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George Galloway due to speak at Khoodeelaar No to Xrail demo tonight

© The Author / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK / LAWMEDIA 2006 | 01.03.2006 13:54 | Analysis | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World

George Galloway MP is due to join constituents from his Bethnal Green and Bow seat tonight’s demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council’s role for the Crossrail hole Bill. The demo at 6pm at Mulberry Place Clove Crescent London E14 is the latest one organised by Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane London E1 area against the Crossrail hole Bill

The Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the CROSSRAIL tunnel-hole Bill

This Edition of Khoodeelaaronline has been updated [3rd Edition of the day] at 1330 Hrs GMT Wednesday 1 March 2006 from London United Kingdom

[UK House of Commons]

Brick Lane London e1 area campaign against Crossrail hole Bill [UK House of Commons, the hybrid ‘Crossrail Bill’]

Demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council
6 PM today Wednesday 1 March 2006

This demonstration is the latest expression of the community demand for Tower Hamlets Council to stop colluding with the Crossrail hole plan and for Tower Hamlets Council to pass a clear categorical Motion saying NO to Crossrail hole. And saying No to all that the Crossrail hole plan Bill implies and entails and represents.

This site will now carry only details about the demo and documents that are most directly related to the planned events of 1 March 2006.

Who allowed Tower Hamlets Councillor Michael Keith to act as an agent for Crossrail interest in June 2003?

Why wasn’t he asked questions by other members of the ‘ruling’ ‘majority’ Group of Councillors on Tower Hamlets Council?

What was the Greater London labour Party doing playing silent all that time when Michael Keith was touting for Crossrail to be speeded up?

Contrasting the behaviour of the Greater London council in the first fortnight of January 2006 – when they became politically active on a topical issues around the alleged absence from his constituency by George Galloway MP for Bethnal green and Bow, why was the Greater London labour Party not playing a similar – a remotely similar – part of alleged keenness for standards in public life when Blarite councillor Michael Keith was getting increasingly involved as a promoter of the Crossrail project?

What were the ‘other’ councillors on Tower Hamlets Council doing about what Michael Keith was doing for Crossrail?

What is the record of all the other councillors on Tower Hamlets Council, other than Michael Keith, about Crossrail?

What 'democratic, accountable' vigilant, representative. fair, alert' culture is it that allows any councillor in the controlling group to behave so brazenly as an agent acting for unelected, unaccountable, private and secretive outside commercial interests as if Tower Hamlets Council was the legitimate target for exploitation and violation and he - Councillor Michael Keith posing as Thames Gateway London partnership man rather than admitting the actual legitimacy that he derived or sought to derive from the fact of his being a Tower Hamlets councillor - was the tool to inflict as much damage to the Council as he could manage to do?
The damage here is of course to the people in the Borough of Tower Hamlets - including in particular those from Brick Lane area to Mile End Park area -whose long medium and short term interests, health, safety and futures have been sedulously exposed to attack and violation by the Crossrail project.

How is it that the whole UK national medium and the local press in the East End of London did not show any r4echnoition of the crucial role played for Crossrail in June 2003 by Michael Keith?

Who authorised Michael Keith to promote Crossrail to Tony Blair in June 2003?

This question arises because of what Michael Keith did in the name of the London borough of Tower Hamlets Council.

As the Tower Hamlets Council’s chair of ‘regeneration’ at the time, Michael Keith
Took part in a frenetic, fanatical promotion of everything and anything that big business wanted and covered up the connection with the stock phrase he overdosed on ,’this will bring regeneration’.

While he was chair of Tower Hamlets Council’s regeneration committee [a bureaucratic grouping rather than a democratically active organ of an elected organisation] Michael Keith also sat on the Thames Gateway London partnership. He was only able to do so because he was a Councillor. How did he get to be ‘representing’ Tower Hamlets Council on the Thames Gateway London partnership?
He did it by taking undue advantage of the morass that the ruling group on Tower Hamlets Council had sunk into in democratic terms.

He CHOSE to be nominated to Thames Gateway London Partnership. As did every single other councillor on Tower Hamlets Council ruling group when it came to their being formally ‘appointed’ to ‘represent’ Tower Hamlets Council on external bodies.

And once on then Thames Gateway London partnership, Michael Keith was beyond any democratic control.

HE was not answering to the Tower Hamlets Council on what he got up to while he sat on Thames Gateway London Partnership.

And nobody on Tower Hamlets Council asked him about what he was getting up to.

Not in any way that can be cited as being a democratic demand on Michael Keith to account for his actions on the Thames Gateway London partnership.

[This was authored and posted here exclusively at 1140- Hrs GMT Wednesday 1 March 2006] [The next part of this Khoodeelaar! examination of the Crossrail-lobby-promotion by Tower Hamlets Councillor Michael Keith will appear on this site before 1700 Hrs GMT 1-3-2006]

© The Author / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK / LAWMEDIA 2006
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Khoodeelaaronline update on DEMO against Tower Hamlets Council 6 PM tonight

01.03.2006 14:03

Khoodeelaaronline can only publish this without any editorial interference, accessed this afternoon. This was sent to Khoodeelaaronline by Badrul Islam of the RERSPOECT Coalition who will be one of those supporting the Khoodeelaar demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council at 6 PM tonight

"RESPECT, all it's supporters and prospective council candidates totally oppose the digging of the 'BIG HOLE' in the heart of Banglatown.

