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Dr Les Dove | 12.02.2006 20:26 | Analysis | Terror War

Time to RESTORE democracy.

By Dr Les Dove

Even back in the eighties MI5 agent Peter Wright realized that British Intelligence was being taken over by an inside group of fascist extremists who were determined to overthrow democracy in Britain. Indeed a colleague of Wright’s had already informed him that that were working to end all of the freedoms that the British people had come to cherish. Wright confirmed this in his book ‘Spy Catcher’ (1), which he wrote after his retirement to Australia? Of course the book was quickly banned in Britain, but, in spite of the government attempts to prevent it, many thousands of copies were smuggled into Britain and thousands more were sold over the rest of the world.

Since then other British Secret Service agents (2) have also ‘come out’ and informed us of many other security misdeeds, which have undoubtedly turned Britain into a police state of the first order. In no other country in the world, accept possibly America, are a people more closely watched than they are in the Britain of today. Yet many people seem quite oblivious of the fact? No politician has stood up in Parliament and dared to ask: “What the hell is going on here?” Or even had the guts to refer to “The British Police State.” (3) These politicians can’t all be stupid. Surely there must be at least one who can see that our security services are totally out of control and have become worse than the ‘terrorists’ that are supposedly threatening us? These politicians all have assistants and researchers with computers. Can’t any of them see the Internet flood of information from British people who have been and still are being terrorized by security monsters using microwave weapons? Has the torture and murder of British citizens become so commonplace that it isn’t even worth commenting on? (4) Britain’s political police (the Special Branch) have been smearing, persecuting and torturing anyone trying to ensure a true democracy for over twenty years already. The New World Order in Britain is turning the country into a fascist paradise. Surely British citizens can’t want to be slaves. Or have they become so apathetic they just don’t care about personal freedom anymore?

The British Parliament, once held up as an example for the rest of the world, has apparently become no more than a well-rehearsed debating society where politicians of all parties pontificate over trivialities whilst trying to fool themselves and others into believing that ‘freedom and democracy’ in Britain still prevails. Not a single one of them has the guts to come out and speak the truth about the real Britain, or the suppression that now blankets the entire country. Possibly they are afraid to do so. So many dissenters in Britain have been tortured and murdered (5) by the Security Services it takes a brave man to speak the truth in today. Dissidents are very quickly made aware of ‘accidents’ that invariably happen to anyone who might wish to restore true democracy. Dissidents it seems are free to agree with the government, whose present leader is thought to be an MI5 agent, (6) and that is all they are free to do. Any diversion from that path may well place them in deadly jeopardy?

In the United States Jim Garrison (7) quickly discovered his ugly Americans when he tried to expose the real killers involved in the JFK assassination. The CIA and their media stooges did everything in their power to smear Jim Garrison’s character and prevent the American public from ever knowing the truth about their deadly deceits and their deeply rooted fascism, which would later claim the lives of so many other good Americans. People who also sought to turn their country into a decent and honest society. Indeed, like the United Kingdom the United States has become a fully-fledged totally corrupt police state that willingly commits every crime in the book just so long as it keeps a fascist in the White House. (8)

As in Britain, the American security services totally control the media and brainwashing the public has become a fine art. And again, as in Britain, a huge number of Americans actually do believe all the lies and deceptions coming out of the White House. It really does seem that the bigger the lie the sooner people will believe it. (9)

Whatever, a large number of Americans are finally now having grave doubts about their country. The number of dissident American web sites grows by the week as online journalists begin to dissect and question many of the serious issues of the day. Many of these writers are simply unwilling to believe what they read in their ‘state press’ and so they begin their own investigations into important events as they happen. For instance, many of these writers don’t for one minute believe that the terrible 9/11 New York disasters was anything other than a homegrown plot designed to scare the American public into giving the White House total control over every aspect of their lives (10). Which it now undoubtedly does have? The war in Iraq is also seen by many people as just another effort to subvert and dominate that country. Oil is king, no matter how many lives might be lost in the process of getting it? Had the United States had a free press open discussion of these very important issues could have put people’s minds at rest. However, as can now be expected the US press has simply ignored any deviation from the ‘official’ line and done what all tame ‘newspapers’ do – they agree with the White House and just simply ignore any other version of events (11).

