Are we all David Irvings now? Where's our freedom of speech?
Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars | 21.02.2006 10:27 | Analysis | Globalisation | Repression
Nobody is allowed to take away your right to Freedom of Speech. So when they start putting us in jail for what we think and write; questions we rightfully ask, than we have lost our freedom of speech.
'Thought crime' is something you may think, say or write: ideas which are not liked by the people in power. Whether someone says that 'God is Dead' or 'our planet earth is flat as a pancake'. Because: "Whatever you say, I'll defend your right to say it'', Voltaire is quoted.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF - Feb. 21st, 2006 - In fact, all the heavens were in perfectly harmonious circular motion. Earth alone - special and privileged - rested quietly at the center. It was a lovely picture. A picture of a closed sensible universe, a universe that educated people had believed in for over a thousand years. A picture that was supported equally by religion, by science and by common sense. Until Galileo Galileii stood up and questioned the whole: he said planet Earth was moving too.
We know now that our earth is not standing still, nor is it in the center of the universe. We know instead that earth is a medium sized planet spinning rapidly on its own axis once around every 24 house and moving around the sun in a giant elliptical orbit at a dizzying speed of over 60,000 miles an hour.*
Galileo Galileii (1564-1642), was an Italian physicist, astronomer, and philosopher who is closely associated with the scientific revolution, but who 373 years ago had to stand trial for what he thought, said and wrote. It took the Vatican's 'Ringling Brothers' in Rome 359 years to agree with Galileii: On 31 October 1992, Pope John Paul II officially announced ''that the Church had mishandled the case''.
But in this medieval Dark Age - which now is returning fast, as the Irving verdict proves - the defenders of the catholic's mythology c.q. religion, did not want reality to interfere with their ideas. Directives from the Inquisition - (the Vatican's torturing Supreme Court) - delivered Galileii a (Gag) order not to 'hold or defend' the idea that the Earth moves and the Sun stands still at the center. Galileo was ordered to stand trial on suspicion of heresy in 1633. The sentence of the Inquisition was in three essential parts:
* Galileo was required to recant his heliocentric ideas, which were condemned as "formally heretical".
* He was ordered imprisoned; the sentence was later commuted to house arrest.
* His offending [book] 'Dialogue' was banned; and in an action not announced at the trial, publication of any of his works was forbidden, including any he might write in the future. - [endquote]
From my point of view as a senior journalist/correspondent, seeing the same happening for years now, with facts and reality further drowned in the mainstream, today we may conclude we've crawled in the repression gutter again: "Austria jails Irving for 3 years on Holocaust denial." Jailed for what he thinks or said? What danger is he to whom? And why? Why can we question Darwin or Einstein but not the Holocaust story?
As published worldwide by the PNAC* propaganda service Reuters: 'British historian David Irving was sentenced to three years in prison for denying the Holocaust 17 years ago, an Austrian court ruled on Monday. He was sentenced by a court of eight lay jurors and three judges in a case based on remarks he made in a 1989 interview and in speeches when he visited Austria, where denying the Nazi genocide on Jews is a crime." [end quote*]
The above story - about putting people in jail for their thoughts and ideas - today again is sold as totally justifiable and correct by the mainstream media, owned by the same group which gives the directives and gag orders. But those are the same media which collaborate, kill and 'spike' the news about the global US/UK PNAC slaughters*, killing millions of human beings for profit during the last century alone.
The UN report about the U.S. Gulag's concentration camps and the demand that the US/PNAC government should shut down “without further delay” its detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as an independent panel of experts commissioned by the United Nations concluded last week and required, ends up on page 12 or 24 among the banana advertisements. Because the UN report says what all outside of the PNAC sphere know: “The US Government should refrain from any practice amounting to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment…”
In a comment by Press Action* the following is said: "European governments and their media mouthpieces appear to use the mantle of free speech to justify publishing supposed insults against Muslims. But what about the free speech rights of people who dare to go against conventional thinking of Nazi atrocities committed against Europe’s Jews?
Should people who downplay the Confederate States of America’s treatment of slaves and the U.S. government’s treatment of Native Americans face criminal charges? Should the people who publicly contend that the U.S. government was justified in killing hundreds of thousands in Hiroshima and Nagasaki face criminal charges? Should the people who deny the wickedness of the U.S. invasions of Vietnam and Iraq* faces criminal charges? Should the people who deny the wickedness of Israel’s conduct against Palestinians face criminal charges? Of course not!
