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IAEA says NO evidence of Iranian n-weapons plan - US lost Iraq war

Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars | 01.03.2006 08:31 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles | World




[HR: Bying an Mk-54 SAD-suitcase nuke 'off the shelf' only costs a fraction -]


DUBAI - 01/03/2006 - As the countdown for a crucial meeting on Iran on March 6 gets under way, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has revealed that it has not found any evidence that Teheran had diverted material towards making atomic weapons.

In its report which has been circulated to its 35 board members, the IAEA said that its three years of investigations had not shown "any diversion of nuclear material to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices", the Associated Press reported.


However, it called upon Iran to substantially increase its cooperation with the IAEA inspectors as the agency has not been able "to conclude that there are no undeclared nuclear materials or activities in Iran."

Without heightened cooperation, the agency would be unable to establish whether some of Iran's past nuclear activities under wraps were not linked to the manufacture of nuclear weapons. Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki who has been visiting Japan said, "They (IAEA) could not find evidence which shows that Iran has diverted from its peaceful purposes of nuclear activities in Iran."

The report is likely to strongly influence the March 6 meeting in Vienna where the IAEA board is expected to discuss the future course of action on Iran.

On February 4, the board had decided to report Iran's case to the U.N. Security Council, which can take action against Iran, including the imposition of economic sanctions.

Buoyed by the report, Iran is rushing the head of its Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Larijani to Russia for another round of talks.

A Russian delegation led by Sergei Kiriyenko held talks with Iran over the weekend.

These discussions had revolved around the establishment of a joint venture facility in Russia, which would produce enriched uranium for generating electricity.

That meeting produced an "agreement in principle" on this subject.

However, later, differences appear to have surfaced on another issue — on whether Iran would be allowed to operate a small-scale enrichment plant for research purposes.

The IAEA report said that Iran had begun enrichment using 10 centrifuges — a move which can result in the production of only minute quantities of enriched uranium.


[andend] - 2006 The Hindu -

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An example of Rumsfeld's 'Lie Factory' spouting lies and propaganda is, one of the many web sites spreading propaganda for the PNAC warmongers in Washington. Concerning the fake 'threat' by Iran: ''[Foreign Minister] FM stands firm on Iran's nuclear program'' is the headline the same day as Iran is declared 10 years away from any nuclear weapon - Url.:


* UN Figures Show: US Controls Iran Permanently - Url.:

* Pew Poll - The radioactive image of the US

* UN report on DU poisoning - Url.:

* A death sentence here and abroad - Url.:

* Deutsche Welle - US war is cancer article/English - Url.:

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* Professor, Dr. K. Yagasaki report - Url.:

* Bush interview. ABC: No WMD's but many killed: "It was worth it". - Url.:

* Former Secr. of State Madeleine Albright in her comment on the at least half a million dead children in Iraq: "We think it's worth it" On CBS 60' Minutes - Url.:

* P.M. - Compliant media - Hitler: An Officer and a Gentleman? - Url.:

* A crime against humanity is an act of persecution against a group, so heinous as to warrant punishment under international law: Please scroll - Url.:

* HR - The US: Making Dead Friends? - Url.:

Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands


Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars
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But Iran is persusing a nuclear weapons programme and here's how.

01.03.2006 17:02

Iran is pursuing two separate paths to nuclear weapons, one that would use highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons and one that would use plutonium. As to the uranium route, Iran has tried to develop two different uranium-enrichment methods in order to produce weapons-grade uranium. First, it has established a number of facilities for the manufacture and testing of centrifuges (many of which are owned by military industrial organizations), a pilot enrichment facility designed for 1,000 centrifuges, and a large buried facility intended to house up to 50,000 centrifuges. In parallel, Iran has pursued another program to enrich uranium with lasers. Both of these programs were successfully concealed from IAEA inspectors in Iran for years until an Iranian opposition group disclosed their existence. As IAEA DG ElBaradei’s reports confirmed, Iran used both enrichment methods to secretly enrich uranium, enriching to at least 1.2% using centrifuges, and up to 15% using lasers.