When highly trained aircraft engineers and pilots seriously question official accounts of what really happened on 9/11 – particularly when they ask how a huge modern passenger aircraft can fit inside a tiny hole in the side of the Pentagon, the White House and the press remains strangely silent. There is much evidence to make one highly skeptical of the government statements about 9/11 and the Pentagon hit (12). Web sites the world over have no hesitation at all in saying that the whole tragic mess was an inside job! Some of these dissident American web sites also cast serious doubts on the British underground bombing (13). As do many people in Britain. Those doubts too are supported by at least one ex-MI6 agent whose previous experience in the service led him to believe that MI5 will do just about anything if it suits their needs. This, and other ex-agents also believe without any doubts whatsoever that Princess Diana was murdered by the British security services (14). However, considering their reticence to discuss anything other than their own official ‘party line’ British politicians fall truly well in line with their American cousins in discussing this and other related subjects.

The Nazis of the Second World War would have been proud of their present day counterparts. There isn’t anything that they accomplished in their day that hasn’t been eclipsed by today’s MI5, MI6, CIA and the NSA. Adolph Hitler must be laughing in his grave. That the British and American people have insidiously been turned into an ignorant bunch of sheep dominated by only one percent of the population must be something even Hitler could never have imagined (15).

Surprisingly it really does seem that the future of democracy in the west lies mainly with some South American countries and the Arab nations of the Middle East. Quite apparently only they have the common sense and the guts to stand up and fight for what is rightfully theirs. Rather than be superpower underdogs they have shown themselves to be more than willing to stand up and if necessary die for their beliefs. Thousands of Arabs have already done so. And they are quite willing to go the whole hog if need be. Unfortunately in defense of their own freedom they may in the future take millions of the rest of us with them on their journey to paradise. Do not for one moment believe that they would think twice about doing that. Would you – if your friends, family and country were being tortured and destroyed before your eyes. I very much doubt it?

You might of course doubt that the Arabs have the capability to destroy Britain and the United States. The trillions of dollars spent on armaments by these two countries and the huge armies built up by them would lead most people to believe that they are invincible. But they are not. Throughout history until the present day so-called empires have been toppled by determined guerrilla organizations and, in spite of what our so-called leaders might lead us to believe, it can and may well happen to us unless we come to our senses in time to prevent it. If you cannot see your enemy you cannot destroy him. But he can destroy you. Only a fool would believe otherwise. Unfortunately fools and tyrants are leading us, so our chances of survival are not good.

Tony Blair, the MI5 puppet, and George W Bush, the elite puppet, have both already been warned that the Arab nations – amongst others, have at least twenty suitcase nuclear weapons (16). It is also widely believed that some of these nuclear bombs have already been planted in Britain and the United States. I can certainly believe it. If billions of dollars worth of drugs can be smuggled into these countries every single year, which they are, you can certainly smuggle in a few suitcases, no matter what they might contain.

Whatever, at the very least that real possibility should be seriously considered? Also consider the possibility of what will happen if just a few of those weapons are in fact used against American and British cities. In an instant millions upon millions of people will die within the blink of an eyelid. Millions more will undoubtedly die over the following weeks and months. Outright panic alone will kill many more people. Other disasters will quickly follow as food and water shortages grow and transport facilities begin to break down. Then, as the previously unimaginable has in fact happened, people will also begin to break down too. Riots will follow as people fight to try and survive, the weak will be overtaken by the strong as they corner food supplies for themselves and their families. Americans will start to shoot each other, as they never have before. Friends will become enemies, because that’s what happens when things get desperate enough. And all that will just be the beginning of what is to come. The police and the army will do a lot of internal killing too as they vainly try to restore order and confidence in their rotten corrupt governments, who will of course be hiding in a bunker somewhere out of the way where outraged citizens can’t get to them. Which may be a good thing, as they would probably be hung from the nearest lamppost if enraged citizens could get near to them?

