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First person shooter as global PSYWAR

by captain wardrobe - [mass compiler] Feb 2006 | 15.02.2006 14:32

" so unplug the jukebox and do us all a favour...
that music's lost it's taste... so try another flavour..."
Ant Music - Adam & the Ants

Train them! Excite them! Arm them!...
Then turn them loose on the Nazis!
- tagline for 'The Dirty Dozen'

[apologies for any spelling mistakes - i really hate typing!]

I've just finished watching a documentary made for Canadian Television...

Entitled "First Person Shooter", the film-maker seeks to find answers as to why his teenage son has become
addicted to the video game 'counterstrike'.

watch it

in it we see the voluntary guidance ratings that games manufacturers used as warnings of explicit content.
We see the worried skipping school, and some worrying trends in behaviour, such as one teen who was
throwing furniture around when their parent tried to regulate game time down to a reasonable level.
Others were even experiencing Epileptic seizures, even without a history of it in the family.

Most of these teens, however, seem not to feel, or want to acknowledge their situation...or even the possibility of
anything 'being wrong' with playing games which simulate taking part in covert operations, working in teams to kill an enemy
labelled 'terrorist'.

Interestingly "Counter-strike" also has a system of payment for each "kill" made...
These credits can be used to buy more lethal the player or team a more lethal edge.

The documentary notes anti-violence activism...some of which is reminiscent of the 'moral majority' we see that
marches & preaches on other debates / hot topics such as the sex industry / alcohol / abortion / religion / TV / freedom of speech...

The doc reveals a Navy Colonel, who is an anti video violence activist...
we see him at one of his functions...
I casually note he is a book-seller and self made industry in his own right...signing his books to an adoring
congregation as he describes how the very same games available to teens are used
in combat simulation...

One segment takes us to a trade exhibition for the gaming industry and notes that children are not allowed because they get
addicted and fill up the stands

Another takes us to a conference and noted the hyperbole that experts roll out, cliches and sociological quick fixes...
We see two sociologists make one liners...and that's that...

Interestingly we are taken to see the designer of the "counter strike" Game, a 20 year old who came to Canada from war torn
Vietnam when he was 2 years old. He, when asked if he realises Kids are having behavioral episodes, takes the role of devils advocate,
saying that he "can't take responsibility for the careless actions of others".

A Typicle 20 year olds reaction...

The film concludes with the Canadian Government repealing a law which required mandatory labelling of violent games as 17 and
above back to the voluntary system, which Game producers, uunsurprisinglyprefer...

But I was left with the overall impression that there was so much more to this...

Having been a researcher mass compiler ...& self confessed Internet addict for a few years now
I couldn't help but join some serious dots...

1. video games are media

sounds obvious doesn't it?
but consider the aim of the Military
Psychological warfare departments

to manage the perception of the 'enemy'

& the perception of the public of who the enemy is...
and who the allies are within the global war on terror

via media [paper, electronic, broadcast]

2. an assumption is made that violent war games /imagery
makes those exposed to it violent themselves

so ask yourself this:

does interviewing Psychologically ill pations make doctors lose their marbles? Are film censors all psychopaths/rapists/mass murderers? After all they are exposed to everything, all possibility...all madness, apparently all that the authors minds have to offer...

Is their some special power to these experts white coats, one might ask?

An argument of 'censorship' is used, to an extent in order to propagate an illusion
a fear based agenda which distracts from the main issue we observe in all media

This is one concerning the defintion of virtual reality [media]
& the extension into what Umberto Eco labelled HYPER reality :

a designed reality based on media such as Disney land
which has morphed into the concept of the 'theme' establishment
a virally transmitted meme which has come to represent
a soft power which transmits an ideology of 'freedom'
while giving the consumer a reward for their contribution to society

obvious examples
Mcdonalds sell 'health & fun' in a meat [!] sandwich...
Denim jeans, once worn by slave railway workers in the USA
became a symbol of freedom to the Russians who queued for bread
during the bleaker days of the cold war
as did Jazz music, be bop, rock & roll, Elvis...

In the 1890s, William Hesketh Lever, founder of Lever Bros, wrote down his ideas for Sunlight Soap -
his revolutionary new product that helped popularise cleanliness and hygiene in Victorian England.
Unilever had established a working relationship with the Tavistock Institute immediately after the war.

