US Interests and Israel/Palestine
If Americans Knew | 12.02.2006 20:23
The facts about America's 'special relationship' with the Zionist State often run contrary to popular propaganda. Further elaboration to each point is available at the original story link.
US Interests and Israel/Palestine
Although it is not often reported by the press, a large proportion of American diplomatic and military experts have long held that U.S. support of Israel is often contrary to and, in fact, extremely damaging to U.S. interests.
Support for Israel interferes with: American relations with the oil-producing nations, with whom we previously had friendly ties; with Muslim consumers, who represent 1.2 billion people world-wide; and removes much-needed money from domestic American requirements — tax revenues that could be addressed to domestic needs are instead sent abroad to prop up a system of discrimination that is antithetical to American principles of equality and democracy.
In addition, the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Israel is increasingly imperiling American lives.
Why, then, is this done? Close examination of the history and current situation reveals that U.S. policies in the Middle East are rarely driven by U.S. interests. Rather, they are largely driven by two very different factors:
1. Special-interest lobbying of the sort that is common to Washington. The only difference from typical lobby groups is that this lobbying is on behalf of a foreign government. Fortune Magazine rates one of the many lobby organizations working on behalf of Israel, AIPAC, as the fourth most powerful lobby in Washington. In total, many experts rate the pro-Israel interest group as the most powerful lobby in Washington.
2. The efforts of a growing number of individuals with close ties to Israel (known as neoconservatives) who have attained key positions at high levels of the U.S. administration, State Department, and Pentagon.
Interestingly, the oil and weapons industries, although very influential over parts of American Middle East policy, are not responsible for our relationship with Israel. In fact, quite often both of these industries find our support for Israel undermines their corporate interests in the region.
See also:
November, 2005
Israel-Our Dangerous Parasite
By Edward W. Miller, MD
"All the animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - Animal Farm by George Orwell
For years, when in lectures, columns or letters to the editor, some have criticized the behavior of the Zionist government of Israel, the ADL or local supporters of Zionism have responded with name-calling. One can critique the politics of the French, the Germans, the Dutch or most other foreign countries without this barrage of hatred, but never Israel. Character-assassination has been a characteristic of the Zionists almost from that movement's ascension in Israel. Even Jews who dare criticize their Zionist State are labeled " Self-Hating Jews."
Brigadier General James J. David (US Army, Ret.), said it well on 14 Aug. 2005: "The Jewish campaign to effectively silence any critic of Israel may well be the biggest contributing factor in this birth of world terrorism we see today. " Zionism is a relatively recent political movement in Judaism's 5000-year history. The movement was initiated around the turn of the last century as a colonization scheme with fascist trappings by such Ashkinazi Jews as Theodore Hertzel and Vladimir Jabotinsky. The latter, in his 1923 essay THE IRON WALL outlined the movement's objectives clearly: "We cannot give any compensation for Palestine, neither to the Palestinians no to other Arabs. Therefore a voluntary agreement is inconceivable. All colonization, even the most restrictive, must continue in defiance of the native population. Therefore it can continue and develop only under the shield of force, which comprises a Iron Wall which the local population can never break through. This is our Arab policy. To formulate it any other way would be hypocrisy." Jabotinsky also spelled out the Zionist doctrine of the " purity of Jewish blood" in his "Letter of Autonomy": "It is impossible for a man to become assimilated with people whose blood is different than his own ... There can be no assimilation. We shall never allow such things as mixed marriage because the preservation of national integrity is impossible except by means of racial purity and for that purpose we shall have this territory where our people will constitute the racially pure inhabitants." (The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Scheonmam pg. 23-26)
It was the adoption of these fascist policies by Israel's Freedom Party, headed by Menachem Begin which stimulated Albert Einstein and other prominent Jews to write that warning letter in the NY Times in 1948, (see in my August "Letter to the Editor") I quote again from the Einstein letter:
"Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our time is the emergence in the newly created State of Israel, of the Freedom Party ...a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist right-wing chauvinist organization... This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs and British alike) and misrepresentation are the means and a "Leader State " is the goal. "
The basic tenants of Begin's Freedom Party, which (in modern slang) "morphed" into the Likud Party run today by Sharon, clearly exhibit the fascist nature of Zionism. Like Germany under the Nazis, Israel has invaded and attempted to colonize its neighbors: Lebanon in 1982, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, the West Bank and Gaza in 1967. The false ideologies are surprisingly similar: Hitler said the Teutonic Gods promised his people: "Lebensraum." The Zionists say Abraham's God promised the Jews "Eretz Israel." Both parties embrace "racial purity," the Jews as "God's Chosen" vs. the Nazi's "Pure Aryan Race") and both Hitler and Sharon, arising from democratic roots, found support in their country's military-industrial base.
