An Open Letter to Clare Short re Hizb ut-Tahrir from Peter Tatchell
OutRage! News Service | 01.03.2006 13:19 | Anti-racism | Gender | Birmingham | London
Clair Short MP is urged not to host the rightwing Islamic supremacist, anti-democratic organisation, Hizb ut Tahrir.
1 March 2006
Dear Clare Short,
I read with alarm that you are facilitating a meeting of the misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic Muslim fundamentalist group, Hizb ut-Tahrir, at the House of Commons today, Wednesday 1 March, at 5pm in Committee Room 17.
If this is true, I am very surprised. Perhaps you are not aware of the totalitarian nature of this group, and its anti-democratic and anti-humanitarian goals, as enshrined in its constitution?
Owing to long-standing commitments in Norwich on Wednesday, I cannot attend the meeting. But please allow me to illuminate you concerning my own personal experiences with Hizb ut-Tahrir:
During the early to mid-1990s, Hizb ut-Tahrir distributed leaflets explicitly inciting the murder of homosexuals. Their members subjected me to repeated death threats because I spoke out in defence of gay and women Muslims who were being abused by members of their organisation.
Since this thuggery was exposed, Hizb ut-Tahrir has sought to project a less extreme public image. But I have no doubt that many of its members continue to hold, in private, violent homophobic and misogynistic views.
Hizb ut-Tahrir still endorses Sharia law, which stipulates the death penalty for gay and lesbian Muslims, apostates and unchaste women.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is no more appropriate to be hosted at the House of Commons than the BNP.
I strongly favour dialogue and solidarity with the Muslim community, but not with fundamentalists like Hizb ut-Tahrir who reject democracy and human rights as alien “unIslamic” concepts.
The extracts below, taken from Hizb ut-Tahrir’s constitution, make it clear that the organisation opposes democracy and human rights:
Please host a meeting of liberal, progressive Muslisms such as Ziauddin Sardar, Sheikh Dr Muhammad Yusuf and Munira Mirza.
I hope that in the light of this information you will cancel the invitation to Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Thanks and best wishes,
Peter Tatchell,
Human rights campaigner
The following excerpts from Hizb ut-Tahrir’s constitution show it is an Islamist supremacist movement that rejects democracy and human rights:
Those who are guilty of apostasy (murtadd) from Islam are to be executed according to the rule of apostasy, provided they have by themselves renounced Islam.
Any [political] party not established on the basis of Islam is prohibited.
Sovereignty belongs to the divine law (shara') and not to the people.
Every mature male and female Muslim, who is sane, has the right to participate in the election of the Khaleefah [head of state] and in giving him the pledge (ba'iah). Non-Muslims have no right in this regard.
Jihad is a compulsory duty (farD) on all Muslims. Military training is therefore compulsory. Thus, every male Muslim, fifteen years and over, is obliged to undergo military training in readiness for jihad.
Every citizen of the State has the right to become a member of the Majlis al-Ummah [Peoples' Representatives], provided he or she is both mature and sane. This applies to Muslim and non-Muslim. However, membership to non-Muslims is confined to their voicing of complaints in respect to unjust acts performed by the rulers or the misapplication of Islam upon them.
The primary role of a woman is that of a mother and wife. She is an honour ('ird) that must be protected.
Segregation of the sexes is fundamental, they should not meet together except for a need that the shar' allows or for a purpose the shar' allows men and women to meet for, such as trading or pilgrimage (Hajj).
Women are not allowed to take charge of ruling, thus women cannot hold the positions of Khaleefah mu'aawin, waali, 'aamil nor to practice any actions of ruling. She is not allowed to be a chief judge, a judge in maHkaamat ul-MuDHalim nor ameer of Jihad.
Women live within a public and private life. Within their public life, they are allowed to live with other women, maHram males [males forbidden to them in marriage] and foreign men (whom they can marry) on condition that nothing of the women's body is revealed, apart from her face and hands, and that the clothing is not revealing nor her charms displayed. Within the private life she is not allowed to live
except with women or her maHram males and she is not allowed to live together with foreign men. In both cases she has to restrict herself with the rules of shara'.