What we should not ignore is when nation-states, with their monopoly on violence, lock up people for expressing their opinions about government atrocities committed 60 years ago. More important, we should not ignore the fact that the governments that are locking up individuals for speaking their mind about the actions of the Nazis are the same governments aiding and abetting (or refusing to denounce and stop) the atrocities committed today by the world’s only superpower and its confederates."*
In a story earlier published, I wrote: "The whole sick propaganda in the main$tream media never mentions the fact that the group guilty of the wars, has it's own 'Thought Police' straight out of Orwell. Their 'Freedom of Speech' means that they decide what 'freedom' is. As the very unintelligent Dutch minister for Foreign Affairs 'Ben Bot' said in a 'historical' comment: "Of course we defend 'Freedom of Speech'. But that doesn't mean that one can say anything: there are laws."
It's the same fake 'freedom' as for instance Americans in general - and the people in the by them and their media dominated colonies - have: as long as you say what they want to hear it's OK. Otherwise you go to jail. Like Irving in Austria - (who of course appealed) - or maybe the three other people who linger in jail now in 'Chancellor' Angela Merkel's neocon Germany, people who did not - nor do 'deny the Holocaust' but have some totally normal and logical questions about the research concerning it. Or is insulting over a billion Muslims all right, while asking questions concerning the Holocaust is taboo? How come, who stipulates that aberration?
"In the US educators face blowback for protesting the Iraq war in schools" is a Raw Story* written by Carlos Miller, in which he gives some of the horrible facts and lots of cases concerning the non-existent 'Freedom of Speech' in the US: "February 9, 2006 - Just over three years ago, as the nation readied for war with Iraq, elementary school teacher Deb Mayer stood in front of her class and uttered the word that would get her blacklisted from her profession.
It was a word that got her deemed “unpatriotic” by an angry parent. A word that led to her termination from the Bloomington, Indiana school district. A word that got her labeled as a potential sex offender and ruined her chances of finding work elsewhere. That word was “peace.”
"No right is more fundamental than freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech you can’t communicate your ideas and feelings, decry a social injustice, pursue an artistic vision, investigate scientific truth, practice a religion, or criticize government. If freedom of speech is destroyed, self-development is crippled, social progress grinds to a halt, and official lies become the only "truth. Although freedom of speech can be inhibited by intolerant people, it can only be destroyed by brute force, particularly government force." - Voltaire*
Isn't that exactly what the Washington Junta and it's marionets has done and is doing? Strangling 'Freedom of Speech and Opinion' by permanent lies and brainwashing? Destroying all and everything, by replacing decency with greed? Daily one can see in real live what also Voltaire said: “It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong." Especially with the neocons using the slogan Voltaire also warned for: Say: "Believe as I do, or I shall assassinate you.”
The jailers of free speech must be stopped, before they gag us all.
United States PNAC version of 'spreading democracy' in pictures - Url.:
Press Action - Mark Hand - Url.:
Believe as I do, or I'll assassinate you! - Url.:
Reuters (US Propaganda channel) - Austria jails Irving for 3 years on Holocaust denial - Url.:
Galileo Galileii Moves the Earth - Url.:
Google 'news' selection ''David Irving'' 07.05 hrs. GMT - Url.:
The RAW story - and (this far) 37 Comments - can be found at Url.:
(I checked the Url. today, now the comments are gone?)
The Boston Globe - Islamic furor exposes a rift across Europe - Url.:
Some pictures of the war criminals behind the ominous PNAC - Url.:
Background: 'Facing up to Islam in the Netherlands' - Url.:
Philadelphia Inquirer - 'Islam and the West trapped in lies told about each other' - by Abdul Aziz Said and
Benjamin Jensen - Url.:
Voltaire - site Url.:
* "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992. - Quote from 'The Demonic Cabal - (excellent article!) - Url.:
* P.M. - Compliant media - Hitler: An Officer and a Gentleman? - Url.:
* "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.:
* The 9/11 WTC drama was by the PNAC criminals planned terror - Url.: - It was an inside job - Google - Url.:
* Who's financing? - The 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers is the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:
* 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The merciless engine of propaganda has been turned on: The infamous US 'Lie Factory' - Url.:
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars
Hide the following 16 comments
No we are NOT all David Irvings
21.02.2006 12:49
Polish Minister outlaws discussion
21.02.2006 14:31
Never mind, there are plenty more historic holocausts we can discuss, in the Americas, Armenia, Cambodia, the Congo, Rwanda and Fallujah.....
