ICOPA | 07.02.2006 05:37 | Analysis | Culture | Social Struggles | World
Tasmanian Officials have blocked access to Tasmanian prisons for the International Conference On Penal Abolition XI delegates. There has been a history of access to prisons at previous ICOPA's putting focus on human rights in prisons in the local country and ensuring accountability.
AUSTRALIA: In line with those ICOPA practices, Justice Action invited Attorney General Judy Jackson to engage in ICOPA conversations and organising visits with Risdon prisoners and their representatives. Attorney General Judy Jackson has not responded to repeated attempts at communication.
Director of Prisons in Tasmania, Graeme Barber has employed stalling tactics. In a phone conversation with a Justice Action spokesperson, Brett Collins yesterday he admitted receipt of personal letters sent to individual prisoners by Justice Action requesting visits, and blatantly stated that he was not going to pass them on. He laughingly asked is there a time frame involved.
Barber further stated: "you won't be meeting with the Minister and there won't be general visits to prison".
Barrister and legal advisor to PAR (Prison Action and Reform), Greg Barns stated that: "The actions of the Attorney General and Mr. Barber were in direct contravention to Australia's obligation to comply with the international covenant on civil and political rights. Under the convention to which Australia is signatory, all people in prison shall be treated with humanity."
"In denying the request for visits to prisoners by respect to professionals such as academics and lawyers the Attorney General and Mr. Barber are clearly in breach of the international covenant". Mr. Barns further stated that Attorney General and Mr. Barber were acting in breach of the Corrections Act 1997: Once again I am concerned about highhanded and inhumane actions of the Attorney General and Mr. Barber".
ICOPA IX is on in Hobart 9-11 February at the University of Tasmania.
More information at
Kilty O'Gorman: 0407 251 069
Greg Barns: 0419 691 846
February, 7th, 2006
Special Event
ICOPA X1: 11th International Penal Conference
On Penal Abolition
Hobart Tasmania
7-11 February 2006
Sydney Event: Next Week on return from Hobart Tasmania
Sick of the tired old law and order bang on?
Prisons and Justice: International Perspectives??Come and hear international experts from the Eleventh International Conference on Penal Abolition (ICOPA XI) in Hobart present fresh contemporary views on prisons and justice.
Public Forum Prisons and Justice: International perspectives
With Cassandra Shaylor - Co-Director, Justice Now, Women's Prison Advocacy Organisation, California Dr Uju Agomoh - Executive Director of Prisoners' Rehabilitation and Welfare Action (PRAWA), Nigeria Louk Hulsman - Director of the Rasphuys Institute, Dordrecht, The Netherlands Brett Collins - ICOPA XI and Justice Action.
Entry by donation
Monday 13 February 6 - 8pm
Gaelic Club, 64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
Director of Prisons in Tasmania, Graeme Barber has employed stalling tactics. In a phone conversation with a Justice Action spokesperson, Brett Collins yesterday he admitted receipt of personal letters sent to individual prisoners by Justice Action requesting visits, and blatantly stated that he was not going to pass them on. He laughingly asked is there a time frame involved.
Barber further stated: "you won't be meeting with the Minister and there won't be general visits to prison".
Barrister and legal advisor to PAR (Prison Action and Reform), Greg Barns stated that: "The actions of the Attorney General and Mr. Barber were in direct contravention to Australia's obligation to comply with the international covenant on civil and political rights. Under the convention to which Australia is signatory, all people in prison shall be treated with humanity."
"In denying the request for visits to prisoners by respect to professionals such as academics and lawyers the Attorney General and Mr. Barber are clearly in breach of the international covenant". Mr. Barns further stated that Attorney General and Mr. Barber were acting in breach of the Corrections Act 1997: Once again I am concerned about highhanded and inhumane actions of the Attorney General and Mr. Barber".
ICOPA IX is on in Hobart 9-11 February at the University of Tasmania.
More information at

Kilty O'Gorman: 0407 251 069
Greg Barns: 0419 691 846
February, 7th, 2006
Special Event
ICOPA X1: 11th International Penal Conference
On Penal Abolition
Hobart Tasmania
7-11 February 2006

Sydney Event: Next Week on return from Hobart Tasmania
Sick of the tired old law and order bang on?
Prisons and Justice: International Perspectives??Come and hear international experts from the Eleventh International Conference on Penal Abolition (ICOPA XI) in Hobart present fresh contemporary views on prisons and justice.
Public Forum Prisons and Justice: International perspectives
With Cassandra Shaylor - Co-Director, Justice Now, Women's Prison Advocacy Organisation, California Dr Uju Agomoh - Executive Director of Prisoners' Rehabilitation and Welfare Action (PRAWA), Nigeria Louk Hulsman - Director of the Rasphuys Institute, Dordrecht, The Netherlands Brett Collins - ICOPA XI and Justice Action.
Entry by donation
Monday 13 February 6 - 8pm
Gaelic Club, 64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010
