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Since when was Eugenics an acceptable governemnt policy in Oz.

davey via jj | 13.02.2006 23:17 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Repression | World

A Liberal MP Donna Vale has made the outrageous suggestion that non-Muslim women in Oz should be effectively forced to breed to stop Australia becoming a Muslim country. as part of the RU486 debate. Lets see if Howard condemns this Nazi nonsense.

The villification of Muslims in this country is out of control
The villification of Muslims in this country is out of control

AUSTRALIA: Donna Vale a Federal Liberal MP as part of the debate on RU486 has suggested that Parliament should continue to ban the RU486 abortion pill to help stop Australia becoming a Muslim country.

What she is effectively saying is that non-Muslim women who fall pregnant should be denied abortion and effectively forced to breed to help maintain the "Christian" race and to stop it being swamped by the breeding Muslim hordes.

This is the type of eugenic nonsense about ensuring the right people are breeding that was very popular in the 19th and 20th century and reached its logical conclusion in Nazi Germany. It echoes Costello call for mothers of Australia to have three children including "one for the nation". Take out the word Muslim and replace it with Jew or "inferior races" and these are the kinds of comments to be found in the German press during the Nazi era .These facists are obsessed with womens wombs being put to the service of the white Christian "fatherland".

For such racist bile to come from a serving government MP is a travesty and confirms that it is truly open season on Muslims in this country. The media such as the ABC report these comments with no editorialising about racism - rather blandly as "concerns" raised by an MP. Remember how the media treated Pauline Hansons comments on Aborigines which in contrast to these comments were pretty tame. Will they call for Howard to sack this MP and condemn her racism - I doubt it.

The villification of Muslims in this country is out of control.

ABC online article below

davey via jj


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15.02.2006 19:02

I empathise; The villification of Muslims in this country is out of control too!

Every day, there is another outrage to rub their faces in, Mohammed cartoons, film of Iraqi teenagers beaten to a pulp by jack-booted troops, more torture pictures from Abu Ghraib.

Because, Muslims have to be made to fight back, through provocation, or there would be no world war without the insurgents, just plain old Imperialist colonisation.


Leftie cretins

17.02.2006 00:49

It couldn't possibly be that white Australians who BUILT the Australia that you see today, that all the hard done by muslims are so KEEN to live in, don't actually want to BECOME muslims, could it? It couldn't be that the Lebanese who move to Oz are far more likely to be violent criminal scum than the indigenous white Australians?

Now then, please explain: WHY are so many women getting pregnant by 'accident'? I've already challenged you pro-death fools on other threads.
WHY and HOW are so many women, all over the western world, managing to 'forget' to take the pill? Are you suggesting that women are so incredibly stupid that they just 'forget' to take ONE pill, ONCE a day, even though not taking it will completely change their lives forever?

Women who have abortions, by definition, sleep with men who can't maintain erections with condoms on. Those men also don't love their women, otherwise they would wear condoms. What sort of man would make his women responsible for birth control, and force her to use a method that interferes with her basic hormones, rather than just wear a safe, simple piece of rubber?


Until you fools bother to answer this, you are convincing nobody.
If Australia is such an awful place for these 'poor' muslims, why are they all moving there, and everywhere else that WHITE people have made decent places to live?

Any explanations? It couldn't possible be because no muslim country is actually worth living in, could it? It couldn't possibly be that Islam is a backwards cult that prevents its (stupid) adherents from achieving a stable, prosperous society?

Why aren't you complaining about the 'hate filled' Japanese who aren't allowing millions of third worlders into their country, to overpopulate it by breeding like rabbits, bring endless misery in the form of crime, sponge of the workers by living on welfare, and destroying Japanese culture so they (the invaders) aren't 'offended' by the 'evil' Japanese trying to maintain the country THEY built?

Stupid lefties...

Tom Sawyer