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Helena Kennedy's remotes from Khoodeelaar! shows her stunt is empty

© The Author / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK /LAWMEDIA 2006 | 27.02.2006 21:08 | Analysis | Social Struggles | London | World

The Crossrail Bill in the House of Commons, London contains in one piece every facet of the state and its authoritarian plan against the people. No elected holder of public office including the patronaged members of the UK House of Lords has spoken out against the Crossrail Bill in the way that Bethnal Green and Bow MOP George Galloway has done. Top understand why that is it is important examine the evidence of the role played by today's 'Red Baroness' Helena Keeny and her likes.

© The Author / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK /LAWMEDIA 2006

Helena Kennedy, ‘QC’ [lawyer practising in the English courts] Baroness’ is being feted in the ‘mainstream media’ in the UK today heading an alleged revival of electoral democracy in the UK.
That movement is full of pitfalls and thorns sown by the likes of Helena Kennedy herself y are the bands of self-seeking opportunists who have contributed more significantly to the real discrediting whatever it is that they are now meaning by their use of the term democracy.

Helena has not said a word ever about the assault that is Crossrail.

She has behaved as if there has not been a rising popular discontents across the UK on issues like the local communities feeling disgusted with the abuse of powers that is being perpetrated by the decision-makers and legitimised by the careerist lawyers and spin doctors.

When the former

At every turn, the likes of Helena Kennedy

have materialised on one conveniently plausible ‘pro-democracy’ pro-caring’ ‘pro-fairness’

platform or another in the UK whence they then have sought and received the goodies that the corrupt holders of elected office have had to proffer by way of patronage [baroness] and reward [‘QC’].

In doing so Helena keeny and her likes have done the dirtiest of deeds for the corrupt state that could be imagined – they have denied the say to the people they have reinforced discrimination in away that the state and its more overtly discriminating andscuimiantrroy backers could not have done.

Helena Keeny is of the same moral level as Cherie Blair, ‘QC’ wife of Tony, anotehr’lawyer’.

Between them, they disagree, as Cherie is often reported to be disagreeing with Tony.

But at the end of the day, they all belong to the same club. To the same set of the servants of the corrupt state as their otehr, more overly identifed counterparst and rivals.

They do not mean to give ‘the people’ any more say than the case is today.

What Helen is doing now is creating or trying to create another facade, yet another ‘new’ tactic which they need to deploy at the people and to galvanise enough of the people whom they can then use to get their objective- which is to maintain the status quo with a new look while the same corrupt agenda is pursued only with less obvious signs that it is being pursued.

When Helena was pushing an alleged anti-Tory proganada front on behalf of the alleged ‘NEW LEADERSHIP’ of the Labour Party in 1996- a year before the replacement of Tory John Major by the New Labour Blair, she was making claims that she was indeed whiter than white when it came to
her applying the facility she possessed of making such claims without either meaning them or without possessing the intellectual integrity of knowing how outlandish ant she and her likes were to the utter majority of the people who have had no option but to treat the charade of eledctruirao democracy with the contempt that it deserves.

But Helena was behaving in as authoritarian a manner and style with as much disregard for the rules of ethics and morality that are paramount parts of genuinely democratic atmosphere and persona as she was competing just as doggedly as a Stalinist as she would have done had she been installed in office following a Stalinist coup in the UK

In the past 8 years of Blair at Number 10 Downing Street, the likes of Helena Kennedy?
have taken up almost all manner of state sponsored positions that are being maintained at public cost in the name of serving the people. The people in Britain have not been more disenfranchised than they are now. In the context of everything that the likes of Helena Keeny have been claiming to have done in their contribution to democratising Britain, this country, the society here has not been more undermined by such a perfect generation of Stalin’s’ disciples posing as saviours of democracy.

They are in the House of Lords

They are in the quangos

They are on local Councils.

They are on local funded 'voluntary' bodies
hey are running an entire industry in sleaeball-lobbying on every single subject under the sun that ahs any link with meg a fast buck at the xosne of the public,.

They are everywhere.