Iran has also developed a program for the production of plutonium, an alternate path to nuclear weapons. Covert construction of a large, heavy water production plant was also disclosed by an Iranian opposition group. Its purpose is to supply heavy water for a research reactor that Iran plans to begin constructing this year. The technical characteristics of this heavy water moderated research reactor are optimal for the production of weapons-grade plutonium. Iran claims the purpose of the reactor is for isotope production for civil purposes, a claim that belies Iran’s confirmed past interest in building hot cells at the heavy water reactor that appear to be designed for plutonium separation.

Another potential source of plutonium for weapons is the Bushehr light-water power reactor, which is currently under construction. That reactor is under IAEA safeguards. Russia has agreed to provide all fresh fuel for that reactor, and Iran and Russia are discussing an agreement to return all spent fuel to Russia. However, if Iran should withdraw from the Nonproliferation Treaty ("NPT") and renounce this agreement with Russia, the Bushehr reactor would produce enough plutonium each year for about 30 nuclear weapons.

Stop Iran

Attitude, intelligence and ICBMs

01.03.2006 18:31

A 20,000-kilometer range Surya-3 could strike any point on the surface of the Earth.
Indian commentators generally cite two reasons for acquiring an ICBM: To establish India as a global power and to enable India to deal with “high-tech aggression” of the type demonstrated in the wars with Iraq.

Because there is no obvious reason for India to want a military capability against Europe, there is only one target that stands out as the bullseye for an Indian ICBM -- the United States. The reported 12,000-kilometer Surya-2 range is tailor-made to target the United States.

The established path to a space launch capability for the U.S., the Soviet Union, the U.K, France, and China was to adapt a ballistic missile as a space launch vehicle. India turned the process around, adapting a space launch vehicle as a ballistic missile. If Brazil, Japan, or South Korea were to develop long-range ballistic missiles, they would probably follow India’s example.
President Kennedy was once asked the difference between the Atlas space launch vehicle that put John Glenn into orbit and an Atlas missile aimed at the Soviet Union. He answered with a one-word pun, “Attitude”. Paul Wolfowitz is said to have compared space launch vehicles to “peaceful nuclear explosives” (PNEs); both have civilian uses but embody hardware and technology that are interchangeable with military applications. India has demonstrated this interchangeability with both space launch vehicles and PNEs. The path to India’s ICBM capability took more than four decades. The common threads in the history of Indian rocketry are that space launch vehicle
technology is the basis for the Indian ICBM, and that India obtained the technology with foreign help.

Operation Merlin is an alleged United States covert operation under the Clinton Administration to provide Iran with a flawed design for building a nuclear weapon in order to delay the Iranian nuclear weapons program.

In his book State of War, author and New York Times intelligence correspondent James Risen claims that the CIA chose a defected Russian nuclear scientist to provide deliberately flawed nuclear warhead blueprints to Iranian officials in February 2000. Operation Merlin backfired when the Russian scientist noticed the flaws and pointed them out to the Iranians. Instead, the book alleges, it may have accelerated Iran's nuclear program by providing useful information, once the flaws were identified. Some think that Risen's use of anonymous sources make the claims somewhat suspect.
- wikipedia


How the peace movement works

01.03.2006 22:34

Peace activist Shirin Ebadi has praised Iran's nuclear development programme

On December 10, 2003, Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the first Iranian and the first Muslim woman to receive the prize.

Shirin Ebadi told reporters: "Aside from being economically justified, it (Iran's nuclear development programme) has become a cause of national pride for an old nation with a glorious history. No Iranian government, regardless of its ideology or democratic credentials, would dare to stop the program."….”
And I have to be honest, I'm less sanguine than peace activist Shirin Ebadi in her view of Iran's nuclear development programme, that it "has become a cause of national pride for an old nation with a glorious history" and that it is "economically justified" given Iran's lack of alternative energy resources.

Aw, shucks. Ain't that sweeeeet?

I have a funny feeling that Ms Ebadi has an entirely different view of, say, Israel's nuclear development programme.

Perhaps Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad needs the uranium by-products in order to help sustain the "bright light" that he emanates when addressing the UN General Assembly on the need to "wipe Israel off the map" and "cleanse the world of Zionism" and such.

Who knows exactly?