In I94I a group of psychiatrists at the Tavistock Clinic saw that questions were
asked in Parliament in order to secure the means to try new measures to enable neurotic,
shellshocked and psychologically damaged soldiers to fight again

Later with the aid of the Rockefeller foundation and the Unilever Group it became concerned
with the specific purpose of actively relating the psychological and social sciences to what it saw as the
"needs and concerns of society. "

This was nothing more than an investigation into the control of Human desire, and the control of
the public by an Industrial cartel reliant on their obediance as consumers

The following is from the article

The Foundation and Development of the Tavistock Institute to 1989
"With the profusion of new products in the I950s, advertising agencies and the
marketing departments of firms were under pressure to develop new methods
for increasing sales. Motivation research had made its appearance but was
narrowly conceived. One or two trial projects gave rise to a new concept which
brought together Lewinian and psychoanalytic thinking - the pleasure foods region.
This consisted of products of little or no nutritional value that were consumed,
often in excess, because of their power to afford oral satisfactions which reduced
anxiety and relieved stress.

Early studies by Menzies and Trist (I989) concerned ice cream and confectionery.
Later studies by Emery (Emery et al., I968) and Ackoff and Emery (I972) concerned
smoking and drinking. The smoking study identified the affect of distress, as
formulated by Silvan Tomkins (I962), as a continuing negative state (as distinct from
acute anxiety and depression) which required repeated relief such as smoking affords.
The drinking study produced a new social theory of drinking behavior that distinguished
between social, 'reparative' and indulgent drinking, only the last leading to alcoholism.

and this from a 2004 Ditchley foundation lecture

"Now what is soft power? It is the ability to get what you want through attraction, rather than
coercion or payments. When you think of power, it is the ability to influence others to get the
outcomes you want. There are basically three ways you can do that. You can threaten others
with coercion (sticks), you can induce others with payments (carrots) or you can attract others
and co-opt them so that they want what you want. If you can get others to be attracted to your
agenda, to your values so that they want what you want, you can spend a lot less on carrots
and sticks. If you want some concrete examples, think of the role of American soft power in
the past. Examples include Roosevelt's four freedoms during World War II, or young people
behind the Iron Curtain listening to American music and news on Radio Free Europe, or Chinese
students in Tiananmen Square in 1989 creating a replica of the Statue of Liberty. Those are
very concrete examples of soft power. Soft power is often ignored or treated as irrelevant,
because it doesn't have that hard concrete nature of military or economic power. But that is
a mistake. Seduction is often much more effective than coercion and many values like
democracy, human rights and individual opportunities are deeply seductive. But attraction
can turn to repulsion if we appear arrogant or hypocritical."

There are approximately 15 Ditchley conferences arranged annually. One conference a year
takes place in the United States and, in alternate years, in Canada. All others in the annual
series are held at Ditchley Park, a place of exceptional historic significance and beauty.
Set in a wooded and pastoral countryside, Ditchley lies just outside Oxford, and a short distance
from Heathrow Airport and Central London. The original owners, the Lee Family, had hosted English
monarchs there since the days of Queen Elizabeth I.
The use of the present house as a conference center aptly reflects its history in transatlantic
linkage. Built in the eighteenth century, this residence has served as the site of a number of
distinguished international meetings, most notably during World War II when it became the
weekend headquarters of Sir Winston Churchill.

Ditchley Foundation Members also include:

SIR JOHN MAJOR [Carlyle Group] -

LORD BUTLER OF BROCKWELL [Iraq Whitewash - now adviser to Cameron on public trust] -

SIR JEREMY GREENSTOCK [Iraq Invasion damage limitation] -

BARCLAYS BANK [Barclay Brothers now own Hollinger Group] -

PAUL BOATENG Former Labour MP for Brent South, British High Commissioner to the Republic of South Africa -

DAVID CAMERON, MP Conservative -

ROBERT COOPER [Blair adviser on EU] -

SHAMI CHAKRABARTI [Director of Liberty]

so we see that 'products' are
designed in every way... down to a psychological level -

I am told I want - therefore i believe I need

a physical level - 'user friendly' etc

within a work/play paradigm within a contructed reality labelled society

The cold war saw things starting to slowly change

Rebellion became a sellable brand &
Hollywood cashed in, and exported its 'values' globally

so now we return to video games
and the seemingly brainwashed players...

question: do these kids think that they are rebelling?