They are the newsmakers. They are news-reporters.

They are the news commentators

They share the loot

They scare the rest of us about the alleged costs of letting them lose the

There is nothing at all to say for Helena Kennedy’s stunt today

What the people need is less of the likes of Helena Kennedy, not more.

Because Helena does not know that communities exist in areas like Tower Hamlets. Unless she is given a red carpet reception staged in suitably ‘ethnic-parading’ location where the likes of Helena Kennedy are given ‘ethnic’ salutes for their 'valiant roles in saving the ethnics from themselves

That is why the entirety of Helenea’democracy’ champion have been silent about the CrossRail assault on the East End.

It is not an accident.

When Ken Livingstone the careerist ‘leader’ of the Greater London Council [GLC] was claiming to be doing in the early 1980s what Helena is again showing her propensity to be doing in February 2006

© The Author / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK /LAWMEDIA 2006
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Em-"Powering" Helena Kennedy is betraying and weakening the people!

03.03.2006 15:47

The Crossrail Bill in the House of Commons, London contains in one piece every facet of the state and its authoritarian plan against the people. No elected holder of public office including the patronaged members of the UK House of Lords has spoken out against the Crossrail Bill in the way that Bethnal Green and Bow MOP George Galloway has done. Top understand why that is it is important examine the evidence of the role played by today's 'Red Baroness' Helena Kennedy and her likes.

© The Author / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK /LAWMEDIA 2006

Helena Kennedy, ‘QC’ [lawyer practising in the English courts] Baroness’ is being feted in the ‘mainstream media’ in the UK today heading an alleged revival of electoral democracy in the UK.
That movement is full of pitfalls and thorns sown by the likes of Helena Kennedy herself y are the bands of self-seeking opportunists who have contributed more significantly to the real discrediting whatever it is that they are now meaning by their use of the term democracy.

Helena has not said a word ever about the assault that is Crossrail.

She has behaved as if there has not been a rising popular discontents across the UK on issues like the local communities feeling disgusted with the abuse of powers that is being perpetrated by the decision-makers and legitimised by the careerist lawyers and spin doctors.

When the former

At every turn, the likes of Helena Kennedy

have materialised on one conveniently plausible ‘pro-democracy’ pro-caring’ ‘pro-fairness’

platform or another in the UK whence they then have sought and received the goodies that the corrupt holders of elected office have had to proffer by way of patronage [baroness] and reward [‘QC’].

In doing so Helena Kennedy and her likes have done the dirtiest of deeds for the corrupt state that could be imagined – they have denied the say to the people they have pretended to speak for. They have blocked the access to the platforms against the very people in whose name they assume – and presume - to speak. They have reinforced discrimination in ways that the state and its more overtly discriminating and discriminatory backers could not have done.

Helena Kennedy is of the same moral level as Cherie Blair, ‘QC’ wife of Tony, anotehr 'lawyer’.

Between them, they disagree, as Cherie is often reported to be disagreeing with Tony.

But at the end of the day, they all belong to the same club. To the same set of the servants of the corrupt state as their other, more overly identified counterparts and rivals.

They do not mean to give ‘the people’ any more say than the case is today.

What Helen is doing now is creating or trying to create another facade, yet another ‘new’ tactic which they need to deploy at the people and to galvanise enough of the people whom they can then use to get their objective- which is to maintain the status quo with a new look while the same corrupt agenda is pursued only with less obvious signs that it is being pursued.

When Helena was pushing an alleged anti-Tory propaganda front on behalf of the alleged ‘NEW LEADERSHIP’ of the Labour Party in 1996- a year before the replacement of Tory John Major by the New Labour Blair, she was making claims that she was indeed whiter than white when it came to
her applying the facility she possessed of making such claims without either meaning them or without possessing the intellectual integrity of knowing how outlandish ant she and her likes were to the utter majority of the people who have had no option but to treat the charade of British electoral democracy with the contempt that it deserves.