One major difference stands out: the German people funded Hitler's expansionism, whereas it has been the US taxpayers who, to a great extent, have paid for Israel's expansionism. Adolph Hitler never received complimentary press coverage in the US but our President Bush([search]) has stated more than once, that Sharon is " a man of peace."
The fascist ideology of the Likud Party has kept the Mideast in an uproar for over half a century." In his memoirs of his years in the White House former President Jimmy Carter wrote that there could have been peace between the Arabs and the Israelis had it not been for the bigoted, Nazi-like racial views of Israeli's Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Begin, Carter recalled, believed the Jews were the Master Race, a holy people superior to Egyptians and Arabs. Begin also believed that God wanted the Jews to own the land, so there was absolutely no basis for peace. The Jews lusted after the land and intended to have it." "Holocaust activist, Elie Wiesel, who recently died, claimed the Jews are a superior race. "Everything about us is different ...Jews are ontologically exceptional." (Texe Maars 11-25-2003) ( )
Most leaders of the Zionist movement, are Ashkinazi Jews, and though they love to quote Abraham's promise of: "Eretz Israel" (expanded Israel ) to the Hebrews, not one of them is even distantly related to Abraham. These Jews are descendants of an Eastern European people, converted to Judaism on the order of their ruler between 700 and 710 AD, and later dispersed westward throughout Poland and Russia by repeated foreign invaders, including the Mongols. It is those Ashkinazi converts to Judaism who have been the troublemakers.
The indigenous Arabs were aware of this racial difference long before any westerners. In February, 1945 near the end of WW II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, along with US President Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin, met in conference at Yalta in the Crimea, Roosevelt, before that conference, had decided to establish better relations with leaders of the Mideast nations, and to that end had his staff arrange a meeting with King Ibn Saud, founder of Saudi Arabia. After the Yalta Conference, the meeting took place on the Red Sea where Roosevelt and King Ibn Saud met on the deck of the destroyer, USS Murphy. The King, seated on a gilded throne, which had been hoisted aboard, was surrounded by two of his 20 sons, and an entourage of "fierce-looking dark-skinned, barefoot men, each with a sword or dagger bound to his waist by a gold-encrusted belt. "while" on the USS Murphy's fantail, sheep were grazing in a makeshift corral," King Ibn Saud having insisted that freshly-killed meat be available for him and his men on a daily basis. (The Link April/May 2005 pg. 2)
Roosevelt and Ibn Saud, though neither spoke the other's language, hit it off immediately. Roosevelt remembered to neither smoke nor enjoy his afternoon cocktail in deference to the King's Muslim religious sensitivities. According to Colonel William A. Eddy, who interpreted between the two, FDR, during those intense five hours the two leaders spent together, asked several times for Ibn Saud's assistance in settling "remnant Jews in Central Europe " who had "suffered at the hands of the Nazis." Ibn Saud's reply was prompt and laconic: "Give them and their descendants the choicest lands of the Germans who had oppressed them." When FDR repeated his request, saying the Jews "had a sentimental desire to settle in Palestine" the King repeated: " Make the enemy and the oppressor pay; that is how we Arabs wage war." (FDR MEETS IBN SAUD by William A. Eddy pg. 32) American diplomat Charles E. Bohlen, who, along with Eddy, was a member of FDR's official party in Yalta, wrote in his memoirs: WITNESS TO HISTORY, that "Ibn Saud gave a long dissertation on the basic attitude of Arabs towards Jews He denied that there had ever been any conflict between the two branches of the Semitic race in the Middle East. What changed the whole picture was the immigration from Eastern Europe of a people who were technically and culturally on a higher level than the Arabs. As a result, Ibn Saud said, the Arabs had greater difficulty in surviving economically. The fact that these energetic Europeans were Jewish was not the cause of the trouble, he said: " it was their superior skills and culture." THE LINK April/May 2005 pg. 8-9 article by Thomas Lippman