Women are forbidden to be in private (khulwah) with any men they can marry, they are also forbidden to display their charms or to reveal their body in front of foreign men.
[Child CUstody:] If only one of the parents is Muslim, there is no choice for the child is to join the Muslim parent.
Jizyah (head-tax) is collected from the non-Muslims (dhimmis). It is to be taken from the mature men if they are financially capable of paying it. It is not taken from women or children.
The purpose of education is to form the Islamic personality in thought and behaviour. Therefore, all subjects in the curriculum must be chosen on this basis.
It is absolutely forbidden for any individual, party, group or
association to have relations with a foreign state.
The political cause of the Ummah is Islam, in the might of the State, the improvement of the implementation of its rules, and continuity in its call (da'wah) to humankind.
The State is forbidden to belong to any organisation that is based on something other than Islam or which applies non-Islamic rules. This includes international organisations like the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and regional organisations like the Arab League.
Dear Clare Short,
I read with alarm that you are facilitating a meeting of the misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic Muslim fundamentalist group, Hizb ut-Tahrir, at the House of Commons today, Wednesday 1 March, at 5pm in Committee Room 17.
If this is true, I am very surprised. Perhaps you are not aware of the totalitarian nature of this group, and its anti-democratic and anti-humanitarian goals, as enshrined in its constitution?
Owing to long-standing commitments in Norwich on Wednesday, I cannot attend the meeting. But please allow me to illuminate you concerning my own personal experiences with Hizb ut-Tahrir:
During the early to mid-1990s, Hizb ut-Tahrir distributed leaflets explicitly inciting the murder of homosexuals. Their members subjected me to repeated death threats because I spoke out in defence of gay and women Muslims who were being abused by members of their organisation.
Since this thuggery was exposed, Hizb ut-Tahrir has sought to project a less extreme public image. But I have no doubt that many of its members continue to hold, in private, violent homophobic and misogynistic views.
Hizb ut-Tahrir still endorses Sharia law, which stipulates the death penalty for gay and lesbian Muslims, apostates and unchaste women.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is no more appropriate to be hosted at the House of Commons than the BNP.
I strongly favour dialogue and solidarity with the Muslim community, but not with fundamentalists like Hizb ut-Tahrir who reject democracy and human rights as alien “unIslamic” concepts.
The extracts below, taken from Hizb ut-Tahrir’s constitution, make it clear that the organisation opposes democracy and human rights:
Please host a meeting of liberal, progressive Muslisms such as Ziauddin Sardar, Sheikh Dr Muhammad Yusuf and Munira Mirza.
I hope that in the light of this information you will cancel the invitation to Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Thanks and best wishes,
Peter Tatchell,
Human rights campaigner
The following excerpts from Hizb ut-Tahrir’s constitution show it is an Islamist supremacist movement that rejects democracy and human rights:
Those who are guilty of apostasy (murtadd) from Islam are to be executed according to the rule of apostasy, provided they have by themselves renounced Islam.
Any [political] party not established on the basis of Islam is prohibited.
Sovereignty belongs to the divine law (shara') and not to the people.
Every mature male and female Muslim, who is sane, has the right to participate in the election of the Khaleefah [head of state] and in giving him the pledge (ba'iah). Non-Muslims have no right in this regard.
Jihad is a compulsory duty (farD) on all Muslims. Military training is therefore compulsory. Thus, every male Muslim, fifteen years and over, is obliged to undergo military training in readiness for jihad.
Every citizen of the State has the right to become a member of the Majlis al-Ummah [Peoples' Representatives], provided he or she is both mature and sane. This applies to Muslim and non-Muslim. However, membership to non-Muslims is confined to their voicing of complaints in respect to unjust acts performed by the rulers or the misapplication of Islam upon them.
The primary role of a woman is that of a mother and wife. She is an honour ('ird) that must be protected.
Segregation of the sexes is fundamental, they should not meet together except for a need that the shar' allows or for a purpose the shar' allows men and women to meet for, such as trading or pilgrimage (Hajj).