You might well think that the above nightmare can’t happen. But you’ll be deceiving yourself if you do. We have all been hoodwinked and deceived enough already over the last fifty years. Successive governments have consistently lied to us for almost every day that they were in power. We were lied to because we let them lie to and deceive us without protest. We don’t control them – they totally control us! I hate to tell you this folks but it should be the other way round. True democracies have a free and open press. They have proper control over their governments and their security services. The people know what is really going on. It’s quite obvious that we don’t. The British and American governments don’t represent the people, they represent a tiny elite group of fascists who control the banks, the multi-nationals, shadow governments and death squads who overthrow genuine democratic governments at the drop of a hat and then torture and murder millions of people as they seek to subvert and take over the entire world for their own sole benefit (17). They have been doing just that for the last fifty years – did you really think that these monsters would ever stop. Or is it because we were so ignorant we never even knew that they had even started?

Whatever, that is what we just might die for – a group of perverted billionaires whose sole occupation appears to lay in joining secret societies where they wear silly aprons and hop around on one leg (18). And join secret clubs that cater solely to other degenerate fascists like themselves, all of whom gleefully exchange jokes that portray the public as asses and fools who have been manipulated and brainwashed into believing just about anything a Prime Minister or President tells them (19). Yes, folks, that’s you they are talking about. And most of you are proving them right every day of the week. After all these years of repression we should by now understand that simply talking to these monsters isn’t going to do any good. Simply replacing puppets like Tony Blair and George W Bush won’t make one bit of difference, we have to take back the entire state apparatus. In Britain the Royal Establishment owns the courts, the police, and all the offices of state. It has corrupted our country and governments to the core. If we don’t get out on the streets soon and take back what is rightfully ours we never will.

The people of South Africa, Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Mexico and Argentina all had enough guts to take their countries back from fascist rule. Can the British and the Americans, who have long boasted of the intelligence and courage, now prove it by doing the same?


"The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise their power from behind the scenes." Justice Felix Frankfurter, U.S. Supreme Court.

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli of England, in 1844.


(1) ‘Spy Catcher’. Pub: 1987. The Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. 666 Fifth Ave, New York. 10103: Fascism, State Terror and Power Abuse:
(2) David Shayler – Richard Tomlinson. and
(3) and www.mindcontrol also check out
(6) "Tony Blair worked for MI5 before he became Labour leader."
(7) Jim Garrison.
(9) 9/11 on trial.
(15) McGehee. R. Deadly Deceits. Book, published in 1983. McGehee account of the CIA in his book Deadly Deceits. MI5 and MI6. They should not be allowed to get away with murder any more:,5673,359717,00.html
(16) Bush, Blair warned
of bin Laden nukes:
(17) Americas Third World War: How 6 million People were killed in CIA secret wars against third world countries: Fascism, State Terror and Power Abuse:
(18) Freemasons:
(19) Brotherhood of Death:

Dr Les Dove
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Bad day at the office?

12.02.2006 23:42

"Even back in the eighties MI5 agent Peter Wright realized that British Intelligence was being taken over by an inside group of fascist extremists who were determined to overthrow democracy in Britain."

Which democracy would that have been then exactly?

"Surely British citizens can’t want to be slaves. Or have they become so apathetic they just don’t care about personal freedom anymore?"

With freedom lies power. With power comes responsibility. People can’t handle repsonsibility therefore we rely upon the stupid politicians so that we can blame them and avoid all culpability.

"Oil is king, no matter how many lives might be lost in the process of getting it?"

War is king. If it wasn’t oil we would be fighting over sugar, marbles, or even the Super Bowl. We’ve been running on a war economy ever since the emergence of the first ‘civilisation’. Until we get back to our original population level ie one Adam, one Eve, we will be at war.

"Unfortunately fools and tyrants are leading us, so our chances of survival are not good."

We get the leadership we deserve. Don’t think for a minute (seriously don’t – it’s scary), that any ‘civilised state’ on the planet has it any other way.

"If billions of dollars worth of drugs can be smuggled into these countries every single year, which they are, you can certainly smuggle in a few suitcases, no matter what they might contain."

Those drugs aren’t smuggled at all. We and our government are fully complicit in the arrangement. The state sanctions and supports the dirty work so we don’t have to. We love drugs. But of course we’re addicted to them!

