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UAF, would you please explain?

Simon Payne | 24.02.2006 15:51 | Anti-racism | London

Ken Livingstone expelled from the Trot front group for bringing his office into disrepute with his Anti-Semitic comments.

As head of the "Anti-fascist" group 'Unite Against Fascism' Mr Livingstone should surely resign, or was it just Ken playing lip service to his "radical" mates?

How can UAF, already accused by the Zionist lobby of Anti-Semitism possibly keep Ken Livingstone as its head now?

Livingstone has been banned from his opffice for 4 weeks following his sickening jibes at a Jewish reporter, besmirching the memory of Holocaust survivors and making wise cracks about concentration camps.

Ken's comments are little better than the sort of rubbish that the BNP or BPP are famous for, the UAF must ask for his resignation, NOW.

Of course, they will not, because it would seem that Anti-Semitism is central to the themes of the SWP/UAF/Respect groups, in their pathetic attempts to recruit among radical Muslim youths.

I would ask how anyone from Searchlight/UAF etc could possibly now EVER work with Livingstone, or is the power of the fundamentalist dollar greater than their supposed Anti-fascist credentials?

What next for these morons, Holocaust denial?

Simon Payne


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Fascist Troll

24.02.2006 16:11

Yes, Livingstone should go from the UAF but we do not need a fascist shit stirrer to tell us.

Plant Pot


24.02.2006 16:26

It wasn't that bad was it? Associated Newspapers print worse stuff on a daily basis!


Livingstone is not anti-semitic

24.02.2006 17:06

Livingstone is not anti-semitic. You might disagree with what he said, but it was not an anti-jewish remark. He was being hounded by the press, he'd been drinking and unwisely insulted a reporter who used it to damage Livingstone, as it turns out pretty heavily.

Would you like to explain what was anti-jewish in his remarks? Seeing as Livingstone has been a consistent anti-racist, no matter where else he may fall down, accepting these bizarre accusations at face value is frankly barmy.

Jim Jay

Criticising Israel is 'anti-semitism'?

24.02.2006 17:15

Yes, we condemn fascist terror wherever it occurs, whether in Leeds or Bradford with attacks on blacks and Asians by White thugs or attacks on whites by non-whites. Why should we not criticise right-wing Israeli politicians for acts of violence against Palestinians? Bit hypocritical if we didn't.

If that makes us anti-semitic in the eyes of apologists for Israeli fascism then so be it.

UAF member

Here come the Jews

24.02.2006 17:18

Trying to destroy the antifascist movement again.

Spag Bollo

Anti-fascists know Livingstone is on the right side

24.02.2006 17:19

Follow the link to the report from UAF Conference:

You''ll find Ken speaking alongside Trade Unionists, Anti-Racists, the Walker family, and, yes, Holocaust survivors. All of them trying to find ways to work together against racism and fascism, because it's a serious business, not a game.

Whereas the Evening Standard and the Standards Board are engaged in a puerile and irresponsible party political smear because Ken dared to get cross with one of their attack dogs. They should grow up.

Mr Spoon


24.02.2006 17:20

Check your history, Ken has a habit of making snide remarks about Jews.

He may be an anti racist, but he makes apretty good exception when it comes to Jews.



24.02.2006 17:53

Who mentioned Israel?

Why do the UAF associate crude Anti-Semitism with legitimite criticism of Israel?

Would the homophobes and the mysoginists from the Muslim Council please stand up.


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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

United Appeasers of Judaeo-fascism

24.02.2006 20:51

Call 1.2 billion Muslims terrorists and it's - Free speech!! Freedom of the press!!

Give a journalist from a right-wing rag a taste of the verbals they dish out every day - and you're suspended from your job. Why? Because the journalist is a jew and free speech doesn't apply.

Make insane remarks about history, like that tosser David Irving, and you get 3 years in jail. Why? Again, because free speech just doesn't apply to comments about jews.

That's just what the Judaeo-fascists want - to silence all and any criticism so they can carry on running their shitty little racist state.

Boycott Israel

Fascist trolls

24.02.2006 21:19

See Indymedia, you still get fascist trolls even when you institute a policy of systematically 'hiding' antifascist posts.


The zionist question

25.02.2006 01:30

It is becoming more noticable that there is a tendency for users of indymedia to accuse people who are against Zionism (Israel occupution of others people's land) as being anti jewish. This is a falsehood, any occupation of a country means that the people being occupied are the ones who are oppressed. At the moment the palestians are the ones who suffer and we need to stand up for them. You tell me of any muslim country that has occupied another country against it's wishes? Fight the power

George galloway

Anti Semite's!

25.02.2006 05:34

It was pointed out to me some time ago that it is possible to be anti racist and dislike Jews, just like it is possible to be a racist Jew. Just look at Mrs Patricia Richardson (maiden name Feldman). She is very proud of her Jewish roots, yet she is a racist BNP councilor.

Which brings me to Keneth Livingstone. He has always been an anti racist, he hates the fash. But as an old communist he also hates the zionists. Communism was invented by anti zionist Jews like Marx, Lennin, and Trotsky. The zionist Jews had a lot more in common with the capitalist USA than with the communist Soviet Union. And so communist Jews and zionist Jews have always been enemies. As have their supporters, and you will continue to find Jews and their allies on the far right and the far left.

This might also explain the similar types of voters and activists they attract.

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