Is this 'rebellion' being used as a malleable force
just to sell the product & its enforced ideological wrapping?

Are video games, a billion dollar industry
like music & pornography, tapping into the natural hormonal
rebellion we see in all teenagers?
and our memories of that when we are older..?

within many military papers you will see the phrase 'force multiplier'
this is a curious term which suggests an ever expansive extending,
growing mechanism of cause & effect

The cause helps affect a further mutated cause - ad infinitum

So in a world where now we see Uber corporatism
and the blurring of the boundaries between Public & Private entities
Individual / state / corporation

the bottom line has become the generation of profit

products are made and distributed to the public
simply to encourage them to forget about their day-job
and enter a process of healing

which will keep them at that day-job - which helps a designed reality called society manufacture itself - ad infinitum

It is no different that getting shell-shocked soldiers to fight again.

Has anything really changed since the days of the OIL-igarchs [sic] who ran the
industrial base at the turn of the 20th century...?

Dynasties such as the Morgans..Du ponts, Rockerfellers...
held monopolies over base materials, utilities, manufacturing processes
and outlets

They along with other elites, helped to fund wars in which Opium was used as a weapon of coersion & control

what has changed?

'The opium for the masses' is now Hyper/Virtual & has now become a Trillion doller industry

you might say ...hang on ... if these kids are hooked on video games
then how can they be useful in the propagation of the hive ideology [society]?

The Documentary 'First Person Shooter'
failed to take into account the blurring of Corporate/Military/state interests
that we see evolving before our very eyes

Battle Royale
imagine again

row upon row of kids playing a shoot'em up game

These are the cream of the crop, high scorers, good team players...

Within the game they are told they are talking part in a
battle with other kids in another hall, in another country

Each kid is told that this competition offers cash rewards that instantly
deposit in their accounts after every kill made

Each kid is now takes on the role within a game of a plane or a boat or a soldier

They are presented with a virtual reality which allows them to lose
their inhibitions, hormones raging...

and kill everything that the game tells them is the enemy

now for a step back into the actual reality
The computer terminals the kids are playing on are each connected via a Wi Fi GPS Satellite link up through a">Joint Unmanned Combat command System

Each teen playing the game is actually controlling a drone - a robot weapon

see these pages:

with the capability of armchair warriors now firmly in the Pentagons grasp
as Predator drones patrol & attack in Iraq & Afghanistan...killing innocents
the video game as a media event has the capability of become the ultimate PSYOP,
tricking the Kids into unwittingly fighting an unknown enemy in order to tap
into that rebellious hormanal rage...interacting within 'the game'

A game which in actuality is a realtime simulation of a real battlefield
with orders transmitted by commanders, tracking a human enemy

realtime 'programming' becomes realtime 'orders'

the following is from - "Contributions of the Global Positioning System to Air Force Competencies" by Lt. Col. G. Tovrea

"Andrew Marshal, head of the DoD Office of Net Assessment, says that the future battlespace
will be a "Nintendo-style battlefield where there is a competition between hiders and seekers
rather than a decisive clash between large ground armies. Satellites and other sensors will
provide a 'God's eye' view of the battlefield, and a new generation of long-range precision
weapons, guided by signals from Global Positioning System satellites, can strike within feet
of targets regardless of weather or time of day."

Documentaries that lead with the reactionary tone could be seen as a 'psyop' also

the moral majority backlash in this case has the effect of causing kids to rebel against the authority figures which helps transport them into a realm
[video games drugs, porn, rebellion, activism such as 911, anti-war, GM foods, climate change, Military bases]

Their energies are being re 're-routed'

in the film "the dirty dozen" - the major in charge
Maj. John Reisman [Lee Marvin] has the job of getting murderers and general baddies into shape for a mission

The character Victor R. Franko [played by John Cassavetes] is a natural rebel who causes trouble at every oppurtunity
complaining about the food etc...