But Helena was behaving in as authoritarian a manner and style with as much disregard for the rules of ethics and morality that are paramount parts of genuinely democratic atmosphere and persona as she was competing just as doggedly as a Stalinist as she would have done had she been installed in office following a Stalinist coup in the UK

In the past 8 years of Blair at Number 10 Downing Street, the likes of Helena Kennedy?

have taken up almost all manner of state sponsored positions that are being maintained at public cost in the name of serving the people. The people in Britain have not been more disenfranchised than they are now. In the context of everything that the likes of Helena Kennedy have been claiming to have done in their contribution to democratising Britain, this country, the society here has not been more undermined by such a perfect generation of Stalin’s’ disciples posing as saviours of democracy.

They are in the House of Lords

They are in the quangos

They are on local Councils.

They are on local funded 'voluntary' bodies
hey are running an entire industry in sleazeball-lobbying on every single subject under the sun that ahs any link with meg a fast buck at the expense of the public,.

They are everywhere.

They are the newsmakers. They are news-reporters.

They are the news commentators

They share the loot

They scare the rest of us about the alleged costs of letting them lose the

There is nothing at all to say for Helena Kennedy’s stunt today

What the people need is less of the likes of Helena Kennedy, not more.

Because Helena does not know the truth – not by a long measure , the indignities, the denials, the deprivation of rights that are inflicted by the Helena-approved local councillors of the Blaired varieties that ‘rule’ over communities that exist in areas like London’s East End borough of Tower Hamlets.

Unless she is given a red carpet reception staged in suitably ‘ethnic-parading’ location where the likes of Helena Kennedy are given ‘ethnic’ salutes for their “valiant roles in saving the ethnics from themselves ...”

That is why the entirety of Helena 'democracy’ champion have been silent about the Crossrail assault on the East End.

It is not an accident.

When Ken Livingstone the careerist ‘leader’ of the Greater London Council [GLC] was claiming to be doing in the early 1980s what Helena is again showing her propensity to be doing in February 2006 Livingstone was posing precisely in the same way then as ‘the champion’ of the people just as Helena Kennedy and her over-paid, over-briefed peddlers of the status quo of the corrupt UK ‘constitution’ are doing today.

[This section of this commentary added on Friday 3 March 2006]

The only way that the people, and society and the vast majority of the deprived people can get a respite from the obstructive, blocking careeristic jamboree punters like Helena Kennedy is by the people totally rejecting Helena’s alleged alternative to their other faces [and to their other ways of their getting to their other careeristic places and palaces and races] as the con that it is.

Consign Helena and her professional self-serving vacuous ilk to the dustbin that is reserved for historic and contemporary professional hypocrites and hypocracies that they are.

The people must begin afresh the search for the best way to defend ourselves.

The search must begin here on the ground where neither Helena Kennedy nor her chartered cohorts of time-servers do not have to put up with real deprivation and denial.

The search must begin here with our collaring – politically of course – the couriers of concealment who connive daily to confect lies as they betray the people in whose name they crave and hold the little ‘offices’ in the little local council.

It is here that we sometimes, just so rarely but surely, catch sights of the ‘regional’ assembly man, men and woman and women who trade as our allegedly elected representatives on the regional assembly .It is also here that we are in receipt of the bombardments of ethnicised lies confected by the local council with paid for spaces in the allegedly active3ky spoken ethnic languages rags that are otherwise totally absent from the agenda of daily struggle of the people.

It is here that we daily encounter the countless counts of lies at our expense.

It is here that we can log them all without having to wait for centuries before another generation of ‘professional’ looters of our trust and of our alleged assent to being represented descend metaphorically on our backs whence top proclaim how we are being deprived and denied our own voice…

It is here that we say No to Crossrail hole and tell the lying merchants of ‘regeneration benefits’ where they can go with their quota of this week’s lies.

It is here that we say no the demolition by the corrupting local Council of what semblance there still remains of what could have been a socially caring and fair system of publicly accountable housing for the people who are already crushed under debts and financial Incapacity…

[To be continued]

1545 Hrs GMT Friday 3 March 2006]

© The Author / Khoodeelaar / CBRUK /LAWMEDIA 2006
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