) Ltd Nomad Ideas Non-food Crops - Real Markets, Real Opportunities Bical (Biomass Industrial Crops Ltd) Bio-Renewables Ltd Central Science Laboratory National Non-Food Crops Centre Northeast Biofuels Ltd Renewable Energy From Agriculture Springdale Crop Synergies Talbotts Heating Ltd TEAM Research Group - De Montfort University Royal Agricultural Society of England Central Science Laboratory North of England Bonsai Northeast Biofuels Ltd NR International Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust NuTec Animal Health & Nutrition Oak Tree Nursery Oakley Lambourn Coachbuilders Oakwrights Country Buildings Ltd Olives +Things OlivesRgood4u Ltd Olympic Coachbuilders Ltd Onduline Building Products Ltd Orchids By Peter White Organic Arable Marketing Group Organic Farmers & Growers Organic Grain Link Organic Livestock Marketing Co-Operative Ltd Organic Milk Supplies Cooperative Origin Dress Co Ornamental Classics Osmonds Out of the Blue & Funky Filly Outdoor Small Scale Pig Feature Outlook Bespoke Tailors Ltd Owen Jones - Swill Basket Maker Oxlot Ltd P & J Haggart Ltd P & T Jewels P.D.S. ( Supplies ) PADDERS Feelgoodfeet Pakefield Ferrets Pakeman, Catto & Carter Park Wells Construction Ltd Partners Against Railway Crime Partnership for Action Against Wildlife Crime Pashley Cycles Pashmina Passion Patey Hats Patio Gear Patio Plants Patricia Dawson Clothes Paula Knitwear Peal Engineering Ltd Pedigree Pedigree Dog Food Pelegrina Pembroke Farm Nursery Pepe Garden Furniture Peter Laurence Peter Stunt Phropines Group PIC Pieroth Ltd Pigs N Things Pikinini PillowCentre Pioneros Post Driver Co Ltd Post Office Ltd Potato Partners ( N.I ) Powabyke Practool Products UK camelid paddock paddocks Predator People Premier Equine International Ltd Premier Livestock Handling Processed Vegetable Growers' Association Processors & Growers Research Organisation (PGRO) Profi International Prospect Protex Fasteners Ltd Proudcastle Solutions Limited Pukka Clothing Quad Connection Ltd Quadpower Quillows Ltd R A & C E Platt Ltd R B Agricultural Merchants R B Agricultural Merchants R.E.Buildings Ltd / Dureble Ltd RAC Motoring Services Rain or Shine Garden Furniture Rainforest Clothing Company Rare Breeds Survival Trust RDS South West Ltd Real Time Imaging Red Meat Industry Forum Red Poll Cattle Society Redhill Farm Redman Plants Redrock Engineering Reflected Glory Regency House Furniture Rekord Sales GB Ltd Renault Agriculture Ltd Renault UK Renewable Energy From Agriculture Ltd Retirement Villages plc Revelations UK Limited Richard Keenan UK Ltd Richard Western Ltd Riko UK Ltd (Alpine Tractors) Risley Saddlery inc Creative Colour Robert Meek Signs Robinson Agricultural & Industrial Buildings Ltd Robinson Construction Rockpool Kids Rolland Trailers Rooftec Rotary International (RIBI) Rotary International (RIBI) Rothamsted Research Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution Royal Agricultural College Royal Agricultural Society of England Which Cornwall is NEXT to not IN Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers Royal Caribbean International Royal Crown Derby Royal Pigeon Racing Association Royal Yachting Association Rubbertech Rugby Football Union Rugby Tackle Rugga Bugga Rural Accommodations Ltd Rural Business Centre ADAS Management Consultancy Computers Rural People Cost Living CAP Reform RASE DeloitteEnvironment AgencyFarmade Management Systems Farming Help
Grant ThorntonLandmark Systems Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution
Wrightson Real Estate Joanna Twist, Tiffany Truscott, Nina Davey, Claire Hawke, Chris Stumbles, Janette Eathorne, Matt Pengelly, Katy Young, Alex Full, Freddy Zapp, Joy Robinson, Naomi Rowe, Matt Sandoz, Tim Hubbard, Trevor Fry, Duncan Warren, Martin Bailie, Emma Lloyd, Laurence Reed, David White, James Churchfield, Pam Spriggs, Euan Maehy Pete Tunnicliffe Rural Crafts Association Soil Association Rural Design & Building Association Ltd RuralMinds ruralnet| Ryetec Industrial Equipment Ltd S B Promotions Sabin Designs Ltd SAC Sainsbury's Saint Valentines Liquorice Company Salers Cattle Society of the UK and Ireland Samworth Brothers Limited Sony UK Ltd Sandy Russell & Co Ltd SCH (Supplies) Soil Association Ltd Scholl Scotmas Limited Scottish Crop Research Institute Scrufts K.9. Selkin Ltd Semex Severnside Safety Supplies Soil Association Limited Sony UK Ltd Sew Easy (UK) Limited Seymour Paper and Packaging Shanti Shawbury Vintners Sheep Opportunity Shelton Sportsturf Drainage Solutions Shepherd Ease Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society Shire Horse Society Shorthorn Society of UK and Ireland