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eviction still iminent!

borris | 26.02.2006 12:43 | London

all help needed

the eviction is still imminent, possibly tomorrow!

the site needs some good people to help out, stay for a day or longer, loadsa trees to be defended,please please help out!

wish list:

food for tree houses chocolate etc,
climbing equipment,
no booze as is a busy working enviroment!

peace love and tree hugs

direct action borris




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please don't cry

27.02.2006 21:33

Please try to give as much info as you can about eviction threats and movements of balliffs etc. Saying eviction is imminent, likely tomorrow etc every day doesn't help matters such as people who might want to travel from far away for it - there's only so many false alarms you can drop everything for, or if you're trying to come down just for eviction itself, makes it impossible. From experience, there's usually various likely/definite things that come up, to predict this.