21.02.2006 14:55
No platform for neo-Nazis and their ideational suporters
Hitchens: Irving has never and not once described the Holocaust as a "hoax."
21.02.2006 16:32
Hitchens: Irving's studies of the Churchill-Roosevelt relationship, of the bombing of Dresden, of the campaigns of Rommel and others, are such that you can't say you know the subject at all unless you have read them.
David Irving is not just a Fascist historian. He is also a great historian of Fascism.
BUSH BACKING CONTROVERSIAL WRITER HITCHENS: "According to the laws of Moses, the Law of Return, Israel's civil code and the Nuremburg Laws, I am a Jew." - []
"HITLER'S SPIN ARTIST was the headline on a typical column, by Frank Rich in the New York Times, raising the alarm about the mere idea of Irving's being published. The Washington Post was not laggard, saying that Irving "routinely refers to the Holocaust as a hoax." Jonathan Yardley , a cultural critic of some standing, wrote a whole article that positively sighed with satisfaction at the idea that, having neither read nor seen the book, he could now safely counsel others to do likewise.
Nary a voice was raised, in American publishing or academe or journalism, to ask if David Irving had anything to contribute as a chronicler.
Things were rather different in my country of birth, which doesn't even have a First Amendment. More than 120 book sections of English magazines and newspapers have requested copies from Irving's British publisher, and reviews are pouring in. I might mention Robert Harris, author of Fatherland and Enigma, who wrote in the London Evening Standard on April 1 that "in the words of the military writer John Keegan: 'No historian of the Second World War can afford to ignore Irving.'
Few contemporary scholars have his depth of knowledge, virtually none has met as many of its leading figures and nobody, surely, has unearth more original material--a private archive known as the 'Irving Collection,' always generously made available to other researchers, which weighs more than half a ton."
Harris could have added that his own brilliant book 'Selling Hitler' - describing the 1983 forgery of "the Hitler Diaries," which hoodwinked a large chunk of the British establishment (including historians of the caliber of Hugh Trevor-Roper, author of 'The Last Days of Hitler') - was made possible in part by Irving's finding that those nasty papers were indeed a fake. Irving rendered another service by unmasking some spurious documents connecting Churchill and Mussolini.
He speaks faultless German. He has, in the most recent case, been the first historian to see some 75,000 pages of diary entries by Joseph Goebbels, held in secrecy in Moscow from 1945 to 1992. His studies of the Churchill-Roosevelt relationship, of the bombing of Dresden, of the campaigns of Rommel and others, are such that you can't say you know the subject at all unless you have read them.
I have caught David Irving out, just by my own researches, in one grossly anti-Jewish statement and one wildly paranoid hypothesis and several flagrant contradictions. But I learned a lot in the process of doing so. It's unimportant to me that Irving is my political polar opposite. If I didn't read my polar opposites, I'd be even stupider than I am. But what did I get when I went round that Holocaust seminar? Professors Bauer and Kwiet and Browning, asked if they agreed with the St. Martin's decision, shrank as if I had invited them to a Witches' Sabbath. None of them would say that Irving should never be published, but all of them said that if it were up to them he would not be.
Deborah Lipstadt, author of the standard text Denying the Holocaust, told The New York Times that one wouldn't and shouldn't publish David Duke on race relations, and (varying her pitch a bit) told The Washington Post that one wouldn't and shouldn't publish Jeffrey Dahmer on man-boy love. What is this vertiginous nonsense? These are supposedly experienced historians who claim to have looked mass death in the face, without flinching. And they can't take the idea of a debate with David Irving? Quite apart from the fact that many publishers would have rushed to promote a Jeffrey Dahmer manuscript, what are we afraid of here?
I have now read the exchange of correspondence between Irving and St. Martin's. For a long time, everything was hunky-dory. The manuscript was read seven times in 15 months(and understandably, since it contained amazing new material). The Military Book Club chose it as a main selection. Sales representatives made ethusiastic noises. And then, after a few hysterical and old-maidish articles in the press (Eek--a Nazi!), Irving is told that his contract is void. He is told this not by the publishers but by members of the press telephoning him for his reaction.
