Sheffield Green Party Press Officer | 06.02.2006 22:42 | Sheffield
Green Party candidate Bernard Little, is taking his campaign for better public transport onto the buses this week. Greens are pushing for the council to adopt “Quality Contracts”,
Passengers can support our campaign to regulate the buses by visiting
Passengers can support our campaign to regulate the buses by visiting
Green Party candidate Bernard Little, who is standing in Central
Ward in May’s local elections, is taking his campaign for better
public transport onto the buses this Saturday and Monday. The
Greens are pushing for the council to adopt “Quality Contracts”,
which would bring bus services in Sheffield under public control.
Routes, frequencies and fares would be set for all operators, and
bus fares could be used to improve services.
“It's been a year of turmoil on our buses”, said Mr Little, who will be
talking to passengers and giving out leaflets. “With frequent price
rises and cuts, deregulated buses are run for private profit, not for
public service. In February 2005 Sheffield's Labour leaders told
First that they had 6 months to improve or face all the city's bus
services being put up to tender. This simply hasn’t happened.
“Green Councillor Jillian Creasy is already pushing for re-regulation
in the City Council and on the Bus Commission. She voted for
Quality Bus Contracts at the Council meeting in December 2005.
We campaigned to save specific routes e.g. No 10 and 29, and we
are the only party on Sheffield City Council that would support all
vital bus services, if necessary replacing any routes cut by
commercial operators with tendered ones. We would give spending
priority to public transport over cars and support a real increase in
funding for buses and other forms of public transport.
Passengers can support our campaign to regulate the buses and visit
Feb 6 2006
Ward in May’s local elections, is taking his campaign for better
public transport onto the buses this Saturday and Monday. The
Greens are pushing for the council to adopt “Quality Contracts”,
which would bring bus services in Sheffield under public control.
Routes, frequencies and fares would be set for all operators, and
bus fares could be used to improve services.
“It's been a year of turmoil on our buses”, said Mr Little, who will be
talking to passengers and giving out leaflets. “With frequent price
rises and cuts, deregulated buses are run for private profit, not for
public service. In February 2005 Sheffield's Labour leaders told
First that they had 6 months to improve or face all the city's bus
services being put up to tender. This simply hasn’t happened.
“Green Councillor Jillian Creasy is already pushing for re-regulation
in the City Council and on the Bus Commission. She voted for
Quality Bus Contracts at the Council meeting in December 2005.
We campaigned to save specific routes e.g. No 10 and 29, and we
are the only party on Sheffield City Council that would support all
vital bus services, if necessary replacing any routes cut by
commercial operators with tendered ones. We would give spending
priority to public transport over cars and support a real increase in
funding for buses and other forms of public transport.
Passengers can support our campaign to regulate the buses and visit
Feb 6 2006
Sheffield Green Party Press Officer