We oppose the current Cross-rail proposal and it's digging of the 'HOLE' as a major and deliberate threat to the existence of the local Bangladeshi community including the large number of Bangladeshi small businesses populating this area.

We believe this is the latest New Labour ploy to 'Ethnically Cleanse' the local Bangladeshi community from Banglatown in order to facilitate further expansion of the City of London towards the east of London.

RESPECT will continue to oppose and campaign against this 'New Labour Project' until the threat it totally and permanently lifted from the local community."

Posted 1405 Hrs GMT
Wednesday 1 March 2006

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01.03.2006 14:49

hey Khoodeelaaronline sure you havent got a personal grudge against somome your posts are not only uniformative but boring
and noone really gives a fuck about respect and that self promoting creep george galloway
either write them properly not cut and paste from your blog or piss off


Brick Lane youth campaigner Fozol Miah to support demo tonight

01.03.2006 16:03

Brick Lane youth campaigner Fozol Miah will be speaking as well. He will support the campaign against Crossrail hole. Fozol Miah went to Council meeting in October 2004. He saw what a bunch of time-wasters the council leaders were. Soon after that, Fozol Miah went to Toynbee Hall and heard the local MP at the time Oona King. Fozol Miah could not believe his ears. Nor could his friends. The things that the local MP Oona King was saying were quite shocking. There was no sense that Oona King even wanted #to be there. She was left with scarcely any choice. Sop she made an appearance. But she did not want to make any promises to stop the Crossrail hole. She said that Crossrail should tell the community more about the goodies that Crossrail hole would bring!

Fozol Miah will be suipport8ng tonight's demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council on Crossrail

Brick Lane Youth


01.03.2006 16:06

"George Galloway due to speak at Khoodeelaar"

Glad to hear his run out of self promoting oportunities on national TV. The mans a joke, I tell you what if he does his cat act I'll come.


"What!" We DO GIVE A FUCK about what Crossrail plot against the East End

01.03.2006 16:14

You need glasses and years of revision of what would have been your brains...


It is our community across the proposed Crossrail route. So we are being joined tonight by people from across the borough.

It is our local Council.

It is not upto councillors to do as they please.

If we didn't tell them then nobody would and they would sell us out.

If you really cared about standard and spelling then you would not be answering. Clearly you may not be - just a horrible thought! - As well brought up as you may have accidentally thought.

Next time you decide to post abuse, think about the persons/s you re abusing. Do they have feelings? Would you like to be abused?

Crossrail affects the whole of the east End. People of all backgrounds in the community.

If you are seriously concerned about our linguistic standard then tells us who you are and who you are posting for ands we will know what to make of you.

Khoodeelaaronline does not need your advice. If you read the post, you will see they regularly update the site and they also do carry corrections. As long as those are reasonable.

Stop visiting indymedia or KHOODEELAARonline if you find it too much.

Go and eat a mango or something. That should cool you down.

East End voter

Brick Lane youth campaigner Fozol says No to Crossrail hole Council role

01.03.2006 16:51

© The Author / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK /LAWMEDIA 2006

A prepared speech by Fozol Miah for the demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council on Crossrail hole

6 PM Wednesday 1 March 2006

My name is Fozol Miah. I live in the brick lane e1 area. I support this demonstration by khoodeelaar the capping that’s been going for more than 2 years.

I wasn’t a changed Council in the East End. I want a different Tower Hamlets Council. I want a Council that will say No to Crossrail hole. So I am standing s well. And I am standing on a platform in the local community created in response to the Crossrail hole attacks plan.

I support Khoodeelar the Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole attacks Bill.

Khoodeelaar is the campaign that has been crated because the Council failed the local community. It has failed the Brick Lane London E1 area. It has failed Mile End Park. It has failed Poplar. It ahs failed Shadwell. It has
failed Shadwell it has Bethnal green. It ahs failed Shadwell

My family live in the area. I grew up in the area. My friends are in the brick lane London e12 area.

Why I m here?

Well, I am here to back the call that we made out in the community for the tower hamlets council to show us than the councillors are opposed to the Crossrail hole.

I went to a meeting in October 2004 and saw what the councillors were doing. I heard nothing from the councillors who spoke on Crossrail. They made use of words. But they made no sense.

I was with many people from the community. of all races and background. We were disgusted by what we saw.

The words used the councillors were woolly and meaningless.

I then spoke to my local councillors still got nowhere. They could not tell me what the Crossrail benefit they bang on about was!

So I talked to khoodeelaar campaigners and we learnt that the Crossrail hole would make us lose our business.

Lose our health. Lose our community.

For six years they will bring dust and rubbish from underground. And they will put them on Lorries and then they Lorries will be driven through the narrow streets this mean we will breathe bad air.

We will get fume. Dust.

And rubbish. Our children will suffer.o r

Families will suffer. Our shops will close.

We will lose our neighbourhood.

WE will lose our clan air.

We will; lose the safety of our community.

We will be uprooted dsioaed and dislocated.

Say No to Crossrail hole Council.

Say No to Council, collaboration with Crossrail

© The Author / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK /LAWMEDIA 2006
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