I remember when my friend Aryeh Neier, of the American Civil Liberties Union (whose parents got out of Berlin just in time), made the decision to uphold the right of the American Nazi Party to mount a demonstration in Illinois in 1978. The A.C.L.U. lost a lot of donors and subscribers that time. In a fine book entitled Defending My Enemy, Neier explained soothingly that the law on free expression covers everybody, and thus that in defending it for anybody you defend it for everybody.
After weeks of general acquiescence on the Irving suppression, Steve Wasserman of Times Books was moved to push Neier's point with his colleagues at Random House. In a contentious meeting, it was agreed they would actually read the book. Someone will no doubt pick up where St. Martin's left off; until then, one will have to seek David Irving on some ghastly Brownshirt Web site, which will parade its bravery in making the occult facts into revealed truth. Is this what the established experts want?
A little depressed at this last thought, I made a late-night call to Professor Raul Hilberg at the University of Vermont. Professor Hilberg's book The Destruction of the European Jews was the original text on the Holocaust, published in 1961. He is acknowledged as an ancestor on the matter. He sighed a bit when I mentioned Irving, whom he regards as a slippery customer but with whom he has had correspondence about documents and details. A very good man in footnotes and archives, allowed Hilberg, but you had to suspect his motives. However:
It only leads those of us who do research to re-examine what we might have considered as obvious. And that's useful for us. I have quoted Eichmann references that come from a neo-Nazi publishing house. I am not for taboos and I am not for repression."
[andend] - Story Url.:
Are we all 'David Irvings' now? Where's our freedom of speech? - Url.:
United States PNAC version of 'spreading democracy' in pictures - Url.:
Christopher Hitchens, who fantasized about drinking champagne in Baghdad with his new buddies, the Iraqi freedom fighters: - Url.:
Believe as I do, or I'll assassinate you! - Url.:
Reuters (US Propaganda channel) - Austria jails Irving for 3 years on Holocaust denial - Url.:
Google 'news' selection ''David Irving'' 07.05 hrs. GMT - Url.:
The RAW story - and (this far) 37 Comments - can be found at Url.:
(I checked the Url. today, now the comments are gone?)
The Boston Globe - Islamic furor exposes a rift across Europe - Url.:
Some pictures of the war criminals behind the ominous PNAC - Url.:
Background: 'Facing up to Islam in the Netherlands' - Url.:
Philadelphia Inquirer - 'Islam and the West trapped in lies told about each other' - by Abdul Aziz Said and
Benjamin Jensen - Url.:
* "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992. - And here's why: 'George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography' - by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin - Chapter - II - The Hitler Project - Url.:
* P.M. - Compliant media - Hitler: An Officer and a Gentleman? - Url.:
* "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.:
* The 9/11 WTC drama was by the PNAC criminals planned terror - Url.: - It was an inside job - Google - Url.:
* Who's financing? - The 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers is the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:
* 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The merciless engine of propaganda has been turned on: The infamous US 'Lie Factory' - Url.:
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
fpf (at)
Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars
We are all liberal apologists of fascism now?
21.02.2006 20:06
You can't be aloof from fascism--nor, as the arch-reactionary Hitchens would have it, learn enough from it to make its presence acceptable.
In case your history is as bad as your philosophy, Hitler was himself arrested by the German authorities for his role in an attempted fascist putsch. Would you have been one of the people calling for him to be released, under the banner, "we are all Hitlers now"? One thinks so.
There are plenty of incendiaries in the Bush and Blair administrations, just waiting to set the next Reichstag fire and blame it on Muslims and the left. Don't waste your energy protecting the ideologists and apologists of the neo-Nazi movement from suppression -- use all your energy to fight the enemies of freedom wherever they raise their heads.
Good riddance
21.02.2006 21:18
There was an interesting piece in the Guardian, with this snippet tucked away in it:
Last night Irving's partner Bente Hogh said he had brought his imprisonment on himself by going to Austria despite the ban. She said: 'He was not jailed just for his views but because he's banned from Austria and still went. David doesn't take advice from anyone. He thought it was a bit of fun, to provoke a little bit.'
Serves the bugger right really, doesn't it.