Women are not allowed to take charge of ruling, thus women cannot hold the positions of Khaleefah mu'aawin, waali, 'aamil nor to practice any actions of ruling. She is not allowed to be a chief judge, a judge in maHkaamat ul-MuDHalim nor ameer of Jihad.
Women live within a public and private life. Within their public life, they are allowed to live with other women, maHram males [males forbidden to them in marriage] and foreign men (whom they can marry) on condition that nothing of the women's body is revealed, apart from her face and hands, and that the clothing is not revealing nor her charms displayed. Within the private life she is not allowed to live
except with women or her maHram males and she is not allowed to live together with foreign men. In both cases she has to restrict herself with the rules of shara'.
Women are forbidden to be in private (khulwah) with any men they can marry, they are also forbidden to display their charms or to reveal their body in front of foreign men.
[Child CUstody:] If only one of the parents is Muslim, there is no choice for the child is to join the Muslim parent.
Jizyah (head-tax) is collected from the non-Muslims (dhimmis). It is to be taken from the mature men if they are financially capable of paying it. It is not taken from women or children.
The purpose of education is to form the Islamic personality in thought and behaviour. Therefore, all subjects in the curriculum must be chosen on this basis.
It is absolutely forbidden for any individual, party, group or
association to have relations with a foreign state.
The political cause of the Ummah is Islam, in the might of the State, the improvement of the implementation of its rules, and continuity in its call (da'wah) to humankind.
The State is forbidden to belong to any organisation that is based on something other than Islam or which applies non-Islamic rules. This includes international organisations like the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and regional organisations like the Arab League.
OutRage! News Service
Hide the following 10 comments
Nice one!
01.03.2006 16:37
more vile racist attacks against the muslims- how the 1930's felt to the jews
02.03.2006 20:43
While Tatchell continues to work toward the full scale genocide of muslims, this is a little part of what Blair and his buddies have been up to recently
Abu Ghurayb.
US troops raid az-Zaydan area, killing, burning, capturing local residents
In a dispatch posted at 4:25pm Mecca time Wednesday afternoon, Mafkarat al-Islam reported that US occupation forces on Tuesday night carried out a campaign of house-to-house raids and arrests in the az-Zaydan area southwest of Abu Ghurayb, some 30km west of Baghdad.
The Abu Ghurayb correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported local eyewitnesses as saying that the Americans made an aerial landing near the Mus‘ab ibn ‘Umayr Mosque in the az-Zaydan area. They killed the two mosque guards, the brothers Hasan and ‘Abbas Dhiyab, and ripped apart copies of the Qur’an that they found in the place of worship.
During their raid in the town, the Americans also killed two local townsmen and arrested Haqqi Isma‘il, one of the Imams of a local mosque. Also arrested was Shaykh Salih Mahdi, the head of the al-Bu ‘Alwan tribe. The Americans also burned down their houses.
The American assault followed threats issued by puppet “Interior Minister” Bayan Jabr Sulagh on the puppet government’s al-‘Iraqiyah TV network specifically directed against the residents of az-Zaydan.
---UNQUOTE from the daily independent reporting of Blair's atrocities in Iraq
Hitler's propagandists made full use of the facts about various jewish sects of the time to ensure that a loud and continuous line of slander was used to make ALL jews seem alien and undesirable. Hitler said that 'jews are a danger to us all' as the nazis built up a war-machine greater than any then yet seen. Blair and Tatchell say that 'muslims are a danger to us all' as they expand a war machine already massively larger than any seen in Earth's history. Tatchell is a racist psychopath famous for attacking brown-skinned humans in a world of War Crimes carried out almost exclusively AGAINST such people (Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq etc).
300,000+ butchered in Iraq for the crime of being muslim means that I KNOW what kind of humans are being horrifically persecuted in the world today. Tatchell HOWLING for the genocide of Iran means that I KNOW who is responsible for this persecution. Blair's New Reich consists of many people, with many different interests, but one unifying goal.
