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Download here anti-war artworks

Latuff | 07.02.2006 08:09 | Anti-militarism | World

Copyleft artworks by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.


In the following links you will find high-resolution GIF files of the anti-war artworks I produced :

1 - War: Good for few, bad for most

2 - War: Good for few, bad for most (2)

3 - War is Business

4 - War is Business (2)

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War hasn't solved anything has it?

07.02.2006 10:12

Except for ending slavery, fascism, nazism and communism, WAR HASN'T SOLVED ANYTHING!


fuck protest warrior

07.02.2006 10:44

fuck off 'protestwarrior' you fucking nonce. Invading Africa - slavery - rather like war there.


war as no solution

07.02.2006 12:28

War did not end communism either. The American attempt to 'end' the deomocraticaly elected communist government in Vietnam resulted in terrible bloodshed, likewise American intervention in socialist/ communist elections in South America, such as the instalation of Pinochet by the CIA instead of elected socialist Alende. Whilst it is true that Nazism was prevented from conquering much of the world by armed resistance, the spread of Nazism was in its self an act of war, which appealed to the same patriotic feelings which 'protest warrior' appeals to. Furthermore to see war as an adequate means of ensuring liberty for the world is an fact a sure way of denying it for everybody. Sadham Husseins army that was crushed was largely made up of young conscripts with little love for the reigime. So in Iraq war has denied life istelf let alone freedom for many young men and women, and plunged many parts of the country into fear and anarchy. To see America as a stalwart defender of liberty is a grave error, when one considers its track record of terror in South America with the CIA sponsored 'contra' death sqauds, the imposition and support of fascist goverments all over the world as a block to communism, the advocation of torture as a means of securing information by leading neo-cons in the Bush whitehouse and so on......The use of the John Stewart Mill quote on the 'protest warrior' manifesto page is out of context, the global anti-war movement is no pathetic grouping affraid for it own safety, but a compassionate amazingly mixed group of people who for different reasons belive that war is no way of ensuring peace.


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So why this one ?

07.02.2006 13:35

This is non news and therefore in breach of the Editorial Guidelines.
This was the reason given for posts about political prisoners in Cuba being hidden.

Why has this post been allowed to remain ?

Why doesn't the IMC want British readers to know about political repression and torture of political prisoners in Cuba ?


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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

The Left complaining about the US spreading freedom again!

08.02.2006 00:20

When Castro came to power he killed 2 million Cubans in death camps. The US tried to save as many as they could but Castro’s militia chased fleeing boats of refuges and gunned them down in the water


Protest Warriors hilarious (but not in the way they think)

08.02.2006 14:13

The Protest Warriors site makes me laugh.. Wealthy Geeks For Global War!

(As long as it's fought by someone else of course, send the poor folk to fight while the 'Warriors' splurge Daddy's trust fund on falling down drunk)

Though in fairness it must be pretty challenging philosophically to be in favour of war, all war, in abstract, like pacifists in reverse. How do they decide which side they're on? Or do they cheer for whoever kills more?

Mr Spoon


17.02.2006 01:34

Sooo...thats where those weaponheads hang out!
I wondered where they gathered [a little like the bit 'round the bend that you cant get to with the toilet brush]
I guess by banding together they can feel justified in thier bizarre life [death?] quest.

EGO and way too much money has taken what was a history lesson for most of us and turned it into a patriotic crusade for the minority.

One american life is not worth anymore than an [insert non-white country here]

9/11 was a direct result of the American foreign policy of the last 40 years.

Those poor bastards paid for your governments bloodshed.

Like a modern day crucifiction.

Get it?


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