Lancaster UAF
I love the Galileo Example
21.02.2006 21:31
The example of Galileo is a good one. Not for the reasons supposed. The truth about Galileo is that he annoyed a clique within the Church Establishment. His condemnation was nothing to do with his belief in Heliocentricity - which was both a popular, widespread and respectable belief. The Ptolomaic System which places the Earth at the Centre of the Solar System was a Cinematic Theory. That is, it was used to predict the rising and fallings of various objects. Ptolemy was quite well aware that the Earth went around the sun. Since Ptolemy stood on the Earth he was interested in predicting the risings and fallings of stars from that viewpoint.
What Galileo did was nothing to do with where the sun and earth were in relation to each other. What he did was argue against the Aristolean Logic that demanded that there could be no Novelties in the Heavens. He argued both sides of the the debate and concluded that the Earth Moves. Trembles, shakes and changes. He was not alone in questioning the immutablity of the world as it is. Giordano Bruno was burned because he had fewer friends than Galileo. Mother Church pardoned the heretic Galileo - of heresy.
The argument that Galileo illustrates the need to tolerate apologists for genocide, cruelty and the insane conservatism of fascism. is beyond contempt. Fascism, in hijacking Eugenics and Evolution to claim the existence of "races", master and servants, does little more than reveal the terror every Fascist feels to the core of their being when someone mentions Change.
And that is what Galileo was condemned for: saying things change. Not saying the Earth goes around the Sun. That was the crime. For Fascists nd their Apologists to call Galileo to their defence is criminal. Beneath the contempt of all civlisations.
Catholic Historian
Yeah, what's Voltaire got to do with freedom of speech?
21.02.2006 23:04
He's heard of Leibniz and Candide!
>"In case your history is as bad as your philosophy, Hitler was himself arrested by the German authorities for his role in an attempted fascist putsch."
You don't say.
You don't know your history that well if you want to give up your rights to the state in the belief that it'll protect you from fascism.
Voltaire is related to free speech only by platitude
21.02.2006 23:51
I was running through the summer rain, trying to catch that evening train
And kill the old familiar pain weaving thru my tangled brain
When I tipped my bottle back and smacked into a cop I didn’t see
That police man said, mister cool, if you ain’t drunk, then you’re a fool.
I said, if that’s against the law, then tell me why I never saw
A man locked in that jail of yours who wasn’t neither black or poor as me?
Well, that was when someone turned out the lights
And I wound up in jail to spend the night
And dream of all the wine and lonely girls
In this best of all possible worlds.
Well, I woke up next morning feeling like my head was gone
And like my thick old tongue was licking something sick and wrong
And I told that man I’d sell my soul for something wet and cold as that old cell.
That kindly jailer grinned at me, all eaten up with sympathy
Then poured himself another beer and came and whispered in my ear,
If booze was just a dime a bottle boy you couldn’t even buy the smell
I said I knew there was something I liked about this town.
But it takes more than that to bring me down, down, down.
Cos there’s still a lot of wine and lonely girls
In this best of all possible worlds
Well, they finally came and told me they was a gonna set me free
And I’d be leaving town if I knew what was good for me
I said it’s nice to learn that everybody’s so concerned about my health.
I said, I won’t be leaving no more quicker than I can
Cos I’ve enjoyed about as much of this as I can stand
And I don’t need this town of yours more than I never needed nothin else.
Cos there’s still alot of drinks that I ain’t drunk
And lots of pretty thoughts that I ain’t thunk
And lord there’s still so many lonely girls
In this best of all possible worlds.
Als die Nazis die Kommunisten holten
22.02.2006 00:12
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I did not speak out;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
"There's something on the Internet called the White Resistance Manual. It's pretty much for white supremacists. It's a manual to carry out a large-scale guerilla campaign through means of assassination, threats, obtaining funds through fraud, everything from firearms to explosives. I've seen, not surprisingly, no action taken against those people, but here I am, an anarchist website, not even close to what that is, not even close to what else you can find on the Internet." - Austin Sherman
Reply to Henk
22.02.2006 03:13
"And they can't take the idea of a debate with David Irving?"
Sorry Henk you must be smoking too much of that wacky baccy in clog-land. In the UK we had the debate. David Irving took Deborah Lipstadt to court because she called him an apologist for the Holocaust. In London it should be note where the laws of libel are stricter than the US. Guess what, he still lost the libel action and was bankrupted. This legally and publicly defined Irving not as a historian but as an ideologist.
That was the debate and like World War II you lost - get over it.
