Explosion destroys dome of Shiite shrine
Repost from jamie | 22.02.2006 16:53 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | World
"The attack today on an Iraqi Shiite mosque must be seen for what it is. This and other such events are the work of “psychological operations teams” working for our imperial bandits."
Dear friends, revolutionaries, progressives, anti-war activists, etc.
The attack today on an Iraqi Shiite mosque must be seen for what it is. This and other such events are the work of “psychological operations teams” working for our imperial bandits. It is obvious to anyone with a string of ten or more functioning neurons! Such an attack is roundly condemned by all religious factions in Iraq. All the mosques are sacred to all Muslims throughout that country. Persons that would do such things would be attacked mercilessly by either Sunni or Shiite. Only the neocon imperialists would be capable of such a crime and hope to have anything to gain from the act. And Iraqis know this!
We must spread this truth in our own society in order to expose the nature of our system of propaganda and manipulation and to bring these wars to an end. Our people must begin to see through the manipulation of their masters. The times are such that many do already. If we work to make it a part of the discourse, discussion/analysis, the whole "1984 world" will come apart all the faster.
Please read the mainstream AP article below and the not so mainstream comments that follow. Share them widely. Lets change the “debate!” jamie
Explosion destroys dome of Shiite shrine
By: ZIAD KHALAF on: 22.02.2006 [08:18 ] (196 reads)
A large explosion Wednesday heavily damaged the golden dome of one of Iraq's most famous Shiite religious shrines, sending protesters pouring into the streets. It was the third major attack against Shiite targets in as many days.
Police believed some people may be buried under the debris after the 6:55 a.m. explosion at the Askariya mosque but there were no confirmed figures. The shrine contains the tombs of two revered Shiite imams, both descendants of the Prophet Muhammad.
Tradition says the shrine, which draws Shiite pilgrims from throughout the Islamic world, is near the place where the last of the 12 Shiite imams, Mohammed al-Mahdi, disappeared. Al-Mahdi, known as the "hidden imam," was the son and grandson of the two imams buried in the Askariya shrine.
Shiites believe he is still alive and will return to restore justice to humanity. An attack at such an important religious shrine would constitute a grave assault on Shiite Islam at a time of rising sectarian tensions in Iraq.
A police officer who declined to give his name because he is not authorized to speak to media said armed men, with at least one wearing a uniform, broke inside the shrine before sunrise and seized the five policemen responsible for guarding the site.
The gunmen planted explosives and fled the area, the officer said.
Following the blast, U.S. and Iraqi forces surrounded the shrine and began searching houses in the area. The Sunni Endowments, a government organization that cares for Sunni mosques and shrines, also condemned the blast and said it was sending a delegation to Samarra to investigate what happened.
Thousands of demonstrators gathered near the shrine, waving Iraqi flags, Shiite religious banners and copies of the Muslim holy book, Quran. Shiite leaders in Baghdad's Sadr City neighborhood called for demonstrations against the blast.
"This criminal act aims at igniting civil strife," said Mahmoud al-Samarie, 28-year-old builder who was among the crowd in this city 60 miles north of Baghdad. "We demand an investigation so that the criminals who did this be punished. If the government fails to do so, then we will take arm and chase the people behind this attack."
Religious leaders at other mosques and shrines throughout the city denounced the attack in statements read over loudspeakers from minarets.
The shrine contains the tombs of the 10th and 11th imams, Ali al-Hadi who died in 868 A.D. and his son Hassan al-Askari who died in 874 A.D and was the father of the hidden imam.
The golden dome was completed in 1905.
I'd normally go to a BBC source...
by stоpwar on 22.02.2006 [08:25 ]
but their article implies this was done by Iraqis, with no apparent evidence. This more objective article is presented by Associated Press, and the headline is at least based on fact.
All the hallmarks ...

... of "black op/false flag".
A covert US op stamped all over it.
I simply cannot believe that any Muslim group would do this sort of stuff.
I await a comment from IS, but meanwhile I just do not believe that Shia-Suni divides could spawn this kind of atrocity.
The Perptrators are Mossad, the US, nobody else
by cosmo on 22.02.2006 [09:40 ]
Such things never happened in the past until the arrival of the Zionists along with their USans and their allies.
They have to take the burden for all of this and nobody else.
Its like the same situation when the Zionists a re trying to say Sharon was not responsible for Sabra and Chatilla massacres, while his troops stood their watch and protected the murderers.!!!
The same thing here. They stood their and not only watched, but implemented the whole thing.!!!
I think that the US/UK /Allies existence in Iraq has been very much shortened by this.!!!!
Black Ops........
by EnglishWorkingclassDissident. on 22.02.2006 [10:51 ]
I don't believe even a secular muslim would contemplate this, definately the modus operandi of a western mind.
International Law means the US is to blame
by Morgane on 22.02.2006 [11:12 ]
Whoever did this, the US must take responsibility. Under International Law and the rules of war, the occupiers are BOUND to protect the life and property - and the national monuments - of those living under its occupation!
The US is simply not carrying out its duty here. It makes sure it protects its own in Iraq - its troops and the bases it has seized - but the people, especially the civilians and their property are exposed to every danger.
The US is daily getting away with this - it has a racist policy where only American lives (and pro-American puppet lives) matter.
A coup for Bush/Blair/Olmert
by Morgane on 22.02.2006 [11:21 ]
They will waste no time in 'condemning' this. Forget the US/UK war crimes and abuses on film (and don't even THINK about the war crimes and abuses that didn't get on to film)!
No one will have the guts to admit it is the US/UK themselves who are to blame for this massive crime.
occupation did it
by ohm on 22.02.2006 [13:07 ]
All these western leaders creating an alibi in the hours leading up to the bombing. These were lessons learned when they try to work a distraction over the cartoon issue in Pakistan by stirring up the religious sectarian pot. In Pakistan, their were sunni/shia incidents but it was too small, not contageous and it ultimatly backfired on them because the Pakistanis even denounced the U.S. .The west even threw in Abu gharib,a donald rumsfeild statement, guantanamo and other continuous distraction attempts to try and focus muslim attention away from cartoons and it still expanded to Africa . This attack on a major shia symbol maybe successful however, we will see how it affects muslim sensibilities. Good luck to all, think intelligently.
Unexpected Bonus.........
by EnglishWorkingclassDissident. on 22.02.2006 [13:12 ]
Should result from this outrage, civil unrest will force greater number of American patrolling the streets = more targets.
Please share this perspective with many others. jamie
Repost from jamie