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Western Film Archive | 08.02.2006 13:30 | Anti-militarism | Education | Indymedia | World

An important film examining Britain's commitment to freedom and diversity has just become available on

An important film examining Britain's commitment to freedom and diversity has just become available at


OUTSIDERS - The Peace Convoy

a film by Martin Parry, 1986

This is the story of the struggles for Stonehenge Free Festival during 1985 and 1986. It also raises broader questions concerning society's commitment to principles of freedom and diversity, and our treatment of dissident and minority groups.

In an early example of 'embedded journalism' before the term was in vogue, the filmmaker travels with and uncovers the values and motivations of a group of travellers who originated in the 'Peace camps' of the 1980's, including Molesworth and Greenham Common.

The film includes sequences shot from inside convoy 'runs', police roadblocks, and the infamous 'Battle of the Beanfield', as well as statements from the police and National Trust, residents in the Stonehenge area and key figures in the free festival movement.

This is a lively film with a strong visual style, leavened by relevant music from 'Talking Heads' and 'The Pagan Fringe.'

48 minutes DVD / VHS

Western Film Archive
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19.05.2011 23:25

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