Old Lag
I Hate Dem Joos cause my Shmekele is so Tiny!!
22.02.2006 09:22
I Hate Dem Joos cause my Shmekele is so Tiny!!
"From my point of view as a senior journalist/correspondent"
22.02.2006 11:16
"Senior journalist/correspondent", eh? You run a rightwing blog, pal. Wow. So, erm, who exactly are you "senior" to?
Delusions of grandeur don't make your rants any more convincing, and neither will reposting foaming anti-semitic bile from the likes of Kaminski on your blog:
"all that has been created by the Iraq war is a visceral search for vengeance sweeping the entire world to punish America in the same sadistic manner this phony Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave has punished the world, to reverse the same torture techniques that the United States and its overlords Britain and Israel now flash around the world like squalid semen from the devil himself."
More of Kaminski's interesting theories about the Jews:
Fascists vs Anti-Fascists
23.02.2006 13:48
David Irving & William Buckley Jr's 'Missing Link'
23.02.2006 14:46
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
In Sweden, 20 years ago when I interviewed Marita Johansson, a survivor of the Nazi death camps in which arms Anne Frank of typhoid had died, as she told me, I did not only want to see the tattooed number on her arm - it was there - but also other facts I could check - and report honestly. Without risking to be jailed or killed, like now.
by Henk Ruyssenaars
FPF/Europe - Feb. 23d - 2006 - American publicist William F. Buckley Jr. in the National Review* is totally correct when writing: "Henk Ruyssenaars of the Foreign Press Foundation is burning with indignation and points out the dangers of ordained history." But also Buckley Jr. forgets to point the reader in the right direction. Nor, by the way, would I use Galileii's first name in referring to him. But that may be a matter of good manners. In the article a few links are offered, but not to my 'indignation' article in defense of our freedom of speech.*
And none of the people commenting on the violations of our Freedom of Speech, with special 'hate speech' laws for one group and jailing other people for their ideas as written about in the article "Are we all David Irvings now? Where's our freedom of speech?" - none of the respondents and/or attackers uses any of the many links offered as references. Or seems to be willing to accept - or able to understand - all documentation and facts which are offered and can be checked by them too.
Literacy definitely has gone a long way, but apparently in some countries it's been downhill, into the propaganda drain and drowned in the mainstream. Or when it is deemed 'necessary', the messengers are killed. In walking distance, a 1000 feet (300 meters) from where this is written, another Dutch secret service whistleblower was liquidated last November 15th, silenced by an - of course - never caught professional assassin. - [ ]
Buckley apparently sees the silencing of people different: "We will perhaps hear many protests about what has happened under Austrian justice. Henk Ruyssenaars of the Foreign Press Foundation is burning with indignation and points out the dangers of ordained history. The journalist cites, of course, Galileo: “who is closely associated with the scientific revolution but who 373 years ago had to stand trial for what he thought, said and wrote. It took the Vatican’s ‘Ringling Brothers’ in Rome 359 years to agree with Galileo. On 31 October 1992 Pope John Paul II officially announced " that the Church had mishandled the case." [end quote]*
Symbolically and automatically in the Buckley item there are these links to the Vatican - [] - and the Pope - [] - but not to the 'Ringling Brothers' - [ ] - indicating the roman catholic 'smoke and mirrors', their circus and it's management in Rome, with at it's head the new 'German Shepherd' - [ ] - of the Vatican and church: the Überclown of the brainwashed flock. - []
My whole article concerning the silencing and maltreatment of writer and historian David Irving basically defends the right we all have: the right to our own thoughts, ideas and opinions. I don't care whether Irving writes about Penguins, Protestants or Jews. If I want to write that the Earth is as flat as a pancake, I will. If I want to investigate and question why the Americans strangely enough after 40 years and a thousand fold better technology, not have made another trip to the moon, I'll research that and say what I think. If I want to question Einstein's E=MC/2 relativity or Darwin's Evolution theory, I will.
And I'll put forward any questions I like concerning another 'truth' and all the stories which I in my classical catholic surroundings have been brought up with, in 'Anne Frank country' The Netherlands: the horrors of the Holocaust. If everything is true: why can' people ask and study the facts of the matter? Who is afraid of what?