During my almost 15 years as a columnist I have actively supported both the Palestinians as well as those Jews brave enough to fight Zionism, including friends Israel Shahak and Alfred M. Lilienthal. (See my interview with Shahak in the Coastal Post August 2001.) It has been my hope that an Israeli leader would appear who would reverse that country's apartheid behavior and stop its Zionist expansionism. The Jew's "Anti Defamation League" (ADL), despite its name, is really not opposed to defamation. For years it has been defaming anyone critical of Israel and has shown complete disregard for those long-admired fundamentals of Judaism outlined in the Old Testament: "What does the Lord require of you, O man, but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."
Criticism of Israeli today is sharply limited in the United States. Ex-Congressman Paul Findley, in his book: THEY DARE TO SPEAK OUT describes in detail the manner in which AIPAC money in Washington has been used to discipline members of Congress who criticize Israel. More recently, American University professors who dare critic Israel in classroom discussions are being reported by students of the Jewish "Hillel" campus organizations. They report to Professor Daniel Pipe's " Campus Watch" in Washington, and our Representatives are then pressured to warn the designated University administrator, that federal funds might be withheld unless his professors watch their comments.
Even research at the University level has come under Zionist control. A key research paper showing that Middle Eastern Jews (Sephardin) and Palestenians are genetically almost identical has been pulled from a leading journal. Academics who had already received their copies of HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY, were urged to rip out the offending pages and throw them away The article's lead author, Spanish geneticist Professor Antonio Arnaz-Villena of Complutense University in Madrid, said: "I am stunned." (,2763,605806,00.html ) Present day Israel, armed to the teeth with nuclear warheads and the missiles to deliver them, and with her continued occupation of parts of Lebanon (Shebaa Farms), Syria ( the Golan Heights), as well as large areas of the West Bank, is the real threat to Middle East peace. Although she withdrew her troops from Jordan, in her treaty with the late King Hussein, Jewish farmers were allowed to keep 25-year renewable leases on previously occupied Jordanian farmland and Jewish mining firms, 25-year renewable leases on rich mineral deposits in Jordan's Dead River Valley. Even Sharon's withdrawal from Gaza, the most crowded slum in the world, is a sham. The Israelis left a bantastan, covered with the rubble of thousands of destroyed buildings, bulldozed roads, and ravaged water and sewage facilities. Gaza's still- caged Palestine population, their borders controlled by either Israeli or the Egyptian military, their airport denied them, and access to their Mediterranean seashore limited, cannot visit their holy sites in Jerusalem, or even family and friends in other West Bank villages without special permits (often denied) from the Israeli military. Thumbing his nose at the world, Sharon arranged for 12,000 more illegal settlement homes to be built as he bragged about the "sacrifice" of Gaza withdrawal, and is still extending his "security wall " to further isolate the Palestenians, despite demands by the ICC that it be removed. Sharon's behavior helps create the terrorist responses of which Bush and Blair complain.
Americans need to think seriously about removing our country from what President George Washington in his farewell address described as a "passionate attachment" which, Washington warned "produces a variety of evils: sympathy for the favorite Nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest where no real common interest exists, concessions to the favorite Nation of privileges denied to others and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are with held It gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country... to mislead public opinion. Such an attachment of a small or weak country, towards a great and powerful nation, dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter. History and experience prove, that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government." - George Washington, September 17, 1796
Although it is not often reported by the press, a large proportion of American diplomatic and military experts have long held that U.S. support of Israel is often contrary to and, in fact, extremely damaging to U.S. interests.