"Also consider the possibility of what will happen if just a few of those weapons are in fact used against American and British cities. In an instant millions upon millions of people will die within the blink of an eyelid. Millions more will undoubtedly die over the following weeks and months. Outright panic alone will kill many more people. Other disasters will quickly follow as food and water shortages grow and transport facilities begin to break down. Then, as the previously unimaginable has in fact happened, people will also begin to break down too. Riots will follow as people fight to try and survive, the weak will be overtaken by the strong as they corner food supplies for themselves and their families. Americans will start to shoot each other, as they never have before. Friends will become enemies, because that’s what happens when things get desperate enough. And all that will just be the beginning of what is to come. The police and the army will do a lot of internal killing too as they vainly try to restore order and confidence in their rotten corrupt governments, who will of course be hiding in a bunker somewhere out of the way where outraged citizens can’t get to them. Which may be a good thing, as they would probably be hung from the nearest lamppost if enraged citizens could get near to them?"

Lots of people will die horribly. Yes. Billions of them. Everyone on the planet will die horribly eventually. Or we could all wait around until we hit old age, and after 20+ years (or more if your awake) of living horribly we then get to die horribly too. Boo hoo. Live with it. Or rather die with it.

"The British and American governments don’t represent the people, they represent a tiny elite group of fascists who control the banks, the multi-nationals, shadow governments and death squads who overthrow genuine democratic governments at the drop of a hat and then torture and murder millions of people as they seek to subvert and take over the entire world for their own sole benefit"

Well you know, atleast they will get to live and die horribly too, just like us. So in a way we are already even, no? Why not just go with the flow?

"Simply replacing puppets like Tony Blair and George W Bush won’t make one bit of difference, we have to take back the entire state apparatus"

Why start now? The whole planet is super fried already. Just party hard and get out while the music is still blaring. Don't blame the host if you don't like the party. Just leave.

"If we don’t get out on the streets soon and take back what is rightfully ours we never will."

What is rightfully ours exactly?

"The people of South Africa, Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Mexico and Argentina all had enough guts to take their countries back from fascist rule."

I doubt they have. And even if they did it would still make no difference to their final ending anyhow. The whole planet is super fried like I already said.

The planet doesn’t need us any more than we do. All attempts at peace are doomed to fail. If people wanted peace we would of all stopped fighting at birth. Given up and died before taking our first breath. But we didn’t because we don’t. Embrace doom. Live without fear.

You obviously spent alot of time on this article and kudos to you. But you know? You may be better served going back to the bar, ordering a stiff last drink and trying to cop off with that fit girl/boy in the corner.

mail e-mail:

some say do ANYTHING but confront Blair- no need to ask why

13.02.2006 00:47

Hmmm, someone who spends a long time writing a comment to the original article, telling us that the original article was a waste of mental effort, and that the author should turn to drugs- how very New Reich of you 'crabsurdist'- I take it this was why your pal Blair increased pub opening hours?

I do enjoy seeing every tactic of pre-war nazi propaganda turn up here (and elsewhere) in the run up to War with Iran. Still, if it worked for Hitler...


Right on.

13.02.2006 09:20

On the contrary I appreciate any mental effort.

The premise of the article and its conclusions are insane and delusional. The idea that we have somehow been hoodwinked into losing our democracy is proof enough of this. Becuase we never had any democracy to begin with.

Lets suspend our disbelief for a while longer and ask the author how the ruling elite and their cronies are intending to live after they have brought about the downfall of mankind? What exactly are the motives for their crimes? Maybe they are all going to a great big party on the moon or something. Except their are no golf courses on the moon so that wouldn't make any sense. Must be something more sinister then I guess. More mental effort is required.

I don't claim that we aren't fucked. But by apportioning of blame onto the state, government, ruling elite, 'men in grey' and everyone else etc etc people are able to cop out.

We are fully responsible and in full knowledge of the fact.

Protest, activism, dissent is just acceptable ways of apportioning guilt onto others.

We don't need guilt. That is the news.

mail e-mail:

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"Mental" being the correct term, of course

14.02.2006 00:07

I smell Larry.

Plant Pot

Pawns in the Game

14.02.2006 00:08

SHHHH! Don't mention the Khazars.

Adolf was a British (City of London) Agent :

Follow the Money Masters

Adolf Rothschild-Schicklgrueber

14.02.2006 23:47

"Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world."

Henry Kissinger

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