Bulletin nº23 of the Basque Observatory of Human Rights
Basque Observatory of Human Rights | 01.03.2006 12:15 | Analysis | Repression | Social Struggles | World
Dear friends,
The latest Behatokia Bulletin, Nº 23, is available on our web page,
http://www.behatokia.info/bulletin.php, where, as well as downloading it in pdf format:
http://www.behatokia.info/docs/boletinak/Islada230206eng.zip, you can download each article in word format, if you find these easier to work with.
The latest Behatokia Bulletin, Nº 23, is available on our web page,

We hope you will find the articles in this issue interesting and, as always, feel free to write to us if you have any queries or would like more information on any specific subject. We would also like to remind you that all the articles in previous issues of our bulletin are also available, and we will be happy to send them to you if you so require.
The subjects included in this issue are the following:
Barcelona, a landmark in the struggle against torture:
As well as the conference organised by the Coordinating Committee for the Prevention of Torture, several pieces of news related to the use of torture have made the front pages:
- The Guardia Civil requests legal action against Unai Romano, whose photograph following his arrest was published all over the world, for a crime of slander, due to his torture complaint.
- TAT presents their annual report, including 47 torture complaints.
A thousand and one manoeuvres to stop Basque prisoners being released
The Supreme Court changed 20 years of jurisprudence to prevent Unai Parot’s release. The news was made public in a press release instead of as a court decision.
Batasuna under persecution:
The Audiencia Nacional continues to persecute the political party’s activities
The Audiencia Nacional runs into difficulties to carry out Macro-trial 18/98
Basque lawyers denounce the monitoring of their communications with prisoners
In view of the serious nature of the events, the Bar Association offered its support within eight days and mediated before other bodies
The subjects included in this issue are the following:
Barcelona, a landmark in the struggle against torture:
As well as the conference organised by the Coordinating Committee for the Prevention of Torture, several pieces of news related to the use of torture have made the front pages:
- The Guardia Civil requests legal action against Unai Romano, whose photograph following his arrest was published all over the world, for a crime of slander, due to his torture complaint.
- TAT presents their annual report, including 47 torture complaints.

A thousand and one manoeuvres to stop Basque prisoners being released
The Supreme Court changed 20 years of jurisprudence to prevent Unai Parot’s release. The news was made public in a press release instead of as a court decision.

Batasuna under persecution:
The Audiencia Nacional continues to persecute the political party’s activities

The Audiencia Nacional runs into difficulties to carry out Macro-trial 18/98

Basque lawyers denounce the monitoring of their communications with prisoners
In view of the serious nature of the events, the Bar Association offered its support within eight days and mediated before other bodies

Basque Observatory of Human Rights