Support for Israel interferes with: American relations with the oil-producing nations, with whom we previously had friendly ties; with Muslim consumers, who represent 1.2 billion people world-wide; and removes much-needed money from domestic American requirements — tax revenues that could be addressed to domestic needs are instead sent abroad to prop up a system of discrimination that is antithetical to American principles of equality and democracy.
In addition, the ‘special relationship’ between the U.S. and Israel is increasingly imperiling American lives.
Why, then, is this done? Close examination of the history and current situation reveals that U.S. policies in the Middle East are rarely driven by U.S. interests. Rather, they are largely driven by two very different factors:
1. Special-interest lobbying of the sort that is common to Washington. The only difference from typical lobby groups is that this lobbying is on behalf of a foreign government. Fortune Magazine rates one of the many lobby organizations working on behalf of Israel, AIPAC, as the fourth most powerful lobby in Washington. In total, many experts rate the pro-Israel interest group as the most powerful lobby in Washington.
2. The efforts of a growing number of individuals with close ties to Israel (known as neoconservatives) who have attained key positions at high levels of the U.S. administration, State Department, and Pentagon.
Interestingly, the oil and weapons industries, although very influential over parts of American Middle East policy, are not responsible for our relationship with Israel. In fact, quite often both of these industries find our support for Israel undermines their corporate interests in the region.
See also:

November, 2005
Israel-Our Dangerous Parasite
By Edward W. Miller, MD
"All the animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." - Animal Farm by George Orwell
For years, when in lectures, columns or letters to the editor, some have criticized the behavior of the Zionist government of Israel, the ADL or local supporters of Zionism have responded with name-calling. One can critique the politics of the French, the Germans, the Dutch or most other foreign countries without this barrage of hatred, but never Israel. Character-assassination has been a characteristic of the Zionists almost from that movement's ascension in Israel. Even Jews who dare criticize their Zionist State are labeled " Self-Hating Jews."
Brigadier General James J. David (US Army, Ret.), said it well on 14 Aug. 2005: "The Jewish campaign to effectively silence any critic of Israel may well be the biggest contributing factor in this birth of world terrorism we see today. " Zionism is a relatively recent political movement in Judaism's 5000-year history. The movement was initiated around the turn of the last century as a colonization scheme with fascist trappings by such Ashkinazi Jews as Theodore Hertzel and Vladimir Jabotinsky. The latter, in his 1923 essay THE IRON WALL outlined the movement's objectives clearly: "We cannot give any compensation for Palestine, neither to the Palestinians no to other Arabs. Therefore a voluntary agreement is inconceivable. All colonization, even the most restrictive, must continue in defiance of the native population. Therefore it can continue and develop only under the shield of force, which comprises a Iron Wall which the local population can never break through. This is our Arab policy. To formulate it any other way would be hypocrisy." Jabotinsky also spelled out the Zionist doctrine of the " purity of Jewish blood" in his "Letter of Autonomy": "It is impossible for a man to become assimilated with people whose blood is different than his own ... There can be no assimilation. We shall never allow such things as mixed marriage because the preservation of national integrity is impossible except by means of racial purity and for that purpose we shall have this territory where our people will constitute the racially pure inhabitants." (The Hidden History of Zionism by Ralph Scheonmam pg. 23-26)
It was the adoption of these fascist policies by Israel's Freedom Party, headed by Menachem Begin which stimulated Albert Einstein and other prominent Jews to write that warning letter in the NY Times in 1948, (see in my August "Letter to the Editor") I quote again from the Einstein letter:
"Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our time is the emergence in the newly created State of Israel, of the Freedom Party ...a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist right-wing chauvinist organization... This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs and British alike) and misrepresentation are the means and a "Leader State " is the goal. "
The basic tenants of Begin's Freedom Party, which (in modern slang) "morphed" into the Likud Party run today by Sharon, clearly exhibit the fascist nature of Zionism. Like Germany under the Nazis, Israel has invaded and attempted to colonize its neighbors: Lebanon in 1982, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, the West Bank and Gaza in 1967. The false ideologies are surprisingly similar: Hitler said the Teutonic Gods promised his people: "Lebensraum." The Zionists say Abraham's God promised the Jews "Eretz Israel." Both parties embrace "racial purity," the Jews as "God's Chosen" vs. the Nazi's "Pure Aryan Race") and both Hitler and Sharon, arising from democratic roots, found support in their country's military-industrial base.
