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© The Author / KHOODEELAAR / CBRUK /LAWMEDIA 2006 | 09.02.2006 10:00 | Analysis | London

The Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill

The UK House of Commons hybrid Bill – the Crossrail Bill – is due to be the centre of George Galloway’s next scheduled speech at a meeting to be held in the Bethnal Green and Bow constituency at the weekend. Galloway spoke on the Bill during its formal SECOIND READING on 19 July 2005. At the weekend, Galloway is set to lend his support to the KHOODEELAAR campaign against the Crossrail hoe |Bill.
KHOODEELAAR DEMOSNTARTED AGAINST Tower Hamkest Council on Wednesday 8 February 2006. This is the second part of the factual report for the record.

What the BRICK LANE LONDON E1 AREA campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill told the London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council to do at the demonstration held outside the Town hall at Mulberry Place at 1130 GMT on Wednesday 8 February 2006.

Excerpts from the speeches delivered outside the Mulberry Place London E14 2BG


We are saying to Tower Hamlets Council that more than 1000 people turned up on Sunday 22 January [2006] at the Brady Centre [in the Hanbury Street which is one of the targets for the Crossrail hole in the Brick Lane London E1 Area] to demonstrate solidarity with the campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill.

At that meeting, I moved the motion which was overwhelmingly, unequivocally passed by the meeting demanding that Tower Hamlets Council pass a simple, single resolution saying that the Council is opposed, totally opposed to the Crossrail hole being dug [in the Brick Lane London E1 area or anywhere else in the Borough] or provided for [in the context of the campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill] in the Crossrail Bill that is now going thorough the House of Commons.

We are demanding that Tower Hamlets Council pass that resolution.

We know that Tower Hamlets Council were asked, the mayor [Tower Hamlets mayor, - the post of mayor is like that of the chair, for Council meetings] was asked by five councillors to arrange for a meeting to do precisely that.

The [Tower Hamlets] mayor has been silent for the last three days during which time we have asked many questions of the officers of the [Tower Hamlets] Council including [Tower Hamlets Council chief executive] Christine Gilbert’s office.

They have failed to give us a categorical undertaking on whether they are going to implement that demand or not.

The [Tower Hamlets] Council [has] failed to pass the resolution that actually shows that the Council is IN FACT Opposed to the Crossrail hole being dug in the Brick Lane London E1 area.

There is a contradiction.

Christine Gilbert has written to me.

Her letter to me dated 30 January [2006] Christine Gilbert claims that there is clear evidence that the Council has complied with the community’s demand and that it [Tower Hamlets Council] has opposed the Crossrail Bill provision for a hole in the Brick Lane London E1 area.

Yet Christine Gilbert herself failed to cooperate with the community in getting the [Tower Hamlets] Council to hold a meeting to pass the unequivocal demand that the Crossrail Bill should drop all provisions for a Crossrail hole [being dug] in the Brick Lane [London E1] Area.

We are saying to the [Tower Hamlets] Council that if you are to retain or to create ANY confidence in the community about [Tower Hamlets] Councils suitability to call itself the representative of the local community then you have to implement the demand

Otherwise the political pressure that will be mounting against those sitting in positions of power on the [Tower Hamlets] Council now will be so overwhelming that those holding the positions of power now] will not be holding those positions for long.

We are saying [to those who have been in control of the Tower Hamlets Council] that you have absolutely no right to deceive the community [in either the Brick Lane London E1 area or in any other part of the ordinary Borough of Tower Hamlets in the East End of London].

[Excerpts from other speeches delivered at the KHOODEELAAR! DEMONSTARYION AGAINST Tower Hamkest Council on Wednesday 8 February 2006, will be published on the KHOODEELAAR ONLINE SITE DURING THE REST OF TODAY, Thursday 9 February 2006]



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GEORGE GALLOWAY backs KHOODEELAAR demo against Council

09.02.2006 10:29

"Dear Muhammad [KHOODEELAAR No to Crossrail hole Bill campaign organiser]

Message from George Galloway.

I wish this demonstration every success. I’m sorry I cannot be with you this morning but I have a long-standing commitment to address Defend Council Housing campaigners who are lobbying parliament at midday. I am completely opposed as I know you are to any Crossrail hole anywhere in Tower Hamlets and above all in Bangla Town. I was one of only 24 MPs to vote against this bill last July when it was carried by the votes of New Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem MPs. It’s a great shame the council went along with Crossrail’s plans over the last couple of years when they should have made an unequivocal statement of opposition to the shaft and the digging and alerted the community to the threat Crossrail poses. However it is not too late to stop the hole. I want everyone to unite in a campaign which lets the government and the council know unequivocally that we will not accept the destruction of Bangla Town and we will if necessary turn to non-violent direct action to protect the entire community in Tower Hamlets.

George Galloway MP"

ROB at the RESPECT Coalition
Wednesday 8 February 2006

KHOODEELAAR the Brick Lane London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole B

No to Crossrail hole in Brick Lane [Crossrail Bill] updates web site

10.02.2006 15:28

KHOODEELAAR is publishing over the weekend [starting 0800 Hrs Saturday 11 February 2006] extensive updates on the Brick Lanew London E1 Area campaign against the Crossrail hole plan-scheme Bill.

To read the reports, visit

KHOODEELAAR Brick Lane Londson e1 Area campaign against Crossrail hole Bill
- Homepage:

Khoodeelaar! legal action programme - new suppport

02.12.2006 09:44

Residents and business people in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel London E1 area have been signing a new move backing Khoodeelaar! Details can be viewed on the Khoodeelaar web site or on AADHIKARonline web pages

29 November 2006
2 December 2006

Bethnal Green and Bow Constituent
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