Command's Responsibility - Detainee deaths in US custody
Danny | 22.02.2006 16:33 | Anti-militarism | Repression | World
"An American soldier told us of our father's death. He said: "Your father died during the interrogation." So we thought maybe it was high blood pressure under personal stress. This would happen in American detention centers. People would die of high blood pressure. But afterwards the people who were imprisoned, detained with him said "No. They would torture him and they assigened American soldiers to him especially for the torture. He died during the torture."...Honestly, my mother, after the case, she entered a state we can say a coma or like a coma. She withdrew from life." -Hossam Mowoush
Human Rights First, who are charging Rumsfeld with war crimes, just released their report into US torture and deaths in custody in Iraq. While just "the tip of the iceberg" as Og said ( ) it does put some names and faces to the mass of hidden victims and is essential reading, a good resource to distribute.
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