17 year old rape victim to be hanged
malk | 09.02.2006 12:26 | Gender | Repression | World
An Iranian court has sentenced a teenage rape victim to death by hanging after she weepingly confessed that she had unintentionally killed a man who had tried to rape both her and her niece.
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Hanged for murder - just like in the United States
09.02.2006 13:33
Surely nothing to do with whipping up propaganda for a war on Iran .... ?
Hairy Hatchett
Surely nothing to do with the nature of the crime
09.02.2006 15:16
Dear sceptic
09.02.2006 20:21
For a start, I tend to be extrememely sceptical about anyone who writes internet posts under the name of "sceptic". What they really mean is that they are sceptical about any views which do not conform to their own ultra-conservative views. They'd rather be sceptical about scepticism (against authority) than sceptical about authority itself. Whatever the people in power decide is just, you give them the benefit of the doubt.
"Moral non-equivalence" actually sums up your own position. A girl accidentally kills a man in self defence against him raping her. And for that she is hung. That's hardly moral equivalence is it. Killing someone by accident is not murder - it's manslaughter at worst. And killing someone by accident in self defence - in self defence when you (and someone else) is being raped. That deserves hanging does it?
Your logic is just totally wrong.
But even if this was moral equivalence, which is most emphatically is not, that would not make it right. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind does it not.
dear asd
09.02.2006 22:28
What I was trying to convey - and obviously failed - was to point out to hairy Harry that the use of capitol punishment in the US were not quite the same thing.
I quite agree - manslaughter at the worst. I think self defence is a pretty good argument too.
10.02.2006 11:24
This sounds very much like self defence and she would have walked free from a Western Court, and doubtlessly been offered councelling and victim support.
But this is Iran; Gay men are stoned to death too. And the barmy left will find a way to defend this evil regime.
So much for your caring Muslim friends!
11.02.2006 15:40
Fuck Islam and Long live Freedom of speech!
No to Nuclear Iran!
Grim Reaper
Re: Criminal Lawyer
11.02.2006 18:20
The only way to stop this happening again is through BRUTE FORCE
Re Grim Reaper
11.02.2006 22:25
And change that last line to: Iran has a duty to the International community to proceed with the construction of nuclear bombs unless there is dramatic disamament by the present nuclear powers.
And put it to the Ayatollahs that had that girl deliberately killed the rapist, she would deserve her own forty what shall we call them in Paradise. As it is, what she deserves is the love of a good man in this life. Where is there a Moslem balance between those two?
Try it. Send a nice letter to the Islamic Embassy of Iran, probably at 27, Prince's Gate, SW7 1PX.
Add this too
12.02.2006 11:35
Iran: Release jailed strikers now!
Beginning on Friday, 27 January, security forces in Iran began arresting hundreds of striking bus workers in Teheran, including the leadership of the union. Workers are also being intimidated into signing pledges to give up strike and protest actions or risk being fired. The management of the company and the company's Islamic Council worked hand in hand with the security forces to help identify the workers and assist in the arrests. Union officials said the brutality of the security forces was indescribable. The wives and children of some union executive members were also arrested, but later released. They were taken out of bed and beaten up during raids on Friday night. The beatings continued in detention. On Saturday, as the workers arrived at the picket lines, they were rounded up. Many were verbally abused, threatened and beaten up to force them to drive the buses. Those who refused were taken away. The majority of the detainees are now in the high security Evin Prison, which is notorious for the torture and execution of thousands of political prisoners.
Taken from http://www.labourstart.org/cgi-bin/solidarityforever/show_campaign.cgi?c=68
Correction to my previous
12.02.2006 23:18
That sounds reasonable, especially if you think what a hell those henpecked martyrs might be suffering. Such is Paradise? The Christian Heaven sounds bad anough. See http://www.indycymru.org.uk/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=877 for inside information on that,
15.03.2006 17:07
>Surely nothing to do with whipping up propaganda for a war on Iran .... ?
Hairy Hatchett "
Shut up you fucking far-left idiot. The U.S.A. implements capital punishment for FIRST DEGREE MURDERS!!!
e-mail: maxwellshammer2@aol.com
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