As I wrote above: In Sweden, 20 years ago when I interviewed Marita Johansson, a Hungarian nurse and survivor of the Nazi death camps in which arms Anne Frank of typhoid had died, as she told me, I did not only want to see the tattooed number on her arm - it was there - but also other facts I could check - and report honestly. I have a lawful right and feel it as a duty to report and tell it as I see it, based on the facts. There's a human and civilized accountability too: my readers, viewers or listeners do not expect opportunistic lies, nor do the people whom you tell your opinions. But at present you are either supposed to be a collaborating part of the cabal's 'Lie Factory'* or you're out...
You and I by international law have the right to say what we think, and nobody may take it from us. Lest put us in jail for what we think, write or say, and call this 'justice'. Justice for whom? It is bad enough already, that in many countries - by the same group of 'free speech robbers' - our votes have been stolen in rigged electronic voting, like in the United States. - []
English writer Evelyn Beatrice Hall (1868 - 1919)* is quoted as saying - and Voltaire endorsed it: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
The pack in power doesn't agree, and - with history repeating itself - the contrary is happening now all over again: more and more people are put in jail for their ideas and/or sayings, especially when they offer new facts which do not fit the picture wanted by the managers of the New World Order. They risk being 'suicided' or, as many have been, globally declared 'radioactive' - made into 'non-persons'. Soon their compulsory new ID cards - programmed in cabal cryptology - will be declared invalid 'for security reasons', and they're gagged or worse. Different, what they call 'dissident' voices, are silenced.
Like Nobel Prize Literature winner Alexander Soltzjenitsyn, the victim of the Soviet Gulag concentration camps about which he wrote. But when the globally celebrated Nobel Prize winner wrote about the origin of the Gulag - about the group of people who 'holocausted' tenths of millions dissidents and others, he was declared 'dead'. - []
Why our history books all the time are rewritten is quite clear: it's always those who have 'won' - those which fabricate our money and are in power* who decide what's written about them, and by whom. The same goes for the story of the Russian Revolution, and the classical ''who did what, where, why, when and what for''?
As the elected chairman of the 'Foreign Press Association', the around 140 foreign correspondents from all over the globe, accredited in Sweden, I held the first press conference in the 'West' for Alexander Solzjenitsyn, in the Grand Hotel in Stockholm, when he in 1974 was forced to leave the Soviet Union, and first came to the Swedish capital. He finally could collect the Nobel Prize for Literature - and the check - which he had been awarded in 1970 by the Swedish Nobel committee, but couldn't collect at the time, because Solzjenitsyn was afraid to not be allowed to return home to the Soviet Union again. Because of what he said, thought, wrote and tried to publish about the inhumane side of the Soviet system.
Now Solzjenitsyn like many must be afraid to travel to the PNAC managed United States or it's colonies, with - to give just one example of the Gestapo like repression - according to the latest official figures by the US management - more than eighty-five thousand dissidents (which they call 'terrorists') on their 'No Fly list'. -[]
Eric Margolis, a very experienced Canadian observer and writer, commented on the 'Cartoon Jihad' by the West: "Promoting hatred and scorn for Islam and Muslims has become the only socially and legally acceptable modern prejudice. Question the Holocaust in Germany or Austria and you go to jail, as Pat Buchanan just wrote. Doing the same in Canada gets you jailed or expelled. [In the neocon's colony The Netherlands this is done too. HR] - But slandering Islam is okay." - []
What secretly much more has been done, and which I as an independent journalist and life long global correspondent - also and on my terms for the BBC and CBS, when they still practised journalism instead of propaganda - for many decades have seen mushrooming, experienced and protested against, is what this global cabal has been doing: concentrating all major media into one big bad and malignant megaphone for the war mongering PNAC - a danger which already the other George warned for:
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. - George Washington
That's what cabal supporters like Buckley Jr. c.s. do: applauding the fact that anybody's right to free speech is jailed or the whistleblowers hauled to the gallows. Openly supporting the global genocides for the profit of this PNAC pest for humanity, with Buckley-like comments explaining that jailing people - because they have a different point of view - is 'justice'?