One major difference stands out: the German people funded Hitler's expansionism, whereas it has been the US taxpayers who, to a great extent, have paid for Israel's expansionism. Adolph Hitler never received complimentary press coverage in the US but our President Bush([search]) has stated more than once, that Sharon is " a man of peace."
The fascist ideology of the Likud Party has kept the Mideast in an uproar for over half a century." In his memoirs of his years in the White House former President Jimmy Carter wrote that there could have been peace between the Arabs and the Israelis had it not been for the bigoted, Nazi-like racial views of Israeli's Prime Minister Menachem Begin. Begin, Carter recalled, believed the Jews were the Master Race, a holy people superior to Egyptians and Arabs. Begin also believed that God wanted the Jews to own the land, so there was absolutely no basis for peace. The Jews lusted after the land and intended to have it." "Holocaust activist, Elie Wiesel, who recently died, claimed the Jews are a superior race. "Everything about us is different ...Jews are ontologically exceptional." (Texe Maars 11-25-2003) ( )
Most leaders of the Zionist movement, are Ashkinazi Jews, and though they love to quote Abraham's promise of: "Eretz Israel" (expanded Israel ) to the Hebrews, not one of them is even distantly related to Abraham. These Jews are descendants of an Eastern European people, converted to Judaism on the order of their ruler between 700 and 710 AD, and later dispersed westward throughout Poland and Russia by repeated foreign invaders, including the Mongols. It is those Ashkinazi converts to Judaism who have been the troublemakers.
The indigenous Arabs were aware of this racial difference long before any westerners. In February, 1945 near the end of WW II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, along with US President Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin, met in conference at Yalta in the Crimea, Roosevelt, before that conference, had decided to establish better relations with leaders of the Mideast nations, and to that end had his staff arrange a meeting with King Ibn Saud, founder of Saudi Arabia. After the Yalta Conference, the meeting took place on the Red Sea where Roosevelt and King Ibn Saud met on the deck of the destroyer, USS Murphy. The King, seated on a gilded throne, which had been hoisted aboard, was surrounded by two of his 20 sons, and an entourage of "fierce-looking dark-skinned, barefoot men, each with a sword or dagger bound to his waist by a gold-encrusted belt. "while" on the USS Murphy's fantail, sheep were grazing in a makeshift corral," King Ibn Saud having insisted that freshly-killed meat be available for him and his men on a daily basis. (The Link April/May 2005 pg. 2)
Roosevelt and Ibn Saud, though neither spoke the other's language, hit it off immediately. Roosevelt remembered to neither smoke nor enjoy his afternoon cocktail in deference to the King's Muslim religious sensitivities. According to Colonel William A. Eddy, who interpreted between the two, FDR, during those intense five hours the two leaders spent together, asked several times for Ibn Saud's assistance in settling "remnant Jews in Central Europe " who had "suffered at the hands of the Nazis." Ibn Saud's reply was prompt and laconic: "Give them and their descendants the choicest lands of the Germans who had oppressed them." When FDR repeated his request, saying the Jews "had a sentimental desire to settle in Palestine" the King repeated: " Make the enemy and the oppressor pay; that is how we Arabs wage war." (FDR MEETS IBN SAUD by William A. Eddy pg. 32) American diplomat Charles E. Bohlen, who, along with Eddy, was a member of FDR's official party in Yalta, wrote in his memoirs: WITNESS TO HISTORY, that "Ibn Saud gave a long dissertation on the basic attitude of Arabs towards Jews He denied that there had ever been any conflict between the two branches of the Semitic race in the Middle East. What changed the whole picture was the immigration from Eastern Europe of a people who were technically and culturally on a higher level than the Arabs. As a result, Ibn Saud said, the Arabs had greater difficulty in surviving economically. The fact that these energetic Europeans were Jewish was not the cause of the trouble, he said: " it was their superior skills and culture." THE LINK April/May 2005 pg. 8-9 article by Thomas Lippman
During my almost 15 years as a columnist I have actively supported both the Palestinians as well as those Jews brave enough to fight Zionism, including friends Israel Shahak and Alfred M. Lilienthal. (See my interview with Shahak in the Coastal Post August 2001.) It has been my hope that an Israeli leader would appear who would reverse that country's apartheid behavior and stop its Zionist expansionism. The Jew's "Anti Defamation League" (ADL), despite its name, is really not opposed to defamation. For years it has been defaming anyone critical of Israel and has shown complete disregard for those long-admired fundamentals of Judaism outlined in the Old Testament: "What does the Lord require of you, O man, but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God."
