ADOLFO FERNANDEZ SAINZ - Political Prisoner needs your support
Raul | 28.02.2006 16:16 | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
The Supreme Court in Cuba has dismissed cassation appeals by 22 Cubans convicted in April of 2005 for dissident activity. The Supreme Court upheld the 15-year prison sentence delivered to Adolfo Fernandez Sainz.
Adolfo Fernandez Sainz had been working for the Moscow-based news agency PRIMA as its correspondent in Havana since July 2001. He was arrested on March 20 of this year as a result of the government’s crackdown on Cuban dissidents and independent journalists. A total of 79 people were arrested in the latest wave of repression in March.
At the court hearings on April 3, Adolfo Fernandez was accused of giving interviews to foreign radio stations and posting “subversive” articles on the Internet, and sentenced to 15 years in prison under infamous Law 88, better known as the “gag law”.
Adolfo Fernandez’s family appealed against the verdict. On June 16, the wife of Adolfo Fernandez was notified by phone of the decision of the court of cassation. Adolfo Fernandez is being held in solitary confinement in the central prison in Holguin province, east of Cuba.
Please write to Adolfo and let him and the Cuban authorities know we are supporting and campaigning for him. Adolfo has recently been transferred to the notorious Canaleta Prison in the Ciego de Ávila province.
Prisiòn Provincial Canaleta
Carretera de Sanguily
Kilometro 2 1/2
Ciego de Avila
Please take time to write to his family and let them know that we are supporting them:
Julia E. Nuñez Pacheco
Belascoaín #465,
apartamento 19,
entre Zanja y Salud.C.
Havana C.P. 10300,
Please write respectfully to the Cuban Authorities voicing your concerns about the detainment of Adolfo Fernandez under Law 88. Express your concern that Adolfo has been arrested and sentenced to long periods of imprisonment for peacefully expressing his views.
Call for his immediate and unconditional release on the grounds that he is a prisoner of conscience detained solely for his attempts to peacefully exercise his right to freedom of association and expression.
Urge that all Cuban citizens be guaranteed their rights to freedom of association, assembly and expression, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and that the Cuban Government immediately cease to imprison, force into exile abroad or otherwise punish those who attempt to peacefully exercise such rights.
The Ministry of Justice
Roberto T. Díaz Sotolongo
Licentiate in Law
Head of State and Government
Dr Fidel Castro Ruz
Presidente de los Consejos
de Estados y de Ministros
La Habana, Cuba
Telex and Fax: via Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see below)
Salutation: Su Excelencia/Your Excellency
Dr Juan Escalona Reguera
Fiscal General de la República
Fiscalía General de la República
San Rafael 3, La Habana, Cuba
Telegrams: Fiscal General, Havana, Cuba
Telex: 511456 fisge
Fax: + 53 7 - 333164
Salutation: Sr Fiscal General / Dear Attorney General
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sr Roberto Robaina González
Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Calzada No. 360
Vedado, La Habana, Cuba
Telegrams: Ministro Relaciones Exteriores, Havana, Cuba
Telex: 511122 / 511464 / 512950
Fax: + 53 7 - 333 085 / - 335 261
Salutation: Señor Ministro / Dear Minister
CUBA. Havana. PRIMA-News correspondent Adolfo Fernandez Sainz, who is serving a 15-year term for anti-government propaganda, has been transferred from the prison in Holguin province to Canaleta prison in the province of Ciego de Avilla. Political prisoner Pedro Arguelles told this during his phone call from Canaleta.
No one even his family know the reasons for Adolfo Fernandez’ transfer. That causes great concern among his friends and relatives. Canaleta prison is infamous for its maltreatment of inmates, especially political prisoners. There is a lot of evidence that inmates are denied adequate medical help there.
Adolfo Fernandez’s transfer to Canaleta prison could result in further deterioration of his health. It was one year ago when he undergone a medical examination in Havana hospital. But even at that time he was found to have many diseases.
At the court hearings on April 3, Adolfo Fernandez was accused of giving interviews to foreign radio stations and posting “subversive” articles on the Internet, and sentenced to 15 years in prison under infamous Law 88, better known as the “gag law”.
Adolfo Fernandez’s family appealed against the verdict. On June 16, the wife of Adolfo Fernandez was notified by phone of the decision of the court of cassation. Adolfo Fernandez is being held in solitary confinement in the central prison in Holguin province, east of Cuba.
Please write to Adolfo and let him and the Cuban authorities know we are supporting and campaigning for him. Adolfo has recently been transferred to the notorious Canaleta Prison in the Ciego de Ávila province.
Prisiòn Provincial Canaleta
Carretera de Sanguily
Kilometro 2 1/2
Ciego de Avila
Please take time to write to his family and let them know that we are supporting them:
Julia E. Nuñez Pacheco
Belascoaín #465,
apartamento 19,
entre Zanja y Salud.C.
Havana C.P. 10300,
Please write respectfully to the Cuban Authorities voicing your concerns about the detainment of Adolfo Fernandez under Law 88. Express your concern that Adolfo has been arrested and sentenced to long periods of imprisonment for peacefully expressing his views.
Call for his immediate and unconditional release on the grounds that he is a prisoner of conscience detained solely for his attempts to peacefully exercise his right to freedom of association and expression.
Urge that all Cuban citizens be guaranteed their rights to freedom of association, assembly and expression, in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and that the Cuban Government immediately cease to imprison, force into exile abroad or otherwise punish those who attempt to peacefully exercise such rights.
The Ministry of Justice
Roberto T. Díaz Sotolongo
Licentiate in Law

Head of State and Government
Dr Fidel Castro Ruz
Presidente de los Consejos
de Estados y de Ministros
La Habana, Cuba
Telex and Fax: via Ministry of Foreign Affairs (see below)
Salutation: Su Excelencia/Your Excellency
Dr Juan Escalona Reguera
Fiscal General de la República
Fiscalía General de la República
San Rafael 3, La Habana, Cuba
Telegrams: Fiscal General, Havana, Cuba
Telex: 511456 fisge
Fax: + 53 7 - 333164
Salutation: Sr Fiscal General / Dear Attorney General
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sr Roberto Robaina González
Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores
Calzada No. 360
Vedado, La Habana, Cuba
Telegrams: Ministro Relaciones Exteriores, Havana, Cuba
Telex: 511122 / 511464 / 512950
Fax: + 53 7 - 333 085 / - 335 261
Salutation: Señor Ministro / Dear Minister
CUBA. Havana. PRIMA-News correspondent Adolfo Fernandez Sainz, who is serving a 15-year term for anti-government propaganda, has been transferred from the prison in Holguin province to Canaleta prison in the province of Ciego de Avilla. Political prisoner Pedro Arguelles told this during his phone call from Canaleta.
No one even his family know the reasons for Adolfo Fernandez’ transfer. That causes great concern among his friends and relatives. Canaleta prison is infamous for its maltreatment of inmates, especially political prisoners. There is a lot of evidence that inmates are denied adequate medical help there.
Adolfo Fernandez’s transfer to Canaleta prison could result in further deterioration of his health. It was one year ago when he undergone a medical examination in Havana hospital. But even at that time he was found to have many diseases.