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FOSS Means Business : Belfast -16th March 2006.

diamat | 20.02.2006 11:54 | Education | Technology | World

The FOSS Means Business conference will focus on the adoption and use of Free Software/Open Source Software (FOSS), with particular emphasis on the economic and competitive benefits for both the public and private sector.

FOSS Means Business
FOSS Means Business

Richard Stallman and Bruce Perens will keynote at this event targetted at fueling transitions towards Free Software solutions in the IT departments of businesses and the public sector. CEOs and CIOs may particularly be interested in the business angle of Bruce Perens, and Richard Stallman will speak on the updating of the GNU General Public License (GPLv3) and "Free Software in Ethics and Practice". Other speakers from the public and private sectors are to be announced soon and there will be many opportunities for networking at the event.

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Supporting censorship

20.02.2006 23:35

One of the main speakers and funders of the conference is Google:

And one of the ]corporate supporters of state censorship of internet content in China is Google, how apt that they are addressing the conference on the subject of "Business & Government"...

What has this to do with Sheffield?