Criticism of Israeli today is sharply limited in the United States. Ex-Congressman Paul Findley, in his book: THEY DARE TO SPEAK OUT describes in detail the manner in which AIPAC money in Washington has been used to discipline members of Congress who criticize Israel. More recently, American University professors who dare critic Israel in classroom discussions are being reported by students of the Jewish "Hillel" campus organizations. They report to Professor Daniel Pipe's " Campus Watch" in Washington, and our Representatives are then pressured to warn the designated University administrator, that federal funds might be withheld unless his professors watch their comments.
Even research at the University level has come under Zionist control. A key research paper showing that Middle Eastern Jews (Sephardin) and Palestenians are genetically almost identical has been pulled from a leading journal. Academics who had already received their copies of HUMAN IMMUNOLOGY, were urged to rip out the offending pages and throw them away The article's lead author, Spanish geneticist Professor Antonio Arnaz-Villena of Complutense University in Madrid, said: "I am stunned." (,2763,605806,00.html ) Present day Israel, armed to the teeth with nuclear warheads and the missiles to deliver them, and with her continued occupation of parts of Lebanon (Shebaa Farms), Syria ( the Golan Heights), as well as large areas of the West Bank, is the real threat to Middle East peace. Although she withdrew her troops from Jordan, in her treaty with the late King Hussein, Jewish farmers were allowed to keep 25-year renewable leases on previously occupied Jordanian farmland and Jewish mining firms, 25-year renewable leases on rich mineral deposits in Jordan's Dead River Valley. Even Sharon's withdrawal from Gaza, the most crowded slum in the world, is a sham. The Israelis left a bantastan, covered with the rubble of thousands of destroyed buildings, bulldozed roads, and ravaged water and sewage facilities. Gaza's still- caged Palestine population, their borders controlled by either Israeli or the Egyptian military, their airport denied them, and access to their Mediterranean seashore limited, cannot visit their holy sites in Jerusalem, or even family and friends in other West Bank villages without special permits (often denied) from the Israeli military. Thumbing his nose at the world, Sharon arranged for 12,000 more illegal settlement homes to be built as he bragged about the "sacrifice" of Gaza withdrawal, and is still extending his "security wall " to further isolate the Palestenians, despite demands by the ICC that it be removed. Sharon's behavior helps create the terrorist responses of which Bush and Blair complain.
Americans need to think seriously about removing our country from what President George Washington in his farewell address described as a "passionate attachment" which, Washington warned "produces a variety of evils: sympathy for the favorite Nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest where no real common interest exists, concessions to the favorite Nation of privileges denied to others and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retaliate, in the parties from whom equal privileges are with held It gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens facility to betray or sacrifice the interests of their own country... to mislead public opinion. Such an attachment of a small or weak country, towards a great and powerful nation, dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter. History and experience prove, that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of Republican Government." - George Washington, September 17, 1796

If Americans Knew
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