The sly major uses this to his advantage ... instead of punishing him he lets him rebel to the point where the unit becomes galvanised
[like a union would in the face of poor treatment]

They become a good team who watch each others backs

Rebellion is being steered in this manner
to create factions to steer within a civil war type situation

so, while parents and moralists hold their hands up
in shock at the potential for kids to act out a simulation
which they have experienced, as a realtime actual murder scenario

the authorities seemingly back the industry which continues to steer
more concerned people into the arms of the Neo-christian right wing / Neo-liberal left wing

Gatekeepers who are both politically financed & controlled

the kids rebel against the moral authority and fall for 'the product' and its billion dollar PR

[by the kids I really mean 'all of us' consumers - being treated like naughty children to the authorities Parental state apparatus]

in the case of electronic mass media the game/media product itself has the general purpose of making people compliant to instructions and on screen directions and to believing/not believing a certian presented on-screen situation

Believing it is real: deception via enhancement & manipulation


Believing it is a simulation: Hyper-reality masks underlying REALTIME control & manipulation

the coming digital take-over is a progression of enforced choice electronic media

*convinces you, that you have a vote and that your identity is safe

*lets you believe you are participating with real humans as you interact
within virtual forums & communications media environments

*convinces us of justice/democratic processes via popular live / staged debates trials & death sentences

this will happen via interactive media to convince us we are taking part in a society that is in reality ... a dictatorship

dealing us false choices as a virtual reality

while not saying that violence because of imagery doesn't happen

such as Columbine...Jeff Weise

I am prepared to assert that i believe certain
Multi trillion dollar forces are willing to make this
happen to ensure they get the rebellion they need
in order to keep 'the process' ticking along...

The Pharma / Junk-Food industry merry go round - It the will of corporations to make you feel like a valuable member of the burger supply chain that is now called society!

one which fills our kids with junk food - processed gloop filled with additives and preservatives such as aspartame, Tartrazine, Sunset Yellow, Amaranth, Brilliant Black, Cochineal Red, monosodium glutamate

which are a main cause of symptoms leading to a diagnosis of 'brain disorders' such as ADHD / ODD and depression which then lead to the prescribing of SSRI's:

The columbine shooters and Jeff Weise were presribed these anti depressants

Mind control links back to the Eugenics movement, The Nazis, The CIA

use of such methods of experimentation with pharmacueticals to control the population...

The very same corporations are involved in the Genetic Modification of the food chain

it is all about the corporate management of energy

how we digest & process energy
how we transmit that energy
how we focus that energy

how we choose to dissipate that energy

Is this what democracy has become?

"In a consumer society, consumer politics were likely to develop.
A vote could be seen as an instrument of purchase.
Political parties were inclined to sell their wares with unrealistic promises.

In this way the political process could too easily drive a system which led to disappointment, with the creation of expectations combining with difficulties in delivery (and a poor understanding of the best methods of delivery) to create perceptions of poor performance.

The nature of government structures and the length of the supply chain to the individual consumer was too complex, it was argued, for government to be wise in offering a Tesco-type service. At the same time, government could no longer just give orders: they had to persuade."
Ditchley Foundation meeting chaired by The Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind KCMG QC MP

its all a con on the public, and its nothing new

Once people get hooked on the 'technology' they will see it as no different to

the actor on stage tells the truth = the christ-head as performer / politician utilising the technology of stagecraft/personality

the flocks followed then, the written hand of the Bible/Koran/Talmud

then... we saw the early reaction to the printed word was fear...this mutated [was steered] to become a common sense value
which was that the printed word represented the authoritative truth [news media]

now we have malleabe interactive digital media;
the screens - as windows - enforces the truth as only lies

By a process of the creation and social engineering of all classes
suggests that no one being within a body politic is immune to such devices of control

the ruling elite are not exempt

they are being manipulated just as much if not more
by psychological processes - linguistic manipulation
perception management...groupthink

access for service via aspiration culture

observe the 'us and them' syndrome so patently bandied
as an excuse for real politik in the UK new labour government

it is snobbish control freakery that would be frowned upon
if witnessed in a simple school lesson designed to illuminate
how group think pervades rationality

I would argue that these relatively new political structures

[neo-liberalism / neo conservatism]

are in fact a heightened extension of a controlled cult
which, like corporations, distinctly emit symptoms
that would lead to a diagnosis of deep psychosis
and psychopathy

Yesterday [Feb 14th 2006] after we saw the ban in UK Parliament of smoking in public places, a talking
head giving an opinion in a public house on BBC news 24 said the following without a trace of irony:

"the UK is heading into a new era which could be defined
as a secular puritanism, which will benefit the health & beauty
industry greatly in the future UK economy"

the bottom line is that in order to survive ...
we HAVE to do things we might otherwise consider morally wrong or distinctly unethical

Therefore the cult of NEO-politics is the sweeping away of all manner of conscientious objection for fear of losing basic rights

these rights have been replaced by the notion of privilege fact the UK as a monarchistic state has never really acknowledged human rights

The nature of the judiciary / the peer based house of lords and University elites who still are
spoon fed into places of authority along with the group thought middle classes who are made
to feel privileged by taking part in a power structure which can only be labelled a managed democracy

Human Rights are rights we are born with BECAUSE we are human ... we do not need to earn them in order to gain access to our humanity

Crime & Punishment relies on such distinctions
Presumed Innocence before guilt
Dehumanisation [punishment/isolation/prison]
takes place only after the culprit had been proved to have acted inhumanely

Right now [Early 2006] we see ID cards legislation rushed through the inadequate UK Parliamentary process

These, like credit cards, will also seek to act as a 'passport to freedom'

They were originally bandied about as 'entitlement cards' . which would allow citizens the right to exist within shopping mall UK

no card = no access

eventually there will be no cards...and a cashless society will become the norm

DNA - which is currently to be used as a ID marker will be an increasing factor in the labelling of consumer citizens

Techno fascism is on the rise

Smart business and technology

Wi-Fi command and control of access points to defined zones of work / lesuire
will lead to a society not dis-similar to the supposedly dystopian move 'minority report'

this geo-zonal behaviorism...will give privileged access via a DNA based biometric identification

so whatever happened to equality?

The role of humanity is being steered into a slavish hive mind which is being brainwashed into
endlessly serving each other with approved products within a managed environment [a cartel or consortium]

what of dissident thoughts ?

what of rebellion ?
what of the free-will to say no?

what happens if one wants to be poor?
a life without indoctrinated aspirations is
now labelled anti-social behavior

What if one doesn't want to be a plastic moulded celebrity?
people against this are now labelled anti-social behavior

What If one wishes to live within what they feel is their means?
people against debt are now labelled anti-social behavior

What if one doesn't want to own lots of products?
people against a life of debt are now labelled anti-social behavior

It is the notion of poverty which is the real target we have seen in the Orwellian 'Make Poverty history'
because...One humans poverty is another riches

but again we see a sneering cultural value placed upon such choices
not to take part in the HYPER reality of the 1st world

State / Corporate entities, which are dangerously merging,
are now the equivalent of an upper class lady passing a single mother & tutting aloud

Prepare to see anti social behavior morph into terrorism
labelled as a threat to the corporate hive mind

brainwashed citizens, in fear of losing access to their privileges
as a punishment from Corporatist slave-masters...
will willingly persecute those who choose to refuse this madness

by captain wardrobe - [mass compiler] Feb 2006


Hide the following 9 comments

Quite right, Captain! [Officer in sight! Eyes ... RIGHT! SALUTE!]

15.02.2006 16:36

I well remember as a small boy, playing Cowboys and Indians [now banned by the Equal Opportunities Board and the Race Relations Council as Politically Incorrect] shooting off cap guns [since banned by the Health and Safety Executive: Paper 4132 Chapter 342 Para 43 Scetion 8 Subsection 3 'Use of Toy Pistols Without Ear Defenders' and Paper 666 etc etc 'Use of Explosive in Children's Toy Pistols']. I used to love the smell of the exploded caps too [but see HSE 'Fumes Emitted [contd P404]].

However, little did I know then that was being indoctrinated by the Military and Industrial Complex into Militaristic Behaviour in order that I might be more ready to fight Wars of Imperialist Aggression [didn't work anyway].

But now, oh Captain, my Captain, I have read your article, the scales have fallen from my eyes, and once again I see clearly the machinations of our Evil Society.


Shut the fuck up

15.02.2006 22:07

To the preceding poster... Just..... Shut the fuck up.. You are giving me headache..


think tank asks questions on future humans

15.02.2006 23:42

Think tank 'demos' on human enhencement


"We all share a desire for self-improvement.Whether through education, work, parenthood or adhering to religious or ethical codes, each of us seeks to become a ‘better human’ in a variety of ways. And for some people, more consumerist pursuits hold the key to self-improvement: working out in the gym, wearing makeup, buying new clothes, or indulging in a spot of cosmetic surgery.