Show Sony UK Ltd Sony UK Ltd Collections Shufflebottom Silsoe Research Institute Soil Association Silver Balloon Personalised CDS Silver Editions Simba International Ltd Simon Charles Siromer Flatpack Tractors SJB Saddlery Sluis Group (UK) Ltd Smartwood Leisure Products Ltd Smiles Brewery Snowdonia Cheese Co. Limited Snowflake Woodshavings Co Ltd Soil Association Sophie Thompson South Devon Herd Book Society Sowerbys of Stourbridge Spaldings UK Ltd Spanish Properties of Distinction Spearhead Machinery Ltd Spencer Jenkins Splash Clothing Sportingman's Bookshop SpringColour Ltd Springdale Crop Synergies Limited Springfield Nurseries Staffordshire Garden Furniture Start Smart The National Trust Steve Wright Steven Bailey Ltd Stevenson Brothers Stewkley Milling Services Stockpile Socks - Australia Stokes Security Services Storth Ltd Strawberry Fayre Stuart Foster Wines Sue Carson Saddles The National Trust Suffolk Horse Society Sun Leisure Ltd Sunlander Outdoor Products Ltd Super Gazebo Proven Products Ltd Superseal International Limited Supreme Sausages Limited Surface Technicians Sussex Cattle Society Suzettes Pancakes Sweet Pea Interiors T & G Clothing T.O.C. Limited Talbotts Heating Ltd Talking Mobiles Tall Ships Youth Trust Tamarisk Nurseries Tanco Autowrap Ltd Tanco Autowrap Ltd Teagle Machinery Ltd Teakhouse Leisure Limited TEAM Research Group - De Montfort University Teme Valley Market Tenant Farmers Association The National Trust Tesco Stores Ltd Texel Sheep Society The Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society The Barn Bacon Company The British Alpaca Society The British Alpaca Society National Herb Centre The British Cheeseboard The British Goat Society The British Horse Society The British Palomino Society The British Percheron Horse Society The British Potato Council The British Sheep Dairying Association The Caddy Car Co The Camping and Caravanning Club The National Trust The Clogmaker The Clydesdale Horse Society The Collar Company The Coloured Horse & Pony Society ( UK ) The Complete Training Company The Composting Association The Cotswold Dog Bed Company The Cotswold Garden Company The Countryside Agency The Countryside Foundation for Education The Cow Shed The Curry Sauce Company The Earth Collection The Environment and Development Group ( EDG ) National Herb Centre The Famous Grouse The Farmers Club The Fields of Italy Ltd The Galloway Cattle Society of Great Britain & Ireland The Game Conservancy Trust The Game Conservancy Trust The Glenside Group Limited The Gray Slate Company The Gun Trade Association Ltd The Handbag Company The Hereford Cattle Society The Highland Cattle Society The Ice Cream Alliance The International Programme at HDRA The Irish Draught Horse Society ( GB ) The Jigsaw Man The Lemonade Factory The Linen Press Ltd The Longhorn Cattle Society The National Herb Centre The National Non-Food Crops Centre The National Pony Society The National Trust The Natural Stone Gallery The Nottingham Trent University, Brackenhurst The On-Farm Composting Network The Ordnance Survey Activity Zone The Organic Farming Centre equine, agriculture, animal, countryside and wildlife management, food technology composting social economic environmental compost organic food The Organic Farming Centre Abacus Organic Services Limited Elm Farm Research Centre OFCNHDRA Hi Peak Feeds Ltd IOR Organic Arable Marketing Group Organic Farmers & Growers
Organic Grain Link Organic Livestock Marketing Co-Operative Ltd Organic Milk Suppliers Cooperative Vitrition W&H Marriage crop The Poplar Tree Company The Ranger Production Company Ltd Threshers Filippo Berio Celebrity Cookery Wusthof Typhoon Marlux The Royal Bank of Scotland The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds RSPB Cook chef nurseries sector BBC,, Royal Cornwall Show, Roundabout, Design, Chris, Beardshaw, Diarmuid, Gavin, Tim, Hubbard, Alistair, Rivers, Tracy, Wilson, Alistair, Rivers, John, Harris, Moon, Gardening, Gardening, Phases, Biodynamic, Gardening, Gardens of Cornwall, Rudolf, Steiner, Nigel, Pascoe, Claire, Vickers, Lord Mayor, David Brewer, Who do you think you are?, Carole, Gravett, Celtic, Mystery, Mysteries, Riddle, Riddles, Duchy, College, Sea Sense, 2006,Schools,Design a Garden of Cornwall, Design a Garden for Cornwall, BBC Radio Cornwall, Hymn, for, of, Guide, Campaign, Dog, Blind, farms fencing
