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re: war / peace : 11 - 18 march.... ideas to spread

x legion hey hey hey | 11.02.2006 12:34 | Culture | Education | World

It seems a good idea to suggest, in the week that precedes the march 18 global effort to stop this "war of error-ism", in the spirit of the "remember the eleventh of every month" campaign, instead of a "long (wrong) war", a week of sunset candlelit vigils, mutual explaining + information sharing ....

....+ discussion, explaining different "civilisations"- pre-empting "clashes".... acting + thinking together to uncover the actual history of the ways peoples have got turned against each other - by accident or design.
To extend this focus to a week might allow common sense to get around the sensational "news management" of spin, distractions etc that we can expect to occur around this time.

comments appreciated.

....more later!

x legion hey hey hey


Display the following 3 comments

  1. In fact, more good ideas might come.... — x legion
  2. Reclaiming the “Orange Revolution” — Overthrow The Criminal Regime - Do Not Accept Less
  3. even more good might come. . . . — (x legion)