But now a new set of possibilities is opening up. Advances in biotechnology, neuroscience, computing and nanotechnology mean that we are in the early stages of a period of huge technological potential. Within the next 30 years, it may become commonplace to alter the genetic make-up of our children, to insert artificial implants into our bodies, or to radically extend life expectancy.

This collection of essays by leading scientists and commentators explores the implications of human enhancement technologies and asks how citizens and policy-makers should respond."



16.02.2006 13:03

I take it that the Brothers Grimm were a precursor to the New World Order? This post should be filed in the same skip as Mary Whitehouse and the Daily Mail.

Luddite paranoia.


read it again

16.02.2006 18:40

my article is a multi layered inquiry

it was designed with the title to
draw the neo christians in

and the other side of the paradigm

the so called liberal elite

it is not actually any kind of
defamation against video games or any other kind of entertainment

it is actually
an investigation into the way society
has become a similar entity to that of the corporation

regarded with human traits

what i am trying to suggest is the potential for all media
to be a psycho-behavioral device

used by a trillion dollar corporate military industrial complex

by that i mean:

that NEO corporatism has the brain of the military mind
and has had this for over 100 years

wise up

and for you detractors

try some kind of actual critique
this i find actually might help

and try reading it all
right through to the end



16.02.2006 19:38

the notion that i am in some way a luddite

that in some way i am seeking to switch people off by
tub thumping

is misguided

in the above mentioned DEMO think tank literature there
is an essay by steven rose

which mirrors the exact way i have put a few pages together on my site
[these take brain fingerpriniting, neurommarketing & the database state under consideration]

which i might add in compiling i use as a way....of learning for myself

i only post them because it has been communicated by others that
they appreciate what i am doing

[thANKS kATE0)]

IE when i copy and paste certain articles i find of interest
i HAVE to read them

i have to digest the contents

this is one of the hidden great things about the internet

it encourages speed reading...

.and also

if you make pages that are the opposite of the region of you best know
in term of colour receptance

you can actually trick your brain into regarding whole pages of text as an after image

try looking at a bright light and seeing the not alter image of it afterwards

which according to brain specialists can lead to an increased data retention while
reading or scanning information

the information literally by passes the cognitive level of short term memory
and becomes filed in the long term brain area

[and im supposed to be a luddite]

so which version of luddite is there?

is it the people who smashed up the machinery because they were ,
like dur stoopid [the well represented rewritten histroy]

or was it the luddites who wanted autonomy for the right to have a trade
and a life from that trade
and had the intelligence to see the implications of certain [NOTALL]



War games are war training

16.02.2006 21:14

Quite right, Wardrobe. War games are war training. Notice that the Vietnam games don't let you take the role of the (victorious) Viet Cong? Or that North Korea is the battlefield of the future (despite North Korea not having made the slightest threat against the game playing population of North America)? Not exactly ground-breaking insights, though.


"War games are war training" LMFAO

19.02.2006 22:28

I can just see swarms of gormless fat couchpotatoes in their Battle Fitness Test. Apart from that, games, just like most books and films have no bearing on the reality of combat and of violence. It's the same as saying "Doom made me kill my parents" which is the same as saying "Ozzy Osbourne made me blow my friend's face off with a shotgun" which is the same as saying "God told me to do it!".

Why not try writing a sci-fi novel as you do seem to have a talent for fiction?


read it again you dopes

22.02.2006 00:03

never once in my above article do i assert that video games

make you violent

or are being used as to literally train
the kids who are playing them

if any of you actually bothered to read it
i am trying to show that

HYPER reality
such as pixellated CGI
found video games
in simulations
and advertising
touching up

beauty myth / false cities of splendour
future / aspiration culture
terrorism / freedom / defending freedom / soldier / servant / civilian
utopian / dystopian paradigms

[an extension of soft power]

could be used to convince
a viewer player of a false UNreality

[spot the double negative - its important]

which is in fact a real time manipulation
of their indoctrinated value judgements

utilising this PSYOP

would become useful in evaluation for
psychological / physical reactions


they are not teaching children to kill
they are learning from them how to kill
utilising the killing instinct found in
pubescent hormonal rage

on a training course / battlefield near you

take a keen killer video gamer
and transplant their mind into
a designed super soldier
