Hippy Chick | 21.02.2006 12:05 | Anti-racism | Sheffield
Ok, I'm confused. Does this mean we turn against the Iranians because they deny the holocaust or do we continue to support them because they are muslims? Do we continue to support the cause in Palestine because they to are anti-semetic or hate the Jews to say the least? Seriously if someone could clear this up logically I'd be very grateful.
Hippy Chick
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Dear Confused
21.02.2006 12:41
You can empathise with the plight of the Palestinians without having to endorse any dubious political or paramilitary organisations that will inevitably evolve from their situation. You can even empathise with the innocent Israelis that get caught up in this too and still be against the state of Israel.
You can defend the concept of Iran's right to peaceful co-existence without ignoring its human rights record.
You can disagree with a law that criminalises holocaust denial on the principals of free speech and still loathe people like Irving.
But most importantly, you can stop trying resolve you own beliefs to the impossible absolutist dogma of deluded fanatics and critics.
Auntie M