Buckley starts his article concerning 'freedom of speech for some', like this: "Austrian Justice - Well what do you know! Three years in jail for Professor David Irving. One part of us wishes they would construct a little cell for him at Auschwitz. Been there, and know just where it should be placed. Just opposite the one (there were four) remaining crematorium where dead Jews were consumed at the rate of one every four minutes, dragged in 15 yards from the gas chamber." - [end quote*]
Buckley, and the PNAC pack with their vile collaborators in the media, want us to forget the following: Freedom of speech is often regarded as an integral concept in modern liberal democracies, where it is understood to outlaw censorship. The right to freedom of speech is guaranteed under international law through numerous human rights instruments, notably under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.*
And, as British/Jewish Nobel Prize Literature Laureate Harold Pinter said: "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back.*
We are not 'dumb and silent' - and we we'll never forget those who keep trying to take away our rights.
We are not what war criminal Henry Kissinger called 'Nutzlose Fresser': useless eaters... We are all human beings.
We not only don't forget: we will also strike back.
The tide always turns...
Henk Ruyssenaars
* William F. Buckley Jr. National Review Online - Url.:
* Link to the missing article "Are we all David Irvings now? Where's our freedom of speech?" - Url.:
* February 8, 2006 - How Conservatives Went Crazy - by Paul Craig Roberts - "What happened to a formerly conservative press to reduce it to political partisanship and warmongering? Specifically, I have in mind National Review and the Wall Street Journal editorial page." - Url.:
* Marcus Epstein - 'Bill Buckley: Pied Piper of the Establishment' - Url.:
* Freedom of speech - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Url.:
* The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference - Url.:
* Internet Google search 23-02-2006 at 12.40 hrs GMT - "Your search - "Are we all David Irvings now? Where's our freedom of speech?" - did not match any documents." - Url.:
* Evelyn Beatrice Hall, (1868 - 1919), who wrote under the pseudonym S.G. Tallentyre, was a writer best known for her biography of Voltaire. She completed her biography of Voltaire The Friends of Voltaire in 1906. She wrote the phrase, which is often mis-attributed to Voltaire, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it," as an illustration of Voltaire's beliefs. - Url.:
* The other 'Missing Link' - National Geographic - Url.:
* "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched." - George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992.
And here's why: 'George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography' - by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin - Chapter - II - The Hitler Project - Url.:
* CNN Poll - Question: "Do you believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11?" - 'Yes' - 89% - 'NO' - 11% - Url.:
* 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB - SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH - Could the Bush administration have had anything to gain from the attack? - Special - 23 minutes - Dutch National Television Documentary - Video - Url.:
* What happened on 9/11? - We have been lied to! The PNAC racket killed the people. - What is happening to our world? - More information on 9/11 at Url.:
* The Top Ten American War Criminals Living Freely Today - Url.:
* What Bush c.s. - the PNAC criminals - [] - the bankrolling dynasty and their collaborators - are afraid of - Url.:
* Those who first of all start shouting about 'conspiracy theory' and 'paranoia' or similar, are always the evil INFORMANTS The paid INFILTRATORS which are afraid of being disclosed. They are the real Judas's working for treacherous 'masters' - they are the 'Quislings' that will go to jail - Url.:
* P.M. - Compliant media - Hitler: An Officer and a Gentleman? - Url.:
* Douglas Herman, a USAF veteran, served in the Vietnam era. Captain James Herman, the author's father, fought the Nazis during World War II. - Achtung! Are We the New Nazis?" - Soldiers, God and Empire - Url.:
* "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.:
* The 9/11 WTC drama was by the PNAC criminals planned terror - Url.: - It was an inside job - Google - Url.:
* Who's financing? - The 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers is the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:
* 'Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to those who own one' — A.J. Liebling - The merciless engine of propaganda has been turned on: The infamous US 'Lie Factory' - Url.:
* Independent & FREE press in Kansas - Pls. read the 'Fightin' Cock Flyer' - Url.:
* Help all the troops - of whatever nationality - to come back from abroad! - AND WITH ALL THEIR WEAPONS, WHICH WE WERE FORCED TO PAY FOR BY TAXES - [ ] - We need them badly at home in many countries to fight with us against our so called 'governments' and their malignant managers - Url.:
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Foreign Press Foundation - Henk Ruyssenaars
"Where's our freedom of speech?" - it's over here!
23.02.2006 19:57
Found it. Here it is.
Being deleted after three days is like a football referee giving a penalty in the second half for something that happened in the first half, it is quite funny given the topic. The people have spoken - the bastards !! Bringing the game into disrepute eh ?
PS It doesn't get more interesting on the second post Henk. Are you just trying to spread it around to save it from the shotgun approach to editting ?
A girl who snubbed Danny at school