Pro-vivisectionists group 'Pro-Test' gather to defend Oxford tortore lab
ALERT ! | 22.02.2006 15:24 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Health | Oxford | South Coast
Students and staff at Oxford University are to defy animal rights campaigners
and demonstrate in support of a controversial £163;20m research facility.
and demonstrate in support of a controversial £163;20m research facility.
"Organisers, PRO-Test, expect the rally on Saturday to attract between 200 and
500 people, including students from University College London and Imperial
College London. "
I love this, talk about stooopid.
this is great ! How will the pro demonstrators make thier case I wonder. will they chant "kill the monkeys" or "Save the children"
How stupid are this lot gonna feel. I doubt half of them will even bother turning up.
this is so funny I can hardly believe it.
Is there no end to the stupidity of this class of people. You really have to be incredibly thick to do this. I'm gonna go with my Camera and take pictures of them all for future reference. ;o).
500 people, including students from University College London and Imperial
College London. "
I love this, talk about stooopid.
this is great ! How will the pro demonstrators make thier case I wonder. will they chant "kill the monkeys" or "Save the children"
How stupid are this lot gonna feel. I doubt half of them will even bother turning up.
this is so funny I can hardly believe it.
Is there no end to the stupidity of this class of people. You really have to be incredibly thick to do this. I'm gonna go with my Camera and take pictures of them all for future reference. ;o).
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22.02.2006 17:10
Instead of calling them stupid, animal rights protestors might want to examine why their tactics have so alienated vast swathes of Oxford students - at least some of whom could probably have been natural allies.
Matt S
22.02.2006 18:10
Are you an animal rights activist or a secret policeman? Or both?
Just wondering...
Euphemisms Euphemisms Euphemisms
22.02.2006 20:30
Their vivisectionist patrons are the research defence society(profits from and represents vivisectors,animal breeders,chemical and drug industry) and other university educated vivisectionist robots and an "honest" BBC appearing MP Doctor(legal drug dealer) who's trained in the vivisectionist mentality in drug,chemical industry funded universitys and who's financial influence rely's upon dealing out adverse reacting vaccines,drugs all fraudulently passed as "safe" through the religious ritual of animal experimentation.
Any one heard of Baby Fae or Hollie Roffrey or the individual black people who were experimented(injected with diseases and made to suffer) upon and Kids in hospitals who were experimented upon and killed in usa and british hospitals by the "researchers" trying out toxic drugs that destroyed their kidneys.(without their consent)
In mentals institutions men and women were tortured by "researchers" who implanted electrodes in their brains and electricuted them repeatitly which was done on the pretext of "im trying to save your life".
There's a whole history of sadistic experimentation on human beings well before hitler,by the very same noble "researchers" who previously and continue to, torment,electricute,poison,mutilate individual primates,mice,dogs and others.
These violent life hating practices can only continue through noble euphemisms like "study", "research","biomedical research".
23.02.2006 16:18
The reason we're called Pro-Test (not PRO TEST) is that it explains our message succinctly. By similar logic, it's interesting how the Animal Liberation Front don't call themselves "we steal animals from legitimate laboratories".
Yes, Pro-Test is in favour of vivisection, however we chose not to call ourselves "Pro-Vivisection" because it's not a pun like "Pro-Test" is, and it's considerably longer. That answer your concerns adequately?
dear matt
24.02.2006 11:11
We are dealing with brainwashed people who can't see past thier own inbred noses here. It's a rugby supporter mentality which needs to be wiped out so people can once more think for themselves.
These people are stoopid and it was sombody calling me stoopid a long time ago that made me rethink my views of the world and wise up, keeping my nose, instead of just continuing to be stoopid in spite of the acuser.
If these people don't sit up and listen when I call them stoopid, and don't think about it, and just dismiss me, then sadly they have proved me right.
25.02.2006 18:59
The direct action idiots have ruined the credibility of those who oppose testing with thier ego fuelled antics.
Some of the comments we see here and doubtless many to follow show why the antis have an uphill struggle.
Many of the antis arguments are sound, but it is often hard to hear them because of all the Carla Lane gone postal idiots who appear often to have forgotten what they are trying to achive and have let means begat ends.
The truth about PRO Test
25.02.2006 21:31
And the high profile 'respected' 'scientists' of the pro-vivisection lobby 'applaud' his efforts and are quite happy for this sad little social inadequate put himself and his family into the 'frontline' as cannon fodder whilst they hide away like the bullying coawrds that they are.
Mice face
The truth about indymedia
26.02.2006 01:33
idears of universal equality down on us. They embrace sodomy, animal rights, immigration, abortion and PC language! Whatever happened to world hunger, demilitarisation, climate change, and above all common sense!
And since when can you graffiti a bridge to use as your webite banner? That is an eyesore! No doubt that indymedia was well intentioned, but it has gone down the drain, I'm thinking of removing that stupid banner for that bridge!
PRO-Test success
26.02.2006 03:59
PRO-Test are a committee of Oxford University Students and academics as well as 16 yr old Laurie (Founder). We strive to show that animal testing is necessary for medical prgress.
The truth about Fred
26.02.2006 13:48
Adolf Shitler
Fred said " i have a sore head".
28.02.2006 18:38
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