The Royal Veterinary College The Salmon and Trout Association The September Organic Dairy The Side Saddle Association Society of Ploughmen Sock Co Table Cloth Co Tree Council Two Hatters University of Reading Welders Warehouse Western Equestrian Society Wrekin Woodsman Yellow Hat Tribe Yorkshire Clothing Company Thomas Sanderson Tilhill Forestry Timberland Timsbury Shoe Tipping Resources Toft Alpacas Tom Hanson Naturalistic Woodcarver and Stickmaker Tom Hare Wood Sculptures Topseal Systems Tornado Wire Touch Of Silk Tourism Ireland Townfields Saddlers Toys for the Garden Tractor & Machinery Magazine ( Kelsey Publishing ) Peter Love Case IH John Deere Ltd Fendt JCB Massey Ferguson New Holland Renault Agriculture Valtra Tractors (UK) Ltd Tractorland Tractors UK Trafalgar Cleaning Equipment Transport & General Workers Union Trantor Vehicles Trappings Binoculars Trekkers Puntons Footwear Tried Tested Trusted Tropical Agriculture Association Trudie B Interiors Turner Process Equipment Two Plants Tylyne Rubber Flooring Walling Tyrrells Potato Chips UK Covers UK Industrial Tapes UK Sire Services Trade & Investment ULG Northumbrian Ultifeed Universal Quarry and Recycling Urad Saddlery & Leathercare Products Valtra Tractors Vegetable Harvesting Systems Venico Limited Viking Vineyards of France Vishana Ltd Vitrition Volkswagen Votex W & H Marriage & Sons Waitrose Warmroof Systems Warren Hughes Furniture Makers Warwick Bros ALR Warwickshire Rural Hub Warwickshire College Watercare Systems Waterside Nursery Welch & Co T/A Bags of Class Welsh Black Cattle Society Welsh Pony & Cob Society Welvent Wendals Herbs West of Scotland Holidays Westcon Equipment Wethertex Whirlpool Spa Whitakers Equestrian Services White Hall Fabrics & Interiors Whiteacre Products Whittaker Coachbuilders Wild Style Ware biodiversity conservation nature outdoor charity Wildlife Trusts Wilford Bulb Willmott Pershore Optics Wilson Agriculture Wiltshire College Lackham Wines From Spain Wines of Chile exhibition Withington Hill Timber Buildings Wittering West Women's Food & Farming Union Woodcraft UK Wool Overs Wootton Organic World of Watches (Bond Street) WRAP the Waste & Resources Action Programme Wrightson Real Estate Writtle College education agronomy training post harvest technology animal sciences mechanisation farm field gates management rural woodland consultancy consultants automatic openers planters development and lilium freshwater environmental management equestrian centre Green Industries cheese skip tack safes hire biodiversity knitwear harvest wells, springs, boreholes, reservoirs, hand wheeled livestock grass umbrella Pumping, pipelines, filters, disinfection Analysis, Joules, Toggi, Harry Hall, leather work, horse rugs, horse products cereals, pulses, human food, pet food, aquatic feed cleaners pre-cleaners sieve units container loaders tropical sub-tropical arid zone country consultancy surveying divining training rural development registers wood shredders agriculture animal welfare countryside self propelled stables lorries, breeding, rearing care alpacas spares horsewalkers, on-farm on-stud. trailers, knockout recovery boxes management prime farmed venison equine studies farrier semen collection farriery, Turtle Dirttrapper horticulture, landscape design, tree beef calves production, harvesting, processing distribution management, veterinary 4x4 excavators, bulldozers, dump trucks, JCBs, telehandlers, Bobcats, mini-excavators Mail order catalogue tractors, vintage tractors, heavy horses, Muck boots, dog beds, dog bags, welly bags, turtle mats, waterproof car seat covers country crafts, trade stands cab rollbar wildlife habitat river, stream waterways dumpers, agricultural tractors 4X4 nursing floristry Writtle International field sports Genuine stargazing bird watching surveillance models Binoculars, monoculars, scopes panamas, bowlers, trilbys, flat caps, wooden playsets, trampolines, swings, slides, climbing frames, go-carts deerstalkers, straw, cotton waxes, moleskin, tweeds, wool, shower proof, Australian leather suede, summer whites, cowboys, brettons fantastic fishing stud refrigeration equipment humidification hydrotherapy rural issues, agricultural industries, Yoghurt Delights perennials smoked fish game site remediation, conservation pools, noise bunds, 4 x 4 circuits, fishing ponds, irrigation fencing products rustic furniture Peruvian Accoyo reservoirs, shooting grounds, land restoration, silage clamps, supply recycled aggregates Folding stools chairs, picnic saddlery, riding wear horse equipment goods, accessories gifts coppice horse Toft Alpacas breeds welding grant conservatory equipment, plasma cutters gas gear Yamaha Motor Rachel Green Yore Brand Trading As Perfect Picnics alfresco re-cycled Zero
Bishop Bill Ind, Celtic, Mystery, Mysteries, Riddle, Riddles, Quest, Lock, Key,
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