BY THE WAY, none of you should be suprised that OUTRAGE! is a blatantly fascist organisation. In Germany,the Green party has demanded the banning of 'Valley of the Wolves', one of those vanishing small number of films that dares to cast the Americans as the villians in the invasion of Iraq, and dares to have a jew as a bad guy (how many thousands of Hollywood films have had muslims as bad guys in the last 20 years?). It is about time for people to open their eyes to the true nature of so many political organisations. "we will tell you what to think and do" is the proud battle cry of fascists, and the clear leading slogan of many many organisations that PRETEND to be fighting for individual rights.
Tatchell lines up with the dunderbrains ginst Islam
03.03.2006 01:23
Can't you see mate - you cannot and should not tell muslims to reject their faith. Neither should you exaggerate that all muslims follow ideas that only the most extreme follow. You're falling into line with those that attacked the jews in 1930's Germany and the bloody pseudo-Christian crusaders in the middle ages. Why don't you stick to what you're best at - defending your right to put your willy into another man's bottom?
Pax Romana
Twilight a question?
03.03.2006 06:52
Opposing extremes
03.03.2006 11:52
People like twilight are just silly. This letter is in defence of the majoratory and does not encourage hatred, simply comromise and reason.
Take your medication!
03.03.2006 13:22
firstly, their is not a global conspiracy to wipe out all muslims
secondly, Iraq was not attacked because it contained people of muslim faith, if this was the case can you tell me why it wasnt Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia or Lozells that was bombed? its fairly clear that such a suggestion is ridiculous. it was attacked primarily because of its large oil resources and the possibilities of economic opportunism.
thirdly, outrage! being a fascist organisation, yeah sure this is true, ive even heard that they plan to support the BNP in the council elections!
Peter Tatchell has priorities wrong
06.03.2006 00:08
We all know that religious communities, based on the teachings of their faith, will not ultimately accept homosexual lifestyle because those are their beliefs but that doesn't mean that every religious muslim, christian and jew who bumps into a homosexual on the street is going to attack them or hurl abuse.
People learn to live here in Britain in tolerance and get on, realising that their religious views are there too but they must tolerate in public. There are so many religious folk out there who don't agree with western democracy or homosexual lifestyle in different degrees. If the point of opposition from Peter Tatchell is simply to oppose everyone who opposes the values of western freedom and democracy then that makes Peter no better than George Bush as everyone's interpretation of freedom and values in the west is different, whether it is atheistic, religious or pagan views.
In this country, hizb ut tahrir is better than al-muhajiroun and less extreme. it is an organisation that has its views but is less threatening than its middle-eastern equivalents. from what i've seen, hizb-ut-tahrir believe in political and community action from a more traditional islamic viewpoint but at least they are trying to engage with politicians like clare short etc. rather than al-muhajiroun style terrorist recruitment classes. who would you rather have leading some of the islamic youth?
Even the MCB has been doing its fair share for the Muslim community and British relations despite their views on homosexuality. They haven't actually encouraged violence against gays or anything. If anything, we should commend them for the good they have done but instead we continue to criticise so as to say they will never be 'british enough' and that will drive them away.
All Peter Tatchell does is look at the negative and has recently been attaking muslims a lot. Sir Iqbal Sacranie, Dr. Mohammad Naseem, Sheikh Qaradawi, Adam Yosef, Malcom X have all been attacked by Tatchell when there are far better targets such as the BNP, the Bush administration and Richard LittleJohn..
I think Peter reckons he'll get more publicity if his attacks are on Muslims simply because they are under the spotlight the so anyone who jumps in gets free publicity for their cause and themselves and that's just wrong!
Get things together Pete or let someone else represent the gay community.
bugger me
09.03.2006 02:40
oh and as for his campaign at palestinian rally's , please go ask a palestinian homosexual, i think he would like o live in the comfort of knowing he and his family will be safe , that his house isn't going to be demolished and generally about improving the standard of his life. right to have state support for anal intercourse is worthless when ur concstantly afraid of what will happen tomorrow. think you stupid fool.
and oh , stop going on about some fundamentalist out to get you, no one gives a toss, go relieve yourself by taking it up someone's dirt track.
14.03.2006 11:57
Get real Clair! I am sure your motives are good...but do you really think you can influence them in a positive way? I thought terrorist activities were outlawed? But I guess if its against Muslim women in there own homes you dont care!
david jary
16.05.2006 14:01